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InsiDoubt is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 04:40 AM

Valan is a little awestruck by Vi's response. Indeed, she seemed like a quiet girl who wouldn't ever open up. He looks at Thyme to see what her reaction is after practically being yelled at. Remembering suddenly that they were all at a ritual, he wonders when the thing is going to start. He looks around at the group. Again Valan thinks of how great it is to be friends with these people. Upon noticing Vi's reaction to his question, he says: "Ah, don't worry about it. I'm sure your cat will be fine." He pauses for a moment, calculating... "Is she your familiar?"

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 04:53 AM

"Familiar?" Vi asked a little hesitantly as she lifted her eyes to Valen.

"I am not sure what you mean. What is a familiar? Siren has beenmy one and only friend. She was the only thing that kept me strong when my mother looked down her nose at me as if I was of less worth than her or when I knew my father was looking for some reason to beat me. I found her as a small kitten when I was small myself. We grew up together. She is more like a part of me than a pet truthfully. She is like the part of me I wish I could be. She has this air about her like she is worth something. I wish I could feel that way," Vi responded. Being around Siren made her feel stronger than she did alone. At least when Siren was around, she was not that lonley.

"Siren once tried to stop my father from beating me. It was the last time he beat me, the day we discovered I could cause it to snow...indoors. He had already hit me three times when she jumped at him, dug her claws into his back, and bit his arm. He has a scar on his arm perfectly shaped like her teeth imprint. She is my best friend." Vi finally smile. It was a very warm, gentle, real smile that reached her eyes and made them look alive for the first time since she has arrived at the school.

Last edited by Mehimaru; 06-18-2011 at 06:14 PM..

InsiDoubt is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 06:27 AM

Valan cocks his head to the side and looks at Vi. He isn't completely sure if Wiccans have familiars or not. At this point, he really hopes they do. From Vi's description it does sound like Siren is indeed her familiar. When she mentions beatings from parents, he isn't altogether suprised. His mother used to do the same, not that he'd ever admit it.

When the smile steals across her face, Valan is awestruck. She looks like a totally different person. He smiles back, out of habit, though he doesn't think his is quite as bright as hers.

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 11:09 AM

Moira looked at Vi "Definitely your familiar then I'd say, loyal to the end. I haven't found mine yet. You're in a safe place now Vi, we're all the same here. The Great Ones have a plan for you, I'm sure of it."

There was a loud cough and then the HeadMaster began to speak " Merry Meet ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your first of many Esbat rituals here at the Oakwood school. We will be beginning now. What I would like you to do is all form a circle around the fire and I will lead the ritual with the Headmistress." He gestured to a woman who looked to be the same age as he, they may have even been married. It's not unusual for the High Priest and High Priestess of a coven to be married, and really, this was just one large coven. "After the ritual we will have our wine and cakes and then I will go over some school related business. Everyone, please" He gestured at the students and then at the fire.

"Guess it's time." Moira stood up and walked to the circle that her fellow students were creating "Get up everyone, the High Pirest and High Priestess will tell us what to do!"

Last edited by FaePinkfyre; 06-13-2011 at 11:03 PM..

Borys Wolvinov
Borys Wolvinov is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 06:12 AM

Angus had a thousand and one things going through his mind at once as he raced through the castle, wondering where everyone was. Chief among those things was "how could I possibly be THIS late for something so important?". He had been searching for the famous Oakwood Wiccan School for the Magically Exceptional for a solid two days, having only found out that he'd been accepted just before the term was about to start. There had been a number of conflicting signs during the journey, leading him in turns toward and away from that Irish castle, as though the path itself had doubts about his prospects there. "Or," he reminded himself ruefully, "I should have relied on that map that I left back home instead of trying to use the stars during 2 days of rain in the North of Scotland"

With his things barely dried out, Angus finds a quiet area and hurriedly finds a place to change into attire more suitable for a ritual. Making a leap of logic, he thinks "it has to be a ritual. right? Why else would nobody be in the school, not even the headmaster?". Without knowing what else to do, he brings everything with him and makes for a set of doors left slightly ajar at the back of the school. Trying his hardest to find any indication of his classmates, he sees a faint puff of smoke rising above the trees and without any further delay Angus runs into the forest thinking and hoping "I JUST might be able to get there in time after all"

Last edited by Borys Wolvinov; 06-14-2011 at 06:25 AM..

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 01:09 PM

The headmaster stood on a tall log stump in front of everyone, his black cloak covering anything else he was wearing, he smiled a bright and warm smile and Moira's empathic nature told her that this man was the kind of man who cared about people. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! As the moon has now risen we will begin our first full moon ritual of the school year. Blessed Be everyone. I am your Headmaster and High Priest Professor Starwind and this" he gestured to the woman who was now standing on the stump next to him. Moira had not noticed that she was wearing a beautiful cotton dress that looked to be of silver "is your Headmistress and High Priestess Professor Starwind. We will be leading all the rituals for the school. However, let us begin" Headmaster Starwind reached over to what appeared to be the altar table and picked up a chalice, which he handed to his wife and an athame (silver, double edged sword with a black handle). "We will be begin by drawing up energy from the earth and use that to honor the Great Ones while he sing and dance in this circle"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 05:28 PM

Finx sighed and thought to herself. *Finally.* The ritual was beganing which meant soon they could go back inside and keep away from each other for awhile.

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 11:51 AM

OOC: Where is everyone?

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 06:52 PM

((Here!!! At least I

Vi, unsure of what to do, looked around at her new classmates. She had hoped that she would be able to take her cues from them since she had never done this kind of thing before. Siren took that moment to show up and sat quietly beside Vi. Vi reached her fingers down to Siren to give her a little pat. Her fingers trembled with excitement. She might not have known what was going to happen, but she was sure this was going to be a major turning point for her.

Last edited by Mehimaru; 06-15-2011 at 07:02 PM..

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 09:03 PM

(I understand that everyone may have been a little lost as to what to do, so I've given as much explanation and detail as I imagine would be necessary. Hopefully this will get everyone back into posting)

The headmaster gave a signal to two people outside the circle, one was holding a flute and one what looked like a pan pipe, they began to play. The sound that emerged was very harmonious and beautiful, Moira loved celtic style music and felt that this is what the fairies themselves would listen to. The headmaster spoke again "Now brothers and sisters, dance, in any way you see fit and go around deosil, clockwise, and feel the energy from the earth move into your body while the Headmistress and I chant." Moira couldn't wait any longer, she grabbed the hand of the person beside her in the circle and began to dance in a free style flowing motion in a clockwise direction.

As the rest of the students began to dance along with her she smiled, this dance had no name and yet everyone worked together as one, no one was stepping on anyone's toes and it was a beautiful thing to see.

The Starwinds began to chant

Lunar Goddess of the night
Who shines so far above
Who bathes the altar stone with light
And wisdom, joy and love;
We call to you attend out rite
And as we dance the round,
We pray that you will favor us
And send your Moon-love down.

The chant was repeated as everyone danced.

Last edited by FaePinkfyre; 06-15-2011 at 09:24 PM..

Another Mad Bloke
Can't Be Helped
Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 12:42 AM

(Sorry for not replying for a while. I've been busy. Very...)

Glyn shivered in anticipation. Yes, this was that very moment. The one he had been so desperately waiting for. The circle, the giddiness, the leadership...

And then he was told to dance.

Which he did. Most gracefully.

It was quite a surprise, really. His average size wouldn't exactly fit among the category of male ballet dancer, but, he had the skills to match them so. His feet gently stepped, skipped, and jumped across the light, as if they were trying to meet the place between the darkness and the light. His arms moved with the flow, the rhythm of the chant...

In all honesty, he was quite surprised himself.

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 02:15 AM

Vi was pulled to her feet by Moira. She was very unsure of what to do. Dance?! She did not know how. Dancing was banned in her home except for at balls...and this did not seem like a ball. At first she was just walking in a circle clinging to Moira's hand, afraid if she let go she would be sucked into the ground and lost forever. Eventually though, she began to actually feel the rhythm of the music. It seemed to soak into her bones. As Moira bobbed to the music in her own dance, Vi started to loosen up and move with the music. It was not long before Vi was dancing along quite gracefully as she moved clockwise.

Last edited by Mehimaru; 06-17-2011 at 01:56 AM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 09:13 PM

Finx rolled her eyes and sighed letting herself fall into a dance chanting along with the teacher. She knew what to do and did it with a concentration that kept her at a slight distance from earth magic till she felt herself relax and let the earth fill her with joy.

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 09:22 PM

Moira could feel the tingly sensation begin in her toes and move up to her knees, the energy of this space was so positive and beautiful. She knew that her powers would flourish here, she could feel that the Great Ones were smiling upon her with each turn of the circle.

The chant continued

Lunar Goddess of the night
Who shines so far above
Who bathes the altar stone with light
And wisdom, joy and love;
We call to you attend out rite
And as we dance the round,
We pray that you will favor us
And send your Moon-love down.

InsiDoubt is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 04:43 AM

Valan feels utterly foolish. He can feel the energies building, but he isn't so sure about the dancing. To avoid seeming odd, he mimics some of the others' motions. He can feel himself blush, and shakes his head in anguish. I must look like such an idiot, Valan thinks, trying to listen to the chant. Everybody else seems to be enjoying themselves, and so Valan tries to absorb some of their merriment.

That is, of course, until he trips himself and falls onto the ground. Dammit, he thinks, Now I look clumsy AND stupid. He pulls himself up off the ground and continues his half-assed "Dancing."

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 06:10 PM

Vi after much anguish was finally able to let loose and dance without worry. She moved in a very graceful way that she had gained from many years of forced ballet practice. She danced around the circle following Moira. It did not take long before Vi lost the sinking in to the earth feeling she had only moments before. For once in her life, she was smiling and laughing. If just for a moment, she felt strong and capable. She was not the shy, meek girl who she had been ony seconds before. She felt brave.

((Forewarning, I am leaving town for a couple days, going dress shopping with my sister in a much larger city. I will be back Tuesday, I believe.))

Last edited by Mehimaru; 06-18-2011 at 06:17 PM..

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-19-2011, 09:10 PM

The Headmistress stopped chanting for a moment "Brothers and sisters, please take all the energy you have gathered and when the music ends and I say now project that energy into the heavens, towards the beautiful moon that is high above your heads and send you love to the Great Ones."
Moira could feel the energy flowing all through her body, from her toes to her eyelashes, the dancing and chanting was beginning to wear her out and yet she was so happy and content.
The music began to draw to a climax and after the Priest and Priestess finished the chant one last time the headmistress yelled


With her yell the entire circle stopped and everyone threw their hands into the air, releasing the energy that had been raised up into the heavens.

Borys Wolvinov
Borys Wolvinov is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 04:20 PM

As he was racing through the forested area, Angus swore he could What was music and fire doing out here? The only thing going on in his mind was getting toward the smoke and music, but as focused as he was on that, the truth that there were raised tree roots along the path escaped him. That is, until Angus met the earth in a sudden and unexpected way when his foot snagged one of the roots and landed him face-first onto the ground. "Great, not only am I late but I'm all full of dirt now too. What was the point of getting into nicer clothes when they ended up looking not nice at all?" he thought. It didn't seem as though Angus's luck was going to get any better this day, because just before he reached the clearing in the trees, he heard the music stop and an adult woman distantly yelling the word "NOW!"

So it became painfully clear to Angus that he had missed the ritual completely. Between the exhaustion of the race through the castle and wooded area and the disappointment of having missed such an important event, Angus had no wind left in his sails. "This is such an embarrassment, how can I meet my classmates and look them in the eye?" he thought. Slowly and reluctantly, he finally made his way out of the woods and into plain sight.

nimh is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 06:55 PM

Rue was slightly nervous as she sat next to the door of the West dorm of the Oakwood Wiccan School for the Magically Exceptional. The old Irish castle was still and eerily silent. Rue had arrived late for the Orientation because her car broke down on the border of the county. Rue had to walk all the way across the town and campus just to get to the dorm. The whole walk had been shadowed by a sense of peace and tranquility. There was no reason to be nervous, but Rue couldn't help wondering where everyone had gone. Leaving her stuff next to the door Rue made her way outside to explore and enjoy the night air. Looking up at the sky Rue realised that it was the night of the Full Moon Esbat. Walking through the woods Rue searched for a safe, quiet place to hold ritual. It was a good night to relax and connect with the God and Goddess. As She searched for a place Rue began to hear music in the distance. The closer she became the louder the music got. A chant slowly rose up along with the music.
Lunar Goddess of the night
Who shines so far above
Who bathes the altar stone with light
And wisdom, joy and love;
We call to you attend out rite
And as we dance the round,
We pray that you will favor us
And send your Moon-love down.
As the words wound their way through the night Rue found herself chanting along with the voices in the distance. After a little while she found heself spinning and dancing as she walked. Feeling the enegry build Rue realised that she had inadvertently joined in the ritual. Rue danced her way closer and closer to the voices. After a little while a clear shout pierced the night, "NOW!" Pausing in her dance Rue raised her arms and face to the sky and felt the excess energy flow out of her and towards the moon. Closing her eyes Rue reveled in the feeling of love and connection and flowed within the moment. Slowly Rue opened her eyes and continued to make her way closer to the clearing. As she approached, Rue saw one boy apart from the others, it appeared that she wasn't the only person who arrived late. Rue sprinted the distance to stand by the boy's side and introduce herself to the group, "Hello and Merry meet everyone! I'm horribly sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I had some car troubles and it took me a while to walk. I hope I haven't cause too much of a disturbance. My name is Rue Nacht, but you can call me 'Penn' if you like."
Rue smiled and blushed as she awaited the groups response.

Last edited by nimh; 06-22-2011 at 06:58 PM..

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 07:12 PM

OOC: Welcome to our new friends: Borys and Nimh. Also, I understand that some may find this bit a little tedious and I appreciate the understanding, I hope that our next section--the Revealing of Powers--will be more action packed and to your liking :)

Moira smiled to herself as she felt her normal high from after rituals, she picked up on the energy of everyone in the circle, almost everyone had the same vibe, somewhere she felt embarrassment, she looked around for the source and saw a boy. A boy, dressed in ritual garb but covered in dirt. He was late for the ritual and covered in dirt, the embarrassment seemed to make sense.

The boy's energy seemed kind though, under his current emotional state and so she smiled at him, plus he was kind of cute.

The the Headmaster spoke once more "Now brothers and sisters, please sit and enjoy the wine and cakes ceremony." He gestured to a large table of food, although there were cakes there was no wine she figured it was probably best that the Headmaster not get his students drunk, but there was water and juice and lemonade. It looked delicious. `While we eat and ground our energies I will describe tomorrow`s events, the Oakwood School`s Revealing of Powers".

Last edited by FaePinkfyre; 06-22-2011 at 07:16 PM..

nimh is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 08:44 PM

Rue stepped further into the clearing of people and glanced around at the array of students. This was exciting. She was finally here. After so many years of self teching, Rue was finally at Oakwood. Hoping she could make some friends Rue joined the festivities. Walking over to the table Rue felt a cold breeze on her knee and looked down only to realize that one of her knee high black and silver socks was ripped. A quick flicker of magick could fix it but Rue decided that the tear added character. At the table Rue found an array of delicious looking items. Taking a napkin and a cookie, Rue searched for someone to make conversation with. Noticing a flash of shocking pink out of the corner of her eye, Rue turned and spotted a girl about her age. The girl had auburn hair and knee high pink leather boots. She looked like she would make an interesting acuaintence. Hoping for a friend in this new place, Rue smiled and introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Rue, but you can call me 'Penn'. How are you? I love your boots."

Wiccan Princess
FaePinkfyre is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 08:54 PM

Moira was at the table with the other students, grabbing some salad and cheesecake, a nice balance. She pulled her eyes off the boy and smiled at the girl who spoke to her. "Oh gosh, thanks, they're my favorites. Merry Meet Penn, I'm Moira. Its really great to meet you." Moira cradled her plate in the crook of her harm and offered her hand to Penn.

nimh is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 09:29 PM

"Merry Meet Moira," Rue said shaking hand with the girl. "It's great to meet you too. wow, it looks like we have a small class, I'll bet everyone is really close. I hope I can make some friends." Munching on her cookie Rue looked around and found her gaze drawn back to the boy who she had seen earlier, the one wh.o had shown up late. Rue turned around and made a plate for herself. She fixed a small salad and some vegetables. After adding a few cookies to her plate she covered it with a napkin and began to prepare a second plate of food. After grabbing two forks Rue turned to Moira and said, "Let's go introduce ourselves to that boy over there. He looks like a nice person." Walking over to the boy Rue held out the second plate she had made. "Merry Meet. My name is Rue. You can call me 'Penn' if you like though. You look like you could use some food. Why don't you come and eat with us."

InsiDoubt is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 10:15 PM

Valan grumbles to himself, still feeling quite embarrassed. He's a mite appalled that the ritual was to send the energies away from the Earth. Indeed, he felt light headed when the energy released, and even now feels ill. He walks over to the table, looking for some wine. It's been awhile since I've had some, he thinks, searching the table and frowning. There is none? Valan sighs and turns around to see Moira with another girl, introducing herself. Feeling a little anti-social, Valan turns and heads into an enclosure of trees nearby. He can still hear everyone, and so figures that he won't be left behind.

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 04:08 PM

Vi stood in silence. She was a bit stunned in everything that had happened. It all seemed to happen to so fast. Vi felt something nudge against her leg. She looked down to see Siren. The cat would rub against her then walk a few paces away before coming back to rub again and walk away. Vi, having known Siren for so long knew that meant the feline wanted Vi to follow her. Vi took a few steps after the cat and the cat walked a few more paces away. The two followed this pattern until they reached a few trees that were not far away from everyone. Vi sighed. This would be a good place to go away from the class. She did not see anyone in the trees, but she was still close enouh to the class that she could hear what was going on. She numblely stepped into the trees' shadows. Quickly, she realized she was not alone in finding sheler among the shadows. Also in the small grove of trees stood Valen. Vi remembered that he was fairly nice to her.

"Hello, Valen. How are you doing?" Vi asked cautiously to make herself known to him. The last thing she wanted to do was startle him.


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