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Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 10:52 PM

While still embracing Anna, Luca looked up and shouted to Justin, "So where are we going now?" He just said it so that he could fill the silence, maybe get a little information, and partly because he knew Justin might feel a slight bit excluded in the depths of his heart. That is assuming he had one, Luca was still unsure of what Justin was.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:15 PM

" He doesn't know yet Luca. I'm the one with the map of the world memorized. He just reads the map from my memory and goes where I tell him to. Don't worry about Justin Luca. It's probably time I tell you he's not my brother. He doesn't even look like me at all to be honest. He's a couple thousand years old too." Anna said. Justin walked out of the cave. " guess it's time I told you the whole story." Justin said.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 11:19 PM

"The whole story?" Luca was amazed and shocked, and just totally confused. "What story, what more do you have to tell me? Thousands of years old?" Luca fought every last bone, every last muscle, every last, nerve, impulse, cell, instinct in his whole shaking body to not let go of Anna and jump back. He knew all to well to tell her that he was scared of her. He wasn't scared, just shocked, but he knew how the action would come across regardless. "Well I am all ears," he said, eagerly waiting a response.

demona jay
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:29 PM

" I'm a shape shifter and I was hired as Anna's doctor for one of the family's she got adopted into. She realized what I was as soon as she saw me so I knew she wasn't human either then I started getting calls from her family almost everyday for a new broken bone or something most adults don't get more then a few times in there lives. So I found out what the family was doing and I helped her escape we've been running ever since. This is what I truly look like." Justin said then he was suddenly a 30 year old man wearing a doctors coat and a black shirt and black pants. " Been acting like her brother for so long it kinda became habit." He said. " Yeah it gets kinda annoying after awhile." Anna said softly.

Last edited by demona jay; 07-07-2011 at 11:47 PM..

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 11:46 PM

Rose was infuriated. She had never ever been challenged by an Angel, not since the great battle. She was shocked by the audacity of 'cet petit'ange qui m'ennuie' as she put it. She flew soared higher and higher, faster and faster on her growing column of water. "Who are you?" she demanded. She knew that knowing the name of a divinity would ultimately help her, weather casting a distant magic, reasoning with the almightly himself, or putting a bounty on the head of a nuisance. She waited.

"Alexi is my name!" boomed a powerful voice. She had never heard of him before, "He must be young she thought."
"Come forth and show yourself Seraphim!" Rose howled. She hated cowards.
"Show some respect you filthy witch, and maybe I will" she was struck again, this time in the left breast.
Rose was disturbed by this remark, she was in no way filthy, in fact she was the pure image of beauty. "How dare you, pathetic little angel, who do you think you are. I would smite you now, were not you a coward and a sneak, you call me filthy yet you can't even fight a demoness and play fair." On fair she hurled the sharpest blade of ice she had ever made. And it was crafted from pure hatred. She heard it hit, she saw falling feathers, and she smelled the ambrosia known as angelic blood.
((to be continued.....[insert dramatic music here]]))

"Wow," was all that Luca could force out of his mouth. He just stopped, everything stopped, nothing happened. He froze, time froze. "What the hell am I to do with this?" he thought to himself. "Well that is a lot to process." Luca said, without stutter or hesitation, but feeling all the unease inside. "Give me a moment, if you will."

demona jay
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:22 AM

" you really thought we were brother and sister that much? I thought it wouldn't shock you this much you've been wondering about me and Justin a lot while you've been with us." Anna said softly.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 12:36 AM

"Well," Luca made sure to take a deep breath. He wasn't sure when he had taken his last, but his lungs said, maybe quite a while ago. "I think I was just willing to believe anything. I was just so lonely, I just wanted to belong, to have a 'family'. I know we just met, but I feel like we are kind of a family, in an odd way." Luca begins to look at just how handsome of a guy Justin is, he catches himself before anyone notices. "Anna, why don't you go to sleep, you really need some rest."

demona jay
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Old 07-08-2011, 01:12 AM

" I'm ok I promise." Anna said but it was easy to see she was tired. She wasn't a very good lier. Anna held onto Luca's arm still holding him tightly. " guess she's really taken a liking to you. haven't seen her that excited over anything since the last time she found a rabbit and wanted to bring it along with us as our pet." Justin said laughing at what he said.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 01:43 AM

Luca was comforted by Anna's warmth, and Justin's sudden candidness. "What changed?" he thought. "It's okay Anna, I promise I will be here in the morning, and Justin and I can take care of ourselves I am guessing. You can go to sleep." he kept reassuring her, sometime his attempts would work he hoped. Luca looked again at the impressive stature of Justin.

Anna goes to sleep and Luca begins small talk with Justin. He pulls out a flask ((of Ocean Spray Cran-Razz Juice of course since this is Menewsha)) and offered some to Justin, who, having had a long day, took a swig ((of juice duh)). Luca began to undress ((because he didn't want to sleep in dirty clothes silly)) and told Justin he could go to bed if he wanted, he would stay watch tonight, he told Justin to trust, that he was more than meets the eye. As Justin undressed, Luca stared yet again, and kept staring, even after Justin noticed him. It seemed that neither of them minded staring at one another, or being stared at. Luca walked over to Justin and continued the small talk, again offering juice ((yummeh)). Luca asked Justin if he had ever been with a guy before, Justin laughed his pretty laugh and just kept drinking ((remember this is juice)). He got behind Justin and began to massage his shoulders. Again he asked petty questions like, "do you think it will rain tomorrow?" Finally when Justin began to relax, Luca massaged his whole back ((hey everyone needs a massage sometimes)) "That feels nice," Justin said.
"Yep," said Luca. He kissed the back of Justin's neck, and against what he thought, Justin made no attempt to push him off, he did nothing, in fact Luca was sure he heard a soft moan. ((everyone moans when they eat pudding too, nothing bad)) Finally Luca jumped on Justin...((insert hot gay sex scene here))...the two finally went to bed, but Justin constantly kept one eye slightly open, one ear just aware of danger, in case something happened. Too bad he had drunk so much juice that he had a sugar high ((high on sugar you bad kiddies)) which impaired his senses ((nothing more than pg, love can impair judgement)).

demona jay
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Old 07-08-2011, 02:01 AM

Later that night after Justin and Luca were fast asleep people wearing all black took Luca and Anna in their sleep. Anna had woken up as they attacked but somehow they knew she would so they put a gag in her mouth before she even knew what was going on so she couldn't make a sound to warn the others. Anna didn't even have her knife with her as they dragged her away. No way to contact Justin and no way to use her fighting powers. Next thing Anna knew it was morning and she was locked in a room with Luca. " Luca. Luca." She said shaking his shoulder to wake him up.

Last edited by demona jay; 07-08-2011 at 02:04 AM..

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:07 AM

"Anna? What's going on?" Luca was still half asleep.

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:14 AM

" not with Justin... strange place." Anna said. Just then a knock could be heard at the door. " you two awake?" a man's voice could be heard on the other side of the door. Anna jumped a foot off the floor after hearing the man's voice on the other side of the door. She went to reach for her knife when she realized it wasn't even there. " Bad very bad." Rose said. The sound of a key turning in a lock was heard then the door opened slowly revealing a very tall man holding a sword in his hand. He looked Anna up and down. " the boss sure knows how to pick them when he wants them but I learned early girls don't last long if you don't treat them right." He said his eyes leaving Anna and looking over at Luca. Anna quickly reacted without thinking and her only thought being to protect Luca she quickly moved between Luca and the man growling low like an animal would when telling another animal to back off. When Anna wasn't using her powers to speak she got her point across like an animal would. It was something that would be noticed after awhile of being around Anna.

Last edited by demona jay; 07-08-2011 at 06:52 AM.. Reason: Got bored in the middle of the night there's your reason for editing annoying " reason for editing" space happy?

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 01:37 PM

"Anna, it's okay, protect yourself." Luca didn't want to see her get hurt. "What do you want?" he asked the tall figure. Luca was still lying down so he had to look up at the man. "Please, don't worry Anna!" when he saw that she wasn't moving he put his hand in hers and held it for a few seconds, and slowly and gently ushered her behind him. "I said what do you want?"

demona jay
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Old 07-08-2011, 05:08 PM

the man laughed when Anna growled at him. " You care about each other how fun" the man said. Just then another man wearing lots of gold and silver walked into the room. He saw Anna and smiled as he walked over to her grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to him he kissed her. Anna already scared to death at this point got so scared she didn't even know what she was doing anymore as she grabbed the man's arm and bit him as hard as she could not expecting her to bite him he ended up throwing her across the room when she bit him. Anna hit the wall of the room with a loud crash and got knocked senseless. She was still awake sitting there dizzy and in pain as the man started walking towards her. " I'll teach you to bite me you stupid girl." He said as he walked closer and closer to her. " You have no love for me in your heart yet you dared to give me your kiss. A kiss of fake love is a very ugly thing." Anna said her eyes turning blood red. The man just laughed. " You sure are a wild one." He said

Last edited by demona jay; 07-10-2011 at 01:39 AM..

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 04:31 PM

At this Luca shot up and ran to force himself in between this awful man and Anna. "Don't you touch her again," he shouted, "I will kill you on the spot if you do." His eyes glowed with anger and passion; his back turned to Anna, he cared not if they showed his true form. He was actually half demon, one fourth human and one fourth Angel, but not even Rose knew this last part.

demona jay
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Old 07-10-2011, 09:27 PM

the man saw the anger in Luca's eyes. " your threat is empty. Your just as scared of me as everyone else. Why don't you just give up?" the man asked trying to mess with Luca's mind. Anna then noticed the knife the man wore on his belt it was her knife. He must have grabbed it when they kidnapped them. " Luca that man has my knife on his belt. We get it from him we can get out of here." Anna whispered so softly only Luca heard.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 02:43 AM

Luca knew what must be done, "I see," he said, "we will, let me take care of him though." Luca decided that he had to kill this man but not let Anna know his powers. He taunted the man until he launched himself at Luca, he dodged and let him hit Anna. Normally Anna could take any man of any size, but she was weak, completely taken by surprise and without knife. When he knew she was knocked out he summoned arrows of stone, tipped with poison, and struck the great man several times in the chest, and once in each limb, just for extra precaution. Finally when the man lay gasping on the floor, which Luca assumed to be a ploy to get Luca to come closer and check, he called on Rose, who proceeded to surround the man's head in water and freeze it on the spot. "Thank you Rose." he said.
"No problem. Try to be a little more careful though!" she said scolding him, but as a mother almost. This made a brief smile spread across Luca's lips, "Now work your blood magic and bring her back. Make sure to leave before she can see you though." Rose brought her back, and Luca crouched over her not only to block her view of Rose, just in case, but because he truly had come to care for her. "Anna?"

((Rose's story will be told eventually! Sorry, just tired!))

demona jay
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Old 07-11-2011, 02:59 AM

Anna slowly opened her eyes. " What happen?" Anna asked completely confused. Anna sat up almost instantly only remembering that Luca had made the man angry then...nothing. Anna was already going for her knife when she finally saw everything around her. She froze. " Ok I'm really confused now. Who did this?" Anna asked looking at Luca. Anna thought Luca couldn't possibly of done this. He was a weakling...wasn't he? Anna was sure she could easily beat him up if she had to when she met him but who else could have done this...She was confused now.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 03:08 AM

"I don't even know, I went out right after you. I saw the man hit you, tried to help, and was knocked down myself. I laid there and heard frantic voices and rushing feet, maybe even a gun, and some really odd noises, that sounded like buzzing, and jingling, then I passed out. I came-to just five minuets ago and saw all of this. I was totally lost to what happened, or how. Then I saw you and knelt by you and tried to get you up, which you are now." Luca knew how he felt about Anna, he also knew he could never consciously lie to her, that's why he had erased his memory and planted this story in it. He even cast a short term sleeping spell on himself.

demona jay
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Old 07-11-2011, 03:20 AM

" oh. Well we should try to get out of here and figure out how far we are from Justin don't you think?" Anna asked holding her knife tightly in her hand. Now her knife lit up giving off the white glow and the strange markings appeared on Anna's skin. Anna sighed softly and said something Luca couldn't understand as if talking to the knife itself. The glowing started to dim so it wasn't so blindingly bright but the markings stayed.

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Old 07-11-2011, 03:24 AM

"Okay, but how, can't you talk to him with that?" Luca was dazed still and trying to gather himself. "I have no clue what to do, or how to find him, but first I might want to find another weapon on this guard, just in case." he didn't want to have to fight, not if Anna were to see at least. "Help me find something? Maybe a hidden knife?"

demona jay
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Old 07-11-2011, 03:37 AM

" I've got it already searching for his weapon to see where he is. If he's too far away I can't talk to him but my knife can tell me where he is at least." Anna said then she looked at the man carefully. " he's got a set of knifes hidden in his boots nicely made. Not easy to break. The rest of the weapons on him are cheap junk." Anna said.


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