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Old 09-17-2009, 09:39 PM

I really enjoyed District 9. It certainly went against what all I was expecting, which delighted me to no end. I thought the ZAP POW BOOM fight scenes at the end were a little over the top and out of place considering the overall pacing of the film up until that point, but the plot, the interesting characters, and convincing realism of the whole thing more than made up for it.

I know this is something I'll be picking up once it makes it on DVD

Vanilla Condom
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Old 09-24-2009, 01:33 PM

Its a pretty good movie and exciting and sad.
I hope he gets help afterall still lol.

Bleak Banter
The almighty useless one
Bleak Banter is offline
Old 09-26-2009, 12:05 AM

I absolutely loved District 9. When I first saw the ads I was sure it was one of those made-for-TV movies on the sci-fi channel, and I rolled my eyes. The ads made it sound good, but I was doubtful considering where I thought it would wind up. Once I realized it was in theatres I decided it wasn't a horrid thing designed in some man's basement, and the more and more I've learned about it the more detailed it appears to be. The sheer skill and artistry put in is admirable.

Not to mention, I want to be a prawn now. D: Sure, the abuse would suck, but to have that strength, agility and the ability to use those weapons I would give up a lot. (Aside from my freedom. I would be the ninja prawn who snuck away to live a life of my own with a human wife and freaky impossible kids.)

I enjoyed it very much.


And nothing was more satisfying than seeing the military man ripped apart at the end. I'd been waiting the whole movie for that.

Hollyshort is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 01:06 AM

I loved how it showed the problem with some of us being racist to a race just because they are diffrent from us. Not only that, but it also showed what kind of thing small companies do when the government gives them the assignment.

I also liked how the main character wasn't a TRUE hero intil the VERY end.

Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 09-28-2009, 03:01 AM

My favorite movie of the year so far. Saw it two weeks ago. Superbly done. The story was amazing, original and understandable. It had its "gross out" parts, but none of them were filler, everything had its purpose. Actually, I don't really think there was a moment of screen time wasted on anything, everything seemed to work so well together (unlike Transformers 2 *grumbles* ).

If this movie doesn't win awards I'm going to be surprised.

I read a few reviews where people said they got motion sick from it, but I'm fairly sensitive to jostling cameras and I didn't have any issues with it at all. I was to busy paying attention to the storyline XP

Dainty Cut Throat
Slitting necks and staying cute
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Old 10-04-2009, 08:08 AM

I went to see it about two weeks back with my boyfriend. It was our "date movie". Lulz.

I actually enjoyed watching District 9. It had a vibe to it that just attracts you. I especially liked how it kept me on the edge of my seat towards the end.

The plot, from what I have read in a few reviews, isn't as original as people may boast.
Which, of course, is true. Portraying prejudice through aliens? The Day The Earth Stood Still already beat them to it 58 years ago. But my defense is that District 9 did it in such a way that it would relate more to modern day times.

And the setting... I loved the setting. South Africa? Very uncommon compared to most movies that cling onto major cities like it's the last candy bar at fat camp.

My only beef was the whole jerky-Cloverfieldish camera shots. Not that I think Cloverfield was ripped off, but it just frustrated me. I'm trying to focus on everything around the characters, but the camera had other plans in store apparently. I even got dizzy at one point. But it fits well being that it was a type of documentry, and therefore more believable. More believable than a giant monster roaming the streets of New York, anyway. D;

Lastly, the amount of cussing used in the movie surprised me. And how it gradually built up along with the ending. Now that's realistic.
I'd like to watch it again solely to count how many times the F-bomb was dropped. Heh~

I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. Totally buying it. <33

Last edited by Dainty Cut Throat; 10-04-2009 at 08:12 AM.. Reason: The typo queen~

Feral Fantom
Ink Warrior
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Old 10-07-2009, 08:00 PM

My favorite thing is the commentary on how we view refugees. The humans see the way the aliens act and view them as savage idiots. However, the aliens are obviously far more advanced than humans, just look at all their technology. I think it says something about how situations change people. The humans mistreat the aliens and force them into brutal conditions, which in turn makes the aliens brutal, which the humans then use to justify their view of the aliens.

Also, I liked that it began as a documentary and then faded into exposition. It makes it seem more real.

spookie ghostie
Tsukipon is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 02:56 AM

I have to admit, the first half hour or so was kind of boring for me. I was not really enjoying it and was ready to leave the theatre but then out of nowhere - BAM AWESOME SCENES! This was a great movie and I highly recommend it!

It looks like there can be a part two. I hope so. It was such an awesome movie.

Marker-kun is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 09:53 PM

lawl, Lets discuss District 9.

If you watched it, did you like it? Or did you not?

If you didn't, would you like to?

IMO, I loved the movie. It was very sad, and awesome and... and... I really loved it.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 10:36 PM

Since we already have a District 9 discussion, I've gone ahead and merged this thread with the original. :)

The monster under your bed.....
Lady_Megami is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 11:33 PM

I didn't like the ending...cause if they ever made a all know it will not be as good as the first.

Mkat is offline
Old 10-25-2009, 01:23 AM

District 9 was awesome!...the beginning started out pretty [I]blah[I] but after a couple of minutes into got good...the ending was pretty good...i just wished they would make a sequel out of that would b good. (my opinion)

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 05:57 PM

I want to see this movie so bad, one of my close friends told me the other day she was going to see it but never got back to me on how it was. I think I'll put it in the que on my netflix now that you have reminded me! I can't wait to see itttt!

Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 06:27 PM

@ ahill787 - it's really good. I'd say it's a must see :) I'm totally buying it when it comes out on DVD

@ Mkat - well, it started as any documentary would.


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