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There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:08 AM

*magiks a mop to go and clean up*

Where are you, Birdie? Oregon?

Draciolus is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:11 AM

@Birdie: But shoveling your car out is the BEST part of winter....or at least saying you had to shovel SOMEONES car out so you could leave to go to work...that's the #1 excuse here for why people are late for work in winter. Especially since by end of November, we usually have 2-3' of snow in places.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by ElysiumFate View Post
@Taiyo: The coloring is perfect, the consistency...the way it drips, and how it dries on things.
Ooooo; I want your recipe!

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:15 AM

Yup! I'm going to the beach tomorrow! It's going to be all foggy and cool XD

XD I guess shoving your car is good for an excuse, but I still hate doing it when I have to be someplace, like someplace I want to be not work XD

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:15 AM

@Taiyo: It's basically a lot of guess work until your happy, but it consists of corn syrup, cocoa powder, red, blue, and -maybe- a little green food coloring, and some cornstarch if you want it to be a little thicker.

@Drac: That is so different from here. :lol: We are such wuss-asses! If there's a snowflake on the ground--mind you, a single snowflake--people start bitching that they can't get to work and that everything should be closed down. :XD


@Birdie: How does it not snow up there????

serena yuy
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:16 AM

We had wet snow here on Thursday, but it didn't stick. But, it should be snowing soon.

Vix Viral
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by ElysiumFate View Post
Does it leech across the floor and attack you to purposely make you smell like pee? :lol:
It wouldn't be haunted if it didn't!

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:17 AM

It snows in the mountains and we will get a few little snow storms in a bit, but here in the valley and by the rivers it never really drops below 40, it just rains and gets really foggy XD

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:23 AM

@Birdie: That sounds gorgeous! :drool:

@Vix: It's such an odd picture! :lol:

@Ser: We had wet snow that didn't stick, too, but it broke a lot of big branches off of trees due to all of the leaves still on them.

Vix Viral
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:24 AM

Just like your mother!

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:26 AM

@ Ely: Hm...I may have to figure out some way to experiment with that formula some weekend my grandparents are not home. How well does that stuff keep?

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:27 AM

I take that back about the snow tomorrow. Its already snowed some. :P

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:27 AM

Yes, I love it >.< Fog is my fav, and I like rain quite a bit to. Most of the time it's misty in the morning and then it will stop for a bit and rain heavily in the night in the fall and spring. It's my favorite time of year.

Oh yay kita! Have a snow ball fight!

Oh the avi previews are working!!

I think I need about 100 apples for the items I want (not including color duplicates)

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:29 AM

@Vix: I just heard her scream from the pain of that burn. :lol:

@Taiyo: Considering there are no perishables in it, it should last several months if you keep it in an old water bottle or something like that.

@Kita: Hehe, yup. I haven't looked outside since I came home, but my family is telling me it's pretty nasty here.

@Birdie: Ohhh, so pretty! I adore that weather.

Most people are happier with blue skies and 365 days a year sun...that actually makes me feel like shit. Dunno why.

Vix Viral
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:30 AM

GOOD! I enjoy her pain

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:31 AM

@ Ely: Huh. I'll have to remember that next time I need some fake blood for a prank. It'll save me a lot of money!

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:32 AM

Yeah it needs to rain more in Colorado XD I don't like it when it's to hot, or bright out. I get cranky. I'll take my cloudy doom and gloom any day :yes:

Draciolus is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:32 AM

Pff....40F, that's nothing. xD

That's the equivalent of our average fall temperature. Mid winter, we will be hitting -30C(-22F)

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:34 AM

<3 Somebody understands me!! I am so pissy in the summer when it's sunny all day long.

@Drac: I never want to experience that temperature.

@Taiyo: Indeed. I never have, and never will, buy premade blood.

Draciolus is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:35 AM

I thrive in the cold weather. I'm a born and true Canadian. I do not run from winter(just family...which is why I'm going on Vacation in 2.5weeks).

Vix Viral
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
Yeah it needs to rain more in Colorado XD I don't like it when it's to hot, or bright out. I get cranky. I'll take my cloudy doom and gloom any day :yes:

I've been in that extreme cold before. I don't think it happens very often in New England but I remember experiencing it a few times. Once, it got so cold that we didn't have school. There was no snow or anything, it was just that damn cold. I think the windchill brought things down to around -40F.

@Drac: Take me with you.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:39 AM

Drac should take us all with him. :yes:

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:39 AM

You sound like my Alaskan Native fiancee Drac XD he loves the cold, so he is a nice compriamise, not to cold for me, not to hot for him. XD
That is freaking cold o.O Vix. I couldn't deal with that, no no. It drops below 40 and I whine XD
though free health care would be nice

Draciolus is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:41 AM

-40F is the same as -40C. We get that during the nights here. Even lower when the wind kicks up. And being at the base of the rockies...well, we get that quite alot. And random, yet frequent, snow storms that SHOULD close the city...but being in the foothills...and Canada...the city will never close. Though, only once in my life has it closed due to snow. We got 5' overnight, they couldn't even get the snow plows out because the drivers were stuck at home. xD

Edit: And that was a good 14-15 years ago. xD

Vix Viral
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:42 AM

C and F aren't the same measurements so no, they're not the same :P


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