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RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 04:25 AM

Valon blushed lightly at the other man’s comment. Bram’s words sank in after a moment. ‘love’…did the cyborg really care about him that way? His back stiffened as a memory of laying by Nathan’s side flashed in his mind. He growled internally, pushing the thought aside. He couldn’t live in the past anymore, he had to move on.

“Thank you for that…for saving me.” Valon started up his purr again letting the rich tone seep into the air and make it vibrate with the comfort and piece the man felt.

His body started to relax again then Bram’s finger touched his side. Valon jumped lightly, his purr skipping a beat. He reached and took the hand in his own, not ready for any other kind of physical contact at the moment. The touch of Bram’s hand in his own, calmed him slightly. He repeated the other man’s words again and again, ‘safe now.’

Soon the wine and the stress of the day had Valon slipping into the arms of the Dreamweaver and floating off into his dreams.

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 04:36 AM

At first he thought he may have done something wrong, but when Valon took his hand he felt more comforted. Letting that be it, he closed his eyes and snuggled down into the pillow. He tried to rest his mind, but it was working in over time. The same questions constantly flew through his mind.

What were they going to do with Valon? Was Valon going to be staying? Was he being honest when he told him about his husband.. and how he'd think of him?

Bram bit his bottom lip and shoved his face further into his pillow, taking in the warm purring that filled the room to help calm him into sleep. He was being an idiot. Something about Valon made him turn into a mushy, big, dumb kid and the captain decidedly didn't like it one bit.

They would figure it out in the morning, once they woke. He had given his orders to head to the closest Neutral planet for trade and to hide out a bit. That would give them time to worry over smaller details and Valon could, hopefully, start feeling like his old self.

Just as he drifted off to sleep, the cyborg wondered just how bad his friend had become..

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 05:36 AM

Valon’s sleep had started off wonderfully. He felt warm and safe; completely at ease to be laying beside Bram. He floated dreamless through most of the night his body absorbing the rest that he so desperately needed. Near the end of their sleep cycle was when things started to go bad.
The Captain stood on the bridge of the Maltese; watching his crew pilot them through a large asteroid field.

“We’ve made it through Captain Leotrim. Should I increase the drive to factor 5 sir?” His pilot asked. Valon watched helpless in the memory as he gave the order that would damn them all.

“No. We’re not due in Alpha Renuari-9 for another month. Let’s keep the ship at a leisurely pace. Give the crew a chance to rest and enjoy their time.” Valon screamed internally ‘NO!’

Suddenly the dream flashed forward and once again he was standing on the bridge of his ship. The emergency alarms were blaring in his ears, his claws digging into the captain's chair. “EVASIVE MANEUVERS! SHIELDS TO FULL POWER!”

It would be pointless the Klarkian slave ship was faster and better equipped than their research vessel. The dream played out like it had a thousand times before. The Klarkain commander paralyzed their ship and destroyed the Maltese’s shields. The slavers had boarded quickly, killing most of the crew and any security that dared defy them.

Within half a day the whole of the ship was takenover and Valon was on his knees before the captain of the Klarkian ship begging for the life of his crew.

“No, I’ve got what stock I need…though your science officer intrigues me.” The Klarkain’s reptilian fingers and claws dug into Nathan’s face turning him to face Valon. “Your mate is a fine specimen, Captain Leotrim. I can smell you all over him…He’ll make an excellent pleasure slave. Maybe I’ll pass him around my men before I sell him.”

“You bastard! Lay one- ARGH!!!” Valon reared up to attack the creature who dare touch his husband, only to be stopped by an eletric slave prod shoved into his back. Despite swimming in pain Valon fought to reach his mate. “NO!”

He was roaring and clawing at what little he could reach of his captors. The Klarkian dropped Nathan. Grabbing Valon by his braid and wrenching his head back to look him in the eye. “No…I have a better idea. I am going to torture him. Cut him open slowly, skin him and eventually, when I am tired of listening to him scream, kill him. And you…you are going to watch every bit. It should teach you and the rest of the slaves to obey. Tie them up.”

Over the next cycle (day) the Klarkian did as he promised. He had Valon chained across from his mate. They forced the captian’s eyes open to watchi his mate slowly die. The vile act was also broad cast over the ships com. Ensuring the behavior of the remaining crew.

Valon was finally released from his bonds, but before the Klarkian crew could restrain him again he had taken up one of their wicked looking knives and killed six of the slavers. He locked the room and fell to his knees cradling what little was left of his husband. The face flickered suddenly changing to that of Bram. Valon screamed.

Outside of the dream Valon was snarling in the bed. His claws had elongated, ripping into the rich bed cloths. “No…nathan…NO! BRAM!!”

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 05:47 AM

His sleep had been gentle and dream filled, as they always were, however his mind's eye began to waver and he found himself drifting out of that peaceful slumber. At first it was just the wrestling on the bed that shook him from his dreams, but a sharp claw caught his arm, followed by the screaming.

Bram sat up, screaming as well, his cyborg arm held out, already in the offensive gun position, as he pointed is frantically around the room for a few seconds. His heart pounded wildly, but he soon realized that they were alone and that Valon was trashing about his bed. Arm going back to its human hand appearance, the captain turned to his bed companion with a worried expression.

To stop him from clawing and adding more scars to both their bodies, the cyborg lurched on top of him and held his arms down. It was probably a terrible idea at the time, since a claw caught him across the cheek, causing bright blood to dribble down and make the sheets worse.

Wrestling with him, the captain spoke calmly but assertively, trying to keep him still, and bring him out of his nightmare. It wasn't the first time the captain had seen it. Being a pirate wasn't usually anyone's first choice.. they all had some sort of terrible past. "Valon..? Val.. Wake up, come on now, love. It's alright.."

The entire time, his own heart ached for his friend.

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 06:00 AM

Valon quickly surfaced to the present, coming out of his dream finally. He opened his eyes to see Bram leaning over him, both of the his arms restrained by the cyborg.

His first thought was of the wound obviously caused by his own claws. Valon started to shake in fear and anger. He let the tears fall from his eyes, letting the emotion overwhelm him. After a minute he couldn’t stand the physical contact from the other man.

“Bram…get off me please.” He tried to pull out of the other’s grip to no avail. “Please Bram…” Valon was finally able to pull away and he fell to the floor, scrambling to the corner and curling up. The screams of his husband and the pain of the whips licking his own back were still fresh in his mind.

“Just…please give me a minute…don’t touch me.” He was still growling in fear. A natural response even if there was no real threat. Valon started to sob into his knees.

He had hurt Bram…hurt the only other person to care about him in six years…”I’m sorry…I’m sorry” was all he could repeat over and over.

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 06:13 AM

The captain just stared at the other man flung away from him. All he could do was sit on the bed and just watch in a mix of surprise and worry. His chest hurt more and suddenly he felt ashamed about what he did, though he knew it was the right thing. Letting him lay in that dream alone wouldn't have helped either. Though the fact that Valon didn't want him to touch him was what really hurt.

A drip on to his chest reminded him that he was bleeding. Taking up a piece of the destroyed bedding, he dabbed the blood off his face and arm, then cautiously moved to the corner where the larger man was sobbing. He had no clue what he was doing at that point, beyond wanting to help and calm him.

"Hey, hey it's alright," he murmured, sitting cross legged close to Valon, but no close enough to be touching," No harm done.. it's just a scratch. Look."

Bram motioned to the rest of his body, particularly his right side where he had the most damage from his childhood accident. Some patches of skin were smooth, but others shiny and mangled where there was just no fixing him. His shoulder was the same. The rest of his body had various scars of his travels.

He turned his body around so the other man could get a better look, if he was even bothering me. On his back, the faint shimmer of whipping scars matched the others. "I have plenty to go around, one more isn't going to bother me."

Twisting back to Valon, he scooted a bit closer, resting his head against the wall beside his shoulder. He still didn't touch him, but fighting back the urge to was maddening. He wanted to pull him in tight and hug him and reassure him. "You don't have to apologize to me.. I'm here for you, if you want me. A little scratch isn't going to change that."

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 06:28 AM

Valon took a shaky breath trying to control his sobbing and breath. He took long shuddering breaths letting his head fall back against the wall beside Brams. The growling had stopped and Valon was starting to breath normally again. His skin wasn’t crawling anymore, but his heart was still aching.

“That is why I didn’t want to sleep by you, I hurt the people I care about. You should have left me Bram…I’m so broken.” Valon laid his head back on his knees.

“It’s the same most nights…most of my master’s tried to beat it out of me. I learned to keep silent.” He looked back a Bram, the man’s cheek bleeding again. Valon leaned over quickly leaning up and swiping the mark with his, rougher than human’s, tongue. “That should keep it from bleeding anymore. I’m so sorry Bram.”

Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 06:41 AM

"I'd rather you be here with me, than down there with the rest of them who.. might not understand, or alone," he replied quietly, closing his eyes and sighing when his cheek was licked. It stung a little, but the hot flow of blood didn't return after. It made him a little warm inside, but he realized that was a selfish thought right now and shook it away.

Opening his eyes some, he gave a weak smile," You might be broken, but that doesn't make you worthless. I look at you and-- and I still see you the last time I saw you. So happy and proud and strong. You know, I tried for years to forget you. I tried so hard. I managed to get to the point where I would only think about you when I stared out into the stars. It was getting to the point where I couldn't even remember your voice."

Cautiously he reached out and let his hand rest on top of Valons, ready to pull it away if he didn't want it there.

"I can't imagine what you've been through, Valon. But, I think you were meant to find me at that market and I'm so very glad to have you at my side again.. no matter what condition that is. And we're all a little broken here, love. You aren't alone. There's nothing to apologize for.."

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 07:07 AM

Valon held the other man’s hand ready for the comfort and connection for the night. He rubbed his thumb over the top of Bram’s hand. He didn’t know what to say to the other man. The care and concern that he heard in the other man’s voice made his heart swell.

“I tried to forget too. Even after every thing I could still feel you with me, somehow. Eventually I gave up, on those nights when I had nothing left to keep me going, I remembered the day we made our pact.” He showed the other man the scar. “Kept me from just laying doen and dying like so many others.”

“I even told Nathan about you.” Valon wasn’t sure that he should talk about his dead husband, but he needed to get it off his chest. “He wasn’t jelous…he always told me that he was glad that I’d had a friend that meant so much to me.” Valon chuckled. “He wanted to meet you. To see if my stories lived up to the actual man.”

He held Bram’s hand tighter. “He told me a week…a week before everything that I needed to find you again. To apologize for being an ass. Took a little longer than I planned.” The tears had started again. Valon wiped at them absent mindlessly.

“Thank you for being here. I was ready to give up…I had vowed that I wouldn’t serve another master. Especially one like that Lord.” Valon leaned his head back, sighing.

“How did you meet your crew, especially Lei and Horris. They are quite a pair.” He wanted to change the subject quickly not ready to talk more about his past.

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 07:29 AM

Bram smiled a little more listening to Valon talk about his husband. There was still that hint of jealously in the back of his mind, but he blew that off. The captain had taken a different path, one that would keep him from attaching himself to someone like Valon again. He couldn't hold it against his friend for wanting to be close to someone like that. It wasn't as if the two of them had been in a romantic relationship in the first place.. No matter what Bram had felt.

The cyborg squeezed the man's hand, reaching up with his metal one and very subtly wiped a tear from Valon's chin. He didn't like touching people with that arm for some reason.. Even Valon.

Understanding what he was doing, Bram happily raddled off how they met. On to happier subjects, he supposed.

"Well, I met Lei about a year after I left the Valhalla. She was actually an academy cadet, like you, at the time. Her parents wanted her to join the fleet like the rest of the family, but she had other plans. We ran into each other when she discovered me hiding out in her cargo. Then we ran off together into the stars and she's been my most trusted friend ever since."

Bram laughed a little at the thought in his head," She's the only one that's never accepted my comings on, no matter how many times I approached her when we were younger. I was just awful," he smiled broadly. He still was, but now he had less hormones and a tad more charm. "It's a joke between us now, because really, she was more like my sister and thinking about her like that is just disgusting."

"Horris.. Horris we actually found in a poaching and illegal animal trade ring. Lei thought he was cute, so we bought him. Turns out, he wasn't just a mindless animal. We have no idea where he came from, though he's tried to explain it to us. We've looked, but we have a feeling.. that his home might not exist anymore."

"The rest of the crew we've just picked up along the way. My first crew was a lot smaller than this and most of them have their own ships now or have passed on. I run into them, now and then," he looked sideways to smile more at Valon.

"I never shut up, do I?" he asked, taking up the hand he was holding and placing the back of it to his forehead. It was an affectionate gesture-- part of his mother and his past that he always carried with him.

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 08:05 AM

Valon, leaned into the touch of the cyborg’s metal hand. The appendage was warm and he could hear vibrations of the machinery, but it was still part of Bram. He listen quietly adsorbing the information.

Chuckling as Bram talked about Lei, Horris and the others. Bram’s voice was comforting, soothing his anxiety. Valon leaned his head on the cyborg’s shoulder, purring slightly.

He smiled at the tender gesture that Bram made. He returned it with a kiss to the palm of Bram’s hand, just over the scar.

Valon sat back looking over the wrecked bed sheets. “I rather like Horris. He was so peaceful, his aura was very calming. Have you tried taking him to a psychic? Maybe you’d get more answers.” Suddenly thoughts of his mother filled his mind. Valon hadn't seen her in over seven years. He gripped Bram's hand.

Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-22-2012, 08:17 AM

Feeling more adventurous with how he was allowed to touch Valon now, Bram reached up and stroked his hair. He couldn't feel much in his mechanical hand, save for pressure and temperature, but he was gentle none-the-less. His expression softened at the kiss.

"A psychic? No, not really. I mean.. that kind of how he talks," he replied, looking down at Valon with a face, like he should obviously know that's how they communicated with Horris. "I mean, he doesn't talk, not like you'd like a normal psychic could. It's more of like you thought it yourself. There's no voice to go with it. I think that's why he was taken in, in the first place. Poachers aren't exactly the most affectionate bunch and they probably thought they were just getting poacher's remorse when he asked them to let him go.."

The squeeze on his hand made him pause his talking and bite his lip.

"I'm sorry is- is that your way of saying you'd like to see your mum?" he asked, quieter than before. Silently in the back of his mind, he felt if he let Valon see her, he'd lose him again. It was a selfish thought, yes, but he.. he didn't want to give him up just yet.

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Old 04-22-2012, 08:29 AM

“No. Bram I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to see my parents again…” Valon shook his head. “Not for a while at least…Mom will just want to take care of me…and Dad…I don’t want to think about it.” He leaned his head into Bram’s touch.

“I need to get well first…need to find out if there is an end to all this.” Valon sighed enjoying the ministrations of Bram’s hand on his hair. He loved the tender feeling. Sweet words and tender touches had become foreign languages to him during his time, the purring started again getting louder as time passed.

“So were are we headed to Captain Amberden?”

Mr Wink
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Old 04-22-2012, 08:41 AM

The captain hummed his reply, letting his cheek rest on top of the others head as he continued to stroke his hair. Bram felt the same as Valon. Yes, he'd felt a more tender touch over the years, but nothing that truly meant anything or was completely affectionate. No strings attached. If he could purr himself, he would have.

"Craitar, I believe. It's the closest neutral planet from here. We're going to lay low for a bit and trade there. Can't get arrested by anyone if they don't follow their laws can we," he chuckled. "Anyway, it's just your average planet, I'm sure you've been before. We'll probably pick up some cargo or get a job while we're there."

That was Bram's crew, mostly. On their time off, they spent it rampaging across the universe and disturbing the rich folk or military operations. On business, they were sent on missions or to transport less than legal or dangerous goods. Some of the men complained about it, but their captain always reminded them that someone had to do these jobs.. why not them? Otherwise, pillaging just wouldn't be special anymore.

He nestled a little closer to Valon and teased," Well, are we sleeping here for the rest of the night? Unless you'd like to make a nest out of what's left of my bed."

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Old 04-24-2012, 01:51 AM

Valon leaned into Bram’s touches enjoying the warmth and the contact. His nightmares were still on the edge of his consciousness and the contact of the other man was keeping in the present instead of him falling back into his memories.

“I like Craitar, we refueled there my second week as captain.” He chuckled at a memory. “I gave my crew most of the day off while we refueled. My first science officer got so drunk that we had a extra day cycle, because he got thrown in the local drunk tank.”

Valon smiled at the memory starting to feel himself get sleepy. He woke up a little bit at his friend’s words. “I could sleep on the floor with a pillow…I’m used to it. Why don’t you lay back in the bed?” The half-Kaftrigian moved away reluctantly headed back to the bed to grab his pillow.

Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 02:44 AM

Bram sighed as the warmth of Valon's left his skin. He was going to miss that. Watching him walk to the bed, the captain stood and followed from a ways back. Having his friend sleep on the floor just didn't seem fair. So, to keep him in the bed, the cyborg did a run, then tackle of the larger man into the bed. "Nope, sleeping with me! Come on love!"

Fluff and feathers poofed into the air upon impact, sticking in Bram's curly hair like a wild man. He chuckled and rolled off to the side, resting his head on his own pillow.

"Stay, please" he gave a small, tired smile, then closed his eyes.


A few short hours later, the signal for everyone to wake up came over the coms. With a groan, Bram rolled out and off of the bed, thudding to the floor in the process with a grunt.

"Are we there yet?" he muttered in a bewildered tone.

"Good morning, Captain," Lei spoke brightly over the com," Come on out and get on deck when you're functional, please."

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 02:58 AM

Valon sighed hesitating before he was tackled to the bed. He laughed, at the feather’s flying everywhere. Using his claws gently he picked out the feathers from Bram’s hair.

He turned facing the other captain. “Alright.” He watched the other man sleep through most of the rest of the night. Valon was afraid to fall back into the darkness and hurt the man beside him.

Instead of sleeping Valon watched the stars fly by the window watching the rest of space fly by.
Valon must have fallen asleep near the designated wake up time, because the next thing he resgistered was the sound of Lei’s voice and the crash of Bram hitting the floor.

He hissed as the lights came on grabbing the nearest pillow and pulling it over his head. The former captain was met with a mouthful of feathers. He sat up spitting them out and then nearly falling out of the bed himself at the sight of Bram. He went around the bed offering the other man a hand.

“Morning Captain. It seems you’ve fallen on your ass.”

Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 03:11 AM

"All part of my grace and poise," he muttered, then took the offered hand. Standing, he rubbed his face and moaned - not ready to start his day yet. He hadn't gotten his beauty sleep.. half the night he'd been up with Valon and now he was dead tired. What he needed was a shower.

Slowly sauntering out of the bedroom and to his desk, he rummaged around in a drawer before pulling out a small folder and tossed it on top of the scratched desk. "Be a good lad and take this to Horris, will you? He'll be wanting it and I need a shower to wake me up."

Bram rolled his shoulders and stepped over to a wall. It looked to just be a bookcase, but he tapped a button on the side of the case. The shelves swung open with a hiss, revealing a standing shower and toilet area. Being a captain did have its little perks. He pushed off his briefs and kicked them aside, then paused in the doorway to look at Valon over his shoulder.

"It's our ships and crews "papers", if you're curious," he smiled.

RueMarion21 is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 03:24 AM

Valon’s mouth hung open at the sight of the other man. Bram was…well the former captain was really appreciating the view. The other man’s statement brought him back to the present making him nearly drop the papers. “Uh…yea…Okay, um take these to Horris.”

The former captain blushed slightly. Valon felt a lustful growl starting to bubble out of his chest. He suppressed it and quickly looked away reaching for his better fitting clothing. There was a bright green shirt that complemented his eyes, grey pants and a sturdy pair of boots. Damn it Bram! He thought about the day before and his own display of nudity...I guess I kinda deserve it... " I'll see you later Bram."

He rushed out of the captain's cabin and down the corridors looking for Horris. Images of a naked Bram kept filling his mind...he growled to himself. Valon was so busy trying to suppress his lustful thoughts that he bumped straight into the man they were looking for.

The former captain fell flat on his back side, Horris a solid mountain. "I'm so sorry..."

Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 03:40 AM

"Toodle," he replied, turning around with a big dumb grin plastered across his face. He'd noticed the look in the other man's eye and couldn't help but grin. A job well done, Captain, he thought to himself before stepping into the shower room. If there was one thing Valon would learn after all was said and done, was that Captain Bram Amberden was very proud of his nudity.

Down the hall, however, Horris didn't appreciate it as much when something hit his backside. Turning slowly to see what that was, he looked around with a confused expression before looking at the floor and at the man sprawled on it. A growl rumbled in the back of his throat, teeth parting just slightly as his large eyes pierced downward. With the grumbling, a thought would pop into Valon's mind.. Not a voice, but a thought.

Trying to get away from the captain, are you?

If a thought could tease, then this one was good at it. The beast reached out with one of his massive, rough hands and picked the large, but smaller man off the floor by the scruff of his shirt and set him on his feet.

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Old 04-24-2012, 04:19 AM

Valon stood silent for a moment. ‘Wow, thoughts really just pop into my head when he speaks.’ He looked over the larger beast, shaking his head so that he can form a rational thought. The thought had a sarcastic and teasing tone to it, if a thought could do that.

“Sorry. Uh…I guess I was running from the captain.” Valon scratched the back of his neck nervously. Images of a naked Bram filtered through his head again. He immediately shut down the thoughts just encase Horris could see inside his head. Living under the same roof as a psychic had taught Valon at a young age how to suppress and hide his thoughts.

He gave Horris a smile handing the other man the papers from the captain. “Captain Amberden asked me to bring these to you.” Valon stood quietly while the beast-man looked over the papers.

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 04:35 AM

Carefully, Horris reached into a pouch around his chest and pulled out a small pair of reading glasses. Perching them on the end of his snout, two tiny pairs of eyes opened on the front and peered through them. He raised the papers to his face and grumbled to himself.

You need papers. We will have to pick one for you.

None of the paperwork in the folder were legitimate. They were amazing forgeries that the ship carried with them at all times. They had several different sets, using them accordingly with different areas they decided to dock. Their most common stops were in neutral territories, but others required different paperwork. Since their ship was military property and the majority of them had warrants for their arrests in various systems, it wouldn't be good to be flaunting around certain places with their correct names.

Horris looked up from the paperwork, noticing Valon was still there. His large eyes glanced away, then back again for a second.. he was confused why he was still there in the first place. And looking at him.. oddly. Curiously? Perhaps he wanted conversation. That would be fine, he supposed. He had duties to attend to with the new crew member anyway and now would be as good of time as any to get those done.

So, you are Valon, the thought came across. It wasn't a statement as if he hadn't been already introduced, but about past statements - he had heard of Valon before, of course.

Come, tell me about you while we make your arrangements," the thought came again and he turned slowly, moving at a gentle lumbering pace towards his own quarters were they would finally settle the man in.

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Old 04-24-2012, 05:09 AM

Valon was surprised again as the thoughts entered his head. It was weird. He had spoken to his mother before psychically and this definitely was not the same thing. When he spoke to his mother, it was if there was a presence in his head, extra mind.

With Horris the thoughts just popped into his head, like they were coming from himself. Valon followed the large beast down the hall, curious and wanting to get to know the man better.

“I grew up on the same ship as Bram…” Valon relayed most of his history to the man stopping before, Bram had left the Vallaha. They had stopped at what Valon assumed were the man’s quarters. “I-I hope I am not bothering you. I haven’t talked like that in a long time.”

Valon had a burning question he wanted to ask the large beast man, but he was uncomfortable asking before he knew the other man better.

Mr Wink
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Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 05:19 AM

You are fine.

The door slid open to his quarters, revealing a very orderly office with bright synthetic daisies sitting in a vase on the extremely large desk. The layout was similar in fashion to Bram's quarters, only with more space for obvious reasons. To the left, the bedroom was bright and clean, with plenty of white and color mixed in. Obviously Lei's handiwork.

Horris groaned and sat in his over sized chair.

Sit. You wanted to ask a question?, he said. To make that he was speaking more obvious, his words were always followed with a growl, gurgle, or grumble. After a while with these other races, he'd learned this was an easier way to get their attention.

Waiting for a response, he began slowly taking out some equipment in order to get Valon the papers he needed. A small screen lifted out of the desk, facing Horris. His large eyes stared at it, unblinking, while the smaller ones darted back and forth over his glasses.

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Old 04-24-2012, 05:36 AM

Valon was once again surprised at how intuitive the other man was, that or he could read his thoughts. A question for later.

He picked a seat next to the other man, his hands folded gently in his laps. “Bram- Captain Amberden said that you were captured before he and your wife found you...I jut wondered how did you move on from that? I-I feel so lost.”


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