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xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:40 AM

...What is so attractive about zombies?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
@sushi - Yeah, I think I will add a blue sky to it. I don't think I'll add a beach, though. That doesn't seem right.

@Miro - lol sushi agrees, though. XD

I'll see if I can buy some items for you, then. o wo

Ah, I see. o 3o I never do that.

Really? How? XD

I'm trying to add more reddish accents, but I'm not sure what kinds of items would add that. OTL I think I want to try to add some black too. Hm? No, there's no limit. o 3o
Haa. xD

Nuuu! It's okay ~

How does it look like Betty White? You can see it?
Then I can't explain it xD

Oh, goody! Well, Seiki usually puts item limits on them. Um... I don't think I know either. But it'd be a nice addition if you can get an item that looks like those black gate/door thingies.

@ Sushi; Oh, I flubbed on that BIG time. LOL;; Sowwies!
I don't think... Did I know her? I have a feeling I did but I can't recall.

YES!!! VEENY!!! I miss her... She was the BEST. :D Yeah, but Rawrs hangout didn't last very long. It was usually just him and Hataa talking or Chippy. Then it died after a while because that was back in 2007-08? When hangouts weren't popular ' n ' stuffuu.

You poor baby! XD Ah, I'm not going to bite them. Maybe nip at their ankles for a bit? mwahaha I will admit that I did RP back when I was... er, 13? 12? But I couldn't really get into it and I got bored after 5 minutes and I gave it up. rofl

He tends to waste his free time on his video games. I bet he's going to be buying the new Halo 4. And me? I sleep good sometimes and sometimes I don't because I just can't get to sleep or I get headaches.

Oh!!!!! NEW NEWS I forgot to tell! I got my cysts removed! :) No more migraines for me! I can put my hair up finally. And I can sit without fidgeting mostly... I don't like sitting on a chair for too long, it's part of the reasons why I hate school. Hard metal/wood/plastic chairs whom I loathe to the deepest parts of hell... T A T;;

Rem cycle, pffft. xD Sushi the teacher!

Can't tame? I could if I put my mind to it! But my minds not up to it, so nyeh ~

How in the fruit can people get up to 10 sets or more? I've never understood this!

You could use the sparkles, though. They're pretty easy.
and yes you should! Thanksgiving is coming up--try a pilgrim? lul

Yessums. Squishy = RoyalSquishy.
She's hangin' in Bbr's thread (not RP thread, the normal-ish halloween one)

Pixels? Pssssssshaw! No, I haven't. Though, I do have a pixel workroom--wherever those are located... I don't remember. I was trying to work on items that mene would make into real items for everyone to get from that Synergy shop where common mene peeps pixels will go if they get their pixels picked to become Menewsha items.

LOL draw yourself first! You'll never forgive yourself if you don't. D:

awwwsies ~ okedokey! Goodnight, Sushi! I shall misseth you <3
Hope not. Though, I'm always a tough bird to catch ~ fufu.

@ Mewmew; Walking Dead is kind of boring to me...
What episode did you watch?

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 05:06 AM ----------

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
...What is so attractive about zombies?
The zombies on there aren't scary. They're kinda cheap looking to me.
They basically keep the settings in daylight most of the time, at least* from what I saw here and there.

Last edited by M i r o; 11-05-2012 at 08:11 AM..

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:11 AM

I mean...
why people like being a zombie...
or like zombie at all?

At least vampire is cooler, werewolf is fluffy...

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:13 AM

Ah, well, it's okay like a comical joke or confrontation in romantic songs.
I don't really personally enjoy or want to be a zombie but it does work as an expression sometimes, when my mind is dead. lol

True. I rather have a werewolf!

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:15 AM

You like werewolves?

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:15 AM

Miro: It was their newest episode. It was sad to me though, the pregnant wife of the leader of hte pack, Rick, sacrificed her life for her baby. One of the ladies in the group cut open her stomach to save the baby, and then the preganant lady's 12 year old son had to shoot her in the head to avoid her coming back as a walker.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:21 AM

now, that is sad....
I can read without seeing graphical depiction. XD

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 08:59 AM

@ Xu; Yessums. Not the cheap or GOREY werewolves, but the lean and epic werewolves.
I can't really explain... I don't think there's been a good movie with the best animation for it.

Underworld doesn't even come close to the kind I like. OR Werewolf in Paris movie.

@ Mewmew; Ohmy... Well, it's understandable but I wouldn't let a child shoot a person--geez. lol
I hope impressionable kids never watch that show, then 12 year olds will think they can use a gun too.

Then again, they make fake toy guns... which doesn't help much.

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 09:05 AM

Miro: True, but they are in the zombie apocolypse, and they are almost the only ones left on the planet, so they let him have a gun for protection and to survive.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 10:33 AM

Lately there is this Teenwolf series...
how about that?

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by mewmew07 View Post
Miro: It was their newest episode. It was sad to me though, the pregnant wife of the leader of hte pack, Rick, sacrificed her life for her baby. One of the ladies in the group cut open her stomach to save the baby, and then the preganant lady's 12 year old son had to shoot her in the head to avoid her coming back as a walker.
Oh my god I watched it last night. It left me sobbing at the end. I've never cried so much over fictional characters. That's how good their acting is.

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 08:42 AM ----------

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Mewmew; Ohmy... Well, it's understandable but I wouldn't let a child shoot a person--geez. lol
I hope impressionable kids never watch that show, then 12 year olds will think they can use a gun too.

Then again, they make fake toy guns... which doesn't help much.
(I dunno if you watch it or not, but I'll name names anywho)
Technically Maggie didn't want carl to be the one to do it, but she had her hands full with the baby. They couldn't very well just leave Lori to rot and turn into a walker. Someone had to do it even though no one wanted Carl to be able to do it. It's supposed to be a further push in his character's development.

It's a gruesome show with the visuals, but it's heavily dramatic and the show even states before airing that it isn't for sensitive viewers. I hope impressionable kids don't watch it either, but it's the parents' fault if they don't regulate the tv well enough and their children get exposed to this stuff.

I, personally, love this show. It's the best zombie-related piece of media to happen for a long long time.

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 11-05-2012 at 03:43 PM..

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:59 PM

Actually, things do happen in places, especially during difficult times.
Any outrageous thing could be done for survival.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:59 PM


xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:01 PM

lol. I was busying with something.

Hiya, Humymmy~

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:40 PM

@ Xu; Teenwolf = poop.
I swear, leave that glory to Michael J. Fox--sryslz.

I don't bother watching any redos from the 80s-90s. Other than that Munster one, that was good--I didn't like the originals. But I suspect they just made it for money anyway, like always.

They especially messed up Beauty & The Beast TV show with that girl* who played in Smallsville, now plays in "Bells" position. The guy who plays the Beast is some unknown actor that I have no idea about. xD I watched one episode, episode 4, it wasn't really thrilling... I think they're trying to turn it into the new "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series, without the vampires, of course. But I can't stand that female actor, I still remember her whiny self from Smallsville...

I do like the show Arrow, though. That's interesting. Have you watched it, yet?

@ Mewmew & Demo; I suppose... if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. xD Nawh, I don't know the names on there. The only episode I watched was when this guy/girl was out in the open, during daylight and some zombie body was cut in half and was crawling across the grass. Then it moved onto a yellow colored house? Or something and people were hiding in it.

Ah. So, the boy will take over being the leader then?

Compared to Resident Evil, I don't find it very graphic to me. If I have to like zombies then I'd go for the T-Virus. But that's just me--I'm happy you guys have shows that make you squee. <3

True. They have parent locks on TV channels now, don't they?

Last edited by M i r o; 11-05-2012 at 04:45 PM..

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:50 PM

I seldom watched any real life show.
I am anime maniac.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:39 PM

Oh. Well, anime is more enjoyable anyway. There's so few good real life TV shows with good actors.

The only things I watch on TV is:
the History Channel
Food Network
Once Upon a Time
Bones (I watch it online, though, I can't seem to find the new eps on TV)
Leverage (if its on, but its all repeats)

What anime have you been watching then? :P

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:46 PM

Currently no new animes that get me hook. The quality of anime is dropping.
Now I am still on Connan. I hope it ends when I am still alive... -__-;;

LEVERAGE! you watch too?
I love it!

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:37 PM

Thought so... I was engrossed in Blue Exorcist, then I just gave up.

Hanasakeru Seishonen is a good anime to watch, though they stopped at episode 39... which urks me to no end. Otome Yokai Zakuro was a good one to waste time on, though I wish it wasn't so "I'm going to preggo her!" LOL Bleach has returned, though. I did try to catch up on that but the manga is sooooooo more far a long than the episodes (same with Naruto Shippuden).

For manga... I've been only sticking to YEONMO, which is really well done. I love the art.

I wish there were more good Gender Bender mangas/series, though... I'm tired of having weak arse girls whine and whine and get saved, to only be captured AGAIN. It's like, "Let Her Die!!!!!" already for goodness sake.

Connan... didn't that end already? Or is he still stuck as a twerp? XD

Christian Kane is one of my fav. actors ~ he used to be on Angel but he always played the sweet/indecisive evil do'er.

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 03:41 PM ----------

I am hoping for Operation Liberate Men to return--that one is epic.

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 03:43 PM ----------

There is actually another one that is good, where this girl gets pulled into the past as well. She's head strong and hides her gender well... Always ends up saving the other men that end up following her, which is a nice change. I think it completed itself? I forget the name of it, though. The girl has long black hair, looks like a bishounen and is always dead serious.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:59 PM

Christian Kane? Is that Elliot SPencer? I kept forgetting his name!!!
I actually like the character of Parker... crazy enough. I actually prefer her continuing to be crazy... sadly she is turning in a good leaf... bad influence! D:

and yes, poor COnnan still is stuck in a body under puberty.

I already dislike herione or girl character that is whine whine and just don't learn from very early years...
so I thanks god for discovering Special A.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 07:04 PM

Yep! Christian Kane = Elliot Spencer.
He buffed up a lot for that show, though. And he let his hair grow.

Parker is the only other character that's good. She's a crazy maniac xD But I thought she was going to fall for Elliot instead of that other dude. They just don't seem right together, it's awkward and* unbelievable.

Connan is boring because of that. I did start to watch it because it's all "investigative"
But he never reverted back to his org. form and I got fed up as it was drawn out.

I'm glad you agree, Xu! <3 Special A never interested me. I like more action and historical ones rather than "school life"

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Mewmew & Demo; I suppose... if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. xD Nawh, I don't know the names on there. The only episode I watched was when this guy/girl was out in the open, during daylight and some zombie body was cut in half and was crawling across the grass. Then it moved onto a yellow colored house? Or something and people were hiding in it.

Ah. So, the boy will take over being the leader then?

Compared to Resident Evil, I don't find it very graphic to me. If I have to like zombies then I'd go for the T-Virus. But that's just me--I'm happy you guys have shows that make you squee. <3

True. They have parent locks on TV channels now, don't they?
You saw the first episode, then. What I love most in the show is its use of drama in the right times and places. It isn't just about zombies, but the groups' survival and the trials they must overcome from other people as well.

Carl isn't going to take over as the leader of the group. His father, Rick, is the leader and still alive although I can see a gradual change in his character for the worse. Rick started out strong and confident despite waking up to a chaotic world and over the course of the series he has become more harsh and unforgiving. Now, with the loss of his wife his character will most likely go into further decline from what I saw in the next episode preview. It's sad because his character is the backbone to the group.

I find this show to be a little more graphic than the resident evil movies and games. (As a resident evil nerd I only accept the first Resident Evil movie as a successful adaption. ) Anyway, the makeup effects are really amazing in the Walking Dead and in certain closeup scenes the show really convinces you that a living, breathing, person's neck is being ripped open by a zombie (walker). It makes me criiiinge any time someone gets attacked by zombies in that show. For its time in the 90s, resident evil scared everyone (I enjoyed watching people play it because it was like watching a horror movie) but now the bloodshed in those games are nothing compared to walking dead. The great thing about it, though, is that despite the gore in walking dead it doesn't look like a typical slasher. It looks like something that can happen to anyone in real life. I guess once you realize this it becomes easier to get emotionally invested in the show even though it's fiction.

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 10:25 PM

- luffs on M i r o -

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 10:42 PM

@ Demo; Oh good. xD I didn't think it was a later episode, it was too blah. Well, Walking Dead just doesn't give me that appeal. It's like Falling Skies--I don't like that one either. But it's the same concept of the boy becoming the leader (or at least, growing up to be the leader) like his father. I still don't understand how he became part alien. ):

Off topic, though. lol
At least they're going another way of killing off one of the main characters. Usually they either make them GUNHOW and die like that OR die for sacrificing for another person. That aspect of the character's decline does interest me but not enough to watch it. ;P I looooooooooove you!

Oh. Well, I haven't played any of the RE games. I do know that the main character is actually supposed to be a Guy (like Silent Hill was supposed to be--that movie was a failure for me). I will agree that the first one is the closest but it does introduce the main characters as side characters in the sequels. I stay a fan of Milla because she's my favorite actress, ever since The Fifth Element. I only watch it for her. But they have added more gore and made that bad arse monster who kills that fake husband of hers in the first movie, into a LARGER UBER killer. Scared the fruit outta me... I watched RE Retribution in 3D in theaters. :)

But I can't understand if the "retribution" is the little girl (her fake cloned daughter) OR getting her t-virus back...? And I do feel a little disappointed that they didn't bring back the dead fake husband and Matt (who made it back alive with the infection) OR Chad--I loved that geek-- because they were just as involved as the others.

@ Seri; Thank you, love!

Last edited by M i r o; 11-05-2012 at 10:45 PM..

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-06-2012, 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Demo; Oh good. xD I didn't think it was a later episode, it was too blah. Well, Walking Dead just doesn't give me that appeal. It's like Falling Skies--I don't like that one either. But it's the same concept of the boy becoming the leader (or at least, growing up to be the leader) like his father. I still don't understand how he became part alien. ):

Off topic, though. lol
At least they're going another way of killing off one of the main characters. Usually they either make them GUNHOW and die like that OR die for sacrificing for another person. That aspect of the character's decline does interest me but not enough to watch it. ;P I looooooooooove you!

Oh. Well, I haven't played any of the RE games. I do know that the main character is actually supposed to be a Guy (like Silent Hill was supposed to be--that movie was a failure for me). I will agree that the first one is the closest but it does introduce the main characters as side characters in the sequels. I stay a fan of Milla because she's my favorite actress, ever since The Fifth Element. I only watch it for her. But they have added more gore and made that bad arse monster who kills that fake husband of hers in the first movie, into a LARGER UBER killer. Scared the fruit outta me... I watched RE Retribution in 3D in theaters. :)

But I can't understand if the "retribution" is the little girl (her fake cloned daughter) OR getting her t-virus back...? And I do feel a little disappointed that they didn't bring back the dead fake husband and Matt (who made it back alive with the infection) OR Chad--I loved that geek-- because they were just as involved as the others.
I thought that the first episode (compared to the rest) is a bit slower, but at the same time I found it compelling and a good way to start the series. Every episode from that point on is just crazy. Not one of them bored me one bit. The series always leaves you guessing and right when you think something's gonna happen, something else happens.

Right now, with Rick's decline, I really have no idea where this series will ultimately go. Pretty much the world has gone to poop and people have to rely on their own resources to survive. Every task force that was sent in to take care of the problem were wiped out because they weren't prepared. I'm pretty sure that more characters that have been in the story since season 1 or 2 are gonna die off somehow. Maybe the rest WILL survive. Who even knows.

In the first Resident Evil game, the main characters were Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. I guess, in canon, Chris is the main character, but I like to say that both Chris and Jill are the mains because you can play as both. When it comes to the movie (for an adaption) I liked the way they used elements from the game, but used them in an entirely new story. I actually didn't mind that actual characters from the game weren't involved. It was fresh and new. I like Jovovich as well from 5th element and the first RE movie, but that's it really. She's a good actress, but I cannot stand Alice from the second movie and onward. She becomes the biggest Mary Sue, when it isn't even necessary, and she just overrides characters that matter like Jill Valentine and Carlos in the second movie as well as Claire and Chris Redfield in the third movie. I'm really only gonna see the latest movie for the sake of saying that I saw it.

The first Silent Hill movie I thought was decent in that it also made its own canon story to stick to. Unlike the first Resident Evil, though, some characters from the first Silent Hill game were used in the movie. The names and/or roles were just tweaked a little here and there. Cybil dying was bull. She didn't die in the game. The second Silent Hill movie was the abomination by comparison to its predecessor in my opinion.

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 11-06-2012 at 01:55 AM..


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