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R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 02:57 AM

Hey Fae :D

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:00 AM

-shrugs- i don't know hummy, everything about healthcare here is messed up

Hi Ruby, how are you?

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:13 AM

I'm alright, got a little bit of a nap in How are you?

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:15 AM

I don't like our system at all!
It's so sad because it feels like most of the time, unless you can pay the big bucks, doctors don't want to give you proper treatment.

There have been times where I was in the hospital and one patient says she's suicidal and she is going to hurt herself as soon as she leaves, and when her insurance runs out, they send her home anyway because they won't make money off her anymore. They don't care that she'll likely try to kill herself and end up back there, or worse... Succeed!

I don't understand the backwards healthcare system in the United States,

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:16 AM

Jealous cos I keep trying to sleep but can't ; -;

I feel like I'm complaining a lot, but I also stepped in dog shit today. So I am just an unhappy camper right now T_T

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:18 AM

Ew! Why don't people just clean up after their nasty dogs?!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire View Post
I don't like our system at all!
It's so sad because it feels like most of the time, unless you can pay the big bucks, doctors don't want to give you proper treatment.

There have been times where I was in the hospital and one patient says she's suicidal and she is going to hurt herself as soon as she leaves, and when her insurance runs out, they send her home anyway because they won't make money off her anymore. They don't care that she'll likely try to kill herself and end up back there, or worse... Succeed!

I don't understand the backwards healthcare system in the United States,
I mean to be fair I know a lot of the doctors/nurses really do want to help people and don't want to send people away that need help but they're forced to or they lose their job xP

I'm agreeing with you that it's stupid and awful that it's all about being a business and not helping people. I just think a lot of people don't realize that when they want to become doctors and then they get so fed up they just kind of lose what passion they had xP

There's some other countries where doctors don't get paid unless they actually fix your problem. But it's all about greed here xP

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:22 AM

I don't know, I don't understand it. I clean my cat's litterbox! No one wants to live in a pile of poop, but alas, no matter how many notices the apartment complex sends out, whoever is doing it just seems to change up which building they have their do 'go' by.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:23 AM

Yeah! It's so sad, Ruby. :(
I wish that America would adopt a system where doctors get paid when the problem is solved, and not where doctors get paid just to see you!
And doctors are expensive these days!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire View Post
Yeah! It's so sad, Ruby. :(
I wish that America would adopt a system where doctors get paid when the problem is solved, and not where doctors get paid just to see you!
And doctors are expensive these days!
Yeah you still have to pay just for 15 minutes of them not even listening to you and acting like you're waiting their time.....

I've been to so many doctors in the last 2 years that I just started going with more holistic medicine routes and saying f*** the doctors.

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:26 AM

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I mean to be fair I know a lot of the doctors/nurses really do want to help people and don't want to send people away that need help but they're forced to or they lose their job xP

I'm agreeing with you that it's stupid and awful that it's all about being a business and not helping people. I just think a lot of people don't realize that when they want to become doctors and then they get so fed up they just kind of lose what passion they had xP

There's some other countries where doctors don't get paid unless they actually fix your problem. But it's all about greed here xP
Oh, I'm sure they do. But they left me in a hall for hours and no one came to check on me or anything, no privacy screen either knowing i have anxiety and my heart rate and blood pressure were sky high (I was there for a cardiac emergency!!!)!
So like.... Basically fuck everyone at that hospital. Its not the only time they've screwed me either. And I finally got my meds today, because the bf didn't want to take me and was "going to" pick them up yesterday but couldn't be bothered.

And then I was like, yes! finally~! relief!
and instead they made me throw up which...yknow, doesn't exactly help because they "diagnosed" me with hurting the muscles that surround my chest wall. I don't think vomiting would help that. :/

They didn't even give me anything for the nausea. They never asked me what medications I'm on. I was there for 8 hours and when I called my doctor they said not to eat before I go to the ER. So I was hungry, dehydrated, in pain, and ignored for hours! Like if they called me and asked me to rate them 1-5 I would give them a 0!

Also I feel disgusting saying this because it made me puke a few times too (and also the general poopoo nature of saying anything like pain meds actually helped), but they gave me morphine and that was the only time my bp and heart rate dropped to 'reasonable' levels.

Last edited by monstahh`; 03-31-2018 at 03:33 AM..

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
Oh, I'm sure they do. But they left me in a hall for hours and no one came to check on me or anything, no privacy screen either knowing i have anxiety and my heart rate and blood pressure were sky high (I was there for a cardiac emergency!!!)!
So like.... Basically fuck everyone at that hospital. Its not the only time they've screwed me either. And I finally got my meds today, because the bf didn't want to take me and was "going to" pick them up yesterday but couldn't be bothered.

And then I was like, yes! finally~! relief!
and instead they made me throw up which...yknow, doesn't exactly help because they "diagnosed" me with hurting the muscles that surround my chest wall. I don't think vomiting would help that. :/

They didn't even give me anything for the nausea. They never asked me what medications I'm on. I was there for 8 hours and when I called my doctor they said not to eat before I go to the ER. So I was hungry, dehydrated, in pain, and ignored for hours! Like if they called me and asked me to rate them 1-5 I would give them a 0!
(totally hadn't back read anything on the previous page xP sorry if I missed that before)

Some hospitals really just do not give a shit so there is that too. Holy crap.

I know there's one hospital here like that, where they don't tell people ANYTHING and then they try and like call security to escort family out without telling them what the hell is even going on with their loved one and someone my mom knows that happened to her with her husband (he was sick and he went in and then just up and died without reason and they wouldn't even tell her ANYTHING) and then they tried to escort her out because she was demanding answers (naturally) and as they were like full on manhandling her she stepped on a nurses foot by accident, AND THE HOSPITAL FILES ASSAULT CHARGES.

And apparently they're known for doing this. It's not the first time.

So yeah, like you said, screw them.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:34 AM

two weeks ago hummymother had her hip surgery check-up
hummydad drover her*even though he lost his sight in his right eye*
when they get there the doctor had a fit that hummyfater was so ill!
Doctor Desanko is his knee surgery doctor, too and he called the ambulance on him!
they had a fight about how hummydad would drive his own self to the hospital if he had to go!
more colorful words were used but our doctor won, that God.
hummydad was in the emergency room all day even though his doctor sent him to the hospital
hummydad was fit to be tied, but unfortunately he was too weak to put up much of a fight!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:36 AM

Man why do hospitals just not give a shit about people? Dx

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:36 AM

Well some of its an update/further explanation. I didn't take my meds right away when I got them, I opted for a nap instead (which got repeatedly interrupted). :? So I only took them a few hours ago (maybe two hours at most?), and within like 30 minutes I was barfing.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:37 AM

Was it a new medication or one you had already been on? D:

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:38 AM

New medication, never been on it before. :? I'm super thankful I had a spare anti-nausea med from back when I had surgery or I'd probably still be puking.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
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Old 03-31-2018, 03:40 AM

Yeah definitely a good thing! D: I'm glad you're at least better from that now xP What was the medication for? (if you don't mind me asking purely out of curiosity, feel free not to answer if you're not comfortable <3)

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:43 AM

Muscle relaxer or whatever, they think I strained myself despite having 0 cause or reasoning for that thought (except a light cough).

edit: oh maybe its because I'm fat
I don't have a lot of strength either, but I didn't do anything that would have strained me.

Last edited by monstahh`; 03-31-2018 at 03:45 AM..

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:44 AM

Ah so one of those generic diagnoses to get you out the door faster huh?

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:45 AM

Pretty much.

As you can tell, I am PISSED.

---------- Post added 03-30-2018 at 11:48 PM ----------

If/when they send me a bill I'm going to draw a middle finger on it and leave a long note and tell them exactly why I'm not paying (the hallway, being ignored for hours in said hallway). I plan on never returning to that hospital again.
They're going to have to take my cold, dead, body there if they want me to go back there again.

---------- Post added 03-30-2018 at 11:49 PM ----------

me @ the paramedics when I finally do have a heart attack: if you take me to ___ hospital, it will be over my dead body!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:49 AM

Good thing you're not going back because they'd probably kill you so they could do just that

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:50 AM

I'd laugh, but you're probably right.

I feel emotionally a little better now that I've vented.
But my chest hurts again now

How's everyone's weekend starting/going?

Last edited by monstahh`; 03-31-2018 at 03:53 AM..

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:55 AM

Good! :D Venting is needed for sure~

Just don't laugh too much or you'll hurt your chest more xP

Mine pretty good so far actually :3 Which is rare so that makes me happy xD

Other than the medical stuff you're dealing with how is yours? :D

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-31-2018, 03:57 AM

Hmm... I dunno. I guess okay?
My chest hurting has pretty much consumed my life since last week.
It comes and goes in intensity, but when its bad its in my neck and right arm. So...yeah a lil concerning.
I think if I were to say how its going ignoring that. I would say, hwhaah? there is life outside of pain and suffering? since when?!

I got new headphones, which is nice. They're good headphones too. Can be wireless or be wired. 40 hours of battery time when wireless.
I like them a lot.


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