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stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 10:21 PM

Rhianwen looked up sharply, standing to her full height- -which wasn't much, and pointing at the man. "I never said no, I..I don't like being touched is all! And don't call me girlie!" Stomping her foot in agitation, she glowered at the captain, hands on her hips and fire in her eye, flame colored hair swaying behind her gently in the breeze.

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 03:01 AM

Antis smirked, knowing his slight teasing did the trick. He turned his head back at Rhianwen. "So, ye do want t' come with me, then?" He jumped back down once more and held out his arms. "Ye come 'ere, an' ye place me 'ands where ye be comfortable. I won' move 'em from there."

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 03:38 AM

"Better not, or I'll remove your ability to procreate and make you eat it." she muttered in a warning, looking at him and trying to think how he could carry her with the minimum amount of touching, and yet still be able to hold on securely. Thinking of all the possibilities, she grumbled, not liking the result. There was only one acceptable way, but it was still a more gentle, sweet manner of being carried. "Fine, I guess this will have to do. Hands on my upper back and arm under knees..thats it..." Walking tentatively over, she manuvered his hands without her in them to show what it would look like. Like he was carrying or cradleing her.

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 04:18 PM

Antis laughed at the feisty girl. He let her move his hands, so he could understand exactly how she wanted him to carry her. "Aye, so ye want me t' princess carry ye?" That was what he had learned it to be called. So, this gal fancies herself t' be a princess. "Alright." He moved around her, so he would be able to pick her up in the manner she specified. "Ready? One, two, three." He swiftly moved his hands on her back and behind her knees. Then, he picked her up, and maneuvered her so that it was most comfortable for both Rhianwen and himself. "This be good enough fer ye?" The captain wanted to make sure that she was fine with the way he was holding her.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 07:52 AM

"N-not for any reason you might be thinking!" retorted the female, flushing and pointing at him, shaking her head Why was he grinning and chuckling at her?!. "It involves the least offensive touching alright? It was that or be slung over like a sack of potatoes!" Rhianwen flushed, avoiding his eyes. Deeming he was not letting his hands stray to anything sensitive, ticklish, or innapropriate, she nodded. "This be fine."

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:16 PM

"Alright." Antis walked to the edge of the Wingbearer. Being unable to jump to the ledge, he flew up. He smiled, both for the flight ahead of him and Rhianwen clinging to him. Still smiling, he dropped over the edge, freefalling for a moment, then opening his wings and gliding upwards. He laughed heartily. Honestly, he had never flown with a partner before, and it was a new experience. Let's 'ope I dun' drop 'er! He pumped his wings, gaining altitude. They were about even with the crow's nest, when Shiv asked the girl, "'Ow're ye fairin'?"

Last edited by Salvaria; 07-15-2010 at 09:24 PM..

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 09:04 PM

Arms wrapped lossely around his neck, the redhead held on and let him fly with her. At the freefall, she clung tighter for dear life, squeeking indignantly and considering whacking him for his antics. That would involve letting go, which could lead to more problems in the air, so she refrained. Face flushed and beginning to burn, she nodded. "T-this be good."

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 09:40 PM

Climbing higher, Antis smiled. "'old on tight!" He locked his wings, and faced downwards, plummeting back towards the water. At the last second, he pulled up until he stalled, then he pulled the air some. Deciding he'd given Rhianwen enough of a thrill, he gently flew, slowly increasing his height. "...It be so beautiful out 'ere in the evening." The sun was setting, making the waters appear orange, and nearly indistinguishable from the sunset itself.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 11:04 PM

Clinging tightly to the male, Rhianwen yelped in surprise, trembling a bit as he dove down towards the water. "Y-you idiot?! Are you trying to kill me or give me a heart attack?! You're lucky I don't get motion sick..." retorted the girl, holding on tightly to the captain. As she looked out at the sky, she felt a soft gasp of delight and amazement out past her lips. Such a beautiful iew was a treat to see at such good angles. ".....It is beautiful..."

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 11:25 PM

"Aye, it be amazin', an' a shame that it be left for only the winged creatures t' see." Blackwings smiled. "'ow much can birds an' bats enjoy a sunset?" He then slowly descended, getting so close to the waves that the salty misty could be smelled and felt. Antis loved the smell of the sea. He decided to take a leap in, later, to swim and to clean. "It be nice and cool 'ere on the 'ot days." He continued to fly in lazy circles at this altitude. Eventually, the sun went down, and with it, Antis' endurance. "Let us go back t' the ship. I be gettin' tired of 'oldin' ye."

Last edited by Salvaria; 07-28-2010 at 08:40 PM..

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 07:56 PM

"Sounds fine by me." murmured the now flushed female, nodding her head as he spoke to her, showing she was listening. "I'm sure it is swim in when it gets too hot."

As they headed back, Rhianwen grew somewhat sleepy, wondering where on the ship she'd find a safe, comfy area to get her rest.

Salvaria is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 08:44 PM

Antis landed on the boat, and gently set the girl down. He yawned. "Ye can go t' yer room. No one will bother ye durin' the night." He walked to his cabin and laid down for a quick cat-nap, to give enough time for Rhianwen to settle herself and go to sleep before he went for a flight and swim alone.


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