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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 05:43 PM

((Are you guys down with this? Lol I just remembered I thought of it and wanted to be sure everyone wanted to take that route. If not, I can just ignore the person who says the word if they don't want a silly genie who sucks at any magic that's worth anything. Lol
((OMG I just got this hilarious idea! So Biti doesn't have a master, and she's a new genie so she isn't very good, and she's never had a master before so to start the cycle, there's a magic word. I think I'll make a magic word and if someone in the role-play says it, they become her master by accident! Lol oh the hilarious possibilities! Anyone wanna go with that?))

Ren's grin widened. He'd hoped she'd choose his clothes. He laughed at her comment about itching. She had no idea. Biti would be sure to pull something crazy out of her sleeve, even if that meant making Daralis' clothes itchy. Not because she was mean, but because she was very childish and thought things like that were hilarious.

Ren gave Daralis' hand a light tug to get them going again and they headed for the stairs. He was about to have an amazing and beautiful woman alone, in his room, in his clothes. Ren's heart fluttered again. Why did it keep doing that? He brushed it off and gave her hand a little squeeze. He wasn't sure he'd let it go if she suddenly changed her mind.

When they got to his door he pulled a key from his pocket. As he moved to insert it into the lock, it turned to rubber. Leave it to the tavern to be just as childish as it's owner. Ren gave a reassuring smile to Daralis and shoved the rubbery key into the lock anyway. But it was no use.

He sighed and reached up to rub the back of his head. They both needed clothes and everything warm and dry was just on the other side of that door. Daralis, alone, his clothes... He banged his head against the door and left it there as he closed his eyes, cursing the tavern with all that he had with his mind.

In the next moment, the air around them began to feel different and Ren's body felt, light. "I'm, having a heart attack..." he said worriedly, not knowing yet that this was Biti's doing.


As Biti hovered behind the bar she slowly floated backwards until she was even with the two vampires. She cracked one eye open slyly to peek out at the pair. Hmpf. They were keeping secrets. At that moment the tavern seemed to brighten a little and the atmosphere seemed fun and happy.

Biti opened both of her eyes and looked up towards the ceiling as if questioning the tavern. The thing was causing trouble and thought it was funny. Whatever it was doing. This made Biti pout to herself. She wasn't about to let the tavern have all the fun.

She eyed the two vampires and the female beside them. She could turn them all into fish and watch them flop around for a while before turning them back. She giggled. Just the thought of it was funny. She looked around the bar. She could turn them all into fish. Yes, that's what she'd do!

Biti closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they would all be little goldfish flopping around on their chairs! Biti opened her golden colored eyes with excitement. But it quickly faded. No one had turned into fish. Instead, the atmosphere, the air... it all seemed off.

In the next moment the guests would feel a weightlessness and begin lifting from their spots in the tavern. If they were quick enough, they could hold onto something until Biti could figure out how to take it back. But like herself, they probably wouldn't even know what happened in time.

"What happened to the gravity?" Biti mumbled. She really was disappointed without those gold fish. She really needed to work on using her magic better, but as the forest and the tavern were cursed, so was she. Until she used her magic to do right, she wouldn't be able to use it properly.


Vex was imagining what it would be like to drink blood and found herself more grossed out than anything. She cocked her head to the side, amethyst eyes curiously looking from Angel to Regan. Had she heard the word 'secret'? Hmmm...

Secret as in, a secret treasure somewhere? Secret diamonds and monies all tucked away secretively for her to find and take? Secret as in, this new vampire was secretly the world's richest man... dead man, kind of dead man? Vex wasn't sure what a vampire really was.

In the next moment the air around her felt different and her body felt like it was going to float away. "Huh?"

((I'm leaving my characters out of actually going weightless yet so that I can get reactions from the other charries first. :yes: ))


Staria is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 06:07 PM

"W...would you give me a name? The only names I know are demon names..." Cherry responded quietly. She blushed faintly and glanced towards her sandwich. It was a strange thing to request she knew but she didn't remember an of her human life or such things as human names. She bit her lip in thought, wondering if it was rude and what kind of name he would he give her if any at all? She pushed away the thought and perched on a stool. She started to nibble on the sandwich as she watched him in thought. She waited for any reaction, any sign on his face that she'd said something bad.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 09:01 PM

He shook his head with an exasperated sigh. The other man had no idea why it was Regan wanted this power so badly. Then again, he didn't want to get mixed up in politics either. "I'll think about this information and," Regan's voice paused as he suddenly felt himself beginning to lift from his seat. Instinctively the vampire grabbed hold of the counter and hooked his feet into the chair while silently hoping that it would stay firmly rooted to the ground.

Daralis allowed herself to be led away with a thoughtful smile upon her lips. Oh yes, she could let herself grow to like this werewolf more then she'd let herself feel for anyone before. It would be so easy to give in to the emotions. In truth, it would be as simple as slipping into the water to take a swim. And just like then, there was a chance of drowning.

The thoughts were chased away as Ren tried to open the door with a rubber key. Daralis giggled lightly at his expression, and reached out to smooth it away. Though then her feet lifted from the ground and her purple hair floated about. "Well now I'm truly glad that I'm used to strange things." Laughter bubbled from the woman's lips as she regarded Ren with a grin. "We're just floating." With that Daralis pushed herself from the wall with her feet to barrel forward. To try and slow down, she grabbed onto Ren with a squeal of joy. This was so much fun!

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 09:29 PM

Even if Angel knew Regan's reasons he would probably still refuse him. Angel had his reasons for refusing to help anymore than he already had. His eyes were on Regan though, until the air changed. He felt it, something was very off about the atmosphere now. Then he started floating, started to at least, Angel was quick to react. He didn't grab the bar, he put one hand on Regan's shoulder and leaned around the vampire. Reaching out gently to place his other hand on Vex's shoulder and applying a little bit of pressure to keep the human in her seat. Of course, if the seats started floating there would be little he could do to. Angel's eyes were on the genie. Assuming she had done this, it seemed likely to him that she had, but Angel just observed her. His hand on Regan's shoulder tightened just a little bit, Angel did not enjoy having tricks played on him. It irritated him but the vampire was silent.

Alistair looked thoughtful for a moment, wondering if perhaps he should ask Angel to name the girl. Still, a name could really be given by anyone, couldn't it? He reached out to gently place his palm against the side of her face, his thumb stroking her check gently. "The only name that comes to my mind when I look at you is Liliana." He slowly withdrew his hand, his other still held to hers gently. "If you don't like that name, I could try to think of another one for you." Then the air started to feel strange, and they had began to float. Alistair was quick to reach out for the counter with his free hand and tug her closer to him with is other to keep them on the floor as much as he could.


Staria is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 09:40 PM

Cherry couldn't help but start slightly as he reached for her. Still as he touched her she couldn't help but blush faintly and lean into the gentle stroking. It felt so sweet. She shook off the thought as he answered her question and nodded. Liliana or Lili for short sounded simple and nice. She started to say she liked the name when they began to float. She let out a gasp and gripped onto Alistair. Without thinking she hugged to him tightly, afraid it was some sort of attack.

"T...they're coming to take me back." She said in a panicked voice, unaware of the Inn's tricks or the genie. She could think only of the demons... Maybe they figured if they made everyone float she wouldn't be able to fight them? She trembled lightly as she held onto the vampire desperately.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 12:44 AM

He was rather startled by the firm touch upon his shoulder, but grateful as well. Regan glanced at Vex and offered her a reassuring smile before turning to eye the genie. Of all the trick to play, this one had to be something that woman would think of. This was of course a rather novel experience for him, but he didn't like it at all. "Floating, really? This is quite undignified." It almost sounded like something someone else would say, but it was the only thing Regan could think of to say.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 02:53 AM

((I'm going to go with no on the idea then, since no one responded. Lol sorry for the awful idea.))

As Vex felt her body slowly begin to lift from her seat her eyes widened slightly. What was happening here? When she felt a hand on her shoulder that kept her in her place she turned her head expecting to follow the arm to Regan, but saw Angel instead. Instead of a using one of the many witty pick up lines that lingered in her head she turned her attention back to the bar, curious as to what was going on. Was the whole world doing this all of a sudden?

Her eyes found the drink before her as the liquid slowly began to rise from it. She blinked owlishly at it as it oozed into the air, slowly followed by the glass. A bit of relief could be seen on her face for getting out of having to drink the funky substance, but it quickly faded as the very stool she sat on began to lift from the floor, too.

Instinctively Vex's body felt like it was falling and she flailed, reaching out and wrapping her arms around Regan. "I'm not coming on to you, so don't get any ideas," she said in a voice that called her a liar. She smiled. Her lips were close to his ear and she whispered, "Don't let me go." Vex was definitely flirting. It was in her nature and she couldn't help it. Plus, it was Regan, what could she say?


Ren's feet lifted off the ground just as Daralis' did. "Right," he said with a large grin as she grabbed onto him to keep from floating away. With a mischievous gleam in his eye he grabbed onto Daralis and turned so that his back was to her. "Hold on tight," he said, still grinning.

He couldn't help but to have fun with Daralis and try to make her laugh and smile. He was almost sure he could die while watching her do those things and that would be just fine. Ren wasn't sure he could see a better way to go. Arranging her arms around his neck he pushed off the walls until they were at the end of the hall where he turned around and kicked off the wall with full force, turning them so that they were spinning through the air like a football.

Ren laughed as they shot down the hall. This really was a blast, like a carnival ride. He wondered for a moment what Biti had done wrong this time, it was no doubt her doing, but he brushed it off. He didn't care. It was bringing him closer to Daralis and they were having a blast, that was all that mattered.

Before they hit the other end of the hall, he rolled into a position to send them down the stairs in a flip, and then another. His feet hit the bottom of the stairs and he pushed, sending them into the air again as he pulled Daralis up over his shoulders in a flip so that she was upside down in front of him, face to face. Although in the weightlessness she wouldn't feel upside down.

They hovered there together in the tavern, Ren smiling wildly, noticing no one else. It was as if it was just the two of them floating there together in some kind of dream. As her purple hair floated around them, that's exactly how she appeared to him, just like a dream.


As the patrons of the tavern and the objects in it began to float, Biti pouted. She remained in her place above the bar, but her dark hair did float up around her face. She assumed an indian style seated position and rested her elbow on her knee, and her chin in her hand as she tapped at the side of her face with one finger.

How had this happened? She was sure she imagined the process properly. She was frowning deeply when she noted the vampire glaring at her. Then the other vampire was speaking to her. She appeared taken aback as she placed her hand on her chest in a dramatic show. "Are you blaming me for this? How dare you make such an accusation." She turned her back to him.

How do I fix this!? She was in a standing position now, stroking at an imaginary beard. When she could think of no solution she eyed the vampires once again from the corner of her eye, back still turned. Pfftt. Let them figure it out on their own then!

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 03:18 AM

((I'm all for it, lol. ))

The woman smiled and nodded into his shoulder as Ren put her arms around his neck. She tightened her hold slightly, wrapping her fingers around each other, to make sure that nothing would make her let go. Laughter bubbled forth from her mouth as the werewolf launched them forward into the air.

Daralis didn't even remember her lack of clothing, save for her undergarments. Not even when Ren flipped them down the stairs and she hung upside down in the air in the tavern below. Her heart caught in her throat, and for a moment it was like Daralis couldn't get enough air.

Ren looked so endearing, and free, floating there. Her mind flashed back to the lake and her near drowning, making the woman's expression harden slightly with determination. She wasn't going to go trough life without taking chances, not anymore.

Almost reverently, Daralis reached out to brush a gentle hand over Ren's cheek. "I wish we were alone right now." Then she'd speak exactly what was on her mind, but with an audience the words wouldn't leave her mouth.

The vampire tilted his head towards Vex with a flirtatious grin and a wink of his eye. Surprise flitted trough his features as she wrapped her arms around him, but faded away quickly. Without thinking Regan returned the gesture while silently reveling the warmth and comfort his friend offered.

"I won't Vex." No, he wouldn't. There were many things he regretted and losing contact with this woman was one of them. Perhaps if he had, she'd have been able to stop him from turning his back on Loki. That ... He doubted he'd ever leave the other man, and in fact his guilt would probably drive him straight to the wolf's arms, as nearly everything did.


Staria is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 03:20 AM

((I said it was a good idea when you posted it at first XD))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 03:41 AM

((Tally two! Lol well then I'll count you guys in for sure. :) I've already thought of the word. It's so simple and just... I'm laughing wondering who will say it first. Lol ))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 03:06 PM

Ren grinned even wider. So she wanted them to be alone? Heh. He always had that effect on women, though this time he wasn't trying in the ways that he would normally, not with Daralis. He was too afraid to ruin the good thing they had going. He grabbed her hand and with the slightest motion had her turned so that their bodies were even. "Come on," he said as he turned as if to walk towards the bar.

But nothing happened. Right, they were still floating. And now they were floating in a position too far from the floor and too far from the ceiling or a wall or anything else. "Hm. I think we're stuck," he said with a laugh. "Maybe we could, swim, or something." With that comment Ren assumed a frog style swim. It was a ridiculous and silly sight, especially since the man moved no where.

"Biti!" he yelled. "Biti, we're stuck! What did you do?! Biiitttiiiiii!!!" He sounded like a small child whining to his mother, he didn't care. He was stuck in the air. Him and Daralis couldn't even play like this anymore. Plus, they were still wet. He stopped frog swimming. "Biti, we're wet and your tavern won't let us into my room to change. Can you give us some new clothes?" He had his hands clasped together in prayer style with a large pleading grin as he waited for her refusal that he was sure would come.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 02:24 AM

She watched with amusement as the wolf began swimming and acting silly. With a shrug, after being flipped right side up, Daralis began to move her legs to gather up momentum. Finally, she managed to grab hold of Ren and used him to push herself forward. She was laughing all the while as her amethyst hair floated about them. They were headed straight for a wall, but that wasn't so bad. It was exactly what they needed.

"Silly werewolf! I'm sure we can figure out a way inside, even if I have to pick the lock to do it!" And then there was her ability to find things ... There had to be something around the tavern which would help them get inside, even if the key stopped working, or remained rubber.

She eyed the genie with suspicion at the thought of what clothing she might end up in. Oh yes, how very dreadful! Daralis could only hope it would be something to her tastes, and nothing filmy and flimsy.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 03:07 PM

Angel's hands remained on the shoulders of his new acquaintances. Regan had been right in calling this undignified and it had gone on much too long for the joke to be funny. For a moment Angel's dark eyes had flashed dangerously, but he reined in his emotion quickly and wrapped it around himself tightly. His grip on Regan and Vex's shoulders tightened for that half second when his eyes had flashed. "Undignified is an understatement, my friend." Alistair was probably dealing with this much better than Angel, but he still wanted to check on his friend, and the girl with him. A masterless genie could be a very dangerous thing. Angel had to shift a little bit when Vex began to cling to Regan, there was little else he could do. Certainly no way he could get to Alistair, so he resigned himself to patiently wait it out.

Alistair held Cherry close with one arm and gripped the counter with his other hand. "I don't think this really has anything to do with you. But even so, I will protect you, and Angel is in the other room. If anyone enters with ill intent in their heart he would stop them before they ever got to where we are." He spoke the words softly, trying to soothe her fears the best he could while they floated. "I think, that this might be the work of the genie in the other room, but I am not certain." It was just a feeling he had, but the magic seemed right for it. Unpredictable. Genie magic was a dangerous thing.


Staria is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 04:23 PM

"You'll protect me?" Cherry said with a note of uncertainty...and hope. She had felt he would protect her, perhaps that was why she clung to him on instinct but it was different to hear it directly. She looked at him and was momentarily unafraid, just strangely happy and safe feeling. She pushed away the thought with a blush and looked away, her gaze flying to the shadows. Now that she had calmed enough she could see they were still and felt no demonic magic in them. No... it was the inn or the genie just as he said.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 05:15 PM

Like a light switch Biti's emotions changed, as they usually did, and she appeared sad. She turned towards her guests once again with tear filled eyes and sniffled. Why couldn't she use her magic the way genies were supposed to? She was an abomination to genies everywhere. She sniffled again.

She ignored Ren entirely. There were much more important things going on than their wet clothes. A look of determination came over her and she clenched her fists. She could fix this, easy! She closed her eyes tightly for a moment and thought hard about what needed to happen to fix the gravity. While her eyes were still closed she could hear the sounds of the things, and people of the tavern crashing to the ground.

Her eyes flew open with great pride and happiness. She'd done it! Immediately her smile faded. Where did everyone go? She heard a faint noise on the other side of the bar and leaned forward without having to touch anything to peek over the edge. A high pitched and excited squeal escaped her. "Koalas!" she exclaimed "You're all koalas!" She chuckled a little at first but the laughter slowly became louder and more uncontrolled.

When she finally stopped laughing she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes and hopped over the bar. She scooped up one furry little koala and twirled him around in the air above her as they spun together. "You're so cute!" she said to the koala that was undoubtedly Angel. Then she scooped up another holding one in each arm with her arm under theirs allowing the majority of their bodies to hang uncomfortably from her grasp.

She giggled again and hugged the koalas tightly. "I think I'll leave you all just like this!" she said, although she was only teasing, mostly.


Ren was still in prayer frog position when Daralis pushed off of him. "Hey!" he said with a laugh. As they floated towards the wall he reached out to try and catch her but she was mere inches too far and there he went frog swimming again. "I'm going to get you Daralis!" he said mischievously. But before he could move another inch something strange happened.

Suddenly the tavern felt much bigger than it had before and Ren felt, furry and hot. Almost as if he were in his true form, although much much smaller. Before he had the time to process the thoughts entirely he was crashing to the wooden tavern floor along with chairs and tables and glasses and the tavern cat. As he lay there on the floor his eyes searched for Daralis, finding a small koala in the place she would have fallen instead.

Immediately Ren knew Biti had done something, again. He'd been here for far longer than any of the other guests, since leaving was impossible, and he'd fallen victim to countless... misfortunes... thanks to Biti. He started towards Daralis on his little koala feet but before he could get to her Biti had scooped her up. He sat at her feet staring up as she clung to the two koalas and growled or grunted, or whatever that weird sound was he started making, fully prepared to bite her ankles if she didn't fix this immediately.


In the exact moment that they all changed into koalas, Vex realized she was clinging to something furry. She hated furry little animals. Instinctively she let go and pushed away causing her to fall from the stool and onto the tavern floor along with everything else that had been floating in the air. Laying on her furry little koala back she blinked owlishly up at the bar. She didn't know what Regan had put in that drink, but she was hallucinating, she was sure of it. The bar and stools seemed ten times bigger than they were just a moment ago and up there, on that stool, sat a koala. Could vampires shape shift?

((Staria and Kry, I'm going to say that your charries in the kitchen weren't affected by the Koalaness, lol unless you want them to be.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 10:40 PM

She giggled and tried to twist away as Ren reached for her. Her laughter only became more pronounced as the man started his antics again. Daralis was having the time of her long life, and mostly because of Ren and his wonderful smile.

There was nothing better then laughter, and he made her laugh. It was truth, this feeling of warmth whenever her pink eyes crossed with his. Near death certainly tended to clear things up in one's mind, and crystallized feelings only just discovered.

The air became lighter all of a sudden, and everything became all the bigger at the same time. She twisted around, and made small sounds that could be taken for laughter. Well if this wasn't a novel experience, she didn't know what was! For some reason Daralis felt the ground moving away from her. Struggling about, she twisted and turned till her little furry koala head caught sight of the genie and her grin.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 06:15 AM

Angel soon found himself on the floor and his body felt weird. Strange and not at all like the body he was used to. He was attempting to get up, when he was suddenly picked up. At least from this vantage he could get a look around and a feel for what happened. He was looking for Regan and Vex but all he saw was koalas. A small noise of disgruntledness as the genie hugged him. He didn't wriggle around or struggle though. He just sat there in her arm, looking like a grumpy koala. Then the genie was picking up another koala, but Angel wasn't sure who this one was. They all looked the same to him in koala form really. He made a noise of annoyance. This was not the proper respect to show a vampire lord, still he couldn't get too angry. After all she was just a masterless genie. All you could expect from such was chaos and tricks. Though Angel would have found it slightly amusing if he weren't a koala himself.

The air had changed again and Alistair's grip around Cherry had tightened in that half a moment before the dropped to the ground. At least they hadn't been to far up, since he had grabbed the edge of the counter and kept them as close to the floor as he could. His feet touched the ground and he lifted Cherry against him some so her feet were just a little above the floor. He didn't want her to end up landing on her feet wrong and wrenching a knee or twisting an ankle. Gently he set her on the floor, but his arm remained lightly around her. "Of course I will. Not every one is bad, and not everyone does things for the hope of recieving something. Some people do things because it is the right thing to do. I will protect you. No harm will fall upon you while I am around."

Last edited by Kry; 07-24-2012 at 01:52 AM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 02:52 PM

Biti looked down at the koala at her feet. Which one was that? It didn't matter. She giggled again at the immense cuteness and then sighed. She supposed she should turn them back. She set Angel and Daralis gently on the floor next to Ren and closed her eyes. After a moment she cracked open one eye. Immediately she smiled a cocky smile. They were all back to normal. "See," she said, "I knew what I was doing all along." She said it more to convince herself than anyone else. She stood there for a moment before rolling her eyes. "You're welcome," she said sarcastically.


Vex was still laying on her back on the tavern floor when she returned to normal. Still thinking she was hallucinating, she continued to lay there. If she moved, she was certain that she would float away or be mauled by koalas. If she lay perfectly still, maybe they would leave her be. That's what you were supposed to do right? Or was it make loud noises? She didn't know...

((I'm going to say it's getting to be late afternoon in the play. Just FYI. :) ))


Staria is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 03:21 PM

Cherry gasped a little as he held her a moment. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders for balance on instinct and blushed as she peered down at him. Being held so protectively like that... it made a funny feeling in her stomach like something warm was fluttering around within it. She didn't even realize he had sat her down, her eyes on his as she simply could not look away. As he spoke she nodded though she didn't seem so sure. She looked away a moment, she did believe him for some reason. Still she slowly stepped into the room with the genie as she forced herself to speak even as she trembled from the idea of challenging the genie for even a moment.

"M...Miss Genie. I wish you wouldn't do things like that. Please don't, it's scary. I...I know you probably don't mean to scare me but it's scary" She said simply. She frowned at the genie but at the same time seemed to cower a little. She seemed to expect some retaliation for her simple request and edged back towards the kitchen.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 03:38 PM

Daralis was rather glad once her feet were firmly on the ground again. Though she began laughing wholeheartedly the moment she was back to normal. The purple haired woman pointed at Ren with a giggle. "You looked so cute! Do you look that adorable when you're in your wolf form?" Her face froze, and a blush crossed her features as she remembered her state of undress.

With a smile, she stood up and scampered away with a wave for everyone. She really did need to get some clothes. Once up the stairs, the young woman went to wait beside the door. Maybe taking out her lock picks might be a good idea .. If she hadn't forgotten to bring them!

Regan had stayed completely still during the whole koala debacle. His little claws had dug into the seat to make sure he didn't fall, while he peered about in search of Vex. It made him chuckle a little to see her looking so confused. She probably thought she was drunk or something. A fact proven by her reaction when they were all returned to their normal selves.

With a grin, he bent down to try and hoist the blonde back onto her seat. "It's alright Vex, you aren't drunk." Genies did tend to be playful and mischievous, so this wasn't such a huge surprise. Especially after everyone had begun to float.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-23-2012, 07:51 PM

((Hope it all makes sense, I have a lot on my mind.))

Ren looked appalled at Daralis' comment. Cute? He wasn't cute. He was fierce and... dashing. His expression went from appalled, to "dashing" as he thought about himself, and then he was blinking owlishly. Where had Daralis run off to so quickly? He picked up her scent instantly, she'd gone back up the stairs.

He turned away from Angel and Biti only glancing over his shoulder at the genie for a brief moment to give her a little shake of his head. Then he was off, lazily walking up the stairs and to his room where Daralis stood. It was late after noon now and soon the sun would be setting. They needed to get dry-er and loaded up with the necessary ingredients to make s'mores before they missed it. It was beautiful as it set over the lake and behind the mountains.

With a determined look he grabbed onto the door handle. He eyed the ceiling for a minute as if to tell the tavern to mind it's own business and gave the knob a turn. A wide grin set on his face once again as the door swung open. Ren held his hand out as if to usher her into the room while he bowed lightly. "M'lady," he said with a wink.


"Huh?" Vex was still confused. She sat on her stool once again now and stared at the spilled drinks and glass that littered the bar. "Hmm," she said simply before turning around to see Biti. The genie, right. This was not Vex' idea of a get away. Which was exactly what it was supposed to be, a get away from someone... who wasn't who she'd once thought.

She raised an eyebrow as the timid girl spoke. Just what else she needed on top of a crappy genie, a scaredy cat. Vex sighed and turned her attention back to Regan. She wondered how long he'd be staying here. She certainly didn't feel like being here long, not if it was going to be like this. But, she hadn't been near such a good friend in a long time. In fact, she honestly didn't have any friends, not with her life style.

She wanted to ask when he'd planned on leaving but decided she'd rather not set herself up for the disappointment. He'd be leaving, that's all that really mattered. Everyone always left. Instead of saying anything, she just smiled at him, masking her fears and sadness. She was really good at that.


When the timid girl approached her Biti frowned. The girl who stepped in between a vampire fight was scared of koalas? Well, she certainly wasn't going to stop being who she was for this girl. What did Biti care about this girl? What did she care about any of these people? She didn't, and it didn't matter, she couldn't run them off. They were trapped here now just like she was.

In the next moment Biti disappeared. When she reappeared, she was ten times her normal size. The room darkened and a red demonic smoke surrounded her. She looked evil and devilish. She appeared suddenly, directly in front of Cherry. "BOO!" she said. In the next moment the tavern returned to normal and Biti disappeared again. She reappeared behind the bar which was now spotless, laughing at her little prank.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 07-23-2012 at 07:54 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 07-23-2012, 09:17 PM

When Biti disappeared she would not get the fright she expected. Cherry, no Lili, had never been able to voice her own feelings without punishment so she expected this time to be no different. Her face became emotionless and she gazed towards where she felt the energy appearing. She would simply stare at Biti blankly, her eyes one who was use to being abused by more powerful beings and expected Biti to do the same. As she appeared so evil she still could not quite capture the look of true evil, the demon which had abused Lili for centuries.

"You're not going to hurt me?" She said in a puzzled tone, the meekness returning. She leaned forward so her silky hair fell around her in one dark curtain and gazed at the floor in utter confusion. She had lived as a slave for so long that despite Alistair's words and her panic to return to it she understood nothing about being free. She did not understand the idea she could speak her mind without punishment. It was one reason that she had not reacted to the vampire who had run hitting her before he left, it had been expected. She spoke without being spoken to...

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-23-2012, 11:54 PM

((Holy fudge you gais. It's been FOREVERZ. I'm catching up on summer home work (FUU-) and getting active. ;u;'' I already announced I was in the first time ya asked! I am happy that you are back, Kya. I tried posting last week but things came up. So I am posting now!! Sorry for my own absence, and correct me if I missed anything or screwed up somehow. xD))

Many people had introduced themselves, being the polite one Miya waited and was one of the last to introduce herself. Soon things took an odd turn, out of nowhere there was floating and then there koalas. Koalas everywhere. Bird boy had slipped out after introductions, he must've knew what was coming. She looked at her hands and instead she saw paws. Her body felt odd, and she was warm. Really warm. Then it fled and she was back to normal. Adjusting her clothes she looked at the others, when it got dark. Red, a very scary red thing went towards Cherry. When it roared BOO, she squealed and covered her mouth. She went quickly to the kitchen and found some sandwich supplies. The girl made her a sandwich, wished everyone a good night, and left upstairs to eat then try to sleep.

After that scare, Miya was unsure of the genie. She saw a note pinned to a butterfly on her door, "A butterfly?" She looked at the colors of the wings that were crumbling and decided it was a butterfly from her home. Chills ran up and down her spine as she took the note gently and read it. 'You can never leave.' Pursing her lips, she calmed herself by explaining that it was someone in this inn pranking her, however she could not get over the fact that it just might be true. She went into the room and ate her food quietly. Afterwards she began to play and sing.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-24-2012, 12:06 AM

The purple haired woman waited with her hands folded neatly in front of her. She was rather pleasantly surprised when Ren joined her soon after her departure. He really was the sweetest guy. Daralis stepped into the room carefully, feet tapping lightly against the floor. She didn't know what to think of his room not at all. It did have a certain aura that all taverns had, as if it was more of a transient living space then anything else.

"So where are those shirts, and please can I see a marshmallow now?" Teasingly she turned to wink at the wolf and cocked her head to the side. It was going to be so much fun, finding these new things out. Ren certainly knew how to how to make her smile.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-24-2012, 01:13 AM

Ren stepped into the room behind Daralis with his normal wide grin. A fun, beautiful, wet woman in his room... he was refraining from reaching out with grabby hands, although his mind certainly wasn't. He closed the door behind them. He was mostly dry by now, aside from his jeans and he hadn't been wearing a shirt. His hair was short enough to have dried some time ago and he looked at Daralis.

He was more or less staring at Daralis and when he realized that he was, he cleared his throat. "Right, dry clothes," he laughed, "and marshmallows, I wouldn't forget those." He crossed the medium sized room that looked different from time to time, depending on the inn's mood. Tonight it was decorated the way it typically did to suit him. All wooden/woodsy features with natural tones. It made him comfortable this way, like he was home in the woods.

Opening up the closet he quickly found his smallest t-shirt, which would still be large on the girl, a gray t-shirt for himself and a pair of sweats with a draw string so that she could size them a little better. He never wore them, he never needed to with his body temperature. He crossed the room back to Daralis. His warm brown eyes met hers and he took one more step, closing the space between them. All he could think about was pressing his lips against hers. Taking off her wet clothes and holding her body against his. He was standing close enough to her now that he could feel her breath on his bare chest and she would surely be able to feel the immense heat emanating from his body.

He cleared his throat again. "I, um, here..." he set the clothes on the bed and headed for the door. I'll wait downstairs. He was trying hard to be a gentleman, something he'd never tried to be for anyone else. It was so hard to do... He gave her a little wink and closed the door, heading downstairs to the kitchen as he pulled the t-shirt over his head.

Once in the kitchen he found an empty box and stuffed it full of things; bags of marshmallows, graham crackers, bars of chocolate, a couple bottles of water, a couple of sodas, some chips, and other random goodies. He carried the box under one arm and made his way out to the storage closet where he grabbed a large blanket and the things necessary to start a decent sized fire in the pit.

He headed outside, giving everyone a welcoming smile as if to assure them that everyone was welcome to partake in the fun on his way out the door. The sun hadn't quite started to set yet, but within the next ten minutes or so the sky would start turning it's sunset colors of pink and orange and purple. Ren made haste in starting up the fire and laying out the blanket, picking the perfect spot to see the sunset and then the starts over head. He lay down on the blanket and closed his eyes and his heart fluttered at the thought of Daralis, even in his over sized clothes and he smiled.


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