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Koyuki is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 08:38 PM

Mika watched as the room slowly filled with what she guessed was the whole house. She smiled at Jessie, walking back to the counter by the time Rally had sat down. "I'm alright. A little tired, but it's nice we have more people coming here."

She began making her own sandwich, taking the bread out of the bag and placing it on another plate, then opened the plastic zipper bag that held the ham. She took them out piece by piece on the bread until there was only a few left. "And how are you, miss? My name is Mika, by the way." It was another time where she didn't remember if she had met the girl before.

She had finally finished making the sandwich, ready to eat it up when Kira came in. "Hey, Kira! And Ashlyn, nice to meet you." She made sure to swallow what was in her mouth before she spoke. Not only was it impolite but a bad first impression. "A job? Of course, I'm always welcome to more help here." She looked at Ashlyn. "Would you like a job in particular?"

Sweet Faux Pas
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Old 10-15-2007, 10:43 PM

Ashlyn smiled, shaking her head no. "I'm just here to help in any way that I can." She glanced down at her hoodie, feeling a little shy, but also feeling right at home. Ash tended to be shy around adults, but not around children. She was an adult herself, but could act more like a kid at times.

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 11:20 PM

Mika nodded to Ashlyn, still smiling even though she was so hungry and hadn't eaten at least two bites yet. She decided to eat right there at the counter. The table was filling up fast and she didn't want to take a seat that could belong to someone else.

"Well, that's fine with me. I don't really have any specific jobs unless someone asks for one. " She looked at the clock after she took another bite of her ham sandwich. It was still pretty early in the afternoon. What would she make for dinner? She could always worry about that later.

Stokely gestured Ashlyn to an open chair at the table. "Please, make yourself at home. There's not a lot to do around here right now." She took another bite of her sandwich, by then almost halfway done. "Are you hungry?" Oh, she had said that all day. She would normally say it many times a day, but mostly when it was just a few people in the room. For some reason she just didn't like saying it within a big group whom she had already asked that question to. Go figure.

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 09:01 PM

((Sorry for double posting, but has everyone died/decided not to come here anymore?))

KiraAnn is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 10:35 AM

{{I have not died, I was trying to let a few more people post first. If you wish for me to o ahead and post I will.}}

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 08:04 PM

((Of course I don't mind. I wanna post. xD <3))

KiraAnn is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 04:18 AM

Kira saw everything was taken care of but something seemed to bother her, as if she was forgetting something. Then her face lit up as if the light bulb in her head clicked on and she turned on her heel and hurried to her room. Opening the large oak door she pushed it open with a large creak and made her way inside.

The room was dim, light streaming in through the blinds casting shadows against the cream colored walls. With a flip of a switch the lamps in all four corners. Her room was painted in dark red, pictures of fairies that she drew scattered across the walls. Only one wall was free from pictures and was not red. On the clear wall was a painting of a large willow tree, green grass with wild flowers surrounding the dark brown trunk. The sky is blue, only one cloud spread through the sky. This is what she watched when she was lonely, missing what little home she remembered before the city and streets. In the far right corner was a large cage with a...not so pleasant smell coming from it. A pick hammock swayed from the top and a soft snoring, well more of a purr from the sleeping ferret. Wrinkling her nose she rubbed her fingers together and the cage was clean, the food dish and water bottle cleaned. Smiling she cleaned up room, making sure all of the clothes on the floor were picked up, and the room straightened. You never knew when a little one would want to come in.

Soon the sound of scrapping nails and crunching food she knew her baby was awake. Taking him from the cage she smiled, gave him a kiss and he ran up her arm to stretch across her shoulders. "Such a good boy." Patting him on the head she made sure her room was clean. All of her books were straight on the shelves, her small Tinkerbell toys were dust free. Flipping off the switch she left her room and made her way back to the kitchen and grabbed a potato cutting off a chunk of it and feed it to the critter on her shoulder. Once he started to gnaw on the potato she made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a ice cold bottle of Stewart's Orange Cream soda and sat at the table content with her lunch. Humming softly she ate, not touching her soda till she was down with her sandwich. Her ferret never moved from her shoulder, his tail sticking out from under her dark red hair.

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 02:52 PM

[[Username: Kalium
First Name: Irene
Last Name: Bolt
*Nickname: None
Age: 28
Race: Human
Sex: Female
*Sexuality: N/A
Position: Adopter
*Personality: Irene is a calm woman who doesn't have many friends and is a little bit clumsy.
*Bio: Irene is well-to-do, and lives alone, so she finds her life a bit boring. She wants to adopt a child since she doesn't want to have any of her own, but she still wants to raise a child.
*Powers: Irene owns a set of magical jewelry which give her the power to understand every language when she wears it.
Appearance: Irene is a short and plump woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She usually wears blue clothing.
*Pets: None
*Other: N/A ]]

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 05:08 PM

  • ((sorry folks i haven't been posting lately but my job is keeping me very busy. ))

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 08:44 PM

Irene walked towards the orphanage, which was very large. Even though it was large and beautiful, living with a family of one's own was still better, she thought. She never thought of herself as a family woman, but she was still lonely. So sooner or later she would adopt a child. And an orphanage was the best place to start. So she walked towards the building,and knocked the door.

"Hello? Is anybody here?"

The Lost Girl
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Old 10-21-2007, 09:12 PM

Kris went out for her daily run with shadow. When she came back to the orphange there was a woman standing at the front door. "Hello, can I help you, ma'am?" Kris said politly.

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 09:18 PM

"Umm... Yes, please. I would like to adopt a child from here, but I don't know what I need to do for it. Could we go in and discuss it?" Irene asked.

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 09:37 PM

((Edit: Whoops, too late. xD))

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 09:41 PM

Irene heard the other lady's question.

"No, miss. I have already got a job elsewhere, thank you very much. I am a customer, I mean, adopter here. May ı ask you to show me the children you are looking after here?"

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-23-2007, 05:53 AM

  • Jessie conituned to eat her chips when Skittles jumped up on her lap and started meowing. She tilted her head at her kitten. "Skittles what is the matter?"
    The kitten just continued to meow. Then it hit Jessie, "Litter box!" She turned and looked at Mika. "You wouldn't happen to have a litter box would you?"

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-23-2007, 11:27 PM

Mika had finally finished her sandwich right before Jessie turned to her to speak. Even though it was such a little sandwich, Mika considered herself full. She never needed a lot to fill herself up. She smiled at Jessie. "Um, there's a litter box in the laundry room. Do you want me to show you where that is?" As she was talking she had brought her paper plate to the garbage can, opening it with one hand and dumping the plate in with the other. She walked back to the counter, picking up the bag with bread in it, made sure it was closed, and went to put it back where it once was. Finally, she went over to the sink, turning the knob on it with a blue top, getting some soap from the soap dispenser and putting it on her hands, then washed her hands under the faucet. Once her hands were free of soap she turned off the sink and dried her hands with a nearby wash cloth.

((Bah, this place got slower. D: Should I open the orphanage to new people again? >.> -goes to make OOC thread-))

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 01:52 AM

  • Jessie smiled and nodded. "Yes please show me where the laundry room is." she held up skittles "She's gotta go." Laughing she stood up so she could follow Mika out of the room.

    ((can we talk in the OOC thread yet or are you still setting up.))

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 02:39 AM

((You can start posting there if you want. :33))

"Heh, alright." She walked away from the counters, past the table where everyone sat. "I'll be right beck, everyone." She said to them with a glance. Then, to Jessie, she said "Oh, do you have a room yet? The bedrooms are on the way there." She looked back to Jessie for just a second as they headed out the kitchen door, already passed the dining room by now and heading through the 'main room', as she'd sometimes call the room where the front door was. The keys attached to her pants jingled by each step she took.

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 03:16 AM

  • Jessie carried Skittles as she followed Mika out of the kitchen and through the house. "how far is the laundry room from the kitchen." Skittles was just meowing like crazy. "shh, shh, baby skittles it will be alright soon."

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 03:21 AM

Mika assumed the kitty really had to go, so she rushed herself a bit up the stairs. "Uh. just up here and down the hall." She didn't mind that Jessie didn't answer her question; she'd probably ask later anyway.
Time passed as they passed each door on the second floor. Finally they had reached the end of the hall where the laundry room was. There was no door, just a brown door hinge around where the door would be. "Right there." She gestured to a litter box in the corner of the room beside the Dryer. Lucky she had a cat herself or she might of forgotten about that thing.

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 04:18 AM

  • Jessie smiled and lets SKittles down beside the litter box. "there you go skittles"
    Skittles Jumps in the litter box and starts scratching away to find a place to go.
    WHile skittles was in the litter box Jessie turned to talk to Mika. "No deary i haven't gotten a room yet. I'd like to get one after Skittles here is done."
    Meowing Skittles Jumped outta the litter box after finishing her business. Jessie scooped her up in her arms, and petted her head. Suddenly Jessie remembered. "i forgot my backpack down in the kitchen. Would you wait a minute for me to go down and get it." Without getting an answer Jessie quickly sprinted down the hall, down the stairs, through the main room and dinning room and back to the kitchen. She was looking for her backpack cause it wasn't where she placed it on the table. Looking under the table she found it placed neatly on a chair. Chuckling she picked it up and looked inside. "Everythings here." She said to Skittles then ran back to where she left Mika.
    "Sorry about that. I just didn't want to loose anything." She smiled and bowed slightly. "Now could you show me to my room."

Koyuki is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 04:57 AM

Mika waited as Jessie came and went. Where was her own cat? She'd look for him later, but she guessed he was probably staring at their fish tank. Good thing it was slightly higher then how high he was able to jump. She was just about to think of other places he might be right before she came back. "Okay. It's right down the hall here." Mika walked down the hall that Jessie had not yet walked through before. She stopped at the third door on the left, turned to Jessie, and pulled the key chain off of her pants. She skimmed through the keys for one for that particular room. Once she found the one with the matching number she used it to unlock the door, and then fiddled with the key chain to get the key out. Once she finally managed to get it out, she handed it to Jessie. "Here ya go." She smiled.

((If you want, feel free to describe your room as however you'd want it to look. xD))

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 06:38 AM

Irene felt that the manager's attention was drawn elsewhere. So she sat down in the hall and began to wait.

KiraAnn is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 03:55 PM

Kira smiled to herself humming softly in her own little world. She was very content finishing her sandwich making sure the sleeping ferret was not going to fall off like he almost does every time. Standing she gathered her things and disposed of all the trash and such. Stepping outside she felt the warm sun shine down on her and felt better, even though she wasn't feeling bad. Reaching back she did a fast loose braid so it was out of her face and pulled out a simple leather tie to hold it in place. Though as she walked a few strays made there way in front of her face. Soon she made it to a small garden and sat allowing Mr.Stinky to scurry down her arm and raced about the yard causing her to laugh and shake her head at the clown. In no time her hands were covered in dirt glowing slightly and the garden began to grow with bright flowers and some of the largest fruit and vegetables she had seen.

:+:+: Lady Kuchiki :+:+:
jessiekins is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 11:21 AM

  • Jessie smiled as she took the key from Mika. "Thank you." She grabbed the door nob and opened the door. Peaking in you could see a canopy bed with black curtains, book shelves every where, a desk and chair, and two dressers. "This is more than enough" she said turning back at Mika. "thank you again." She sat Skittles down and watched her scamper into the room. Giggling she said, "looks like skittles likes it." She walked in and turned the lights on, setting her back pack on the bed she turned and opened the closet. It was already filled with clothes. She started flipping through the different outfits and was surprised that they were her size. "THANK YOU!" she exclaimed and went back to looking through the outfits.
    Skittles jumped up on the bed and did a circle then laid down to take a nap.


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