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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 12-04-2011, 07:05 AM

If only they knew the truth. The boss had chosen these three to be his personal slaves because he knew their power would ‘help’ his business. They didn’t hunt down, capture, and in prison others of their own kind because they wanted to, but because they had no other choice in doing so. By this time Dimitri was near door and he planned to force the angel along with the other escaped slaves out into the street where there would be more room to fight. He howled, sending sonic sound waves at the angel.

Zeira let her human form melt away to show her true form. With a wave of her hand an ice wind blew through the shop putting out all of the flames left from the angel’s attack earlier. She still wore a smile on her face. Being able to use their full abilities was the closes thing to freedom that the three of them had. So times like this in a way made her happy and it was hard for her to not smile.

Victor stayed back and watched still holding a fireball in his hand. Unlike Dimitri and Zeira Victor loved the hunting and fighting. He didn’t really give a damn what the others thought of him. The only reason he became a slave was because his best friend betrayed him. Even since then he has been bitter and full of hatred, only able to find release when he is hunting and fighting.

Maiara tugged on the chain that Dimitri latched to the wall. “Come on. I want out of here.” She growled as she struggled to get the chain loose. Once again she attempted to use her magic, but this time she ended falling to her knees in pain from the shock. This isn’t working. Maybe he let the key somewhere? After the pain was about gone she started to look around for a key or something to pick the lock with.

As she searched Ian came into the room and grinned at her. “There is no use looking there are only two keys one is with Dimitri and the other is on me. Since they are taking care of the little problem outside I’m here to take you back to your cage miss angel. So do come along quietly.” He walked over to her, ignoring her glare. I’d rather die than to be shoved in some smelly old cage and to be on display for some pathetic human to come and purchase.” She hissed when he took the lead chain in his hand, starting to unlatch it from the wall.“Miss, that can be arranged. If you don’t follow the rules here or try escaping too many times and you will be killed. Of that I can assure you.” His tone was serious as he spoke, leading her back into the shop area. Rules? What is that suppose to mean? I live by my own rules not anyone else’s. It wasn’t long before they reached the cage she had been in before by the red head. “In you go.” Ian shoved her into the cage, making sure to secure the door behind her. “Bastard,” she growled as the man walked away.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 03:27 PM

Eris just continued to run past many humans, vaguely conscious the angel and the tiny girl running with her. Humans ran away screaming of how barbaric slaves were running loose and they would kill them all. If Eris could she would roll her eyes and berated their stupidity; she would not kill, at least not out of spite or malice. She was a nymph and despite all she had been through she refused to do such an act. She wouldn't stoop down to that level humans were so capable of.

However being a nymph of the waters she was starting to have trouble running; she couldn't find any nearby bodies of water at all. Where was she? When they got her first, she was taken right from the ocean. Eris knew that they wouldn't be around there anymore but still! Her surroundings were metallic and giant rectangular structures rose to the heavens; even the roads were strange. Was this a city? Eris heard whispers of it when she was so young, just before humans deemed their kind dangerous. It was ironic though; when she was so young an naiive she always wanted to go to one, and now that she was here she would give anything to return back home.

Especially when she remembered how her elders scolded her, saying she would not survive when oceans nor lakes did not exist in one.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 12-04-2011, 05:14 PM

Nikia heard the fighting and groaned at the thought of not helping them, but what could she do? She was weak from getting shocked so often. She could shapeshift into a bird, maybe even a bear or a lion and try to help the fight, but she didnt know if she would be able to fight like that if they had magic on their side. A nymph seemed to be running passed the alley she was in. It seemed she was looking for a body of water, or running away from the fight. Hard to tell when there was a battle going on behind her, but it did seem she was looking for something. A howl came to her ears as she turned to the corner a bit to watch the battle. A smile came to her face as she decided to get in on this fight. Her form shifted from human to her demon wolf form and she ran into the fight at Dimitri. She got in the way of the sonic wave which knocked her back some and made her growl, but instead of thinking of all the pain she was in, she went after the other dog. Biting and clawing at him, she tried to drag him out into the open.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 06:13 PM

"Let this Serve as a Reminder to you........There are Still those Powerful Enough to Lead a Fight....." he said to them, then ripped off his shirt. His wing's were Kept on my 3 Belt's of leather. he Ran out into Free space, and then Released the belt's. His Wing's Spread out, the bone's in them Cracking, Freeing themseleves. "Eris! Little Miss! Get over here.

Shania583 is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 08:44 PM

Alice looked at him then shook her head saying "Normal clothes don't work for me, they have to be fire proof." She turned and notice a man dragging someone who looked to have wings to a cage. The fight had gone out to the streets, and now what appeared to be people running the store were using their powers to deal with the damage. She knew that she wanted to help at least one other person ot of this place and she figured that the one that had just been put into her cage was a good one to help because the person had just walked away from her. She looked back at the person who had just bought her and then turned in the direction of the girl who had just been put into the cage and started to walk quickly towards it. Nothing else seemed to matter all she knew was that now since she was free she should at least help someone else even if that ment her getting in trouble.

When she got to the cage she quickly looked around and then created two fireballs one in each hand and grabbed on to the cage bars to melt them enough so that she could bend them open. She looked in to the girl in the cage and then said Just make it look like I'm talking to you and try not to draw any attention to us, I am going to try and get you out of here before it is too late." She looked over her should quickly hoping that the guy who had just bought her was busy or distracted by the fight to notice what she was doing hen looked back at the girl. She knew that it was going to take a little more time to melt the bars enough to bend them so she knew she had to look like she was doing something.

Andrew was startled when one of the people just walked straight towards him and then froze him to the closest wall. When the fight had passed him and headed out into he street he was finally able to get out of the ice and then looked out the door. It seemed like he couldn't really help out there so he turned and started to see if he could help out in the store. Seeing as some of the shop handlers were of different species they seemed to have it under control so he decided to just look around for someone that suited him.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen
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Annabeth Rowanna Cullen is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 09:31 PM

Jonathan was watching Alice but he didn't try to stop her. He looked at the slaves that were still out, one fo them he noticed was a little girl (Sophia), about five years old. As he watched she ducked behind a tree, clearly trying to hide. His lips pressed into a thin line, She's only a little girl, this is....this is just sick, I've never been so ashamed to be human he looked at the crowds panicking about the immortals, "They're not trying to kill anyone" he muttered to himself, "not that we wouldn't deserve it if they did"

Sophia crouched behind the tree, trembling, breathing in short little pants. Don't find me, Don't see me she knew Jonathan had seen her, Why isn't he telling them where I am?, she wondered.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 11:02 PM

The nymph doesn't help stare, even for just a moment, at those wings. You'd think she'd realize that the angel was showing his wings earlier but hey freedom was her main priority. They were quite dazzling; as white as the clouds above. But she shook herself out of her stupor listening to his words. 'Little Miss'?? Who was that? Eris looked around, eyes finally spotting the tiny girl hiding behind the tree. She couldn't be more than five years old, trembling in fear. They had someone so young as a slave?!

Poor thing was shaken so bad that she didn't hear Cycoris, so Eris ran back, scooping the tiny child into her arms. "Be calm child I won't hurt you," she murmured softly, holding her close as she ran over to the angel. Her heart returned to pounding in her head; could they do it? Could they??

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen
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Annabeth Rowanna Cullen is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 11:20 PM

Sophia looked up at Eris, "Who are you?" she spotted the boy with wings, "Who is he? Is he an angel? she looked around. 'Are all humans mean? Why do they hate us?" she frowned, "I'm asking lots of questions."

Jonathan watched as the little girl was picked up by another girl, who ran over angel? Well, he had wings anyway. Maybe I should help them he thought, but how? He looekd at the little girl, she seemed so frightened, his first instinct was to walk over there and comfort her. He glanced back at Alice, to see what she was doing.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 12:54 AM

((sorry about the reply i haven't been feeling good and my brain is having a uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... moment.))
Finx walked home from her day of school checking to make sure her hat was on so no one could see that she had ears. She was surprised no one had caught her yet maybe it was luck luck that she knew would someday run out.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 01:45 AM

Cycoris Grabbed both the girls Tightly "Hang on!" he said, Then Lept into the Air. Normally, Cycoris had No Trouble Getting into the Air, but not only had it been awhile Sense He flew, But he was Carrying The Weight of Two Extra people. He Used What little Magic energy he had left to Put Flame's in his feet, to give him a Extra boost.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 02:31 AM

Dimitri growled at the demon wolf, standing his ground as it attacked him. A few tufts of fur flew as the two of them clawed and bite at each other. He jumped back from the demon wolf getting an idea. Raising a paw he slammed it to the ground. At first the ground just seemed to shake a bit then rocks came shooting up out of the ground to form a cage around his opponent. He wasn’t sure if this would be enough, but it would hopefully buy him to time to come up with a plan.

Victor threw the fireball in his hand at the angel and nymph. “You’re not going to get away that easily.” He grinned a bit, revealing his fangs. The fireball hit it’s target as he formed a bigger one in his left hand.

This time it was Zeira who stood back to observe what was going on. As long at the other two had things under control she wouldn’t interfere.

Giving the girl a slight nod Maiara glanced over at the man who had thrown her into the cage. “Thank you, I’m Maiara. What’s your name, my lady?” She questioned, trying to make it seems like the other girl was a prospective buyer. To get out of this cage and be free like she had just been only an hour ago would be wonderful. As she waited for the girl’s replay she inspected her wings for damage, now that she remembered she was in flight when she passed out. They seemed to be fine other than the fact they had been clipped so that she’d be unable to fly.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 12-05-2011 at 02:56 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 03:13 AM

The other wolf kept up its attack against her, but little did the wolf know that she could shape her form into anything. The chance to change her form came and went as she was thrown to the ground and his paw slammed to the ground. She tried to keep her balance as she got up. It wasnt long before the rocks formed a cage around her. She smirked as she fought them off and then shifted her form into something smaller so she could crawl right out of the cage. A little puppy walked out of the cage. She saw the fire ball going at the three creatures trying to escape. She lunged in front of the fire ball as her large dog form once more. It was the best she could do to protect the people that were now flying into the air. Her fir started to burn from the fire. In order to get away from it, she fell to the ground back in her human form. It was then that she started to go unconscious from the gasses emitted from the fire.

Last edited by Daeman35; 12-05-2011 at 03:39 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 03:18 AM

[Daeman. I checked your Post, I dont see how This Directly Involve's my Charecter. The attack WAS Meant for him, but when you Intervuend, You started a Attack of your own. If you wanted me to Help your Charecter, I would have needed to know first. Correct me if Im looking at this wrong.]

Cycoris Right wing was Struck by a Fire-ball, and He lost control. He Had to Think fast, so he started looking as he was Falling. He saw a Building, that they were about to pass by, and used his left wing to make it to were they would fall there. Cycoris moved the two in front of him, so that he would Absorb most of impact.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 12-05-2011, 03:21 AM

(I know what that is what happened and i realized i started a new battle, but you never acknowledged that she even attacked you. Thats what i was trying to get at. You might want to read my last post as well, seeing how she blocked the fireball once more with her own life.

I really did not want to bring this to the rp)

Last edited by Daeman35; 12-05-2011 at 03:25 AM..

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 03:26 AM

(Eh?? OK I little lost so let me just do some creative thinking here...)

"There is nothing wrong with asking questions." Eris spoke, trying to keep her voice light, if only to keep her calm. She did squeak rather indignantly when Cycoris grabbed her tight; if it wasn't such a dire situation she might've told him off for it. Instead the nymph held onto him and the little girl as tightly as she could, praying that he really could fly them out of here.

She looked back, surprised to see a different wolf fighting one of the slave handlers who was also a wolf; it shocked Eris greatly when the wolf morphed into a puppy, swiftly escaping the earth cage that surrounded her. She was more shocked when the puppy grew larger and jumped into the path of the fireball that she clearly did not notice earlier. Eris wanted terribly to go back and help that young girl (as that was what she changed back to stop the fire) but she wasn't sure if they all would be able to escape then.

However her thoughts were interupted when Cycoris yelped slightly; his right wing had been singed. Eris hadn't even noticed that and in a way, she doubted he did too. Eris screamed a little before fore voice died in her throat as they plummet down; Cycoris turned so that he would take most of the fall and in turn Eris held the tiny girl tighly in her arms, shielding her as best as she could.

Last edited by ShadowDemon101; 12-05-2011 at 03:29 AM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 03:31 AM

Alice looked up at her and then smiled saying "Nice to meet you, I'm Alice. But there is no need to thank me anyone else here would have tried to get anyone out if there was a chance." She looked at the bars and saw that they were starting to turn red under her hand so she knew that she was almost there. She looked back at the girl then asked "So what are you? Not to be rude or anything but all I know is that you have very nice wings." She then started to push the bars out wards until there was enough room for the girl to crawl through, and then reached in and grabbed the chain that attatched her to the wall so that she could completly free her. She quickly checked over her shoulder to make sure that no one was watching and then started melting the chain.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 03:49 AM

A look of surprised flashed in Dimitri’s eyes as he watched the other wolf shift into a puppy then back into a wolf. When the girl jumped in front of one of the fireballs he started wondering if she had a death wish. The girl was now on the ground in her human form, he gave a toothy grin as he rushed towards her. This was his chance to capture her.

A satisfied smirk was on Victor’s lips as he watched a fireball hit the angel’s wing. “Now you’re ours.” Using his super speed he ran to where the three of them would crash. He reached the spot before they crashed and started reciting a fire spell that would imprison the trio.

Maiara watched the girl work, every once in a while checking to make sure that the man was still watching the battle taking place in the streets. “I don’t know about that. There at some that would be more concerned for their own skin then helping others.” She was like that most of the time since for almost as she could remember after learning the hard way that you could only depend on yourself. “Thank you, they are more beautiful when they aren’t clipped though. I am a dark angel.” Making sure that it was safe she folded her wings and started to climb out of the cage. “So is there anything you can do about this stupid collar?”

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 12-05-2011, 03:57 AM

Before Nikia could lose consciousness she watched the footsteps of the man as he walked over to her. She wanted to get away, but the fire and the fumes had taken away her strength. She was still smoking but there was no fire around on her anymore. She tried to crawl away, but all she could really do was squirm, opening and closing her eyes as she coughed, trying to get the carbon out of her lungs. She watched as the fired man stood under the trio she had tried to save. Her eyes then slowly went beck to the man walking towards her. Her vision started to fade and she finally stopped moving as the man stopped right next to her.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:04 AM

Cycoris saw what the man was trying to do. He would Risk anything for these two to be save. He pushed them away from him, then started at the man on the ground. "Flame Lotus! Sword horn!" he shouted and, starting from his head, and Continuos wave a flame enveloped him, making him look like a comet. he pointed himself in the direction of the man.

Shania583 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:14 AM

Alice nodded then said "You might be right, but once you've been here for awhile you know the feeling and you just don't want others to go through the same thing." Alice smiled when the girl said that she was a dark angled and watched as she started to crawl out of the cage and then helped her stand up saying "I'm sure they are too bad I wasn't able to help you before they clipped them." She looked around once more then said "The collar at the moment don't really know, I might be able to melt through it but that might leave burn marks, and the risk of you or both of us getting shocked. A key would be a safer bet but I don't know where to get one." She looked at her with a sad look and sighed, then said "We should probably look for a back door or a side door because I don't think thatthe front door would be the safest route right now to get out." She then started to look around from where they were standing to find another exit.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:44 AM

"CYCORIS!" Eris screamed, feeling him push them away. She wasn't she what was going on around her, vaguely hearing him call out some kind of attack as she forced herself to curl around the tiny girl, her surroundings blurring around her the closer they got to impact. She hadn't thought she would go out like this!

No, wait; what was she thinking?! She was a water nymph and she be damned if she gave up so easily! Looking down determined, she tried to pull water out from her surroundings; an impossible task if she wasn't high enough in the sky. After all water was up here too; how else would the sky rain? Eris pulled as much as she could around them, pooling as much water ahead before freezing them inside it. Hopefully when they crashed the ice would protect them as best as it could.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:44 AM

By the time Dimitri had reached the female he had already shifted back into his human form. This one wasn’t going to get away from the looks of it. He whistled and motioned for Zeira to come over. The yuki-onna nodded and picked up a collar. Since the other handler could take care of this slave he could go help Victor. A light chuckle came from him when he seen what the angel did. Fighting fire with fire, but will it work? He moved in the direction of the two girls that the angel had let go of.

Zeira approached the girl Dimitri had been fighting with. Her face was emotionless as she knelt by the nearly unconscious girl. “Sorry deary, but we can’t be getting punished for what others have done.” Her words were empty even though she was saying sorry for what she was about to do. Without wasting more time she placed the collar around the girl’s neck and latched it. The woman was half tempted to leave the girl there for the boys to collect, but thought better of it since Ian was watching. Carefully she picked the girl up and carried her back into the slave shop. Once in the shop she placed her in an empty cage.

This angel was rather amusing Victor thought as he watched. He waited until the last moment to move out of the way of the angel’s attack using his super speed. I wonder if the angel can survive that kind of impact he thought waiting to see.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:48 AM

"Blazing.....flames!" he shouted, and Flames surrounded him, in the form of a ball. He finally crashed down.

[sorry for the short post]

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:57 AM

“Not your fault. I just wasn’t careful enough earlier today. It’s my own fault for getting caught.” Maiara listened to the girl as she looked down at the redhead male with wings in the cage beside the one she had been in. Her gut told her to just make a run for it with this girl, but she couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to help him out as well. “You’re probably right about that. We should hurry to get out of this place. It looks like the battle will be over soon.” She sighed slightly, she had no clue where the exits to this place were. Looking around she that there seemed to be a corridor just past the last door on the right side of the building. Maybe the backdoor was that way. “Maybe it’s that way.” She pointed towards what looked like a hall. Taking another glance at the boy she tried to use her telepathy to tell him that they would be back to free him and the others. The collar shocked her so she had no clue if her telepathy actually worked.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 05:05 AM

It was an immense sound when it crashed; of course the surrounding humans weren't sure which created the larger noise. It could've been the blazing ball of fire or the frozen ice sphere; maybe both. But either way they went around screaming their heads off. The ice sphere simply layed there, unmoving from its crater it created. Then, slowly, it seemed to simply melt away, leaving behind a woman with hair too blue and a tiny child as blonde as the sun.

"Ow..." Eris winced, gingerly getting up, cradling the child close; she seemed to have gone semi-unconscious during the impact. The nymph herself was rather wobbley on her own legs, as concentrating on creating such a thing took moe energy that initially thought. However she pushed herself to move, and began to move quickly away; she didn't know what happened to Cycoris but she couldn't wait around to find out. Although the next time she met him (which she hoped was when she was free again) she was going to give him an earful for such a stunt; she was a water nymph, not a harpie.


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