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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
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Old 08-03-2015, 02:18 AM

The girls just looked at him plainly. "If you don't know, thats all you have to say." They found it insulting how he just assumed something was wrong with them. Granted it did seem like something was clearly wrong with them, but it was for the project. Maybe they were just slightly curious on the matter as well.

Dorian just came back into the room and handed the papers to the teacher. The girls just shushed Chance and acted like nothing happened. They were whispering to each other and signing so Dorain couldn't see what they were talking about. As he spoke to the teacher about what happened before he left. Dorian just shook his head his head as the teacher laughed. He sent Dorain back to his seat with the papers. He slid some of the the papers to Chance so he could passed them down to the girls and the rest to the guy behind him to pass out.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 02:30 AM

He hadn't meant to insult them, and would have said so quite clearly if Dorian hadn't stepped into the room again. A quick mouthed sorry was all Chance was able to do.

Later, after school, when all was said and done, the young man slumped outside on a bench in the courtyard. He was half asleep, head bobbing in the wind. Students walked past, busy with their weekend plans. Murmurs and whispers about Mark's Saturday bash rippled through the student body. It seemed like anyone who'd been invited talked about who else was going, and those who weren't spoke with envy about attending.

He just wanted to get his tutoring for the day over with ... He was so tired.

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 02:55 AM

Like he was told Dorian was staying after school. The teacher had asked him to fix the principle's fan belt and change the oil. It was a simple off and on, drain and pour job. He didn't know why the teacher couldn't do it himself. He was attacked as he walked to his car. Courtney, Sara and Mia were asking him allot of questions. Irritated he stopped and faced them. "There is no way in hell I'm doing that." The girls just gasped. "Dorian such languages in front of ladies." He look at them plainly.

"Ladies don't ask about a man's size!" He yelled at them slightly. He couldn't believe they were asking such vulgar questions. Mia just looked at him and smiled darkly. "You can tell us or I can embarrass you here and now." His eyes narrowed at the girl in the wheelchair she wouldn't dare.

His eyes widen, she did. She just smiled at nodded at the other two girls. "Oh my." Courtney and Sara just looked down at his pants and he hid himself with his backpack. She just felt him in public. "What is wrong with you?!" He asked the rich girls who just giggled. He was blushing, people were looking at them. He just left the girls and jogged to his car. He hid from view. "Oh come on Li, that.... that is nothing to be embarrassed by." Mia said smiling at her embarrassed friend. The other girls just laughed. They were so mean for girls.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 05:02 PM

Chance spent all the next day preparing for the party, and working tentatively on his car. He cleaned the least complicated of the parts, at the very least, and earned a smile of approval from his father.

He was already on a high when he walked into Mark's house. People milled about, chatting and drinking. The living room might as well have been a club, for all the lights and music equipment Mark had going. More then once, Chance had to stop in his search for the girls as others said hi, and got him to chat with them. He kept having to make excuses to get away.

He wondered if it had anything to do with his messy, heartthrob hairstyle, or maybe it was the leather jacket, the chains, the studded leather bracelet, the bright yellow shirt, or maybe it was the slightly too tight jeans. He shook his head, and then grinned when he noticed the girls.

"Hey, how are you guys enjoying it so far?"

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-03-2015, 09:06 PM

The Courtney and Mia just waved at Chance while he walked up. Sara was just signing to the person next to her. Dorian's eyes widen slightly seeing Chance walk up, granted he look like a normal Japanese girl and wasn't recognizable. He looked away and frantically signed to Sara.

The girls had gotten ahold of him after his eighteen hour shift. After having to shower off the grease with girly scented soaps they had tinted his hair with a washable black dye and added fake hair that took forever to put in. His bangs covered his forehead and the rest layered down to his shoulders. They added coverup to make his skin completely flawless and basic eyeliner on the top of his eyelids with false eyelashes. They forced him to wear a small gem for his lip piercing to add with the pale lip gloss making his lips look pouty in a way. His outfit was a simple long, loose white top with a long pale gray jacket that went to his mid thighs and black tights that stopped at his knees. His shoes where simple matching tennis shoes. They forced his to wax his legs to add to the girl appearance.

Courtney just grabbed him and smiled. "Chance this is Amy. She is from out of town." She said drawing attention to him. However Dorian didn't look at him, he was embarrassed and knew this would be awkwards when he had to tutor him. Specially with all the pictures they took.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 10:56 PM

"H-hi ..." Chance's eyes went wide. He had never seen anyone like this out of town girl. She was so pretty, and shy. The young man held out his hand. "Hum ... Would you like to dance?"

She wasn't looking at him. Avoiding his eyes. She seemed familiar too... Chance shook it off. No way did he know her. He didn't think he'd forget someone like this.
Courtney was giggling, pushing Amy forward. The other girls were trying to be encouraging too, signing fast as lightning.

"You don't have to. I just thought it might make being at the party easier ..." said Chance. He let his hand drop with an awkward shrug of his shoulders and blush.

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 11:26 PM

Sara just signed to the other that it was a success, no one knew it was really Dorian and that he actually made a very pretty girl. They were slightly jealous on that fact actually. He weakly smile at Chance, this was way too awkward in girl clothing. Mia just signed to him that if he didn't interact like a girl then she would seriously embarrass him.

Dorian was about to dare her again but quickly stopped remembering yesterday. In a sigh of defeat he nodded to Chance, he was agreeing to dance with him. It made it all the more awkward when he noticed how different Chance looked in the multiple colors of light Mark had. Courtney just smiled softly at Chance. "Amy is deaf as well so you will have to lead her with the music." She told him softly, the other girls just snickered.

Dorian just glared at the evil girls, if you could even call them that. This was the last time he would help them. They were having too much fun with this project. Oh, he would get them back for this in mechanics.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 12:10 AM

Chance nearly took back his request right then and there. He was scared he would embarrass himself, and Amy too. "I'll try my best, but ... I can't promise I'll be able to ..." He choked. Stopped talking.

When Courtney glanced at him with an expectant expression, he went on. "I ... um .. I can't promise I'll be able to help Amy look as good as she deserves ..." The last was almost mumbled, barely audible really, even if his lips were easy enough to read. Chance wanted to clap his hands over his cheeks to hide how red he was sure they were, but then he remembered all the lights, and relaxed a bit. Besides, now that he thought of it, the music was so loud even he could feel how it vibrated through every bone of his body. Probably someone deaf could feel that even more then he could.

His hand was trembling when he reached out to take Amy's, so he could lead her out onto the dance floor/living room. "You ready to go?" asked Chance. His conversations with Dorian helped him to remember to angle his head so Amy could read his lips.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 12:30 AM

Dorian eyes slightly widen when Chance took his hand. He looked at the girls, they all just nodded playfully at him. What scared him was when Courtney winked at him then ran to talk to Mark. She was planning something evil. He knew it. He watched her whisper to Mark but couldn't see what she was saying. Without thinking he moved forward to get a better look but bumped into Chance. He back tracked instantly. "Sorry..." He mumbled softly as he looked at the floor. It was soft enough to pass as a girl's voice.

Mia and Sara just smiled hearing the beat turn to a slow one for Chance and Dorian. He didn't know what was going on until Courtney returned with a large smile. "I had Mark help you out Chance." She told him sweetly. Dorian just looked at her then to Sara signed that the music was soft and slow enough to slow dance to. Instantly his face turned as red as it could get. These girls were pure evil.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 12:44 AM

"It's alright, don't worry about it." Chance wanted to make the girl feel comfortable, but then the slow music started, and Courtney waltzed back with a grin.

He sighed, and looked apologetically at Amy. "I'm really sorry about this ..." And yet, he still drew Amy closer with a gentle kind of care. She was enchanting beneath the lights, or was that just the music making him think that? He wondered what she was like, at home, with her friends. Was she always this shy?

She was cute.

Chance rocked them back and forth, his cheeks beet red. Then he started getting into it, started putting into practice some of those ballroom dancing lessons his mother had insisted on. He put his hand to Amy's waist, and took the other in his hand. Then he started trying to teach her, lead her, through the most simple of maneuvers, the box step. If they were a little closer then necessary, well ... He hoped she didn't mind.

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 01:11 AM

Dorian could feel his blush deepen even more when Chance pulled him closer. A slight gasp accidently escaped him when he did. Was he really this dense and not know it was him by now? What made it worse was the look in Chance's eyes, it made it very uncomfortable the closer he was to him. He look at Chance's face, he found his eyes very pretty in the flickering lights. He quickly shook his head to clear out the thoughts. Why was he finding Chance, a boy, attractive in the dancing lights?

He looked at the girls as they told him where to place his hands. He never danced before. While the other hand rested in Chance's he awkwardly placed his hand on his shoulder. He step on Chance's foot by accident. "Sorry... I never danced before." He told him in his soft voice. He didn't want to look at his dancing partner. He just wanted the floor to open and swallow him whole, end the nightmare he was strangely enjoying.

The girls just watched and laughed. They were signing their conversation so Chance wouldn't find out. However Dorian was watching them. His eyes widen at the things where were saying. 'Cute couple?' Chance and him were not a couple. What were they planning, evil girls.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 01:30 AM

He winced a bit when Amy's foot slammed into his own. Her sweet apology, so very nervous, mollified him quickly. "It's alright. Just follow my lead, and I'll do my very best to help you." Chance hesitated, before whispering. "I promise."

The girls laughter reached him even out on the dance floor. Though he had no idea what they were signing, Chance glared at them still. Upon the dance floor, Chance led Amy away from their eyes. Honestly, he didn't feel so good before the girls either. They were always watching them like hawks, waiting to swoop in and do who knew what. They were tricky.

Now they were closer to outside, nearer the more secluded spots of the home, where already a few couples were starting to make out. They were still dancing, but with the starlight and moonlight replacing the lights inside, Chance found himself pulling Amy a tad bit closer. "Ah ... uhm ..." Chance blushed, lowered his head, then remembered Amy couldn't hear him. "So, what brings you to town? Will you be staying long?"

Oh no ... Was he actually going to ask her out on a date? He wanted to... She seemed like she might be very interesting, once you got to know her.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 01:57 AM

Dorian just shifted uncomfortably in Chance's grasp. He was whispering to him, at least he think it was whispering. He was following his lead but it didn't change the fact he was feeling odd. It was a mixture of a good warm feeling and a odd wanting to run feeling. Part of him was enjoying this, that scared him.

His eyes widen once more when Chance lead him away from the girls. Panic slightly stuck him as he lost track of the girls. 'Crap, what should I do? What should I do?' He thought in a quick haze. He wasn't sure what to really do, what if he found out he was really a dude. Yeah, he was dense but he would find out. He just hoped not the way he thought at this rate.

Dorian just moved the hand on Chance's shoulder to his chest. He kept pulling him closer, any closer and there would be no move between them. In a desperate attempt to save the small amount, he held Chance at bay with his free hand, not really noticing it was something girl's did with their boyfriends. They were around allot of couples making out, which made him far more uncomfortable than he liked.

Dorian didn't even notice Chance lips move. He was trying to stop from being pulled closer and trying to avoid Chance's face. The starlight and moonlight made him far more attractive than he really wanted to admit. As long as he didn't look he should be fine, right?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 02:14 AM

Chance shivered when Amy's hand moved from the safety of his shoulder to his chest. He stopped talking. Savoring how he felt at that moment; it was so much more important then he thought it might be. It wasn't like he'd never danced with anyone before, but here and now held a magic like never before. The young man had some experience, but none too much. It was still enough to make him feel like he might, perhaps, have a chance. His mother would yell at him, if she knew what he was about to do, and with a stranger at that, one he might never see again...

The thought stopped him, though he had leaned forward so far that his breath mingled with Amy's, their lips were so close.

Instead, he pulled back and tilted her head towards his with a gentle touch. She was tall, but deaf so he needed to make sure she was looking at him, because he really wanted her to know what he was saying. "A-Amy, do you .. uhm .." Why did he have to stutter and act so nervous all of a sudden? It was his turn to be shy. "I have to know if I'll ever be able to see you again. I really want to get to know you, and I want to do it the right way... " He smiled, trying to make it as charming and pleasant as he could. He sounded so hopeful, so sincere and earnest ... He was glad she couldn't hear him, laugh at him for that.

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-04-2015, 02:40 AM

Dorian held his breath when Chance came in closer. His lips so close to his own. For some reason he wanted to close the space between them, had a urge to. His blue eyes traced his lips, he wondered how they would feel against his. No, he had to get out of this situation.

He signed lightly when Chance pulled away but the questions caught him off guard. Dorian just pulled away, he shook his head softly before leaving the room. He walked pasted the girls and out to the front door. They followed him quickly. He needed air. "What's wrong?" They asked him. He was trying to calm his nerves. He just took Courtney's drink and chugged it. "Hey... that was mine." She said pouting slightly. Sara just handed him hers and he chugged that too. Dorian just signed the events quickly to the curious girls. They just snickered at their male friend.

Mia and Courtney went back into MArks house, they had a plan. Sara just kept getting him more drinks as he tried to calm down. The night air wasn't helping at all.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 02:53 AM

The young man stared after her, shoulders slumped and sadness in his eyes. For some reason, he'd really hoped she would be different, that she wouldn't walk away. He let out a long breath and went to get himself a drink, and nursed it on one of the stone benches outside on the garden's edge. Most girls he asked out walked away, the few who had said yes turned out to be after his money, or his connections, both. He didn't know what it was about him. There had been only one who'd been with him for all the right reasons, but she had fallen for someone else, and been honest enough to tell him when she did. They were still friends, though they spoke only a little.

Chance started drinking in earnest. He hated being rejected. And he had really started to hope something might happen with the shy out of town girl who had only begun to learn how to dance, and had such a nice smile.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 03:16 AM

Dorian was feeling a slight buzz by the time the Sara came back with another drink for him. He just sat down on the steps. He didn't understand why he was feeling attracted to Chance. He was signing to Sara, leaving out the confused feelings of course. He just sighed. She sat right next to him and handed him the drink, unlike the others he sipped this one. He watched her hands and she spoke to him.

Courtney and Mia had searched around the house, the parts that Mia could. Just jumped with excitement finally finding Chance. Mia left to talk to Mark and set their evil plan into motion. Courtney just sat next to Chance and giggled. "So, I heard you are romantically interested in Amy." She smiled at him playfully. "Don't take her actions as a rejection, she is panicking right now. Amy never had a guy interested in her before." It wasn't a lie per say, seeing how Amy was really a guy and Dorian in drag. "She likes you in that way too." She told him sweetly.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 03:32 AM

((These girls are so mean! *shakes head but writes anyway*))

So wrapped up in his thoughts was he, that the young man jumped when Courtney appeared at his side. Then his whole demeanor brightened, before falling again. "I'm not so sure of that. She left so quickly when I asked if I would be able to see her again."

Courtney sighed. "Oh come on! You didn't even go after her. " She nudged his shoulder, got him to his feet. "Talk to her. See how she feels for yourself. I promise, you don't want to miss this chance. Might never happen again." She winked at him while guiding Chance towards Dorian-disguised-as-Amy.

The music changed, became encouraging and enchanting, magical. Seeing Amy again nearly took Chance's breathe away. He just couldn't get over her attitude, the way she held herself. It made her different from any other girl he'd ever met.

Sara spotted him, and signed a few last words to Dorian before walking away, Courtney in tow.

Hesitantly, Chance took a few buzzed steps forward and settled by the young woman's side. "I ... I'm sorry, but I do really want to see you again, Amy." He was so nervous he almost forgot he needed to look at Amy, so she could read his lips. He kept playing with the hem of his shirt, twisting it around out of sheer nervousness.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 03:50 AM

Dorian's heart paused for a second when Sara left him alone and Chance settled beside him. He quickly chugged the rest of the alcohol in his cup. His face was red from both the alcohol and his confused feelings for Chance. He looked over to see the girls hiding behind a bush. They were motioning him to look at Chance. Out of curiosity he turned to Chance. He adjusted himself on the stairs and leaned slightly over to the left so he could see his face better. He only mention to catch a few of his words. ' See you again...' Did he really not realize he was a boy? That he was Dorain, his tutor in mechanics?

He wasn't sure how to address this really. He was only suppose to see if he could pass as a girl and tell them how differently deaf men are treated differently than deaf women. He felt bad for ditching him the way he did. "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, I'm not use to this." He told him honestly. He was still using the soft voice to keep in character.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 04:01 AM

Chance breathed a sigh of relief when she answered, and offered her a smile. "Look, I just want to hang out. That's all." Even if he did say that, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to run a hand through her hair. It was such a glossy black beneath the starlight.

"I really don't expect any more then that. My parents raised me better then that. Well they tried to anyway," said Chance. Suddenly he was remembering Dorian and how he'd treated the other youth at first. To think he'd been so entitled, basically ordering him to do as he'd asked. Was it any wonder Dorian had treated Chance the way he had? "This one friend of mine ... " He chuckled. "He helped me out with way more then cars, when he started tutoring me."

Chance glanced at Amy. "You two would probably get along. "

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 04:18 AM

Dorian just rose an eyebrow at Chance questioningly. He considered him a friend, or was he just mentioning him as a means to get into his pants? In that case he would definitely have fun breaking the news of him being a dude to the rich boy. Yet for some reason, he didn't want to hurt him in that way. He knew if he continued this he would. Chance already wanted to hang out with him some more as a girl.

Dorian wouldn't go as far as call him a friend. He wasn't even sure he took his studies seriously. Though he didn't want to hurt him. The thought of hanging out with him some more, not as a tutor, excited him. Though he wanted Amy not Dorian, that sadden him for some reason. "What did he teach you? Because we're both handicapped, we would get along?" He asked curiously. He only started to tutoring him a few days ago and they only had two classes and one actual tutoring day. Even that wasn't really tutoring, just gave him a manual and took him to the junkyard.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 04:30 AM

Chance considered how to word it, so it wouldn't sound cheesy. "Well ... before I met him, I hadn't ever really been able to imagine what it might be like, not to be rich, and it was hard to imagine someone who wouldn't jump at the chance to get more money, especially when you need it."

He rested his chin in his hand, tilting his head so Amy could see his lips. "I hired the guy to be my tutor, and he hasn't even accepted payment once yet! And he works so hard. Even I can see that. He makes me want to work hard too, and no one has ever been able to get me wanting that before." A chuckle escaped him before he could stop it. "So yeah, he taught me that working hard, it isn't something to be ashamed of, it's something to strive for."

"And even if he's rough around the edges, he is nice. He gets along with Courtney, Sara and Mia too, so I didn't think ... well I thought since you have so many mutual friends... " He'd gone and put his foot in his mouth.

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 04:51 AM

Dorian just listened, well his version of listening. 'Need the money...' He didn't really need the money. Yes extra money was always good, but he didn't get annoyed with Chance. He could understand where he was coming from. Dorian was the poor kid of the school and worked hard for everything he had. There were times he couldn't afford lunch. He guessed in Chance's eyes it seemed hard to imagine.

Dorian smiled softly at his words. "A good lesson to learn." He told him softly. He was surprised that he even learnt something in the little time he knew him. It was nice to know that he wanted to actually work hard. "Have you ever thought he isn't really doing it for money? If he isn't accepting payment may be friendship or something else money can't buy." He just shrugged lightly. He wasn't sure why he really accept to tutor him. "Being deaf isn't easy, as soon as someone finds out, they treat you different. Like you're incompetent. Not matter how hard you prove yourself, you're always the deaf kid that can't do anything." He said sadly. Dorian just looked away, he never told anyone that but that's how people were. He hated being deaf for that reason alone.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 03:24 PM

Chance leaned over to give Amy a hug, then pulled back with the reddest of faces.

"I think ... Well I don't know. It sounds horrible." He'd been wondering about it, ever sine he'd met Dorian and started talking with him. "Dorian though, he seems like he can do anything. So I know that hearing or not, someone can pretty much do anything they can put their mind to."

"Wasn't some great classical composer deaf towards the end of his life? Beethoven, I think."

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 08-04-2015 at 03:29 PM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 05:53 PM

Dorian gasped out of shock when Chance hugged him. He wasn't ready for it, that and no hugged him really. It caught him off guard. His mother and grandmother did a long time ago but for obvious reasons stopped. His face grew a brighter red, it was a good thing he could just blame in on the alcohol.

He smiled softly Beethoven was deaf and van Gogh was creepy and cut off part of his own ear. "He was but it probably didn't stop people from treating him differently. There is only certain things that help people treat us normal, money and fame being part of it." He smiled seeing his lips move. It made him feel good at least one more saw that he could do whatever he set his mind too. "Being deaf does make you different, I won't lie. You're still a human just lack the ability to hear. It's just like plugging your ears. You don't hear anything but you are still you. People just don't realize that." He spoke softly. It actually felt good talking to someone, even if it was Chance who was believing he was a girl.

"Hey Courtney the living room is set up for you." Courtney and Sara come from behind the bush. They ran to Chance and Dorian excitedly. "Come, we're playing a game and you two are joining us. Mark and some other jocks help Mia up the stairs. They were treating them nicely because of Courtney, which Dorian liked somewhat. He didn't trust them really, even when they were behaving. "No... I don't trust your game." He told Courtney who just pouted. "Chance talk Amy into it." She playfully begged. "It will be fun."


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