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Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-12-2010, 03:05 AM

Elvira looked at Charla's arms a little sadden, no one should put up with that torture. Even though if she was bit by Demetri she would probably find great pleasure in it, the thought brought a deep blush to her cheeks. "They're gone now then so you won't have to be a snack anymore. Seeing as Demetri is what you could call a docile vampire." she said with a little chuckle following Charla liking the presence of another women. It was rare for her, Elvira lost her mother at an early age and was raised by her father.

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Old 09-12-2010, 05:21 PM

Charla chuckled at what Elvira was saying. This was true, but naturally, she had to struggle with the blood-bond she had now with the dead vampires. It was rather painful at most. "I am both glad and saddened that his parents are around, really. I was blood blonded with them. But Master Demetri is most kind to me," she explained as she then entered through the stone gates of the nearby village.

Entering in the Hundebird Restaurant, they were quickly seated at one of the most finest tables. "He's so good to me that he also gave me money for me to eat here as well," she said as she opened up the menu and began to read through it. So many choice.

Back at Demetri's Mansion, Demetri had kept waking up and falling back to sleep. Something was bothering him. And someone how he knew it was the loss of the presence of Elvira, his love. He sighed as he tossed and turned in his bed. How could her loss of presence effect him so bad when he hasn't even tasted her blood?

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-13-2010, 07:57 PM

Elvira followed Charla into the restaurant amazed at how the seated them at on of the best tables. This kind of treatment, she was not at all use too. "A blood bond?" she looked over at Charla asking in curiosity. Even though she was a Slayer she had heard no such thing as a blood-bond before and it seemed rather interesting.

At first she only looked at her surroundings taking in the site of the fancy restaurant before opening up one of the menus only to be completely lost. There were too many choices and half them, she had not a clue what they were or if it tasted good. Either way she was able to keep the conversation going. "He does seem to have a fondness for humans. What is good to eat here?" she asked getting straight to what was on her mind other then Demetri.

Yes, all her thoughts revolved around him now. What he was doing, what he liked, all of it. She wanted to know so much about her vampire now. It brought a smile to her usually cold face as she thought about him. Allowed Elvira to look much more like an approachable and attractive girl. Didn't look as if she would kill the person if they merely spoke to her.

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Old 09-13-2010, 11:05 PM

Charla looked at the menu and about after ordering a simple glass of water, she looked back at the menu and caught her eyes with the printed words "Alfredo Pasta". "I don't know too much on Blood Bonds...but all I know is that after a vampire keeps using your blood and keeps you alive, a sort of bond is created. Like, you're attatched to them all the's hard to explain. I think I'm going to get the Alfredo Pasta. My old favorite," she said as she looked up at the waiter and smiled and handed him her menu.

After the waiter had left, Charla sighed and relaxed in her chair. She was getting sick of having to act all proper being that she was with someone who looked like a stripper. "When Master Demetri was still human...he was the most kind-hearted gentleman I had ever known. He loved people and he always put others before him. He didn't ask to get changed. He kept trying to kill himself after he realized he had turned into a vampire. His parents struggled so hard to keep him from going total Vampire-Suicide," Charla explained as she took a sip of her ice water.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:25 AM

Elvira also got a water and then a simple salad. She had not had any vegetables in so long, had always been meat for the past few days. So the thought of a salad made her mouth water, only a little. "It sounds interesting. I may speak to Demetri about it more. Would only think he would know a bit more about it." Really Elvira only like the part about the attachment, she desired to be back in her lovers arms even as they were sitting to eat. She couldn't help but fidget a little in her seat when there were so many exits around her, all a way to back to her Demetri.

Only thin that got her attention was when Charla relaxed, Elvira couldn't help but smile. Would rather have Charla be herself around her and share her opinions. It kept her mind of Demetri just a little. "I'm glad he wasn't able to follow through with killing himself. He could set a good example for other vampires. Then I would be out of a job. Which wouldn't bother me at all. Never really like it to begin with." she smiled as she talked not use to speaking so much. With an amused look she glided her finger along the rim of her water glass.

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Old 09-15-2010, 01:46 AM

Charla got a chuckle at Elvira. She liked her. It was also a big huge relief to have someone like her around. She smiled for the first time in a while. "I'm glad too. And I agree with you on that. He could be a good example. He's just too scared to face other vampires, afraid they'd turn on him because of his secret," she explained as she took a sip of her water and went back to eating her food.

Then she noticed how ancy Elvira was being. She smirked, immediately knowing why. "Elvira, calm down. We're almost done eating. You'll get back to him in no time. He's not going anywhere," she said with a chuckle set to her throat.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:59 AM

Elvira ate her salad with surprisingly very good manners, even though she seemed uncivilized she was quite the opposite when she desired to be. Only reason she dressed like a stripper was the fact sh could pack more clothing into a smaller bag. Always a plus in her books. Falling in love with a vampire, that was unexpected. "His secret? The fact he doesn't consume human blood..." Elvira looked at Charla with great curiosity.

A blush quickly stained Elvira's cheeks as she smiled sheepishly getting caught in her anticipation to get back. "You have a point there. Sorry, I don't know what came over me." she spoke in a girly voice, a rare occurrence compared to her ruff manner of speech. She laughed at Charla's comment though, he couldn't really go anywhere when the sun was out.

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Old 09-16-2010, 11:12 PM

Charla smirked at Elvira. She knew exactly what came over her. "It's love, dear," she said as she then ate the last bite of her food and then took a sip of her now cold ice water. She sighed and took the napkin off of her lap and placed it on her plate and sat back in her seat and looked to see if Elvira had finished eating yet.

"I don't mean to pry, love...but are you going to have him change you?" she asked in a low voice as she leaned forward a little.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-17-2010, 12:20 AM

Elvira blushed even dark as Charla spoke of love. "Maybe..." she mumbled in response trying to make the blush fade while eating her salad. It didn't take her long to calm down with a gentle smile playing at the corner of her lips. She couldn't help but be so happy after learning of Demetri's feelings. When she finished her food she also placed her napkin on the plate and smiled over at Charla.

"That is all up to him. I told him how I felt about it. It seems he desires not to so I will not push him." Elvira explained calmly and honestly. Was all up to Demetri, as long as she got to be with him she would be happy.

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Old 09-18-2010, 06:14 PM

Charla chuckled more at Elvira. She was a very entertaining girl. "Amazing how fast and so in love you can be within three short days, huh?" she asked as she got up, threw five shillings on the table and motioned for Elvira to walk with her.

"Elvira, you must think about that if you love him so much and you want to be with him can't live forever...he can," she said as she wrapped her shawl around her tight. The sun was slowly setting and it was a fair beauty sight.

Charla was tired and she just wanted to get home to finally get some sleep. Not to mention she wanted to give Elvira back to Demetri.

Back at the mansion, Demetri stood pacing the floor of his library. He was getting impatient. He never missed anyone or wanted to kiss anyone this much since...ever, really. He sighed and paced some more, staring out at the window down at the path that led to his house from the path that led to the town. He sighed and looked up at the sky. The sun had set, so he was safe. He was thinking about wanted to just go to her himself. But he sensed her and Charla's presence and she was near. So he relaxed a little.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-18-2010, 06:42 PM

"Three amazingly enlightening days. I can't believe how much of an affect he has on me..." Elvira laughed starting to accept that she was really in love with that vampire and the thoughts of leaving him were beginning to surface. It made her follow after Charla in a thoughtful silence and a slight despair.

Elvira didn't want to be changed if it was against Demetri's desire. So Charla's enlightening words felt like a cold knife cutting through her body. "I still could not force him. I'm willing to wait for him to make the decision. It is not like I'm old, I'm merely 23 soon to be 24 but there is time. I'm still young." The words were mainly a reassurance for Elvira as the walked out into setting sun.

As they walked to the mansion the more tense and nervous Elvira got. She want to be back by Demetri's side and he was so close. Bitting her lip a little she looked over at Charla unwilling to leave the lady behind. It was just her slayer attitude showing. Could not leave her alone no matter how strong her desire was to go on ahead. When they got closer and the mansion came into sight Elvira couldn't deny that her heart didn't flutter in excitement.

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Old 09-19-2010, 12:46 AM

Charla just chuckled at what Elvira was saying. She shook her head and then they turned onto the drive that led to Demetri's mansion. Charla looked up at the large window above the canopy of the front entrance and saw Demetri staring down upon them.

"Looks like he couldn't wait for your return too," she said in a both impressed and narcissistic voice.

Demetri saw Elvira and smiled as he hurried from the room, down the large set of ancient marble steps, and to the front door just as they were entering the house. He welcome Elvira, literally, with opened arms, unable to wait to just feel the warmth of her around him.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-19-2010, 01:41 AM

Elvira grinned with a happy laugh at Charla's words. "I'm glad he couldn't. Wouldn't be any fun if he was asleep." she responded with a lighthearted chuckle. Then graciously accepted Demetris open arms by draping her arms around his neck quickly hugging him. She loved being in his arms and wanted to stay in them forever.

"Miss me?"
she teased with a knowing smile incredibly happy he couldn't wait for her return like she couldn't wait to return. It made her question being changed into a vampire. Would be able to stay awake when he was, seeing as he was a creature of night and she was nothing near one. Even is she disliked mornings.

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Old 09-19-2010, 04:36 PM

"To the point I could hardly get any sleep, my dear," he replied back with a teasing smile as he then put his hand underneath her chin and puller her up for a kiss. The kiss he had been craving for the past three hours. He kissed her with longing passion as he gently tightened his arms around her waist to bring her as close as possible to her.

Charla chuckled and shook her head seeing them two so in love. She took off her shawl and headed to the kitchen to tidy things up before she'd get some sleep.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-20-2010, 12:43 AM

Elvira smiled at his response absolutely loving the kiss as she allowed him to manipulate her body in pleasuring ways. Being against his chest so tightly was getting addicting. While kissing him back she wrapped her arms around his neck more making so almost every inch of her body was practically touching his. "I don't know if I should be happy over you not getting any sleep or upset." she said with a gentle smile the giggled a little as Charla shook her head at them. Couldn't help that she weak to Demetri and his strong arms.

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Old 09-24-2010, 03:26 AM

Demetri smiled and just kissed Elvira. When he finally broke away from the kiss he kissed the top of Elvira's forehead and smiled down to her, looking deep into her eyes as he circled his fingers around her back. "Don't worry about. I just couldn't wait to see you again," he whispered to her.

Then he gently took her hand in his and began to move away, leading her upstairs to his bedroom. Once he was in the bedroom, he led her onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let her go. He kept wanting to kiss her cheek, her lips, her forehead, and even gently kissing her neck, trying to ignore the longing to bite her.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-26-2010, 01:58 AM

Elvira happily looked back at Demetri with her eyes glazed over. All her thoughts were consumed by him, her body tingled in everyplace he touched. It amazed her how someone could make her desire for something so much it caused her to loose all her senses. The slayer was tamed by the very creature she hunted and she was in complete bliss over it. "I'll always worry over you my love, especially when we are apart." she spoke softly willing getting taken away.

Once in Demetris bedroom Elvira smiled sheepishly only to blush when she found herself on his bed in his arms. "I could get use to this." she said in a whisper. Laying back into the bed she wrapped her arms back around Demetri close her eyes as she felt his kisses travel along her body till he got to her neck. She let out a small gasp, her eyes snapped open and she blushed an incredibly dark shade of red. "Demetri..." she spoke in a soft lull as he found one of her sensitive spots. So the fact he was near her neck didn't register in her mind.

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Old 09-27-2010, 12:28 AM

Demetri was off of Elvira in no time, wide aware of everything. "God in heaven, I'm sorry! I wasn't going to bite you at all...I won't kiss there again," he told her.

He didn't want to ever do anything that would cause Elvira to feel afraid, scared, or uncomfortable. He wanted her to be happy and relaxed with anything he COULD do in the name of what she wanted.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-27-2010, 01:50 AM

Elvira started to laugh and smiled over at Demetri. Moving she went back to his side and placed her hand against his cheek. "I know you weren't Demetri. Don't worry. I rather liked it." she spoke softly with an amused chuckle.

"To be honest I wouldn't mind if you bite me."
Elvira explained with a deep blush staining her cheeks. "I don't want to leave your side or have to worry about aging and knowing I won't nearly live as long as you." As she spoke she couldn't look at him in shear embarrassment and worried of his reaction. She knew she was probably asking for too much.

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Old 09-27-2010, 02:07 AM

Demetri smiled and looked into Elvira's eyes as he placed a hand on her cheek. "Fair warning...a Vampire's bite is better than sex," he warned her, making sure she was okay with that.

He was more than ready to bite her there and now, wanting to claim her for his own for all of what forever was left in the world for them. He wanted her to stand by his side as much as he would give anything to stand by her's..

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-27-2010, 02:17 AM

Elvira looked back into Demetri's eyes and smiled with a little smirk to it. "If that is so you may be doing it more often." she teased taking the warning to heart and was fine with it rather kind of enjoyed the thought of it. So with that in mind she placed another kiss upon his lips only this one was much deeper and longer.

She was committed to spending forever with him and any obstacles that came there way. She was willing to give up everything if it meant getting to be by his side. He meant more to her then anything and she felt as if her life had just began the day they met. She had her world turned upside down by him and was easily taken in.

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Old 09-27-2010, 10:42 AM

Demetri smiled and after kissing her back with just as much intensity, he climbed back atop her and kissed her again only to add a little more...kiss to it than any time he had ever kiss her. Then, slowly moved his lips down Elvira's jawline and neck until he came to the same spot that made Elvira gasp not too long ago. He kissed her there, waiting for her to decide not to do this. But when he didn't feel any jump or hear any gasp, his teeth lightly grazed her there to test her out a little, still waiting to make sure she was okay with this.

If he had ever hurt her in any way, he was sure that he would never be able to forgive himself for it. He was so scared and conscientious of doing something that would loose what trust she had towards him.

After a while, just like a band aid, he quickly bit her to make the hurt last less longer than it would to take the time to slowly bite her. Once her blood spilled over his tongue his eyes shot open. He had never tasted human blood before and this was such a horrific shock for him. He jumped a little, but soon her blood became as oxygen would be to a mere human. After one gulp, a fire ignited within him and felt himself compelled to press into Elvira's slender body.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 09-29-2010, 01:18 AM

Elvira enjoyed the kiss with great pleasure glad Demetri hadn't denied her, making her kiss him back with a strong craving. She wanted to keep him this close always, to feel the sensation of him being hers just like she was for him. So as he continued to kiss her down to her neck she held her breath and closed her eyes gently not to freak him out. That was till the fangs slid against her neck, she couldn't control her heart rate from increasing. The thought of him biting her was intoxicating. And then it happened. Snapping her eyes open, she looked over at Demetri to see how he was. Pain didn't faze her was a part of her life though this felt good. She still worried over him though because it was his first time to taste human blood.

The worry she had disappeared once the blood in her body soon left faster then before. With a pounding heart she laced her fingers through Demetri's hair. Then to her surprise she couldn't help herself but wrap her arm around him. It wasn't a lie when he said it was better then sex. She was just interested in how she even became apart of his world. If it meant having all her blood drained from her body she wouldn't mind at all. Enjoying herself more then expected.

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Old 10-06-2010, 05:24 PM

Demetri took his teeth from her neck and paused for a moment. He had never been so sure of wanting to change her. He unbuttoned his blouse and threw it off of the bed as he took a nail and pierced a cut just below his collar bone. He placed his hand behind Elvira's head and slowly guided her lips to the blood oozing from his wound, waiting for her to turn away..

If she turned away, he would understand. He wanted to place her happiness first. Wanting her for himself forever would surely be very selfish of him. He couldn't live with himself if that was so.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-08-2010, 10:35 PM

Elvira looked at Demetri once his teeth were off her neck and to her pleasure she enjoyed watching him remove his shirt. So when she was guided to his bleeding neck, not once did she attempt to pull away. All she desired was to be with Demetri no matter how selfish it was and she couldn't let all that he had done go to waste. Without turning away she accepted his blood knowing after this she would be closer to him and that would make her incredibly happy.


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