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Staria is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 07:03 PM

As Ikori spoke the Unicorn did that same laugh like snort and amusement filled its eyes. The creature tilted it’s might head and it studied the dog in silence a moment. Its eyes held such a knowing look, as if in that one sentence Ikori had told him about his entire life. Still, even with this look there was no pity, no surprise, just amusement. It was easy to see why even some of the fay it had spent much of it’s immortal life protecting did not quite trust the unicorn.

”You really do think of the world so simply don’t you? So innocent. All creatures are cruel, and some hunger for the lives of others the way you’re hated humans hunger for a piece of fruit. There is no such thing as a species that is truly innocent of all evils, or lacking an innocent among them, not even unicorns. This had to happen for the same reason all bad things happen, there was something a selfish creature wanted more then it valued others. I do not yet know what it wanted or what it was. Just that it is dark, inhuman, very old, very powerful, and…hungry. “ The unicorn spoke simply, honestly through their heads. Though it laughed at Ikori alone it let everyone hear it so they knew what little information it knew. It could see Ti’s mind working, it knew she was considering battle…

The fairy glanced up at him as he spoke, sighing at Ikori’s words. She’d seen that kind of assumption many times, that hatred and fear of other races. Her own people had cast her out once based on such feelings, such thoughts. Her hand rose to her mouth in thought, her gaze downward. Her love…she still held his mark in so many ways. She shook off the thought, letting her hand drop. She said nothing, not even as the unicorn spoke. All that he said she already knew… She’d felt only darkness and cold in her head but it had been enough for her senses to pick up all these things.

Ti absorbed the information absently, not surprised by it at all. It would take something of power to be able to hide from those who sensed magic and cloud the minds of some of the victims. She glanced at Ikori as the unicorn spoke, however. She was fearful he would react, knowing he was sensitive on the subject no matter how right the unicorn was.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 12:04 AM

Walking and huffing along, Asher's eyes caught a glimpse of a silver wisp. He jerked his eyes to the left and saw the silver he ad seen. It was the beautiful gleam of a silver mane of a unicorn. Asher had never seen such a creature so close to him in his life. He carefully walked over to see a group of people talking and minding their own business. Being a polite and quite shy young man, Asher slowly made his way towards the group to see what the conversation was about. It seemed serious, so he concentrated intensely on the words being spoken.

His eyes closed and his pointed ears alert he could get bits and pieces of the subject, something about a creature. It seemed completely awful and pure evil. He shuddered at the vision of such a thing. Listening even more intensely he squeezed his eyes harder as if that would make him hear more of the worbs being exchanged.

Asher soon felt something crawlign up his leg. He gasped and jerked his leg away from the ground. Covering his mouth to try and keep himself hidden he examined the ground below him. A bright green vine had begun to grow rrapibly from the earth and spiral around his leg for growth support. Asher smiled, this happened sometimes when he was concentrating very carefully on anything. Being part elf had given him an uncanny connection to nature. Flora, fauna, and the weather could be cpoken to and controled by Asher's voice, but he had yet to learn how to completely harness this special power. He cupped the seedling and moved it closer to a young tree nearby so it could continue its growth in the years to come.

Asher returned to his location closer to the group and began listening intently, but not too intently, again.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 01:31 AM

Ti needed not worry about Ikori's reaction. He bit his bottom lip hard, that brow furrowed as if he were trying hard to understand what the unicorn had said. Ikori was a simple beast, a dog, he had been around other animals, creatures, and humans alot. The only cruelty he had ever seen or ever experianced himself had been at the hands of humans. So it was hard for him to understand, not impossible. He knew Vampires existed and they were rumoured to be cruel, but then. Vampires were just an off shoot of humans as far as he could tell. A small breeze blew by them and Ikori stopped suddenly, his body jerked slightly, if his grip on the faerie hadn't been so sure, though gentle he might have dropped her.

He sniffed at the air, inhaled a bit deeper and sniffed again his senses were not dulled in the least, despite the fact that he was in human form. They were being followed, but it wasn't a human, at least, the scent wasn't quite right for it....That head tilted slightly, and Ikori let out a soft whine, to get Ti's attention. "We're being followed..." He had whispered the words softly, to prevent their pursuer from hearing him. "..Doesn't smell human.." He turned his head, looking directly towards the unknown stranger.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:03 AM

OOC: I'll change my color, Kry. Sorry! :)

When Asher saw and felt the piercing eyes staring straight at him, he held his breath and stared back, hoping to blend in some how into the plants around him. He doubted it would work but he kept still and breathless all the while. He didn't know is these people were friend or foe. He couldn't hear much of the conversation before so he had no clue if this awful creature was an ally to the group or what. His heart pounding and his body like a statue, he stood in piercing silence, waiting... knowing he would be found.

He began to come up with excuses or an alias he could use if the group seemed unfriendly and harmful. His brain spinning and thinking lightening fast another seedling started up his leg again. But still, Asher did nothing. He prayed and hoped he would be covered in the whole vine before they saw him, but knew that wouldn't happen.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:06 AM

][ Uhm...It's just a color..if it's the color you like then use it. I don't own the color or rights to it. It's a color. >.<; ][


Staria is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:11 AM

The unicorn of course sensed the young half elf but made no sign of it. It was not the creature so it was sure the assembled could more then handle him. It even allowed its telepathic voice to be heard by the young male. It would simply watch and wait as always, it’s choices planned out long before they were made.

Shaylee sat in silence, still too out of it and deep in her thoughts to notice anything. Normally her senses, which were strangely powerful even for a fairy, would have picked him up but she was to tired. Just staying focused on the conversation was difficult enough, noticing a silent half elf was simply out of the question.

Ti relaxed as she noticed Ikori was actually listening. She smiled to herself, her form human enough that her hearing was stunted so she didn’t hear a lot. Her senses, however, prickled as the plants reacted to the man, causing her smile to change to a frown. She nodded as Ikori spoke, not as trusting as the uncaring fay or as certain as the unicorn.

She stepped forward, touching the metallic bracelet around her wrist. She melded her magic with the strange metal, her very cells fusing with it. A blade formed from the bone of her forearm, coming from under her hand to be the length of a sword. She wrapped her fingers around the blade slightly as her nails turned silver. She spoke, her voice forceful.

”Come out and show yourself Stranger, It’s rude to listen in onto other’s conversation. We have no desire to harm but if you continue to hide and act so suspiciously we’ll have to assume you’re up to something.. And do something about it. “ Ti smiled faintly to herself, feeling a slight rush. She was taught not to relish fights but it excited that hidden part of her in memories long lost.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:15 AM

Ikori would let Ti handle the stranger, as he was sure she could. If the person proved hostile and attacked them, then he would fight back to defend his friend and the faerie in his arms. The unicorn...he wasn't sure if he'd help that beast or not...he didn't like it very much.

Still, he glanced down at the faerie in his arms and cuddled her a bit closer to his chest. She needed to sleep, at least, he thought she did. No doubt she was exhausted, physically and mentally from her ordeal and then that ceremony she had performed for the dead. His eyes and thoughts didn't linger there long, Ikori watched and waited, patiently for the stranger to make himself known.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:41 AM

As Asher heard the voice he jumped. All of them knew he was there, but atleast they meant no harm... Or was that just their words? He took ad deep breath and stepped out of the brush, forgetting the vine around his leg. In seconds he had stumbled and fell face first into the ground before the feet of a woman."Great..." he thought, "I really wish this elf dexterity would kick in one of these days."

He clambered to his feet, shaking off the wilting vine as he got up. Brushing himself off he introduced himself, "Um... Hello. My name is Asher Cliff. I come in peace, I was just wandering when I saw you and having many bad encounters with strangers before lead me to be cautious and attempt to stay hidden. I didn't mean to be suspicious or anything of the sorts..."


Staria is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 02:49 AM

The unicorn continued his silent watch, his noble face seeming cold and uncaring. Shaylee stayed curled up in the dog’s arms, needing sleep just like he thought. Still she watched the Ti and the elf in thought. She was frowning a little, wanting sleep so badly but also knowing she might need to fight. As Asher fell, however, she couldn’t help but giggle and relax.

Ti tilted her head to the side as he stumbled, stepping back in a cat like crouch. She quickly saw it was not deliberate and let her hand and forearm become normal, human once more. She smirked a little but she was holding out a hand to introduce herself with the usual handshake. Her touch would be firm and confident as she was.

”I’m Ti, the man is Ikori, the Unicorn is Silver mane, the Fairy… I think it’s Lee? Sorry to call you out like that but these are…dangerous times.” She said it simply, shrugging her shoulders. She was still watching him, part of her thinking it was easy to act that way to lower others defenses.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 03:00 AM

The stranger was an elf. Or part elf. Ikori had relaxed almost immediately. Elves were nice. Elves were kind to nature. He had wrinkled his nose slightly in disdain when Ti refered to him as 'man'. Still he knew she hadn't meant such a thing as an insult. Ikori smiled softly at Asher, he hadn't giggled when the man stumbled and fell. He took a slight step forward and halted. Glancing down at the faerie. A slight frown on his lips. "We need to find a good place for a camp. The Fair One needs real rest. She can't get that by being jostled about in my arms." His voice sound a bit sad, but then. Ikori's voice often sounded like that. He glanced Asher over once or twice, and decided the man was no threat to him. That did not mean Ikori wouldn't be wary of the man, or be ready for any surprise attacks. Though he expected no attacks of any kind from this person.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 03:14 AM

Asher took Ti's hand and bit his lip, covering the slight pain that came from the strength of her arm. With a smile he nodded at the others taking in the unusual gathering.
"Nice to meet all of you. Uh... I don;t mean to be rude, or prying... But what is this creature you speak of? Is it your ally? Are one of you the creature?" He stiffened at the thought remembering the dagger clasped at his ankle.

OOC: I'm currently reading the whole story so I'm completely caught up. I should be done in a few!


Staria is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 03:55 AM

Shaylee nodded as Ikori spoke of camp but flushed as he called her ’the fair one’. Though pretty for a human for her breed of fairy she was rather....average looking. She wasn’t use to being called fair… except of course by her dead lover. She was brought back from that thought, however, by the sad tone. Just what was he so sad about?

She might have asked but Asher said just about the worst he could. She looked almost as if he’d slapped her, those brilliant violet eyes flashing visibly to the point her golden skin around her eyes glittered slightly as if reflecting the light. She couldn’t help her fury considering what the creature had done to both her and her people, despite Asher’s ignorance.

The Unicorn seemed to sense Shaylee’s emotion and interrupted, though whether to quiet her or simply for its own amusement was as unclear as usual. Its voice did not help much, being cold and uncaring with a sense of amusement undercutting it so that one felt they were being laughed at.

”Why would we refer to one of our own or an ally as ‘the creature’? That would be so very rude, wouldn’t it? So thoughtless … There are those in these woods who would prey on the unwary, you might want to be more careful dear boy” the unicorn answered. That voice which seemed to be nearly chuckling by the end slipped quietly through each mind, gently almost. The strange creature known as Silvermane was considered creepy for many reasons and seemed delighted in revealing at least this one.

Ti nodded at Ikori, glancing at the sky as she mentally calculated how much light they had left. They could not travel long anyway. She sighed, realizing that somehow she had become the defacto leader of the rag tag group. The independent soul was not much for following but leading required to much attention to, still it seemed the right choice.

As Asher spoke she gave him a slightly disappointed look and raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t impressing her so far with his intelligence and she also noticed him bite his lip at her human grip. He was definitely not equipped to be alone here… not with that creature and god knows what else in this forest that had been hiding the other fay. It seemed they were likely to gain a new companion due to Ti’s conscious and this made her sigh. Still she spoke and extended the simple invitation.. And information.

”The creature we are talking about would be the one who has been killing magical creatures like us lately… and recently destroyed Lee’s entire village… as in about an hour ago recently. Apparently it’s no longer doing just one on one killings. You might want to stick with us Mister Asher… we don’t know if it’s still here. Ikori‘s right though, we need to get moving and set up camp…“ She explained, watching him a moment in thought. Slowly she began to walk north towards what seemed to be a clearing from what glimpses one could catch between the trees. It looked like the closest thing to a good camp site they could find quickly enough. Ti didn’t want to be caught in the dark by something with power over shadows unaware…

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 04:06 AM

Ikori's grip on the faerie tightened just slightly, he held her even closer against him, if that was at all possible. Mostly it was to comfort her, though anger flickered in his eyes and he couldn't stop the small growl that rose in his throat. However, he said nothing. The unicorn and Ti seemed to have everything under control anyway. He didn't protest when Ti invited Asher along with them, there were safety in numbers, generally. Maybe not from the creature, but at least from other things. He tilted his head down and nuzzled Shaylee's cheek softly. To comfort, to reassure her. When Ti began moving again, Ikori followed close at her heels. Casting a glance towards Asher to see if he would join them or not.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 04:22 AM

Asher knew he had been foolish in his movements and actions, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. He was still young and sometimes thoughtless. [B] "I didn't mean to offend anyone... Really... I.. I'm just really confused is all. You see, I've run left my home town. There's been attacks, as you know, recently, and my family decided it was best to split up, in hopes that separately we would be safer. But I've never been away from them, especially away from them and also being completely alone"B]

Asher took a deep breath, this seemed like a tough group, he shouldn't cry in front of people he just met, especially them, He felt they alredy had a dislike for him after he intruded so rudely. He continued, shaking off his emotions, "I've been wandering for hours now, and then I saw you and overheard you speaking of this thing. I was hoping to find out what it was and why it was destroying and killing. And I guess I'm not the only one it's affected here from what you tell me..." He gazed to the fairy as she lay in the male's arms, obviously hurt.

"Please forgive my ignorance and rudeness, I've never been in this situation before, having to take care of myself in the wild. I'll take your offer, cause from what you say it seems like I'll die by morning out here alone. I know I'm clumsy and still learning these gifts I have, but please let me know if I can do anything for you. And if I start becoming an inconvenience, just let me know.... I'll move along..."

Asher hoped that he would be accepted quickly into the group, this whole out-sider thing was very uncomfortable to him.

(OOC: Hopefully this fits better into the story and you, Staria, won't have to change so much! Sorry. :) )

Last edited by AsherCliff; 06-21-2011 at 08:24 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 06:34 AM

Ikori's face was still stained with tear streaks, from when he had wept at the destruction of the faeries. Though his face was also set, a determined but soft look in his eyes. He was a dog, through and through, a simple creature. He shifted the faerie slight in his arms, getting a better, but still gentle grip on the exhausted female. Ikori stepped back a few steps, his eyes were on Asher, but his gaze was thoughtful. This male, seemed like a lost puppy more than anything else. A slight shiver raced down Ikori's spine.

He stepped up beside Asher, "Just...stay close and try not to fall behind.." Ikori spoke the words softly, gently. His voice holding that hint of sadness that it often held when he spoke. Rarely was it not there, and even more so today there was a reason for it. The poor faeries. For a moment, he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Ikori had cried enough, he need not shed more tears, what good would that do anyway? Ikori gave Asher a reassuring smile and moved to be closer to Ti.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 08:35 PM

"Uh... Yeah of course... Um.... Thank you so much. It means alot." Asher looked to Ikori as the man spoke to him, returning the slight smile and then directing his eyes to the ground. Ikori sounded so sad, of course becasue of the situation he just encountered, but Asher just felt that there was more to the saddened tone that what had happened. Looking back up to the man, Asher glanced at his eyes seeing if he could possibly see into Ikori's thoughts some how, but glanced back down as to not seem as if he was staring.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 06:43 AM

"..Being on your own can get lonely..." Ikori was watching Asher a bit, the dog wouldn't leave the young man behind if he did happen to fall behind the group. Who knew his day would be like this? It had started simply enough, stealing a rabbit from a hunter's trap. And now he was meeting faeries and unicorns, and some creature was killing magical beings. A small shiver ran down Ikori's back and he couldn't help but wonder. Was he a magical being? He was a dog that could change to a human form, but he wasn't a shapeshifter or anything like that. He was just a dog. His brow furrowed and he bit his bottom lip as he thought. There was just a slight scent of magic in the air when he did change...did that make him a magical being?


Staria is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 08:46 PM

Shaylee tensed as Ikori tightened his grip, realizing she wasn’t the only one that felt a moment of anger and the unicorn not the only one who felt protective of her. She leaned into the soothing presence, letting herself relax into his arms. She flushed at the dog’s nuzzle, closing her eyes and burying her face in his chest. She still felt shaken despite her anger and clung to him ever so gently. She continued to stay silent as did the unicorn, it didn’t even taunt Asher as he spoke of his clumsiness.

Well now there’s to many of us to be lonely isn’t there? And don’t worry Asher… though if I ever tell you to do something instead of ask it’ll be for a good reason. As long as you listen we’ll get along fine. Now come on, this clearing up ahead should work well to set up camp…” Ti said cheerfully, leading the group forward. They would soon be in the clearing thankfully. She hummed lightly as she walked, not saying much until they arrived.

Once there she began to set up what her own tent. It would be big enough for a couple people but not the whole group. She was frowning at this thought honestly but said nothing about it. She could probably fit her and Ikori in dog form and one other person… She imagined the fay would need it most but Asher seemed like he might to…

The unicorn watched the tent in thought then stepped forward, touching his horn to one of the trees. It seemed to ‘speak’ to the tree softly and it’s horn began to glow. Slowly branches began to grow from the tree, flowers and vines leaving no place open to wind or rain. Soft moss and vines formed on the ground beneath it to form a mattress type floor softer then cloth.

“I, Shaylee, and her rat shall sleep here.”
It said telepathically to the group, glancing at the ‘rat’ in question curled up on Shaylee’s chest and half hidden in her cloths. As if in response ‘the rat’ rose up on his back legs and stick out his tongue at the unicorn. The unicorn responded by seeming to do that snorting laugh again. Still it was watching the group in thought. It seemed to trust itself and the rat with Shaylee more then anyone else even now.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 03:34 AM

As Asher walked into the clearinng he began to grin. This was his time to shine in front of the group and regain his dignity from when he fell and accidently insulted the group. As Ti set up her tent and the unicorn transformed the trees, Asher walked over about ten or twelve feet from everyone making sure he was in no one's way. Scouting out the area, he decided that this was the prime place to set up a shelter for him, and anyone else who needed a roof.

After briefly walking back into he forest and collecting six fallen branches that were about half the width of his wrist and about nine or ten feet long, Asher returned to the area he had chosen to set up. Asher kneeled down to the ground on all fours, closed his eyes, and lowered his mouth to where he was almost touching the soil beneath it. He whispered quick indistinguishable words, then proceeded to get up from the ground and begin leaning the branches on end with their tops touching and leaning into eachother in a circlular fashion, creating the skeleton for a cone-shaped structure.

The place where Asher had spoken into the ground was at the edge of the eight-foot diameter circle of branches. While he had been setting up the branches, the earth below the spot began to throb and wriggle. Seconds afterward, thick vines began to quickly grow up, and then toward, the wodden structure. Weaving and intertwining themselves, the vines began to cover the set-up branches, from top to bottom, and close-in the structure,making it weather proof. Asher began whispering quickly again into the almost-complete hut. The vines began to avoid a certain spot between two of the branches creating a decent-sized entrance way.

In no time the vine-hut had been completed and Asher looked back to the group seeing where they were in completing their shelter. Realizing that not everyone had finished yet, and no fire had been made in the middle of the group, Asher walked back to his hut and began touching certain areas around the structure. Where ever his fingers had touched the vines, brilliant white flowers began to bloom. This structure, now decorated with blossoms, was one of the only things Asher had no fault in creating by using his elf-magic. By this time, Asher was quite pleased with his hut and walked to the center of camp to begin starting a small fire.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 05:24 AM

Ikori had followed along silently, carrying the faerie without complaint. He stopped and when the unicorn made a shelter, he carried the faerie to it and laid her in it gently. He was a dog, he didn't need a tent or shelter. He was used to sleeping out doors anyway. Those eyes of his swept over the group and stopped on Asher. Ikori took a step towards him and stopped. Watching. Silently Ikori watched as Asher created his own shelter and urged the earth to help him. Elf magic. Ikori sniffed the air lightly, his nose wrinkling just a bit. When Asher had finished and moved to the center of the camp, Ikori watched him a few moments longer.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 06:54 AM

As Asher began gathering stones to outline the fire pit, he glanced around the camp observing everyone's progress again. Gazing around from the beauty of the tree shelter made by the unicorn, to the radiant sunset, Asher soon caught eyes with Ikori, that sad man. Looking around and behind him, Asher made sure that Ikori was actually looking at him and not something in the distance. After gathering a few more stones and finishing the pit, Asher began to start looking for dry twigs. Specifically dry twigs so that the fire would not put out nearly as much smoke as it would if fueled with damp wood.

Asher looked back up to Ikori realizing that Ikori still watched him, and decided to approach him. Asher had always loved company and becoming closer to atleast one of the other group members was a step forward in his new journey. "Ikori... Hey. Want to help me gather together some more branches? And maybe while we're looking we can find something for dinner for the group you know? Other than plants and roots and toadstools of course, because even though I can find and grow those, I don't think that is what everyone would like to have for supper." Looking to Ikori for some sort of response, Asher smiled.

Hopefully Ikori would become more happy if Asher spent time with him and made an effort to get to know him. "OH!"Asher thought... There was a perfect way to get to know Ikori better starting tonight! "Hey! Ikori, I've got an idea, how about you come and share the hut with me? There's plenty of room. Promise. I insist. I see you've got no where else in mind to sleep, so please, take my offer."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 03:38 PM

Ikori was a little surprised when Asher approached him, though he probably should have expected it. Especially since Asher caught him watching. The dog shook his head slightly, but he smiled softly at Asher. "...I don't know what wood would be good for a fire...But I can hunt.." To tell the truth, Ikori had been itching to go hunt some food down for a while. He wasn't a big dog and certainly not a wolf. Ikori couldn't bring down a deer by himself, but that was exactly the animal he was thinking off. There would be enough meat to feed everyone, and maybe some left over to be dried and carried with them.

Ikori had frowned for just a moment, and then smiled as Asher continued to speak. He looked to the shelter Asher had made and then to Asher a little uncertainly. "I'm used to sleeping outside." Even as he said that, Ikori looked thoughtful, as if he really was considering Asher's offer, and he was. Though it was hard to concentrate really. His body itched all over, from the inside. It had been for awhile. Ikori wanted to change and run and hunt.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 05:16 PM

(( I'm going to wait for Staria to respond. :) And also... What ever happened to that Felix character? He hasn't reponded in a while... Should we just forget him or should we work him his dissappearance into the plot some how?))


Staria is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 12:58 AM

((going to be on very rarely for a bit longer guys , sorry)

The fairy curled up in the shelter, muttering a soft thank you to ikori. She managed a sleepy smile at him but was already starting to drift into sleep. The unicorn merely nodded at the dog and settled himself next to the fay. He gazed down at her like one would their child a moment but quickly achieved that cold expression once more. He had failed her… He could not forgive himself this…

Ti realized she had drifted into thought and the subject had not needed such thought. Everyone had a home for a night even as she finished her tent, slower then the others due to it not being magic. She smiled to herself, amused by herself in a dark sort of way. She walked over towards Ikori as she heard them speak, placing her slender hand on his shoulder.

“You should stay with him… No one should be alone tonight. The fay has the unicorn, I have my magic, you guys have good abilities but they aren’t necessarily for magic combat so stay with him and you protect each other okay?” She suggested softly, watching them. It seemed she would be sleeping alone as usual, but at least this way people would be safest.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 03:16 AM

Asher looked toward Ikori, waiting for a response on the sleeping arrangements. He actually really wanted the man to accompany him. Ti was already talking about being attacked in some sort of magical combat, and that worried Asher. She made a good point... Asher's skills weren't necessarily combat level yet, Asher was still a kid, he was still learning everything he could do. He began to wonder what the other man's powers and abilities were. He didn't exactly know for certain anything, really, about Ikori. But that was going to change. Right now.

"Come on, Ikori. Ti's right, we might make a good team. We can figure that out while we go find things for the fire and perhaps get something to eat! I'm starved." Looking out towards the woods, he realized that the shadows were getting longer and the sun was not setting quickly. If they wanted something to eat, then they were going to have to hurry and get the job done quick. There was maybe only an hour left of light, or less.


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