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ReiyukaE is offline
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Old 06-02-2010, 09:14 PM

...there's a Holland, Michigan...? How totally awesome is that?! *flails* Well, I mean, considering that the Dutch DID colonize large parts of the "New World", and how New York City was originally "New Amsterdam"... it's not all that surprising. XD

But yeesh-! It'll improve once the crisis has passed a bit, but that makes the job market totally inaccesible!

Skullushka is offline
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Old 06-02-2010, 09:33 PM

Aww, Rei changed her outfit. D: My laptop crashed and ate the paint I had open with your avatars on it, so, stupid me, I have half of Rei's outfit doodled. -flails- ...Hey, do you guys think anyone would come to my freebie shop if I opened up one? I may have to ask someone how to make it professional... Banners and whatnot... I'm sure no one would actually pay for my doodles, and I'm not that cruel. Dx

@fuyumi: Hmm... That kind of helps. Here's hoping I can do those frills on the dress.

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Old 06-02-2010, 09:56 PM

god I wish I had a scanner. I'd like to draw for these events. I think it'd be fun to do that sort of thing during the events. I guess that's something to save my money up for...either that or a good tablet.'

We could maybe open up an art shop together if I got a scanner so I could actually get my pictures onto the computer.

ReiyukaE is offline
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:20 PM

I'm sure a freebie shop would work! :o And banners are easy to make - I always make mine in Paint, for the most part. It'd be cool, Skully-!

Also, I can totally change back to my previous avatar. It's my "regular" avi, as in, the one I always have on, aside from during events. So it'd be a piece of cake to change back. ^-^ I'll go do that now!

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fuyumi_saito is offline
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:55 PM

lol it totally is. And yes there is. We are semi-famous in the states for our Tulip Time festival..Not that famous but yeah. We also have umm.. *forgot what she was going to say* Oh the great lakes!

Yes, That is true XD very funny how that is. What is Belgium like?

lol. Yes some banners would be nice. Hm.. Colorful stuff. Oh and.. okay I'm like half asleep right now. Um little cute thingies like stars or something by the rules. And really decorated and examples..but not so decorated that it is impossible to load.

Do you have a camera? You can try taking pics with it if you do. The quality won't be as good, but you can like do some stuff with photoshop to improve that if you have it. Then if not photoshop then gimp which is free <3

Skullushka is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 02:33 AM

@Rei: All right! I may consider making one once I make some banners... Oh, yay. That one's less painful to doodle. <3

@Fuyumi: Mm... Maybe I could make it steampunk themed...

@Suki: You've been saying that for years. :c But a camera may work as a temporary scanner, like fuyumi said. It wouldn't be much, but it'd be something.

I did three sketches of Fuyumi's avatar and I want to link you guys to one of them to let you know I'm alive. It's messy and I didn't bother with erasing because I was just trying to get everything down.

It burns. D:

Last edited by Skullushka; 06-03-2010 at 02:38 AM..

ReiyukaE is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 08:14 PM

Fuyumi - I've heard about both the Tulip festival, AND the Great Lakes. Now how awesome am I? X'D

Belgium is pretty interesting, though of course I am rather biased. Rather like my own country. One one end, the land is just insanely flat, one field next to the other... and then on the other side of the country, it's nothing but hills and mountain-esque areas and stuff. We're friggin' tiny, though, and pretty centrally located within Europe... so... well, the fun part is, that in 2 - 4 hours time, I can be either in Germany, Holland, France or England without having to go to too much trouble for it. :'D That's pretty fun 'bout it.

Skully - Haha! Yes, I imagine that this is loads easier to draw. I usually also ask more art of this avatar, so yeah. It suits me more. ^-^
If you need help with some banners, I'd be very happy to help out... though I must admit that it's been a bit since I've made some myself. XD Most of my threads are over a year old.

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fuyumi_saito is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 10:38 PM

if you really like steam punk then yeah that'd work *nods*

Oh the sketch is so cute <3 I love it

Lol you're pretty awesome :D

Oh wow. I would love to go to so many other countries in such a short amount of time. That would be fun. Do you get to travel a lot?

Oh I know that Belgium is famous for chocolate and waffles.. *likes food despite not eating a lot*

Felicity is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 11:01 PM

Thank you, thank you. *curtsies* (Rei on her mule - howdy! 8D )

But yeah, we're the land of chocolate, waffles, and a bunch of other things. X'D And I don't really travel all that much. I'm still getting to know a lot of places within my own country, basically. I enjoy playing "tourist" in my own country, so I'm still entertained by this cheaper form of 'travelling'.
I have been to Spain, England, France, Holland, Luxemburg and Germany before. But they're all pretty nearby, so that's not "odd" at all, for us.

You're a light eater?

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Old 06-03-2010, 11:07 PM

Ah I see. Your mule is pretty(well so is your other avatar but yeah i love the colors you're using right now)

Wow.. I would love to try all those. Oo.. That is so cool. I've never been out of the states.. though.. I guess that's because it's huge. I'm trying to get my passport right now though. So that way next year I can go to Japan (I was suppose to go this year but then there were some issues so now I can't T_T)

Yeah, I don't really eat a lot. Then again I don't really exercise a lot either. So I'm about avg weight. I plan on exercising this summer though so I can lost weight. lol. is it odd to be a light eater?

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Old 06-03-2010, 11:15 PM

Aww, thank you. :o ^///^
I actually decided to work with certain colour themes for both of my avatars, since I don't come on Mene as much as I'd like. So my main is black/white/yellow/gold/orange, while my muley is 'atlantis'/'orchid'/purple. That helps to keep my urge to collect items a bit in check.

...kyaa~! I really want to go to Japan, too. ;-; <3 But not so much Tokyo (though of course I want to see Akihabara and the like) but more the countryside. I'd love to see a concert at Tokyo Dome, too, though. *w*
It's such a shame that the plans got cancelled for this year!

Haha! Well, I think it's just a tad strange to me because most people in my family eat quite a lot, so I'm just not used to light eaters. ^^
I've been exercising, too. I'd like to lose some weight, but that's more of a secondary result that exercising would give to me. I'm more looking to be more healthy. ^^

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fuyumi_saito is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 11:20 PM

Ah I see. that is cool. My mule is locked. Not sure how to unlock it. It's cause I changed email addresses or something on it.

I really want to go to Japan to see all of it. Idk..I really wanted to go to one of my fav bands concerst. I was so excited..and now that I can't go I am very sad. It is okay..hopefully they will tour next year, but with the movie coming out that they did the music for, they're going to be more their tickets are going to end up being ridiculously expensive I think. They're bad enough as it is XD

Oh i see. well...I am healthy..but my family has a history of I like someone and I would feel self conscious dating him if I was heavier than him.. I'm really short so to be honest I don't even weigh a lot, but I need to lose about 15 pounds to be considered thin. I'm hoping I can.

So what is your exercise routine?

Felicity is offline
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Old 06-03-2010, 11:25 PM

Aaah, I see. :o Well that's a shame. :/ You could probably contact a moderator about it, to ask.

Which band would that be, then? :o
And yeah, the more popular they are... I mean, it'll depend on wether or not they stay a bit more "down to earth"... but probably, the ticket prices will skyrocket.

Why would you want to be considered thin, though? I mean... being 'thin' isn't really something to strive for. Or so I think, but of course I'm biased. I don't really find thin people that attractive, for the most part. ^^'
I do understand wanting to be more confident, though. If it's simply because he seems to weigh less then you do, then I don't think it's all that important. But if you really have issues about it - as in, you feel doubtful or are afraid to wear certain clothes because you're not 'thin', then it's always a good idea to work on it. Just as long as you don't go overboard.
You're beautiful the way you are.

And with me, when I say healthy, I mean... I was born with this heart condition, and I just need to train my muscles and improve my hearts' strength by doing a lot of cardio exercises.

So mostly I run, go to the gym and work out on some of the machines, and I have a game on the Wii that helps you through this series of exercises - "MyHealthCoach", I think its' called.

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Old 06-03-2010, 11:32 PM

I did, I got a random response back so I didn't really bother after that.

Oh the Gazette! They're my favorite Jrock band. I could go on and on about the bands I like. lol.

Oh..well.. it's just I am small on top and big on bottom. So i often feel really self conscious. If I could be just a size 8 I would be happy. aww thanks. I do wear nice clothes..and dress my body properly..I just have always wanted to be thinner. People that are thin are more liked I think. I would like to be more liked. I wouldn't want someone looking at me and thinking bad things. Though maybe they don't..but I would just like to like myself a bit more.

Oh I see. that is too bad. Does the wii really work? I am skeptical about that XD but that's cool.

I would feel too self-conscious running. My self confidence is very low. There are days when I look in the mirror and think I look pretty..then it could be like the very next day I look again and think "God I look fat today" It's very strange >_<

I plan on walking to the library everyday and running on my parents treadmill this summer. I would love to be able to wear a bathing suit and feel okay..but a think bathing suits areso thin and revealing that that might never happen xD

ReiyukaE is offline
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:16 PM

Hmm, that's rather demotivating, alright.

Aaah, the Gazette~! Well, they are fairly popular already, so I'm sure the price won't change TOO much. Didn't they just finish a concert tour, recently? o.O Busy lads!

Aaaah, I see. *nods* Well, I can certainly understand being self-concious, though I'm quite sure there is no need to. But if it's about liking yourself, then, I wholeheartedly agree on getting a bit more in shape. ^^
I think I know what you mean... but thinner people or just attractive people in general usually deal with both sides of the knife. They get a lot of people who will like them on instant, but they'll also get as many people who'll dislike them on instant. More the latter then the first.
I'm sure no one looks at you and thinks something negative... though you know... sometimes you're just not sure. A couple of years ago I dyed my hair a dark green, with the philosophy behind it of, "at least then I know WHY people are looking at me." It's very unsettling to notice people looking at you, especially if you've already got somewhat low self-esteem. Doubting happens so easily.

The Wii games are actually quite good for keeping in shape - like, say, to keep up your condition on days that you're not going to the gym, or if you wish to simply maintain your current body weight. To get more in shape, it's not usually all that beneficial, but it's a great addition to a work-out and is definitely sufficient if you just want to maintain your level of fitness.

The whole "oooh, purrdy" and "ugh, fat" thing... I think most women have that. I know I do... but then again I've often been 'accused' of having very low self-esteem and self-confidence, so it might just be that. XD
Running out in public can be... eeeh... tricky. it's more pleasant if you have a bit of a secluded area to run in.

A treadmill certainly helps. And walking is fun - hurray for the library, too.

You probably won't be able to feel comfortable in a bathing suit until you feel wholly comfortable naked... and until you get that, well-! I think it's less a matter of changing your appearance, though, and more a matter of changing your inner self. You need someone who can genuinely tell you, on a daily basis, how fabulous you are. Believe me, it does wonders to your self confidence.


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