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I Will Steal Your Face.
Xx_IwIshIwasafIsh_xX is offline
Old 09-25-2009, 03:27 AM

I'm not fine with animal research if it is new born animals or animals not about to die or be put down. One company goes around to pounds and gets dogs that are about to be put down. I mean, why not put them to use [if it's not something cruel], if they're going to die anyways?
Also, would you want to use household cleaners that have not been tested for diseases or something around small children? Or medicine?
I think that animals should only be used for testing household cleaners [although with all the Green products, that's becoming a bit less needed, in my opinion] and medicine/cures. [Especially with the H1N1 virus outbreak]
The companies that use bunnies for makeup can go hug themselves. Test it on the people that will wear it.

Dead Account Holder
amulet is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:43 PM

most animal research is very inaccurate. a lot of tests are now done with human cells (this does not harm humans in any way) this is more accurate and humane. oh and by the way, do not support the march of dimes because their animal research is really cruel. they've sewn kittens eyes shut before. no joke. its horible. i am 100% against animal testing. here's a brief site i just found about it:

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:50 PM

>.< ooohhhhh.... This is SUCH a touchy subject! Over the years, I have taken in unwanted pets, made sure my pets were spayed, became a vegan (and then became a non-vegan; though I still don't touch red meat), and given charitable donations to organizations such as PETA. Heck, I even worked with Sierra Club for a minute.
However, I am actively pursuing a degree in pathology, and genetic research will be a big part of my studies. I am still against the bulk of animal experimentation, as it is mostly cruel. I have no problem experimenting on prisoners on death row. Strike that, I have a small problem with that. Ah, well... I suppose I can't form an entire opinion just yet.

YamiSora is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 07:28 AM

I believe that if the animal is suffering because of the treatment, even if it could cure cancer for all and whatnot, I would not like/allow it.
It's cruelty and I believe animals are just like us and have feelings that are just expressed differently.....

though I do not believe in that for bugs......bugs need to die and I wish they were tested on instead of animals......although lady bugs are ok XP

MAN! am I picky or what? XDD


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