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Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 12:37 AM

The shadows seemed to notice the zombies coming, for Eclaire was too absorbed in her anger to realize. The shadows attacked the zombies, but there were still more. Enough were gone however, for Eclaire to be able to see the leader. Growling, she pulled out her sword and charged through the horde, slashing through, and even using her pro wrestling moves to kill the ones getting in her way. Once she got through she tackled Ivan to the ground.

Ivan looked at her when their rolling came to a stop. Her hand was in a fist as she brought it down to punch him. A smell entered his nostrils with made his eyes widen and whisper something.

Eclaire's eye's widened,"What did you say?" She asked, when Ivan didn't answer she grabbed his shirt and pulled him up,"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

"Bijou," He said, loud enough for her to hear. She slapped him,"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME YOU BASTARD?!" before she could injure him further, she was smacked off by the evil rabbit. She was pushed off a few feet, and rolled a bit. As she struggled to get up, the nightmare smiled,"Dun hurt mah mastah!" It said, as Ivan got back up and looked at her, confused.

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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 12:42 AM

Takayumi ran toward Eclaire to help her. She noticed that the girl had found the leader and was battling him. Zombies were trying to sneak up on the girl to help their master, but to no avail. Her shadow was still taking them down. She raised her right hand into the air as the rabbit raised with it.

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 01:07 AM

Eclaire glared up at her attacker, then glared at Ivan, who still looked confused and suddenly collapsed. His physique wasn't the best, so he learned that he was very sensitive. The nightmares went to aid their master and his assistant. She growled as the nightmares picked them both up and flew away on a giant puffball, which made her shudder.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 01:20 AM

[[ooc; assistant meaning Terra? xD; ima bit lost]]

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 01:24 AM

[yes, terra is the assistant, sorry if i confused you, im a bit confused myself...]

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 01:39 AM

Terra stared down from the heights and shivered. Her eyes then gazed over to Mr. Nightmare. Terra scooted over to him and put her hand on his shoulder "Are you hurt, I could mend you.." She said softly, with a blush. Terra felt her control over the living dead fade as they flew further off, those of the departed collapsed as their controller was far off.

Terra took her dagger to her wrist and looked up at him "If you have any open wounds, let me know before I put my hair back up" She said, though, she really didn't see any real damage. So without care she cut her skin and let the blood drip into a small bottle. She licked the wound and it closed itself. Terra handed him the bottle "My blood to others, is good for a fast healing, others blood to me, is my fast healing.." She said with a whimpering tone.

Terra hadn't known if the two girl's had seen her face, because she did see the two from school. And above that, she knew that the girls also spoke to Felix, whom Terra wanted to become friends with. She looked down and sighed "I spose I should let you know my name.." She paused "Its Terra, but recently, everyones been calling me Terror" She shrugged her shoulders as the thought sort of upset her.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:36 AM..

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 01:59 AM

[Ah, Eclaire's new to town, so Terra probably doesn't know her.]
Ivan smiled and took the bottle and bowed,"This may become useful for me later...." He chuckled at the name, and how red her face was. "Well, Terra, Terror shall be your co-name." Ivan said,"A disguise will be needed for you also...." He mumbled. Ivan knew that girl was Eclaire, she still had that same french perfume-ish scent on her. What freaked him out, however, was how hostile and dark she was now. She had even forgotten her childhood friend.

He knew that the promise she made wasn't in vain, he did see her again. It will make it harder though, fighting a friend that used to accept him but he would have to live with it. Ivan faced back at Terra after glaring at the sky. He asked,"Which of the people we just fought do you know? We may have an advantage next time we attack."

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:20 AM

Terra stayed quiet for a few more moments and then looked at him "Not so much of the one that mauled you" She felt embarrassed for not being much help, she was still healing herself. "The other one, I've seen at school, her name is.." Terra had to think for a moment and grumbled names that she could remember. "The only name I can make out, is Nakamura" She could only think about a last name.

She dusted herself off and yawned lightly, gazing at the passing buildings. "Maybe, you could come around the school?" She hadn't known what she was talking about "I mean- never mind" Terra let out a sigh as she hung her feet off of the puffball.

Terra's eyes were getting heavy, and she was feeling tired. She returned to Ivan's side and looked at him "You haven't told me your name" She whispered as she laid down on her stomach. "... You seem to have a connection with that other girl, do you like her.." Her voice trailed off as she faded to sleep.

Last edited by Toxic Doll; 10-09-2010 at 07:46 PM..

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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:24 AM

Takayumi watched the leader and a girl fly away on a furball. "What the hell? Who was the girl?" She looked over at Eclaire. She hadn't seen anyone before with the evil doer. She new he had a fan club of girls who just adored him. Maybe she was one of them.

She caught the rabbit by it's ear before it fell. His master had forgotten the little fellow. Maybe she could get something out of the evil demon.

Keyosi heard a commotion from outside. People were being rushed into the hospital at an alarming rate. He peeked out the doorway to see if the nurses on this floor would be running around like he knew the others were already trying to help the doctors. Tonight's nightmare must have been a horrible one. He grabbed his own detector and radioed in his sister to make sure her and her teammates were okay. "Shadow? Are you and the others okay? I saw that there was a lot of people being taken to the hospital."

(P.S. Everyone can hear any person who is talking through. They're similar to walky talkies that are on the same frequence.)

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:35 AM

Bloodie [the nightmare rabbit.] was struggling to escape from Takayumi's grip,"EEK! Bloodie has been caught, I iz in big trouble nao!" Even when captured, it still was laughing.

Eclaire however, was shocked to the point that she couldn't speak for a few minutes. Gasping, she fainted, her head hitting the ground with a thud.
"You will nevah make meh tell you'z about mastah! You friend is in a problem there~~" It giggled, then went limp, turning back into a regular doll.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:40 AM

[[ooc: o 3o should I post, now or tomorrow, cause I'm tired.. > 3< I doesn't want anyone to get mad if I doesn't reply cause I'm lame and go to bed early x -x;]]

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:45 AM

[nah, i do that sometimes too, its no problem~]

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:47 AM

[[night then everyone]]

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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 03:06 AM

(Night Toxic.)
Takayumi held bunny up to get a better look. "Indeed you've been captured." She heard a thump from beside her and looked to find out that Eclaire had fainted. She heard her brother's voice over the detector. She took hers out and opened it. "Ink just fainted. I don't know why though." She crouched down beside the girl, keeping the rabbit in a tight hold so if it decided to become animated again, it couldn't run away.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 03:18 AM

California rejoined the group after making sure everyone made it away safely. She had some trouble making it back to the group, there were zombies after her and she had to take them down. She was smeared with blood and dirt. She realized that she missed the fight, but they had captured a plush bunny. "We could just kill it and be done with it. Or are we keeping it as a hostage?" she asked. She heard Shadow's brother over the ND and was curious. They had gotten most of the people out.

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 03:28 AM

(Shit, I missed most of this... Sorry I had a lot today... meetings, and then my computer crashed, which didn't help much... BTW my superhero nickname is The Puppetmaster)

Felix saw the puffballs, who were actually kinda cute, killing so many people, which wasn't. Although he didn't really fight much in the battle, he protected people, primarily the civilains, because they couldn't defend themselves, from the fireballs with Telekinesis. Also, his puppet, Spider (which looks pretty much, like a spider), was helping out in the fight.

He got caught up in the action, and didn't realize that zombies were there at the scene too. "SHIT!" He shouted, dodging as a zombie almost took a chunk of flesh out of him. He then pushed the zombie back, and compressed him into a puddle. He then looked shocked. "Damn," He said, thinking about how much that must have hurt.

He then took off after the group, fighting not many zombies or puffs, primarily because of spider eliminating them. Every now and then he did slice off the head of a zombie with telekinesis (ever watch heroes?), or he compressed a puff. He then made it to the group. "Hey, what's with the doll?" He said to the group.

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 03:41 AM

"Rawr! Bloodie cannot be killed! The kid wit da coma died~ So I iz forevah living!" Said the plush, laughing again,"Bloodie iz hidin a axe somewherez!" It also said. Looking at Eclaire weirdly, he said,"Mastah thinks he knows this girl, he shock he into sleeping!" More laughing. Even while Eclaire was unconscious her shadows "hissed" menacingly at the toy.
Bloodie kept laughing, but it went back and forth from his laughing to doll, laughing, doll, it was pretty annoying.

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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 04:54 AM

Takayumi turned to face Felix. "I captured this rodent," she stabbed the plushie with one of her swords, "from Aaron Nightmare." She threw the rabbit on the ground and stood on it. She held her ND up to speak into. "Puppetmaster and (insert Cali's alias here for I forget what it was) are fine. We captured the plush rabbit, but he won't spill anything other than his master might know Ink."

Keyosi stood by the window in case anyone out in the hall was trying to eavesdrop. "That's good. Ink should wake up soon if she is uninjured. I'll be coming home soon. If you have taken care of all the nightmares for tonight, I suggest everyone heads home aswell. If there is another attack, the detectors will go off."

He looked out at the parking lot. Ambulances were still arriving, but many of the stretchers that came out of them had body bags on them. This one had to be the worse by far. How many others will be this bad or even worse? He didn't want to think about it. He was just glad that they could save a child from having the same fate as the ones that slumbered in the same hospital room as his brother.

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:55 PM

Felix heard the man on the other side of the line, but he wasn't done yet. He had to look for some of his brothers and sisters shadows....

"See yall, if we're done," he said. He knew it was unlikely that he would find any of them, but he had to at least look. He exited into the shadows. He then used telekinesis on himself to float up to the top of the building. He pulled out his puppet Fang (a rather large dog) and climbed on it's back. "Let's go boy," He said to it, and it jumped from building top to building top, searching.

An hour or two later, he was done. He searched the whole city, and couldn't find anything. He left for his house. He went inside and locked the door behind him shut.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 05:54 PM

Terra awoke moments after and realized, that she wasn't with Ivan any longer. Instead she had been returned to the alley where she spoke with him before. Terra sighed as she walked within the building and changed back into her normal apparel, and waddled up the stairs to the appartment part of the store.

She plopped down onto her bed and stared at the clock beside her, it sure was late, and also, within a few hours, it would be time for school. Terra grunted and threw the pillow at the clock, it hit the floor and began to ring. She groaned out loud and rolled onto her stomach, putting a pillow over her head to drown out the bell.

She began dreaming of what had happened, she had killed at least three people just to heal herself.. And among that, she continued seeing the two girls within her dream, she knew one of them was certainly from school. Before waking up to the bell still screeching, the last image in her head was Felix. Clearly by thins time, she realized herself that she had feelings for him. She sprung up and growled at the clock, as she stood from her bed. She stomped on it, and exited her building and took a bus back to the normal part of town.

Still, it wasn't dawn, but if she slept any longer, she knew she would've woken up when school was half way through. Terra laid onto a bench that was a block away from the school, and waited for the sun to rise.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:37 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 11:16 PM

Felix woke up on his couch again... He did some puppeting when he got back the previous night, working on a new puppet... a small bird that could do recon. He tried it out, and it worked perfectly. The alarm had gone off, and he woke up. That brings us to now.

He sighed as he woke up to another day without company. He was so used to the place being crowded, that it was uncomfortable (?) without that crowdiness. He had to go to school now, so he got dressed, gathered up his books, and sighed. He had just realized that he had done none of his homework. Fortunately it was his free period first hour so he could steal other peoples work with telekinesis, and copy it down in the bathroom with his puppets. No one went into the bathroom on the third stairs, because of some rumors he spread about it, with the help of his puppets. He went to work as soon as he could. He stole it from some smart-ass kid he didn't like in his second period, named Kira. He wouldn't give that homework back.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 12:26 AM

Terra heard someone call out to her, probably old man Fisher. "Terra it's 10 after, yer gonna be late" He yelled at her, he usually got annoyed of how this girl would just lay around. Terra sat up and tugged at her sleeve, there was a wound that hadn't healed, so she had to cover it. She got up from the bench and walked through the busy streets, and made it to the school. Yet she was now 20 minutes late- since the walk.

Terra stopped at her second period and stood before the door for the moment and sighed, she hadn't known what to expect since they switched classes on her. She entered, and got the usual nagging from the teacher and sat down, with her bag laying on the desk. She laid her head down, and stared at the other students, realizing one of them. Felix.

Terra turned her head and groaned, she didn't feel to great, she was terribly tired, and uncomfortable. The cut onto her shoulder peaked, but she really didn't care about it, it wasn't to bad. She hoped that Felix hadn't noticed her, as she tried dozing to sleep.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:38 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 12:37 AM

After stealing other peoples work, and copying them down, Felix finished all of it. He then waited for the bell to ring, and five minutes later it did. He walked into his second hour. After about five minutes of random shit he didn't pay attention to, Terra, the girl he slammed the door on yesterday, walked in. He hadn't realized she was in his class. After being yelled at, she sat down, nearby. She had a cut on her shoulder for some reason... he felt uncomtortble after yesterday. After about a minute He raised his hand, and asked to use the bathroom. He would trip "accidently" and be able to fake a headache for the hour. The teacher wouldn't mind that.

He then left the room, and headed for the stairs. Tigger then popped out of his backpack, which he brought with him for whatever reason, and said, "Watcha doin, boy? Tigger has had a non Tiggery day. Too boring. No bouncing, like Tigger's do!" rather loudly.

"SHIT!" He shouted quietly. He had forgotten about him, and now he was making a ruckous. Even an inanimate (well... not in this case...) Tigger was hyper beyond belief. "You have to be quiet! I'll let you bounce around later at the house!" He said sternly at him, not really pulling it off.

Tigger then laughed, "All right. I'll go back to my room and pretend to bounce... mommy!" He said, then racing to the bag. Felix then sighed. This will be a looooong day...

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 12:55 AM

[[ ooc: REALLY bad writers block D: ]]

Terra realized that Felix had left the class, and another thing was the teacher realized that Terra didn't look to well. Her teacher walked up to her and handed her a pass to head to the nurse's office. She groaned and walked out of the room slowly, aching. She put her hand onto the wound, to cover it from other students that passed. Finally as she made it there, the nurse examined, and poured alcohol onto it, Terra winced from the sting and left after the wound was patched.

Instead of heading to class, she wandered around the halls and sat onto the ledge of one of the windows. There was something buzzing around within her head, and that was being noticed from the girl during yesterdays battle.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:39 AM..

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 01:09 AM

California spent the rest of the night hunting down the red-demon nightmare to no avail. She gave up around 3:30 in the morning when she was starting to fall asleep. She ran back to her apartment and collapsed onto her bed. She woke up late the next morning, having forgotten to set her alarm clock. She changed clothes and grabbed her school bag.

She made it to her school in time for lunch. It didn't bother her, after all her first three classes were study hall, gym, and cooking. None of them really mattered to her. She grabbed a lunch in the cafeteria, took it to one of the corners in the cafeteria, and sat down at the table. She wasn't really in a mood to deal with people. It was a general feeling around the school. Too many people had younger siblings in comas.


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