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Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:25 PM

"Yes, I'm willing to do this. And this will give me the time to find a more permanent solution possibly." Liuliana paused for a moment, thinking. "Is there any way I can contact my world beforehand so everyone knows what's going to happen and that I'm okay?"

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:29 PM

Holding back laughter and cute noises Raven speaks. "I'm here to offer you a once in a life time oppurtunity good Sir!" He pulls a pamflet out of nowhere and hands it to him. It reads. (Sunny Acres! A place for all people to just relax their days away at no cost to them!) "I am a representative of Sunny Acres Institue of Happiness. You have been selected to take a one week vacation there at no cost to you and we have a trained person come in and take your place here for the time. He has been studying you very much and I assure you he can play the part. What do you say? Care to have some fun?"

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:29 PM

The dwarf nods, "If you write a message for them, the creator will deliver it before sealing off the connection. He must work quickly, so please be swift. He had heard your resolve, and is creating the seal as we speak"


Treml blinks several times. Giving Raven a ruefull grin, he laughs, "Mister, I may look like a kid, but I'm no idiot. I know all the New Ones by face, as is required." He says in a huff. Crossing his arms, he puffs out his cheeks at the elemental. "I'm not dumb. If you have a problem, you can talk to me. I'm just as reliable at all my big brothers and sisters." His cute pout makes you doubt his seriousness.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:34 AM..

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:34 PM

Liuliana nodded and made out a quick message stating simply:

I am having the Creator seal off our world until I can find a more permanent solution. I am in good health, and I will work hard to come back as soon as possible. Please let any of the world traveling merchants know.
Signed Liuliana

"I'd appreciate if you could send a copy to both the Queen and to my family. Make sure this at least gets to the Queen at the very least, though. Now, do you have any idea of what I can do to start on my journey?"

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:37 PM

Grinning Raven speaks. "I never called you dumb and as I said. This is a ONE time offer. Sunny Acres is THE place to be nowadays. I can tell you are over worked and I am sure your borthers do not even notic how much you put in your job. Come on Treml. You know you want to take this break." He smiles again making a light rain form and fall from the clouds.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:54 PM

A small wooshing noise comes from the letter, and it vanishes with a small puff of black smoke.

Your letter has been sent to all recipiants.

With a nod, the dwarf moves away from the device. "It is done. As for beginning your jorney, your Aidl can answer that, I have patients to tend to." Moving away towards what looks like a giant slug, the dwarf continues his work.

There are many places you can train to better your skills, learn new ones, and refine the ones you already have. A home has been prepaired for you if you are tired. There are many worlds at your level that could use you assistance. Your Handler can help you to choose a world most fitting to your talents. Union Square is a place where you can find other heroes to team up with for more difficult jobs. If you are hungry, there are many places accepting all forms of currency around the entire city. If you'd like to get a job here within the city, TellTale Lane has many listing for help wanted.

Your Aidl falls silent.

Treml keeps staring at the man at his door. "Humph, I can't leave Grargoth y'know. I'd die, so unless you're trying to kill me, please, teall me what you really want?" Treml can sense real urgency comming for the elemental.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:34 AM.. Reason: Spelling

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 07:58 PM

Raven stand there for a minute contemplating his offer of death. Then remembering the rapist quickly speaks up. "May I come in and speak about this privately? I need some very important information before dawn." He has a very serious face on as he says these words.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 08:01 PM

"Hmmmm?" Treml tilts his head from side to side, "I guess so. Come in. We can talk in my house" Looking over his shoulder, his voice cracks a little, "D-don't mind the mess..."

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:34 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 08:32 PM

Raven follows him inside and closes the door behind him. "Ok Treml. Heres the deal. For reasons of my own I have met a guy and I have taken a liking to him. Because of some unknown cause he is slowly losing his memory and my powers are dwindling. I know you know whats going on and I need all the information on said subject loaded to my Aidl so I may be back to said important persons house before dawn. He is a spaz and would flip if I was not there in the morn." He looks at Treml and hands his Aidl to him. "Please."

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 09:11 PM

Treml stares open mouthed at the visitor. The sudden rush of words made his mind a little fuzzy. But, even more, the surge of emotion sent him reeling. 'Hwaaaah So much' Shaking the buzz from his mind, his words stumble out, "Friend, friend, yes, the Fallen one. Most worrisome, yes..." Sitting down, Treml goes over what he remembers of the Fallen in his mind. The, smacking himself in the forehead, he mutters, "Duh" and pulls out his information device. "Trent, pull up the information on resident," His eyes focus on the screen, and images begin flashing accross it.

Holdng out his hand expectantly, he says in a distarcted voice, "Aidl please. Dad says it's ok to give you some information." Treml blinks several times. "Daaad, D-d-daaad. Hmmmmmmm....So that's how it sounds in your language." *Giggle* "It tickles" Treml continues to play with the 'D' sound.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:34 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 09:14 PM

Handing Pinkerton over to Treml, Raven speaks. "You mean the rapist?"

Andarta is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 10:41 PM

In the begining of time there was the life of the new baby child but was strangly diffrent from others.the child was born with 'red skin and horns that where amazinly strange and claws that where as black as his soul. The childs name was shu his parents died saving him they where in the middle of a desert when a lion try to attack shu's father je sung he was brave and showed no fear knowing that giving his life for his son would bring great promise. His mother unfortanatly died of thirst knowing her child would be in promise as he grew.

Over 1000 years later shu was the most remarkable fighter around no one knew who he was but he was the killer in the night not knowing what to fight for but he knew he had to fight for the good but shu found a city. A city that he has never seen before shu ran around going left and right shu didnt know where what was. Thats when an aidle came out and said welcome to Grargoth, Shu was amazed at where this was.

Shu didnt enter the city yet but the aidle said hold me to the door wich the door shall open,Shu ran to the door held the aidle up to the door as the doors opened he felt as he was at home seeing everything and amazed at what shu has seen thats when shu felt 'I was home'.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 11:29 PM

Treml glances up at you for a moment. "Huh? Rapist?" COnfused, he takes the pofered Aidl. setting it atop his Trent. The device seems to devour the smaller Aidl. After several minutes of beeping and clicking, you see Treml sinks his fingers into the device without damaging it in the slightest. With a few loud whirs, he extracts your Aidl. With a big grin, he hands your Aidl back. "Here ya go!" he chimes. You see several pictures and pages of text whizzing accross it's screen. Treml lets out a huge yawn. "Well, I went through at least 8 different timezones today. I'm pooped. I'ma head to bed..." Treml falls back on to his bed. "Be sure to close the door on the way' don't touch anything...." ZZZzzzz.......

Seconds after entering, several beings appear in whisps of frosty air. From the throng steps a 2 foot tall cricket like creature satnding on it's hind legs. "Hello, and welcome. Sorry for the rather large welcoming party, but the Creator thought it appropriate. My name is Alma, and I'll be your Handler." Pulling out a smaller version of your own Aidl, Alma fidgets with it for several seconds. "I see you're a level fete....hero..." Looking the newcomer up and down, Alma clicks rapidly. "I know a bit of your reputation, and I should let you know that the Creator will not let you harm anyone here. One of these frost beings will be near at all times." Clicking several times again, it sounds almost like laughing. "But don't worry. You have all the freedoms of any other visitor to our fine city. Do you have any quaestions for now that you'd like me to answer?"

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:34 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 11:35 PM

Grinning at the childs cuteness he turns again into water vapor and squezzes through the key hole, Once outside he looks up and and huge thunderstorm begins to down fall. He walks back to Raiho's house in silence swearing he would not tell Raiho what he has done this night. Once back in Raiho's house he closes the window and goes back to staring out the window until dawn.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 12:01 AM

Raiho comes out of his room at the crack of dawn. Rubbing his sore sholders, he stops at the sight of Raven. The sun comming up over the wall of the city mant miles away cast a pink glow into his living room. His apartment is high above several of the smaller buildings around, so there is a clear view of the city walls some distance away. Raiho smiles to himself. "Good morning Raven. I trust you had a good night?"

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:35 AM..

Andarta is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:03 AM

Thinking for a moment then shu turns to the cricket and says "Do you know where i can find a job as you see I am a very poor demon that could use some money for supplies."

Last edited by Andarta; 03-21-2011 at 01:14 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:19 AM

Raven turns around and faces Raiho, his face hidden in shadow by the morning light. "Yes. I had a nice night. Did you sleep well?" He walks to the coffee table and pics up his glass heading into the kitchen and washes the cup. "I am sorry if I woke you with my storm last night. I just needed to feel a little more at ease. As I said before... i am new to so many people..."
He looks down into the sink and stays quiet as if deep in thought.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:34 AM

Alma presses it's claw to the screen several times before responding. "There are curently seven worlds that could use your talents." A small strip of paper sprouts out from the top of the device. "Here you are." Alma chirps as she hands it to the demon. "All you have to do is ask your Aidl to direct you to the world's entrance, and you'll be off! If you place the paper into the intake slot on your Aidl, and it will give you your mission details." Alma steps back, and all of the frost beings save for one vanish. "Well, be seeing you!"

"I slept well enough." Raiho replies. Following Raven into his small kitchen, Raiho drapes his arms sleeply over the elemental's shoulders. "You seem far to intense for this early in the morning. Relax. SHare some tea with me." Pulling away, Raiho goes about making tea, working around the still figure.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:35 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:45 AM

"Toe tare too tare" He mutters low, and he eyes start glowing a light blue color and the temperature begins to drop little by little as little tears roll down his face. Outside very dark storm clouds gather and think fog rolls in from over the walls and blanket the town. Thunder and lightning reign over the city for about 10 minutes. Soon enough the rain stops falling but the dark clouds stay ever presesnt and the fog merely turns into mist but does not lift away. Raven's eyes go back to normal and he sinks down to his knees with a groan. "I knew I should have used up some of my powers lastnight."

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:53 AM

*Angeal Pureheart*

Raiho listens with a little smile to the storm outside. With his back to the elemental, he does not see the tears at first. Bustling around the kitchen, he finaly catches sight of Raven as he falls to his knees. Rushing over, he places his arms around the young one's shoulders. Holding him close, he murmurs, "Power build-up? Poor thing...Let it out, I'm sure the Koi are having a blast." Even while he tries to calm Raven down, Raiho can feel his own heart beating a mile a minute.

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 01:55 AM

Jasmin gave a smile, it seemed the coin she had was worth something here. But what was this stuff about a handler?
"Handler!?" she questioned as she found herself a place to sit. "I guess I do not understand!" She said siging a little, then her stomach grumbled. "Ah, Well you can tell me on the way to umm, what was the place called again!?" SHe asked and blushed a little. How enbarrasing to not know anything about this place. She thought, though the thought didnt last as her stomach grummbled once again. "yes yes I know!" The girl stated irritatedly to her stomach as she stood and began walking. "Ok First which direction do I go, And what is this talk of Handlers!?" She asked in order of improtance.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 02:01 AM

His body starts convulsing as his power keeps spiking, with every convolsion a huge crack of lighting archs across the sky. "Take" His face cringes and contorts in pain "Take me outside!" He can't talk anymore as his body continues t convulse.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 02:18 AM

Aidl: If you hold me up, I can guid you to your destination. I will display the way to go with a purple arrow. A Handler is someone who keeps track of you and will help you with certain things like finding hero jobs, and keeping track of your rank and powers. A handler can also keep you updated on particular events going on around Grargoth. The name of the place is Saffons dear.

Scooping up Raven into his suprisingly strong arms, Raiho rushes to the window. Throwing it open with a foot, he steps on to the sil. Stretching his head wings wide, he steps out. His head wings provide just enough lift to slow his fall so he doesn't hurt himself on impact with the gorund. Standing beneath the torrential rains, Raiho gazes down at the figure spasming in his arms. Suddenly, the skys around Grargoth lighten, and the torrents turn into a light drizzle. Raiho watches wide eyed as a stream of visable energy pours out of Raven. Raiho follows the line of energy to the top of a nearby building. There, perched atop the highest point, is something Raiho can't identify. Raven seems to calm from the energy drain. Raiho looks down at the young one in his arms, and as he does, he hears the creature take off.

Last edited by Knerd; 05-03-2011 at 03:35 AM..

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 02:30 AM

Once his convulsions stop he falls into a 'sleep' and does not wake for several minutes. When he does wake he has no memory of what had happened. "Uhhh my head!" He yells and grabs his head because of a massive headeach. Looking up he sees Raiho's worried face and gets a questioning look on his face. "R-Raiho?! Whats wrong?" He gets on his knees and grabs his shoulders comepletely ignorant of the fact that they are outside. Looking around he takes in his surroundings. "How did we get outside?"

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 03-21-2011, 02:37 AM

Jasmin blushed and gave a small laugh at all of the information handed to her. Ok then, I can do this! She thought with a diturmined smile. "Ok so to Saffons then....and thats where my h-handler will be!" She said with a small smile appering on her face. Things were becomeing more and more exciting. So bravly she held to Aidl up and began making her wat to this Saffons, place. "So how exactly are Handlers chosen for people?" Jasmin asked her head tilting to the side a little as she watched the directions apper on her Adil.


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