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Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 03:26 AM

Kinate smelt the vampire before he showed his presence, " Mathais gather the children.." Kinate held her basket and walked to the vampire, not being the least bit afraid of him. " Tell me what business you have here, Sir." She smiled her soft smile but her dark red eyes never left his face, " I'd rather not make a scene infront of the children..."

Last edited by Dark Amaya; 02-22-2010 at 04:01 AM..

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:38 AM

Enzeru smiled nervously "Oh Please Ma'am I mean no harm." he put a hand behind him and laughed sadly "oh jeez how to start I'm looking for a friend of mine and I found her but she seems a bit up sit at the moment." he looked at the snowfox "You mite know her her names is Noura i was all so wandering if you knew what was going on?"

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 03:59 AM

Kinate blinked her dark red eyes, this must have been that friend she had talked about so much when the two had met. Kinate nodded lightly, " Yes Noura, she is resident here in this village under my roof." The snowfox could feel Noura's demonic energy, it was very riled up, she was not surpressing it at all. Which was odd for the half breed, Kinate crossed her arms and spoke, "There was a a half vampire sighting. Noura insisted that she was to be the one who would dispose of the wreched being." She looked up at the vampire, " No offense to you."

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:10 AM

"None taken." Enzeru smiled "I'm sorry my names Enzeru it a pleasure to meet you miss umm." he Bowed in front of her.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 04:19 AM

Kinate watched as the man bowed, " Enzeru-san, please to meet you." She nodded lightly to him, " I am Kinate of the Sacred Mountain." She watched his face and features for his reaction, if there was any reaction to be had.

((AUGH so short...))

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:31 AM

"Ah well Kinate-sama of the Sacred Mountain this means you are a snow fox." He looked at the the other demon and smiled as he wached him play with the kids "I'd go help her but I really don't feel like get thrown in to a tree this morning." He laughed rubbing the back of his head.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 04:35 AM

((sorry i had church stuff to do but i is back!!!))

Mathais looked up at Kinate as she told him to gather the children, he handed a top to each one of them. Standding up he moved over to Kinate, looking the vampire over over with a skeptical eye. "Kinate, the children just wantted to tell you that they are going to go home now. I will be going with them so if you need me just call." Mathais said as he gave her a half hug and looked back at the vampire before walking off. The children walked in front of him asking him a bunch of questions about the guy and Miss Kinate, he tried to answer the questions as best as he could. When they were back at Kinate's house the kids ran off to thier homes to tell their parents what they saw. Turnning back towards the door he was working on he decided to finish it and hang it up for her before she got back.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 04:40 AM

Kinate nodded lightly, "He is also of the Sacred Mountain." She smiled lightly when he heard about Noura, " Oh so even she has a devious side. I was starting to wonder about the poor child." She shifted the basket from her left arm to her right she smiled lightly as Mathais took the children back to the village. " I was just about to head back Enzeru-san, my house is on the edge of the village. Would you like to wait for Noura there? I was just about to make flat cakes?"

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:44 AM

"I don't want to be a bother to anyone besides humans arnt really fond of my kind." He smiled though the flat cakes sound good he thought.
(its cool i know how that gose)

Last edited by Noura Black; 02-22-2010 at 04:50 AM..

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 04:55 AM

Kinate shrugged, " It's better than being found by the villagers when they come to harvest today." She started to walk towards the village, " You aren't a bother Enzeru-san. I'm inviting you." She took hold of the sleeve of his shirt and practically dragged him towards the village. When she arrived at the house she gently touched Mathais' shoulder, " Mathais, can you start up the fire and warm up the flat stone?" She smiled at the door, " You did a good job." Taking the basket of wheat she took a large stone bowl and placed it on the ground and dumped the contents into it, using another stone she knelt next to the bowl and began to grind the wheat down.

"Enzeru-san, this is Mathais." She sent a calming look to Mathais, " Mathais this is Noura's friend Enzeru-san."

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 05:06 AM

"Just Enzeru is fine Kinzate-sama," Enzeru turned to Mathais "It a Pleasure." and bowed to him.
"is there anything I can do to help?"

Noura left the girl after that saying to the girl if she ever caught her Drunking the blood of the villagers She would end up regretting it, and wolked off.

(think that well be okay for noura to leave?)

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:10 AM

((Yeah I guess))

Kilia is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:11 AM

"" he cut himself off from what he was about to say and turnned towards Kinate and smiled when she complimentted him on how well he fixxed her door. Looking back at Enzeru he nodded towards him and walked into the house. He picked the flat stone up and moved over to the fire place, sticking some wood into it, he said a couple of words in Kitsune and he had a small blue ball of fire in his hand. He set it in the middle of the wood and watched it catch fire, then he finally set the flat stone on top of it. "Kinate, the fire and flat stone is ready." He said as he silently watched her work and kept an eye on Enzeru. He didn't speak much around the black haired male, because there was something about him that was nagging at the back of Mathais's mind telling him that he shouldn't be here, none of them should be here, but exspecially him. He ignored it and kept quit not wantting to be rude or insult anyone around him.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:22 AM

Kinate poured some liquids into the wheat and herb mix and then mixed it around lightly with one of the many sticks that she had laying around. taking a small wooden bowl in her hand she walked to the fire, " Arigatou Mathais." She could tell that he was uneasy so she used the ice within her to cool her hand and she gently touched his arm for a few seconds before kneeling by the fire, her silent signal to try and calm him down. Looking up at Enzeru she smiled, " It's alright Enzeru-san, I think I have it covered, I sense that Noura is coming back rather soon," She dipped the small bowl into the big one and began pouring out small little circles of batter onto the flat stone.

She grunted lightly as she felt a vision coming and she motioned to Mathais, " Can you get some paper and ink ready..?" She did not have the urgency that she had last night where she cut herself to let out the vision. she looked down at her wrist lightly he had licked the wound clean and the healing agent in his tongue had made it seem almost invisible.

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 05:28 AM

Noura walked up to the house and walked in she could fell the tense oar so she walked in with a halfhearted smile "Shes no danger now..." She started to make a joke when someone hugged her from behind.

"Hey Pup How ya been."

Noura turned around quickly and through a hand at the the back of the mans head but the man caught it. She the saw who it was and hit him with the other hand. "Don't do that Enzeru-sanpi!" She yelled

"Ow...yeah sorry pup forgot." He said Smiling with a tear in his eye "I think you've gotten Stronger or I'm get way too old." he rubbed the back of his head "That one really hurt."

Kilia is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:39 AM

Mathais touched the hand on his arm and reached on the shelf above the fire place and handed Kinate what she had asked for. He watched the other two silently and made sure that Kinate was going to be fine. "Your welcome, Kinate." He said as his tail twitched about him as he got uneasyier by the moment. he sat down next to Kinate and held her hand trying to calm down, but no matter how hard he tried to calm down he couldn't. he looked apologetically at Kinate and let her hand go so she could do what she had to. He concertrated on trying to cool down his body temperture to get his mind off of what was nagging at him, hopping that doing something else would help him.

((i know it is shorter and not to be mean but i keep reading the word oar as in a boat pattle but i know you guys mine aura just thought i would say something))

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:53 AM

Kinate smiled to Noura, " Welcome home. " She then looked to Mathais something was bothering him. She really didn't know why, but it bothered her that he was uneasy. She put down the batter bowls and then laid the piece of paper down on the ground before she closed her eyes and began drawing. In her mind she saw a tranquil setting, she saw Enzeru, and Noura, and Mathais. Noura was crying, Enzeru held her fast by his side. And Mathais dropped a flower onto a grave site. Kinate sighed lightly as she came to, she looked down at her drawing, it was a tombstone, the name, her own. It wasn't the first time that she had forseen her death, at least she knows who the people are who she has been seeing in her visions for the past 200 years. She capped her ink and then walked over to the fire again, turning over the flat cakes.

"Mathais.. What did your mother tell you last night?" She walked to her shelf and took out a small vial, " Drink this, it will should calm you down. It's from the Sacred Fountain.."

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 06:09 AM

Noura stopped hounding Enzeru and looked at the two "The vision of the snow foxes?" Noura Spoke softly as she sat quietly crossed legged.

Enzeru sat beside her.

Noura looked at Kinate and frowned.

(lol More short)

Kilia is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 06:16 AM

"Thank you, i......i am sorry Kinate i know you deserve to know what she told me but i can't tell you." He said as he looked apologeticlly at her and drank what was in the vial. He looked down at the picture she drew and pulled the picture that he fell asleep drawing last night and set it next to each other. He looked from one to the other they were of the same scene but only two things were different, Kinate wasn't dead, and it was someone else's name on the gravestone. He looked over at Noura and Enzeru and smiled a little, they looked good together and they knew each other for a while, he smiled then, but he still didn't know why he felt like running.

Last edited by Kilia; 02-22-2010 at 06:19 AM..

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 06:29 AM

Kinate let out a light sigh and shrugged she stood up and ruffled up his hair, " Its alright, I'm just very worried about you." She smiled lightly and then quickly picked up the flat cakes and put them on various wooden plates, " You all better be hungry." She handed Noura and Enzeru a plate and then Mathais a plate, " So tell me. How did a Vampire and a half blood Wolf Demon become to be friends?"

She then put aside a plate for herself and gently blew onto the flat stone and the fire, the atmosphere got colder due to the icy wind that her breath produced to cool the flat stone and make it so that just the coals were burning. To keep a warm ambiance.

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 06:38 AM

"Don't," Noura spoke quietly her golden eye glowing a little as she looked at Mat "Don't run."

Enzeru smiled as Noura spoke to Mat. This was the Noura People didn't ever see.

"You'll only Hurt yourself and the people you care about more." She didn't know why her eye was glowing now. "It always makes thing worse." She looked at Mat hard.

Enzeru looked at the two drawings but didn't say a word as he hoped Noura had it spotted them. He sighed rubbing Noura back "No ones Running Kiddo...No ones running." The power coming off her was strong but fading he could fell it.

She looked at Kinate and a sad smile came to her face and took one "Enzeru saved me from the clan he was in."

Kilia is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 06:48 AM

Mathais sat there quietly eatting the flat cakes, shaking from fighting his instinct so hard. He never had this problem before, what Noura said to him said alot, he wonder if she was completely wolf and human. He looked at Kinate and noticed she wasn't eatting anything, he finished off the the food. "Thank you, Kinate, they were delicious. You should eat also, because you didn't eat anything last night." He said as he picked her plate up and sat it in her lap, looking over at Noura he couldn't help but smile sadly at her. "I know you are right.....but i can't help but feel like i am more of a danger to this villiage then anyone else in the room." He didn't know why he said the last part but he picked up the picture of the villiage burnning and ran his hands over it, he still shook uncontrollably no matter how hard he tried to stop, he sensed the the uneasy feeling was gone in the room but it was still inside of him. He sat the picture down and pulled a blank piece of paper towards him and grabbed a piece of charcoal and started to draw absentmindedly on it.

Last edited by Kilia; 02-22-2010 at 06:51 AM..

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 07:05 AM

Enzeru watch the boy draw he could help but fell a bit pain as he did though "Kinate-sama is it possible for ones like are self's to change the future wether it be for are near?"

Noura looked at her beloved friend in an odd way.Its odd for him to ask something like that she thought. then she looked at Mat and waited for him to finish what he was drawing. She was afraid of the answer she would give him and really was afraid of what was happening.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 07:12 AM

Kinate nodded lightly to Noura, "It is nice to know that you aren't alone in the world Noura." Looking over to Mathais she frowned lightly as she took the picture of the burning village away from him, " You aren't going to hurt anyone." She stated softly, then gently laid a hand on his back.

Kinate looked to Enzeru raised a brow, " Time is ever changing, a vision that I could have seen yesterday could change today." She left out a sigh, " Is that what you were asking Enzeru-san?" She placed her plate on the floor, she wasn't hungry again.

(( I honestly didn't understand the question at all Noura D: I'm sorry))

Noura Black
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Old 02-22-2010, 07:23 AM

(oks cool i is sorry@.@)
Enzeru nodded "That answered it thank you."

Noura smiled her eye still glowing a feint glow "No matter how you look at the world no one is really alone Kinate-sama."

Last edited by Noura Black; 02-22-2010 at 07:29 AM..


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