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Arc Angel
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Old 09-22-2014, 05:16 AM

To put it plainly, everything suddenly got very strange. Blinking at Kiernan in surprise with his sudden pointing, Cara turned to look between the three of them. "What in the twelve kingdoms...?" She murmured, eyebrows drawing slightly together as Numira pointed at her. Crossing her arms, she was about to ask how they all knew each other when the procession seemed to quickly answer the question for her. "You..?" She questioned, pointing at Numira, in return of the seemingly clueless gesture. The least she could do was play along with the girl, especially after having heard her little aside to Kiernan.

Kiernan's sudden rise of anger and surprise dwindled as Numira joined in, turning to look at her with wide, childishly surprised eyes as she mentioned it as a game. Was it? Offering her a kind, warm smile, Kiernan didn't have the heart to say it wasn't. "Yes, I believe it sort of is." He replied calmly, having experienced a quick turn-around. Her clueless charm didn't seem to work quite as quickly on the remaining of them, however, as Zed still seemed intent on anger for some time. Kiernan stood beside Numira, keen eyes careful to watch Zed as the two made their exchanges. It was rather adorable, to say the least, how Numira had made a game of this. Perhaps it wasn't right to allow her to assume this was normal, but what kind of monster would deny the genuine fun she appeared to be having?

Not Kiernan. Crossing his arms like his sister, he leaned casually against the window as he simply watched the rest of it play out. It didn't appear that Numira needed his help in this case, her unique charm having seemed to have baffled the man into quiet as she willingly agreed to return his belongings and accept her cloak back. It all worked out much smoother than he would've ever imagined. The question still remained, however, whether he could trust this man and why he was being allowed into his home. It all culminated to Numira grabbing Cara with enthusiasm, leading Kiernan to smiling at the sight.

It was Cara's turn to speak up, having gathered what broken pieces of information she could before her arm had been assaulted. Caught by surprise, her eyes widened at first, but soon she found herself laughing. Warm laughter trailed from her at this mess-- the weird man, the stew's burning, her brother's sudden affections for a woman, the strange game they'd all just played, Numira's adorable eagerness. It wasn't pointed at Numira, of course, it was all in good fun. Looking to her with a warm smile, Cara nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, let's remake that stew!" She urged, one of her hands placing itself atop Cara's arm as she lead her to the kitchen corner. Then, at her question over Zed, Cara glanced in his direction, stifling a small giggle at his confusion. "Ah, yeah... He's just a very confused, funny forest man." She spoke up loud enough that she knew she'd be heard, meaning it to be a teasing remark as she then turned her attention back to Cara. "We've got to start with water and fresh vegeatbles! I guess this will do..." She began, looking at the pot Kiernan had started with mild distaste, but deciding to use it and his strangely chopped vegetables anyways. It would be salvaged yet.

Entrusting Numira with his sister, he instead looked on at Zed with mild suspicion. "You tail my sister home? Why?" He questioned a tad gruffly, arms still crossed as his eyes focused in on the man. Then, before he could respond, he added. "Whatever your reasons, you had better not hurt these girls. I'll kill you." With that, he nodded once at him before turning on his heel and moving to the fire place. Placing a fresh log atop the pile, he moved to light it with the thought that the rain may cool the house down. Then sitting casually among one of the two couches, his expression softened from his gruff state.

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Old 09-22-2014, 07:17 PM

"Not you too," The white-haired man groaned a little at Cara, grimacing a little before staring in a dull fashion at Kiernan as he began to run his mouth, "Hey, I'm not that kinda pervert. Lady invites me to a place outta the rain though; I'm gonna accept." He explained, though he barely seemed phased by the brothers death-threat,
"And you'll have to do better, pal, you're the least frightening person I've had the pleasure to deal with in my lifetime, save it for some-one who might actually take you seriously," Zed replied raising his hand to his head and brushing his hair back a moment, electricity sparked off his hand, steam rising form his hair as it evaporated and dried, a single charge running through it and livening up his appearance once more as he smirked at Kiernan, "Besides, you and that Numira girl are the bandit duo who robbed me, if there's any unscrupulous behavior to worry about here its from you and.. Her..?" He glanced at Numira again as she worked with Cara, that look of confusion coming across his face again before he looked at Kiernan again, finding his way to the other couch and planting himself in it.

Confusion remained in place, but it seemed that thinking was only hurting his head,
"I'm.. Really confused here.. Are you two meant to be bandits, or good people, or.. Is she even-" He stared at Numira again before simply sinking into the chair and sighing, "I'm not sure what I'm saying.. I'm not even sure what I'm thinking.. I'd say I've been in weirder situations but this is way up on my list of weird things.." He sat up slightly, reaching over and claiming the coin pouch before emptying it out and counting it a moment, curious look on his face still as he glanced at Kiernan,
"This is exactly the amount you two took.. In fact these are all the same coins.." He mentioned briefly, but he seemed to be trying to figure something out before he simply asked; "She didn't have anything else?"

Numira was happily following Cara around, it was easy enough to instruct her, just as she'd said, she could learn fast, it wasn't terribly hard compared to some things she'd learned in the past so simple things like this came naturally, however when it came to magic, she was clueless, she didn't even know the basics, so that meant anything magic related was up to Cara, or it likely would have turned into a second disaster. Still, she seemed fascinated by all these simple little every day things, filled with the curiosity of a child that wanted to learn.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-22-2014, 07:53 PM

As Zed groaned in response to her, Cara only giggled before focusing more so on Numira than the two boys. They would take care of themselves; dinner had to be her priority, now that it was later than anticipated already. So, she set about the kitchen showing Numira what she had done to prepare the stew earlier, though after her seeming denial of magical use, Cara ended up doing most of it by hand as she taught her with care. She did indeed pick it up quickly, which rather excited Cara to see. Still, a part of her wondered just how different this woman really was. Numira didn't seem to know the customs, true, but she also seemed to lack knowledge of magic, everyday items, and other such subjects.

Cara could hardly imagine how far away she must be living to be ignorant of these things. It was as if she had just suddenly appeared here and needed to be taught how life here worked, judging by the curiously childish glimmer in her eyes. Cara found this all very curious, but took no suspicion in it. Instead, trusting in Kiernan's judgement of her character, she enjoyed her time teaching her. "Then, we just... Light it!" Cara spoke simply, finishing the little lesson as a flame sparked to life from her finger to start cooking their stew. "Good work." She then noted, looking over the pot contentedly before her gaze shifted to Numira with a small smile on her face.

Kiernan quirked an eyebrow at him with his dismissal of his questioning, leading him to instead grumbling to himself and sighing as he went to sit. The other's antics weren't worth responding to-- he had simply wanted to say he wouldn't put up with any funny business, so he supposed there wasn't anything more to add to that. Instead, sitting casually, he stretched himself out and looked up at the man with a disproving look. "Bandits, really? You assumed that at first glance." He replied dryly, then shook his head. "We're no bandits. I'm escorting her to Erenguard, and you dropped from the trees to attack us. So, she took care of you." Kiernan explained it simply enough, holding just a tad of leftover bitterness with this man, but most of his ill will towards him had been whisked away through the combined efforts of Cara and Numira. Cara's invitation of him to his home, and Numira's subsequent adorableness worked together to relax him, even in the face of this guy.

Kiernan laughed as the other explained the strangeness of the situation, shrugging a little himself. "Today's been a weird one for all of us, take it from me." He spoke casually, watching as Zed reclaimed his coin purse and counted its contents. "It should all be there, haven't used any." Kiernan recalled, though his eyes narrowed upon him as he was questioned over it. They truly hadn't used any, had they? Unsure of what he was getting at, Kiernan eyed him in confusion. "Not that I know... What are you missing?"

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Old 09-23-2014, 03:52 AM

Numira truly did treat it all with some curious gaze, doing anything manual was easy once it was shown to her, she was able to mimic Cara's motions perfectly when she was given a task. When it came to lighting the fire,s he watched Cara with wide-eyed wonder, bending low so she could watch magic in action, however small. As the fire was lit, she let out a gasp of delight at the vision before grinning up at Cara, quite happy indeed. She paused briefly, looking at the fire again before reaching her hand out to it, not too close. She could feel the warmth of it, but that warmth seemed to vanish. She withdrew her hand and stared at her fingers and palm curiously, even as she flexed her fingers, there was no feeling, at least for a short while, before feeling started to come back.

She'd experienced this numb sensation before, whenever she touched Kiernan's hand, or he touched her, the side of her face had gone numb. Touching Cara produced the same effect, even striking Zed the first time, although contact had been brief that time. She folded her hands behind herself and smiled at Cara again,
"What do we do now?" She questioned curiously, glancing over at Zed and Kiernan, partly wondering what they were up to, though it seemed Zed was retrieving his.. What were they called..? Silver Catenas? Yes, that's what Kiernan called them.

Zed stared briefly at Kiernan, pondering a little before he accumulated his money, putting it all back in his own pouch and tying it to his waist,
"It's nothing, not missin' anything, just.. Something feels off." He shrugged. The man leaned back again, staring at the ceiling in thought, he recalled a similar situation, but then, that was a long time ago, "Erenguard, huh..?" He pondered out loud, "Not exactly my first choice if you're looking for somewhere safe to go. But not the worst either, I guess." Zed added, staring over at the window but then grimacing again, "Sheesh.. They're gonna be so mad when I come home late.." He mumbled a little to himself before he felt an odd tug at his hair, staring up to find Numira had snuck up to him to prod at one of his raised bangs,
"How did you do this..?" She asked, Zed's face one of confusion again,
"I dried my hair with my lightning element, my aunt says it takes that shape because I build up static, or something. She says a lot of weird things." He responded, Numira grinning a little,
"Static giving it such a defined shape.. Strange."

Arc Angel
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Old 09-23-2014, 04:23 AM

Cara watched as Numira's hand neared the flames, ready to pull her hand away, but it seemed that wasn't necessary. What had she been doing like that? Tilting her head slightly in curiosity, Cara wandered again just how much of this was new to her. Then, she shrugged it off. Upon hearing her question, however, Cara blinked in surprise. "Well, just... let it cook. Try not to burn it again." Cara explained, speaking up a bit to ensure her tease of Kiernan would be heard.

Kiernan merely cringed at Cara's comment, but said nothing of it. Instead, he focused on Zed's comment, eyebrows yet drawn together slightly as he wondered what he meant. "Whaddya mean, it's not safe?" He questioned, becoming more focused on the idea at the thought of the capitol of all places being unsafe. He couldn't just take Numira somewhere that wasn't stable. His mind traveled back to how Cara had been told to leave suddenly, and wondered what was going on between the two things.

Cara walked over to the group behind Numira, seating herself casually beside Zed, eyeing the interaction between him and Numira with mild amusement. "What, got a curfew?" She jested, having overheard the last bits of their conversation as she crossed her legs before her, her sock-clad feet dangling in the air. She smoothed out her skirt briefly before recalling the earlier bit again. "Wait though, do you know what's been going on there?" Cara added a few moments later, worry crossing her face as she recalled her master's words to her. He wouldn't have simply sent her away on a break for vacationing purposes, but he had been so vague...

Kiernan, looking over at Numira's investigation of Zed's hair, smiled over at her, but didn't speak any more. He, too, was wondering about Cara's question. "Since we're headed into town there, it'd be best to get a head's up..." He stated thoughtfully, gaze lingering on Numira as he wondered if their plans would indeed be thwarted.

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Old 09-23-2014, 08:19 PM

No burning, that sounded like a good plan, Numira didn't want to smell burned food again if she could help it, but she didn't know for certain how long it was meant to be cooked. Though with Cara here now, she supposed the chances of it happening weren't as great now. Though her attention was focused on Zed and Kiernan soon, rather, all of them, Cara too as she sat down next to Zed. Seeing this she pondered a little though soon wandered over to where Kiernan was and sat down next to him, making sure her dress was not caught under her.

Zed glanced at Kiernan, then Cara too as they both questioned him as though he knew something they didn't, however he then shrugged,
"How should I know? I dont like any place for safety that aint my home." He replied, leaning back into the chair and staring up again, "Erenguard has plenty of nice folks, maybe one or two bad ones. It's certainly better than being anywhere in Draskone, that place is getting worse." Zed stared over at Kiernan a moment, eyes rather discerning but then he just shrugged and chuckled, "Well.. They're not my problem.. If they start something with Austaros though.. Well.." He paused and turned his gaze to Numira again, then he leaned forward, focus intent on her, or rather the marks on her shoulders, "Where did you get those marks..?"

Numira glanced at her shoulders a moment then smiled in return
"They are.. A custom of Kiranes.. Of sorts.." She replied, best not to get into detail about them, still, Zed's question made her slightly nervous, he seemed to recognize them. He leaned on his hand calmly, however he grinned at Cara next,
"As for curfew? Nah, what I have is a family of two ladies who make my life hell if I make them worry," Zed chuckled then, "Wouldn't have it any other way, though."

Arc Angel
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Old 09-24-2014, 12:57 AM

Cara, blinking in surprise with Zed's initial comment, let out a soft sigh and relaxed into the couch. Her arms rising to rest behind her head for a moment, her thoughts drifted back to her master. She had assumed too quickly that Zed knew why she was being sent away. Frowning slightly, suddenly troubled again by the lack of reason she was given, her feet lightly swung with her sock-clad toes poking the hem of the rug. Her thoughts only stopped mid-whirl at the mention of Draskone. Sitting up again, her gaze lifted quietly to Kiernan to gage his reaction. The picture that sat off to the side on the mantle of Kiernan showed him in military uniform- Draskone. The sword's sheath, the blade itself, the handle of said weapon that was displayed there- forged and decorated in Draskone form. His house wore his past clearly, even if he lived differently now.

Not moving so much as a muscle under the gaze of the other, Kiernan did however feel his inward guard rising for a moment. What was he insinuating with the look? His own gaze locked onto Zed for the time being, uncertain of what to make of his words. Yet, he knew the situation to be true as he said. Sighing softly, one of his hands rose to rub the back of his head. "They better get it together..." He commented, thoughtful, before allowing the focus to gladly shift to Numira. Maybe not so gladly. Kiernan wasn't sure he appreciated his questioning of her, even if she did come off so clearly foreign. Her manner of reply lead him to grin at her, as if reassuringly though it didn't appear to be needed. Zed was soon of her case.

Cara, blinking in surprise at Zed's answer, tilted her head slightly. She hadn't expected him to admit to a curfew,even if he had one, but mentioning his family wasn't something she'd expected. "Family of two ladies..." She murmured first, then a playful smile lit her features. "Ah! Two wives! You sure are a weirdo-forest-man!" She declared, pointing at him as her free hand held her stomach, releasing a musical laugh.

Kiernan simply rose an eyebrow at this before slowly shaking his head. It hadn't been funny. The smell of the stew cooking began to drift into the room, covering up the burned smell and prodding at Kiernan with hunger once more. Standing, he walked over to check on it, lifting up the pot's lid to stir it a couple of times. Unsure of whether it was now cooked properly or not, he stared down into it curiously.

Cara, noting his move, stopped laughing abruptly. "Dinner time!" She called knowingly, the smell clear to her that it was ready.

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Old 09-24-2014, 03:53 AM

Zed stared at Cara a moment as she made her joke, pulling a mildly perturbed face and raising a brow at her before finally replying simply with;
"That was a little weird.. I don't know how it works in Erenguard but I don't think marrying my aunt and sister is a done thing.." He replied, staring between Kiernan and Cara a moment before pulling a face once again, "Don't tell me you two are actually married..?" He asked, he wasn't serious about it either as he slowly grinned again. Turnabout was fair play, he could give as good as he got,
"I don't know who would marry either my sis or aunt, they'd have to be out of their mind," Zed chuckled, stretching his arms and resting them behind his head again with a grin of his own, he had the look of a mischievous type at that time, something Numira had displayed not too long ago.

At the call for dinner time, Numira perked up from where she was sat, having originally been watching Kiernan quietly, though seeing him move to the cooking pot, she was a little curious, but then Cara had called. She smiled broadly at the thought of eating something she'd helped prepare, that was definitely an experience she wasn't used to, not to mention whatever this stew thing was, it smelled great.
She got to her feet, scampering over to the pot to smell it a little closer, placing her hand on Kiernan's arm with a smile, though then looked at Cara, waiting for instruction like before, she still wanted to be of assistance.

Zed on the other hand got up and walked over to the window, staring out at the falling rain quietly, he was beginning to wander about things himself. Sure he'd seen the Draskone decorative pieces on the wall, even the picture, but he didn't care about that. He only cared about things he could see with his own eyes, Numira and Kiernan weren't actually bad people, the former of the two, well.. Those markings.. He'd seen them before, but only once.. And there was Cara, she was definitely a good person, pretty too, he rested his hands on his hips and pondered on that last thought, however what he considered reality set in and he gave up on that line of thought for the time being,
"Looks like it'll let up later in the evening, the clouds are light.." He mentioned offhandedly, not sure if anyone was paying attention before he turned and leaned against the window sill with a smile, "I'll be out of your hair soon enough."

Arc Angel
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Old 09-24-2014, 04:41 AM

As she was denounce as weird, a sheepish grin claimed her face, though she had called him no better earlier. Cara, despite being friendly, was hardly used to having others around. Usually her social contact consisted of just her brother and master. They were like family to her, too, so they hardly counted. Rubbing her cheek shyly for a moment, she hardly caught the return of her strange comment from Zed. Looking over at him with her playful smile returned, she shook her head enthusiastically. "I'd never dream of it." She replied simply, having caught his grin. At least her failed humor was entertaining.

As she got up to check the stew, she thought back to having heard briefly about his aunt before. "You said your aunt is also trained in magic, right?" She asked thoughtfully, removing four bowls form the cupboard to begin readying a method of serving dinner now that it was done. Cara didn't often meet others that trained with anyone, or at a school for that matter, so she sort of wanted to hear more about this lady. Even if she didn't want to outright say it.

As Numira joined him hovering over the pot, Kiernan returned her smile warmly. "Smells delicious, you two." He complimented, taking in a deep breath and nodding. "Oh, yeah. Numira, you did great. I'm eating at least two helpings..."

"Save some for the rest of us, you big lug." Cara retorted quietly from behind him, where she was fishing out a ladle to fill the bowls with. Then, seeming to note Numira's attention, Cara grinned at her. "The other key to stew is..." She added, handing her a loaf of bread. "Fresh bread served with it. Mind getting it ready for us?" She asked calmly, wandering if the cooking lesson was to continue on. They had both taken up rather equal shares in making the stew earlier, so she decided splitting up the few before-dinner tasks needed wouldn't be out of the question. After having gathered dishes and silverware, Cara's gave lingered on where Zed stood by the window, alone. Pausing mid step, she blinked curiously as she observed him for a moment, hardly noticing as Kiernan took the plates from her hands to continue the dinner set-up himself.

Directing Numira with a gentle voice as he knew how to at least get this part done without Cara, Kiernan decided to take some charge now if only to repay the girls for doing all the work cooking. At the small table, he set the dishes and silverware out, placed the pot of steaming stew out on a woven placeholder, gathered several glasses for them all, and ensured the bread was placed out accordingly once it was divvied up well. Then, looking to Numira, he finally commented on her earlier enthusiasm. "Did you do a lot of cooking on Kiranes? You seemed pretty eager about it earlier." He questioned as he did some last minute place-setting, golden gaze drawing over to her curiously.

Cara, however, found herself of no help in the kitchen now that Kiernan took over. Why he'd done so, she wasn't quite sure, but as she rubbed her neck gently she noted that Zed was still staring out the window. Walking over to him a bit hesitantly, she paused by his side to look out at the remainder of the storm. Then, blinking in surprise, her gaze moved to him as he turned. "You can tell that just by looking out there?" She spoke more casually now, finally caught in a medium between her earlier scolding and awkward attempt at humor. "Just looks... dark to me. Feels like it too, in a way." Cara admitted, sensing as if a storm of sorts was continuing out there.

Shaking her head a little, she dismissed it with instead the idea that he would be leaving soon. Her first chance in quite a while to talk to someone skilled in magic outside of daily use, and he would be gone soon. Her toe drawing a semi-circle on the floor beneath her in thought, her voice pipped up quietly again. "At least stay for dinner? Please?" She asked, then cleared her throat a little. "I mean, we have it set up for four, so... I'm sure your family wouldn't mind waiting just a bit longer?"

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Old 09-24-2014, 08:04 PM

Zed didn't answer about his aunt, when questioned, he was a little distracted at the time as he pondered on his thoughts. He had stopped observing the trio, mostly because he had no illusions that he would also be eating with them.
Kiernan's compliments meanwhile brought a wide smile to Numira's face, the green-haired young woman grinning at Cara then, though once she was passed the bread, she stared at it a moment, but then counted herself, Cara, Kiernan, then Zed, clearly far more optimistic than him since she immediately broke the bread into four equal pieces to go along with the number of servings. However she stared at Kiernan a moment as he asked the question and shook her head,
"Nope! First time!" She replied rather proudly, she owed how well she performed to her unnatural abilities, but that was one of many things she couldn't explain without it sounding crazy, even if Kiernan didn't think what she was saying was insane, she knew how out there it would be to explain. She much preferred this though, she had no knowledge of a world like this and living in it, so there was plenty of new things to learn, that was something she could get along with quite happily.

Zed turned his head a moment when Cara spoke at his side, but then he looked out the window again with a smirk,
"With my aunt, we travel a lot, through the wild, through Draskone, thorugh Austaros, plenty of days and nights out in the open, seeing the sky, you learn to figure out which way the weather is shifting, that way you know to take cover from bad weather sooner or later, as well as figure out when it'll let up." He explained, "Might still be a little misty, the ground will definitely be wet, but that's about it." He added, rolling his shoulders a little. though he took on a slightly surprised look when Cara offered that he at least stay for a meal. Then he looked at Kiernan and Numira setting up. Well that was one theory of his out the window,
"Well I do kinda need to climb a mountainside to get back to them, they'd be expecting me home tomorrow morning, rather than the afternoon." He smirked a little, nodding to the shadow of a mountain not far off in the evening horizon, it was Mount Levante, there were rumors abound that a witch or devil woman of some kind lived up that mountain for the last decade or so, of course Zed knew it to be false. Well, sort of.. His Aunt had a bad reputation, far as he knew, but he wouldn't let people speak ill of her. She was a terrifying woman, but she was family.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-24-2014, 09:34 PM

Seeing the smirk appear on his face, Cara's smile dimmed a bit, gaze curious as she cast a sidelong glance in his direction. He really was a weird one, no? She listened to him quietly, trying to imagine this adventurous life he had with his aunt. She hadn't heard of anything of the sort, of people living in nature like that... She felt as if she were hearing the beginning to some kind of story, rather than about some brief details of his lifestyle. As he finished, looking out at the mountain before the village, her eyes widened slightly. That place was so rarely traveled that children created ghost tales about it, a few of which she remembered being chilled by even when she was young. Her gaze shifted to the mountain itself before she slowly turned to look at him with a slight grin.

"If you say so, then we won't keep ya." She replied calmly, though she was a tad disappointed to be honest with herself. Another magic user about her age was a difficult thing to come by. Then stepping away to see that Kiernan and Numira had finished setting the table, she smiled at the both of them warmly. "Alrighty, then. Dinner time!" She clapped her hands once happily, then cast a glance back at Zed. She wouldn't ask him to stay again. He was a stranger, after all. Part of her did hope he changed his mind, though. After a moment, she walked over to the table, looking over the set up as she felt her mouth water. Fresh rabbit stew, recently-baked bread, some various fruits from the garden, and a couple of pitchers to choose from to drink.

As she declared that it had been her first time, Kiernan blinked at her in surprise. She hadn't ever had to cook before? Moreover, she had seemed to catch on to it pretty quickly, if that was the case. Lifting his eyebrows at her in a bit of wonder, he accepted her reply with a thoughtful nod. "Wow... That's amazing." He spoke with a bit of awe, then sent a warm smile in her direction. "Maybe I'll have to ask for your help cooking again, sometime." He added playfully, though he wasn't altogether kidding. The trek to Erenguard would mean sometimes camping out and cooking their own food, in which case he might not be the best choice for a chef. Not that he'd make her do all the work, though. Hearing Cara approach, he turned to her with a grin and pulled out a chair for Numira to sit in, gesturing for her to take in in a manner of trying to be gentlemanly. "Finally," he remarked, one hand on his stomach as he recalled how he'd messed up what would've been a much earlier meal.

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Old 09-25-2014, 12:39 AM

Zed looked aside to Cara with a little confusion on his face then a slight chuckle,
"Hey, genius, I never said no." He replied with a grin, "You must be crazy if you think I'm gonna pass up a chance to eat something that smells so good." Zed added, following her to the table, "I'll just take the yelling when I go home, worth every bite." He added confidently, glancing over at Numira and Kiernan a moment, he'd heard part of their conversation, but didn't say anything about it, the girl was apparently really sharp. Even if she didn't know much about this world, like it seemed, she was bound to survive if she remained this quick on the uptake.

He practically mimicked Kiernan's action to pull out a chair for Cara, waiting until she'd settled before he found himself a spot. Numira recognized the action Kiernan made, it was something people on Kiranes did at times too, in fact it was one of those universal actions she'd seen many races come up with, or adopt from other races. It was the same as laughter, love, or even pain. They were all things that many races understood universally.
Gratefully she stood in place a moment and pressed the back of her dress at the legs so she could sit down.

She then looked over her shoulder at him with a smile,
"I would like to cook again," She started, though looked over at Cara with a grin, "Even more if Cara will teach me." Numira added, pressing her hands together, still smiling broadly, eyes turning to Kiernan again, "I will even sing again, I want to do more for you." Numira folded her hands in her lap, waiting til everyone was in place and ready, she did want to eat but felt it would be rude to start right away.
Zed would have settled into place by then as well, watching the three with a light smirk on his face. The idea that Numira could sing was intriguing. Most who could were often professional entertainers for courts and kings, but it wasn't exclusive to them alone. He'd certainly never heard his sister or Aunt sing, the idea alone was a little strange.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-25-2014, 02:56 AM

Cara's eyes widened a little with his response. He hadn't said no, but from what he said she had just assumed. Apparently, she'd assumed his answer too soon. Zed had turned out to be quite the surprising person, after all. "Good!" She replied in short, her smile brightening back up as a slight blush tinted her cheeks. "I'm glad you think so." She added a few moments later, about how the cooking smelled. As Zed pulled a chair out for her, Cara hesitantly accepted it with a mere whisper of a "Thank you." It was a... sweet gesture. Tucking her skirt beneath her as she sat, she looked over the meal briefly before nodding. "Dig in!" She urged, grabbing one of the pitchers to fill her glass with a dull green liquid. When full, she'd offer it to Zed at her right.

Kiernan took the cue to grab the ladle from the large pot and fill his bowl, then passing the ladle to the right to Numira. "It seems like you enjoyed it," he replied at first, smiling as he recalled seeing her and Cara in the kitchen together. Her next words surprised him though. She wanted to do more for him? Blinking at her in surprise, he wasn't quite sure what she meant by that. However, he did rather fancy the idea of her singing to him again. So, nodding, he spoke warmly. "I would love to hear you sing again."

Cara pipped up, too, smiling. "I definitely wouldn't mind teaching you more, either." Then, pausing before taking a bite of bread, she frowned slightly. "Hey, were you two planning on leaving tomorrow already?"

Kiernan, a bit taken back, raised his hands defensively. "We hadn't talked about it yet, actually..." His voice trailed slightly as he looked to Numira, curiously. He wasn't sure if it mattered when they left. However, if she had some specific time frame to follow, he hadn't taken that into account. Gaze fixating upon for a few moments, he considered that she did indeed have a home to go back to. If she wanted to, that was. From what she'd said of it so far, he wasn't yet sure whether she was gone for good or merely escaping for now. That thought was unsettling for him, but he did his best not to let it show.

"Well, if you are, you sure as hell better let me know. I'd like to be headed back soon, myself." Cara replied casually, suggesting the three just head that way together. She did know that journey rather well by now, as it was. Cara made it several times a year.

Kiernan shrugged, "Sure." He just accepted that for now, then looking to Zed curiously. "Where is it you live, exactly? Not from Shilf, else you would've just headed home during the storm."

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Old 09-26-2014, 02:59 AM

Zed had to admit, his mouth had been watering a little once Numira and Cara had begun cooking the new meal, thankfully this time it hadn't been burned, though as Cara had stated, he could kind of see why it had been forgotten entirely, since that green-haired girl was positively smitten with Cara's brother, the two had certainly been standing quite close together until Zed and the sister had shown up at the door. It didn't take long for him to dunk his share of bread into the stew and take a bite out of it.
He stared over at Cara a moment when she offered the pitcher before grabbing it with a smile and pouring himself a drink as well, glancing over at Kiernan and Nnumira again as the former spoke. Numira had nodded enthusiastically about cooking, she had definitely enjoyed the experience, already committing what she'd experienced to memory.

She was happy that Cara would teach her again, and that Kiernan wanted to hear her sing again, perhaps she would sing for the both of them some time. Though she looked over at Cara as she spoke about the two of them going. She was happy enough just following Kiernan around, so she simply smiled at him in response before she continued working through her meal. She mimicked Zed's motion of dipping the bread and biting into it, it proved to be a good choice. Though she soon chimed in quite merrily,
"I will go where Kiernan goes. It is good to be where Kiernan is."

Zed found himself smirking a little at that, ladling some of the stew into his mouth, though the question of the brother made him stop a moment to swallow before he thumbed over his shoulder to the window he'd been standing at,
"Mount Levante," He replied simply, "Me, my aunt and my older sis live up there," He added, he took a drink of the green fluid calmly before continuing, "Lived there with her since we were kids, she found us when we were a pair of brats with no home or anything. Now.." he paused then chuckled, ".. Well.. Now we're a pair of brats with a home and a teacher,"

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Old 09-26-2014, 05:02 AM

Kiernan took up his slice of bread to dip as well, though once he'd immersed the end, he took a pause with Numira's words. She had seemed to say them so easily, yet he found they took quite some weight with him. Bread lingering in the soup for a moment as he looked down at it, a light blush gathered at his cheeks as he swallowed a small lump in his throat before lifting his bread to bite into it. Feeling that slight rush of embarrassment lead him to averting making eye contact with her for a few moments, but after swallowing his bite of food he would look over at her with a warm smile. "I was thinking we would go sometime rather soon, but we did just travel a decent ways. Maybe we can stay and relax her for a little while." He spoke casually, unsure of which would be best to do. Then, he added. "The stew is delicious, by the way... You two outdid yourselves!"

Cara looked between her brother and Numira for a moment before smiling to herself. It was quite obvious they both felt tenderly for one another, she just wondered about how quickly that had happened. He couldn't have been gone for more than a few days, no? Regardless, it was a welcome sight. As she ate, she considered the odd dynamics present at the table here. "I had excellent help," she brushed off his compliment, though it did brighten her face a bit.

"On... Mount Levante?" Kiernan looked over at Zed in surprise, half intending to see a more playful expression on his face that would say he was joking. No such thing awaited him there. Frowning slightly, his thoughts went to the strange rumors of it, trying to imagine what sort of people would take to living there. "Weird... choice..." He added thoughtfully, words slow and curious.

"It's nice of your aunt to take care of you. I hope you aren't worrying her too much." Cara spoke up with a grin in his direction.

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Old 09-26-2014, 07:03 PM

Numira rocked in place once gently as Kiernan decided on a course of action still smiling broadly, more so once he complimented the meal, a wide toothy smile on her face. Her eyes turned to Cara when she spoke, her own face turning a little red at Cara's compliment then. Receiving praise was something she wasn't used to, at least not when it sounded this natural. She returned to eating the food before her quite happily, though soon filled herself a glass of juice. She was no longer even concerned whether the food would be dangerous or not, it all seemed to adhere to similar dietary needs to those of Kiranes.

Zed smirked at Kiernan's initial reaction, though he was still serious about it as he leaned tot he side a little, resting an arm on the table, though what Kiernan said next only made Zed chuckle,
"Yes, yes, Mount Levante, that scary mountain off the beaten path on the road to Erenguard, abadon all hope those who walk it, the place where the devil woman-or witch or whatever the ignorant masses like to call her-resides," He replied, "Aunt Ixera isn't what people think she is." Zed added, taking another spoonful of stew and ladling it into his mouth again with a smile, "Sure she gets a bit grouchy and weird, but she wouldn't have wasted her time on a couple of kids if she didn't care, even admitted once-once mind you-that she initially only picked us up because we could make good research subjects." The man admitted, grinning for a moment.
Numira stared at Zed quietly, her face dropping a little, the idea of family nagging at the back of her mind. it seemed Zed and his own sister had gotten rather lucky. Cara and Kiernan had each other too. But still, things were a little different now as she smiled again,
"I think she sounds nice. She must be nice to make you so nice too, Mister Zed!" Zed gave Numira that confused look again before smiling nervously, it seemed weird to him to have some-one consider his aunt nice just because he seemed nice. He wondered why he was even so willing to talk about these things, but perhaps it was that he just felt he trusted these people.

Ixera, it was a name Cara might had heard from her master. After all, she was considered brilliant, ambitious and bright, but she and her master had a falling out over missing research materials and supposed wild theories that Ixera often seemed to come up with, ideas of magic so complex that no-one could believe it possible. They parted on poor terms and Ixera was not seen in Erenguard again, but she'd never given any indication of revenge or causing actual mischief, she never cared too highly for the affairs of Austaros or Draskone, she only craved knowledge. It made sense to seclude herself from others and explore on her own.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-27-2014, 01:37 AM

Kiernan blinked in confusion at Zed's initial reaction of chuckling, quirking an eyebrow up at him as he wondered whether he'd been joking or not. After all, he could hardly imagine anyone in their right mind willingly living up there. Rubbing the back of his head as Zed explained a bit, he ended up nodding and allowing his confusion to fade. He didn't appear to have been kidding at all. "I... see." He replied with uncertainty, unsure of how to take this information. It seemed shady to him to say the least, but as Numira spoke up, he decided that maybe ti was alright after all. His grin slowly reappeared as he contentedly went back to eating.

Cara, however, fell out of focus with his words at a certain name. Ixera. She'd heard it before, but in this context it took her a while to place. Ixera, Ixera... Her eyebrows drew together as she looked over at Zed studiously for a moment, spoon stopped midair as she turned to thinking. It took her a few moments to remember the name. When she did, it was noted in her expression as her eyes widened and her lips parted, but also as the spoon fell from her hands to clatter on the table. As if frozen there for a moment, Cara then muttered and apology and busied herself in wiping the table where her spoon had clattered, her gaze fixing itself upon the bowl of stew before her. Suddenly, she wasn't quite as hungry.

Ixera-- yes, she'd heard the name, and on quite the number of occasions. Through Cara's years of studying with Master Yu, she had heard of this student of his that he had had such a falling out with. She was the one he considered his one real failure, and when their conversation had touched the subject of her, she saw the effects of their parting take an affect on the older man. Tender feelings in her heart for him, Cara had come to learn that most whom he did not get along with were for good reason. This being said, she herself did bump heads with him occasionally, but only because he could be so strictly mannered. "Master Yu has spoken of your aunt..." She spoke quietly after a minute, gaze yet to lift back to Zed, unsure of what to think of the news. Did this mean his aunt was trouble? Cara wasn't sure as she rubbed her neck, biting her lip as encouragement to finally look back up at Zed. "I-- erm, well... I wouldn't have ever guessed that I'd hear of her, much the less meet her nephew." She explained, then allowing a blush to rise to her face as she thought of her actions just now. A bit over the top, no?

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Old 09-28-2014, 04:52 AM

Zed watched the reaction of Cara, staring at her curiously, perhaps in a concerned fashion for a moment brow raising at first as her eyes widened and she let her spoon fall. He wanted to say something, but then withdrew a little, his face a bit more serious as he leaned back, cupping a hand around the stew. Her surprised had been cuaght by Numira, the green-haired girl also seeming rather worried, even she could recognize when a subject bothered some-one. Something about what Zed had said had bothered Kiernan's sister. Though she wasn't sure she could accuse him of anything specific, especially since a quick glance at him showed a little of his own confusion before she stared at Cara again.

Master Yu? Was that the man who was teaching her magic? She guessed so. Apparently the name was familiar, but it wasn't anything Numira could comment on, though she heard Zed shift. his face still a little confused,
"Master Yu, huh.." he pondered, thinking back, though in all his conversations with Ixera, he recalled nothing about a Master Yu specifically. The silver-haired man shrugged, "Hey I dunno anyone by that name, but she does sometimes grumble about her old master. Could be the same guy, I guess?" He held up his stew calmly, almost like a toast in a way, the bowl held in his palm, "Honestly though, whatever they got goin' on, it aint our business, right? I met a nice girl, her brother and his girlie friend and had a meal with them, nothin' more."

Lightning struck once more outside, Numira jumped a little, however as the bright flash vanished, the face of the calm Zed had changed. There was a look of realization on his face, he set down what remained of his stew and looked over his shoulder. Lightning wasn't typically followed by the crashing and crumbling he heard outside. Nor was natural lightning capable of giving off this level of magic. He stared at Cara quickly, briefly before he stood up and rushed over to the window, leaning against the side of it and staring out,
"What..-" He started, for what he saw was something he hadn't expected, large figures, several of them, however one of them glowed, or rather its shoulders did before another strike of lightning occurred, from its shoulders and into another building, the side of it was torn open. The sound made Numira flinched and she looked in Zed's direction, a little confused herself

What Zed had seen in the instant the silhouette blasted the building was four large metallic frames, armored giants, like knights that were lumbering forward, at their feet were a dozen soldiers, Draskone uniforms, he immediately turned to the group at the table and pointed at them,
"Get out of here, right now!" He practically ordered as he rolled his left hand calmly. Doing so set off a multitude of red sparks along his arm as he looked out the window again, "Looks like Draskone got a little too big for their borders.. Way too big.." Zed moved towards the door swiftly, he was outside fast, in time to see the one with the lightning blast ability fired again, this time ripping apart more of the second house it had assaulted. He could already hear the panicked screams of villagers realizing they were under attack.

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Old 09-28-2014, 10:22 PM

Catching what appeared to be some confusion Zed's face, one of Cara's hands slowly rose to rub one of her cheeks. What had she gotten all flustered over that for? Surely, it was odd to have possibly, coincidentally met the woman's nephew, but what difference it made now she wasn't sure. It shouldn't change a thing, naturally. Even if she had met the woman herself, Cara wasn't sure what sort of reaction would really be proper. Disgust? No, such a thing in the past shouldn't alter her view of others. Perhaps a bit shy as she spoke in reply now, she nodded in agreement as her gaze rested back on Zed. "Sorry about that. It could definitely be another person... If not, hey, it's his problem not mine." She decided, sending something of a shy smile in his direction.

However, the embarrassment dissipated to be replaced by a suspicious confusion as the sound of lightning outside brought with it a sound crumbling noise as well. The village. Standing abruptly from her seat, Cara's gaze turned to Zed worriedly as he spoke up of what he saw and gave the orders to leave. This could not be happening. Without a word, however, she was by the door, tugging her boots on and drawing her cloak over her shoulders. She clutched a short blade this time, too, facial expression becoming fierce as her thoughts centered on defending the villagers.

Kiernan had stood quickly after her, gaze hardened as he saw her readying herself to fight. Of course-- it was the natural response for her, he knew this. Had he not other responsibilities right now, perhaps he would have looked just as fierce, but with his lack of magical abilities he knew there was little sever damage he may do against the invading forces. Instead, he grabbed his coin purse and blades from the table beside the couch, speaking in a low, almost militaristic tone now. "Numira, we're going to have to leave swiftly. We'll take the mountain pass up to Erenguard, it will be easier for us to manage than a whole fleet could do."

Cara, once readied, sent him a look of both worry and gratitude for the apparent understanding between them. Cara would fight here; Kiernan would take Numira and urge villagers out in more of a defensive maneuver. This would have to do. "I'll head towards the interior after you, send the villagers out as quickly as possible... Kiernan, they'll take Shilf..." She spoke at first urgently, though her voice faded just a bit.

Grim, Kiernan yet grinned over at her, nodding. "Hurry. We'll meet at Thristen, beyond the mountain pass. Be careful." He urged, then hopped over the couch to grasp the finely crafted Draskone sword. With a short toss, it was within Cara's hands, who accepted it with the same grim smile before running outside after Zed.

Ferocity and determination lit in his eyes, Kiernan grabbed Numira's hand, meaning to urge her outside along with him, in order to get a move on.

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Old 09-29-2014, 07:08 AM

Numira had grown apprehensive of the situation the moment Zed had yelled at them to run, she felt her pulse beginning to race a little as everyone suddenly became quite serious. The thunderclaps outside, it seemed they weren't natural after all, in fact it appeared there were people attacking the village. Numira stared at Zed and Cara, the first had left so swiftly that she hadn't the time to say anything at all and Cara was preparing to leave as Kiernan firmly stated where they would be going.

Before she knew it, Kiernan had grabbed her hand and Cara was already out of the door with that weapon Kiernan had thrown over to her. She got to her feet, a little dismayed that they had to leave the meal behind, but now this was more important. As they got outside, however, she saw Cara running off int he same direction as Zed. the silver-haired male was already sprinting headlong down the street, however he came to an abrupt halt and glanced over to his right as one of the large metal knights suddenly took off towards the buildings. It angled itself forward, running towards a line of buildings.

The hefty metal frame crashed into the first one, tearing through it with little effort as it continued to sprint, swinging its arms occasionally to grab obstacles and toss them aside before smashing into yet another building. It was a path of destruction it carved through part of the village, stopping after tearing through several of the villagers homes and unleashing a hiss as smoke was expelled from various exhausts on its body, the knight making a lumbering turn, a pair of amethyst eyes glowering around it from inside a darkened helm.

Although Numira had been following Kiernan, she soon came to a sudden halt of her own, staring back at the machines, the charger that had smashed through the buildings and the one that was firing bolts of lightning into the buildings. She turned on the spot, staring after them, almost unmoving as she focused on them. Her eyes were taking in their details, scanning them, until she came to a swift conclusion,
Machines..! These things are machines! Machines this advanced, they do not belong on this world..! She turned her head to Kiernan a moment, ready to follow him with a nod but then her face changed again and realization crossed it again. She had missed something more important. She didn't realize it, but she stared out again at the village, the destroyed homes. The rubble.. Signs of bodies between them..

She tore her arm away from Kiernan's grasp and turned fully towards the scene as her eyes were affixed on a small arm buried underneath a destroyed home. It didn't shift, it didn't even move. A small toy sword loosely grasped in its little fingers. The markings on Numira's body began to glow once more, slowly cycling colors between green and red specifically, a look of anger beginning to cross her face,
"Cannot forgive.." Se stated softly at first but then took a firm stance, "I cannot forgive..!"

Zed meanwhile had rushed down towards where the troops were. If anyone was going to keep them busy, it would be him, though he looked back at Cara momentarily,
"I told you to run! But if you're gonna be stubborn enough to stick around, get as many people away from here as you can! I'm going to cause these Draskone soldiers some serious trouble." He stated confidently, his left arm still spark streaks of red that carved the ground at his side. It was a warning signal to the troops as several too notice of him. Though their attempts to toss balls of fire in his direction were negated as he swung his arm towards the incoming attack spells. the red lightning cut the fireballs apart in a swirl, the red lightning stretching out like a whip and catching those first soldiers before blowing them clear off their feet.

He turned on his heel, the lightning culminating around the leg of one of the soliders and with a mighty heavy the man was pulled all the way down the street towards Zed where he was met with a swift, powerful punch tot he gut the practically bent the man in two. The force of the blow practically sent him back in the opposite direction at around half the speed, tumbling and rolling down the street before he came to a stop. Zed punched his fist into his palm, red lightning dancing around his form once as he grinned,
"Who's next?!" He yelled from the middle of the street. It was bound to get their attention.

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Old 09-29-2014, 04:24 PM

Cara ran outside without hesitation, Kiernan's sword clasped to her waist as her eyes scanned the scene before her quickly. This couldn't be. She caught sight of one of the large metal giants laying waist in a sliding fashion, simply crushing through homes of the village without a second thought. Bodies and rubble intermingled, cries of terror and agony wailing through the air as she felt her vision spin for a moment. Then, silver aura lighting her hands, she caught Zed's words. "Don't think I'm gonna let you be the only one to give them a piece of our minds!" She called, yet her true intentions were that which he'd ordered for her. Cara was focused only on saving lives. As much as she'd like to be sending blows at the enemy alongside him- the fool, drawing the attention of the troops on himself like that!- she had to use that distraction to their advantage.

Sprinting past wreckage on the search for survivors, she stopped short to grab the side of a barely-standing man, blood splattered down his front. The shed on the side of his house still held horses, readied for the merchant's use with a small wagon at their backs, rearing and anxiously shuffling amongst the chaos about them. Waving her hand in their direction, a silver light swept past the gate, opening it, and reined in the horses to draw them in their direction. Gladly, the animals neared her, still shuffling as she worked to quickly help the man into the back of the wagon and guide it quickly near the outer edge of the town, where she knew a road out of town lie. "Forget your belongings! We have no time, gather your children and horses and run!" She ordered to those around her, ushering small crowds out along the trail as she loaded the wagons with the young and wounded. "Head towards the main cities! Don't look back!" She called, fighting back her own sense of loss as the wreckage and loss of life around her strained her heart.

One of the giant hulking figures of metal lumbered towards her relief efforts, the crowd of civilians about her scattering backwards in terror as one of its great hands swept forward to bat away a building that still stood in their direction. Running out before them, Cara lifted both her hands and murmured shortly, teeth clenched as a silver light caught the larger chunk of rubble mid air, preventing any harm to those behind her. "Hurry! Move!" She cried, the rubble she caught falling to the ground out of their way. Breath slightly labored as she stood before the tall figure, the people of Shilf began to evacuate behind her, the city block she'd run through successfully gathered and moving out as she stood back from the road to ensure no further harm came to them. Fierce determination alight in her eyes, no villagers question her orders as she guarded their exit path.

As Numira halted, a lump grew in Kiernan's throat, eyes widened as he turned to see her gaze fixated on the scene, on the rubble and slaughter. "Numira," he spoke gently, eyes focusing in on her as his hand yet clasped hers. Unsure of what to make of her reaction and assuming it merely to be shock as first, he meant to usher her on in the direction of those now evacuating... but then those marking of hers lit. Eyes widening as he observed her anger, he understood her sentiment but still knew better than to think in this state they could successfully take those forces on. The Draskone. His jaw clenched at the thought of his homeland, now invading the safe haven he had found in Austaros. "I know." He spoke lowly, free hand clenching into a fist as he stared up at the figures looming overhead. "Please, we need to leave. Help Cara get people out." He urged, looking back to her in a pleading manner, not wishing to see her merely stand here in harm's way.

The sound of Zed making his stand drew a slight grin to his face, though it was grim in nature. That kid could really get himself killed, if not careful.

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Old 09-29-2014, 11:41 PM

Zed had definitely caught the attention of the troops now that he'd broken one of them so quickly. A swordsman among them had rushed him with quick slashes of a sharped Draskone sabre, yet in spite of his tall form, Zed managed to dodge the blows rather effectively, ducking and dancing out of the way of his attacks before the man over-stepped. It was a mistake that he wouldn't live to regret. An over-reaching slash forward had allowed Zed to get up close and personal, swinging his arm forward and catching the man by the throat. The swordsman was lifted off his feet as the impact of the blow caved his chest plate into his clavicle and throat.

The body tumbled down the street like the first man Zed had killed as he looked over his shoulder briefly during the turn that followed the swing. Cara was hustling people out of the village, but he saw the knight approaching. His attempt to attack the villagers was foiled by Cara's barrier magic. It gave him time to run up behind the thing, both hands glowing brightly before he threw them up. Two red chains of lightning caught the machine around its shoulders and he turned on his heels, tearing back and downwards. The knight stumbled several feet in reverse, trying to catch its footing before falling over entirely. It was falling towards Zed but he managed to roll out of the way in time.

He turned on the ground to stare at the machine as it too turned on the ground, picking itself up and glowering at him, however at this range he could see the lights under the helmet illuminating a much smaller face. A human face. There were people inside these constructs..! And if there were humans inside, that meant there was a weakpoint..! However before he could enact any real plan he found himself ont he defensive as Draskone mages started hurling spells at him, no longer purely fire. Blasts of water strong enough to break the stone walls of buildings. Slicing winds that cut solid wooden carts and fencing to kindling. They hurled rocks that were summoned formt he earth or sent jagged spikes from under the ground towards him. He had to admit that this was certainly a test of both his ability and his patience for an opening.

Numira stared back at Kiernan a moment, her red eyes literally aglow, but then she looked forward again, the markings flashed again as she held out her right arm calmly, as if preparing to grasp something in the air on her right,
"These things-" She spoke in return, slight anger in her voice, "-they are machines.. Machines like ones made by Kiranes.. There are people inside.. And these machines do not belong here.. They should not be here!" Numira stated bluntly, "They are the things I can not explain in terms that would not sound like magic. But they should not be used like this." The air around her right arm began to glow, especially at her hand where a blueish orb of light could be seen gathering before, with a flash of white, a blade-like object appeared and she grasped the handle before the light faded. This left the weapon in her hand, the light fading from around it, all but for the glowing edge that took on a green hue,
"When you have power, it is responsibility. To use that power and protect those who can not protect themselves or others."

She swung the blade twice quickly. It sung through the air with a humming vibration the green edge blurring gently in its wake. The movement had been inhumanely swift. She took a couple of steps before she looked over her shoulder at Kiernan, her face slightly saddened for a moment,
"It is duty. My duty. I can not ignore darkness. I can not forgive darkness." She tried to explain before she turned forward again and swung her left arm. In doing so; a new light formed, this time it layered her body in shapes and frames, figures and lights, a skeletal frame of energy that took form, changing the shape of her dress and eventually covering her, at first in a bodysuit the hugged her frame before layers of armor took their place.

The celestial armor shone like perfectly polished metal in places. The varying colors could have been considered almost noble, a golden hair-clip pulling her hair out of her face as the muscular, organic plating set itself in place. Most notable where the extensive greaves and the prominent lighting that dotted them neatly. She stepped forward again with ease, not slowed by the armor, in fact her second step saw her not running but practically jumping forward, the advanced armor letting out gentle, soothing whines with every step and movement as she dashed towards the troops that were set on killing Zed.

The initial swing of her saber as she landed by a man was seen only as a green blur before she dashed towards a second target, cutting towards him as swiftly as with the first man. the first had come to a stand still, a look of shock on his face, the second man she'd attacked coming to this same strange epiphany as she changed targets again, dashing between the magic-wielding Draskone soldiers. The men she attacked began to fall one by one, some splitting in half entirely in a spray of red, others falling victim to great gashes or suddenly being beheaded. It was by the time she got to her sixth victim that they finally noticed her among them.

They barely had time to panic as their mistaken loss of focus saw Zed interjecting and launching himself right at the two closest men. A crushing blow of his elbow on top of a mans skull sent the soldier into the ground, the second was caught with a chain of red lightning and hurled at a third man, sending them flying into the interior of a now-abandoned shop, straight through its window. Attacks were flung at Numira, but every bit of evidence in er mind suggested it would numb her body to be struck by magic on top of whatever other effects it hand, so she dodged swiftly, it was time to retreat until she could attack again. Some had returned to attacking Zed but with their numbers cut down so swiftly, it was getting harder to keep up with the already dangerous duo.
The optimist sees a light at the end of the tunnel,
the realist sees a train entering the tunnel,
the pessimist sees a train speeding at him, hell for leather,
and the machinist sees three idiots sitting on the tracks.

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Old 09-30-2014, 01:35 AM

Looking up at the figure before her with a rush of both anxiety and adrenaline, Cara was both surprised and - admittedly - impressed to see Zed quickly move in to deal with the threat of the giant knight that loomed before her and the evacuating citizens. He dealt critical blows, threw it down, seemed to have it at his mercy for moments before the Draskone mages began to focus in on him enough for him to switch to defense. She had no time to be impressed -- Cara was on the move before she could watch the fighting any longer. Her attention completely turned from the fighting, she instead dedicated her time now to ordering the people that remained out, finding wagons for families to share, and lastly, digging survivors out from under the rubble.

Kiernan had wondered about Numira's past before, but in light of her words and the unspeakable things he had come to witness before her now, he now more than ever had many questions for the woman before him. He had no words to describe her method of arming herself, this sense of duty she now felt, how suddenly the woman he had affections for was rushing at an inhuman rate through the Draskone soldiers... and he had no words. "Numira,..." There was confusion, frustration, but no words for him. Instead, catching glimpses of Numira and Zed now fighting in tandem, his hands balled into fists. Ex-Draskone soldier or not, these militants would not be going free and clear.

As those two manned a front near the center of town, he preferred taking up a different tact in winding through a few dirt side streets, mind humming with negative emotion with all of the sights he took in. The dead and mangled bodies, the rubble of once-quaint houses, the destruction of the flower shop, the bakery he had pointed out to Numira just earlier that day... Kiernan's demeanor changed completely, a soldier as he stood before the side of the Draskone ranks, his metal unhand already ungloved and held before him as he focused all of his energy on it. It grew to a white-hot state, burning as a fire poker as he leapt into the fray, plunging his arm with brute force into armor and through the chest of the first soldier he came up. Then, turning, he used his hand to parry an attack from a swordsman, twisting closer to him to deal a swift blow to his neck before moving on, in close quarters and with quick footwork.

Cara, meanwhile, had nearly evacuated all surviving citizens when she was finally drawn into fighting. Spying a woman being dragged by the hair of a mage, she ran to her aid, greeted only with a sneer and a stream of fire from his hand. Swiftly dodging the flame, Cara straightened up to quickly release three orbs of light energy from her hands, shot straight into the man as blood spurted from the fresh wounds they inflicted. He fell limp behind the woman, who cried as Cara ran to help her up and get hr along her way. Teeth clenched as she felt hatred boil in her gut, Cara's eyes narrowed in on the enemy forces Zed and Numira were currently facing. So, they were doing this out of bloodlust?

Having accomplished the safety of all villagers within her sight, Cara dashed straight to the aid of Numira and Zed, drawing Kiernan's sword in the process as she murmured an enchantment quietly under her breath. When the sword was fully removed from its sheath, it shone with a silver light as Cara stepped in behind the two, dodging what came in her general direction. "The citizens are out of harm's way for now!" She reported, anger glimmering in her eyes as she dashed forward once she saw an opening. Hands steady on the sword she held nimbly, she thrust it forwards forcefully, piercing the chest plate of a soldier and drawing a groan from him as it was removed bloodied. The enchantment was not intricate enough to be stronger than this, but it was enough to pierce armor when given adequate force. When the next wave, two of them, stepped up to attack her over their fallen comrade, she backed away and for a moment lowered her sword to send two orbs of energy from her free hand. She was doused with water, enough to hurt, but in the process dodged an attack from a man heaving boulders of earth in her direction.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-01-2014, 05:04 AM

Zed could see more troops preparing to attack, but honestly the worst of it was the giant metal knights, the great armored soldiers that were wreaking havoc as the one he'd toppled managed to get to his feet. At first he struck out at Zed, having maneuvered around the silver-haired fighter as he fought. He brought a sabre down towards the smaller man, however Zed dodged it deftly, it wasn't hard to hear the machine trying to creep around, nor the sound of the great swinging blade. Though the force of its strike seemed to split the ground, a wide crack swallowing part of a home as the Draskone soldiers scattered from the devastating attack.

Numira reappeared when Cara had been attacked, jumping out from the shadows of a home and leaping over the heads of the two that were assaulting Kiernan's sister. She landed beside the first, he had enough time to hear the impact as she squatted at first, however she stood straight, the green-edged saber surging straight through the earth-wielders neck. The one who had been throwing water had barely manged to dodge one of the orbs, though his shoulder had been pierced. he turned to see his stone-throwing companion fall, but fore he could cry out Numira practically glided across the ground towards him at speed, sword drawn back at first before she thrust it clear through his throat. The weapon was drawn away and she glanced quickly at Cara first, but then Zed.

Zed had taken to duking it out with the knight, although it was questionable how well he was doing considering he was mostly dodging and casting bolts of lightning that were striking the same area. The metal of the faceplate and upper chest were glowing a little more with each strike of his power before he lashed out two chains like before, dodging another saber and grasping the knight by its shoulders once more with his chains before he pulled it forward. The metal knight stumbled forward, almost falling but it managed to catch itself, ending in a kneeling position, using its sword for balance. Zed immediately leaped up to attack, however a bright glow to his right alerted him. Mid-leap he was struck by the lightning spewing mech. The force of it blew him completely off course, tumbling along the street and through a wooden cart before he smashed through a building wall.

Numira had appeared in Zed's place less than a second later as she leaped towards the glowing faceplate and thrust her sword into the hollow there. The metal that would have impeded her blade instead parting like butter as she struck the man inside the machine. The sword-wielding knight immediately stopped moving in a controlled fashion. Instead as she held on to the knight it fell over sideways, crashing to the ground with a thunderous rumble. A little dazed by the impact, Numira clambered up on to the shoulder of the fallen knight. She looked up, the lightning knight lumbering forward, shoulders glowing again, but before she could move, he fired upon her.

And she screamed. As the power of the attack enveloped her, every fiber of her being seemed to burn, she cried in pure agony as the power of the magic practically tortured her. Her senses were overloaded as the numbing effect of the magic came in full tilt, the element of lightning tore through her body and blew her back. Her blade shattered, vanishing entirely, her armor broke apart and scattered, leaving her once more in the white dress she had been wearing. She laid still on the ground, eyes wide from the shock of the attack, but she did not move. For she was no longer conscious or aware. She had never imagined that she would be so outclassed by the power that was magic.

Zed, however had not been so easily defeated as he called out to Kiernan and Cara,
"Grab her!" He called, "I can only stall them for a few seconds then we have to run!" it was now an emergency situation, the Draskone soldiers weren't going to stop here, the three of them could only hold them off for so long before they were killed. He rushed forward again, glowing brightly at first, both hands lit up brightly before he slammed both palms together. The action released a sonic boom of sound, spreading out in front of him as he stood past Numira, the soldiers around them being blown back by the sound alone, what followed was him spreading his hands out and unleashing a glare of white light. The still-standing soldiers covered their eyes, some blinded by the action, it seemed even the giant knights needed to cover their eyes, which gave them ample time to grab Numira and run. It was all they could do now.

Arc Angel
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Old 10-02-2014, 03:24 AM

As Numira leapt down to take out the earth-wielding soldier, Cara sent her a bit of a grin before quickly turning on her heel to block another oncoming attack. It just simply didn't seem to stop, and the Draskone had no shortage of soldiers. She knew, even if Shilf had had a chance to take on this group, only more would come. They hadn't been prepared. It was a saddening thought at the same time as it was inspiring. Determined and quick on the draw, Cara's sword glimmered as she gathered within it more magic energy, slicing in an upwards motion across a man's chest plate to reveal a bright line of fresh blood before she thrust it into the gap in the armor of the man beside him. As she withdrew it, she brought up her knee to block another's fireball, a shield of the same silver energy she used blocking the attack. Looking about briefly at the grim circumstances of their battle, Cara came to the understanding that their fight was nearing an end. They could not continue to hold out like this, and with everyone else evacuated, it was not a matter of their own leaving of Shilf.

Kiernan, in the midst of it, was too far from Numira to even see the knight's approach of her. No, instead he was only able to take notice of this as her scream caught his ears. Pausing mid-step as his heart skipped a beat, concern swept over him. A distraction. He received a blow to the side from a man sending rubble his way, leading him into stumbling as his eyes had moved to instead scour the crowd for her. His chest burned as he realized that she may be... Jaw tightening, he sent his fist into the neck of the man that had attacked him, the molten metal of his hand piercing an irrecoverable hole in it as Kiernan then leapt carefully to the rooftop he had initially come down from to find Numira's form. The others were not far from it. In the matter of a minute, he was beside Numira and Zed, quietly taking her up into his arms in order to carry her bridal-style. Concern swept over his face at her state, but he remained focused as he did at least note she was still alive. There was something. Some relief touched him, but not enough for him to forget their situation.

Cara had taken action to find them transport earlier in the invasion, now coming into play as she darted through the remaining soldiers and back behind Zed to let out a brief, sharp whistle. Two horses came running quickly to their aid, lead over by magically enchanted leads that Cara took without hesitation. They had only enough time to get on them, thanks to Zed's distraction, so Kiernan took no hesitance in managing Numira up onto a saddle in front of him, his arms that held the creature's reins carefully holding her there.

"Quickly, go!" Cara urged, watching briefly as her brother complied and rode off after the other evacuees. Then, looking between Zed and the remaining horse, she spoke, "You go, too. I can't just leave them like this, or they'll catch up..." Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she released the horse's reigns to look up at the short space yet separating them from the soldiers. A ferocity gleamed in her eyes as she suddenly sheather her sword and clapped her hands together. Energy grew in abundance between her palms, a soft cry heard from her as she moved her palms further apart, seeming to stretch the magic that had formed. This had been a test of its durability-- her plan could work with what power she had left. After a short incantation in a language unknown, she carefully placed her hands on the earth, the energy seeping into it and disappearing for a moment as she straightened up and backed away. The soldiers and knights were opening their eyes, recovering from Zed's distraction as she awaited her own work for yet a moment more. It wasn't enough for any of them to attack her. Instead, a beam of light shot up from where she'd implanted her energy, at first in spots in the area separating her and Zed from the Draskone, but then all at once, glimmering in a line as she earth between them suddenly shifted. A rift would be opened up, what remained of Shilf tearing in two so to speak as a great ravine was opened by the burst of energy she'd unleashed.

It would take them quite some time to cross this, and its breadth was of no joke-- not even their giants would be able to simply hop over it. The light remaining from it drifted up and filled the sky for a moment before Cara swayed where she stood. Master Yu was always telling her not to overdo it, not to spend all of her energy on on attack. She just had. Fatigued but able to move, Cara stepped backwards a bit slowly, tottering on her feet to leave, herself.


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