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nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 05:42 PM

thanx lillie...
i'll be working more on commissions tonight...
currently at work... ^^;

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 07:36 PM

Miyu artsuu. *_* If only I had the funds, I'd love more Miyu art. D: <3 Good luck hun! <3 Hope you get a lot of the last minute commons. xD

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 09:03 PM

well, i'm accepting both gold and commons...
thanx... hopefully i will... but for now i'm still at work, so can't really work on anything... >.<

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 09:05 PM

I know, I don't have the funds for either right now. ;3; *trying to get all the wings* But Miyu art is so good I'm sure you're getting hit with enough orders. xD <3

Your work should almost be over for the year soon, no? O:

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 09:08 PM

aww... Miyuyu go rest...

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 09:46 PM

no, high schools end in mid-june... ^^;
all the wing? wow, that's hard... someone estimated that the price of everything is around 55k... >.<

yeah, i should... XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 09:53 PM

I know it does, lol. xD I just meant you have a month left, which isn't so bad. =3 <3 Then I hope you can relax for a bit. D:

Yeah. @__@; I can hardly believe I already have four out of seven though, and I almost have enough gold and buds for two more. xx;; I can't afford any other items, but I managed to get one kimono, all the fans, plus begonia satchel and pin through commissions.

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 10:24 PM

wow... that's a lot... i only have enough buds for ONE wing... XD
and i'll probably only get 3 or 4 of them... ^^;
maybe 1 dress and 2 or 3 kimonos and some of the smaller items... ^^;

i only got a few items from commissions... and i still haven't gotten them yet cuz i'm not done with commissions... ^^;
but all the gold under this account will go towards getting the items... ^^;

btw, why are you angry and hurt? (if you don't want to share, you don't have to... ^^; )

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-21-2008, 11:43 PM

I played snake and tetris a lot to earn the funds in a hurry, lol. xD And they're really addicting. I also surfed the shop pages so I'd find flowers. <3

I don't like the dresses so I decided not to get them, or I'd never have enough. @_@; I only want small things besides the kimonos and wings. =3 I hope you get a lot.

And I believe in you to do it~> <3

Ah, someone on Menewsha hurt my feelings yesterday (it's explained better on LJ xD I think you have beru (michanu) on LJ, don't you? xx; if you go in her friendslist and find ShatterImage, it explains what they did xD; ). x3x; But I'm feeling better today.

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 12:00 AM

oh, i'll look that up later... :)

i'll work hard for the items i want... <3

btw, is it just me or is mene lagging a bit... (could be my own internet...)

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 12:04 AM

Only if you felt like it, lol. I just don't feel like stirring drama up on Mene for something so minor. XD

I know you can. X3 If I manage to get all the wings in time, I'll skip the kimonos and order Miyu art. *_*

Everyone thinks it's their internet, so it's definitely Mene. XD

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 12:14 AM

lol... i guess it's mene... XD
well, my internet has been questionable lately... ^^:

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 12:20 AM

Mine too, actually. Maybe there's something wrong with the provider satellites or something. @_@

Just finished another commission, whee for me. <3

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 04:50 AM

omg... these took forever... i should charge more... lol... XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 04:58 AM

Ack! Those are so cute! @o@ What program do you use Miyu? <3

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:24 AM

OpenCanvas 3... i want to try 4, but too lazy to buy it... ^^;

Send a message via AIM to Pounded Send a message via MSN to Pounded
Pounded is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:30 AM

Miyu has pretty art :heart:

Dead Account Holder
pluto_san is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:33 AM


nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:33 AM

thanx pounded... and you have pretty pixels... <3

how are you?

Dead Account Holder
pluto_san is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:35 AM

I am doing fine just got home a little while ago and I am working on my sister's comic

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:36 AM

miyu's been sick the past few days... >.<
but other than that, i'm ok... ^^;
comic? what comic?

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Old 05-22-2008, 05:39 AM

Welcome :D
Lol touche xD.
Thanks >w<

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:40 AM

it's true tho... i can't pixel if my life depended on it... XD

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Old 05-22-2008, 05:44 AM

You can too! -pokes-
You've already proved that you can from your siggy xD.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 05-22-2008, 05:46 AM

Ahh. <3 OC isn't compatible with my tablet. -x-


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