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Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-29-2016, 06:22 AM

Azriel continued eating his breakfast as he listened to what Kiki had to say. "Headaches?" he asked and frowned. "I don't mind Kiki. I can walk you to my house when you are done with school. Or better yet we can go to the hospital then since I do not know when they will be home." Azriel answered and finished up his food and the water. He hoped her headaches weren't too serious, but his parents would know what to do.

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Old 01-29-2016, 06:41 PM

Kiki looked at him and rubbed her head and said "yea i kinda missed school again but it is alright i need to be well before i go to school." Kiki laughed about it and smiled and she was done eating her food and she got out her wallet and she payed for their Breakfast and she left a tip for the waitress. Kiki looked at him and said "we can go to the hospital i just hope your parents are not busy today i don't like to bother your parents."

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-30-2016, 03:55 AM

"My parents always make time to look at patients. You don't need to worry." Azriel said as he stood up and looked to Kiki. "Come with me, we'll get you to the hospital and I'm sure my parents can figure out what to give you." he said and motioned for her to follow him out of there and towards the hospital. "I'm sorry your head hurts. Perhaps you hit your head a while ago and it caused your head to get headaches easily." Azriel suggested.

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Old 01-30-2016, 10:38 PM

Kiki got up she grabbed her bag and followed him and they went to the hospital she listened to him talk and she smiled and said "thank you Azriel you are very kind." Kiki said to him and then she saw the hospital and when they got in she asked the nurse to see the doctor she had before when she was in here last. The nurse remembered her and she smiled and they called the doctor that came to see her before.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-30-2016, 10:49 PM

Doctor Lorne heard the nurse call for him and walked out to the lobby to see his son and Kiki standing there. "Hello again, is something wrong?" he asked. "She is having headaches again." Azriel answered. "I see, come with me. Both of you." he said and walked with them to a room before closing the door and looking at Kiki. "Are the headaches hurting right now?" doctor Lorne asked Kiki.

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Old 01-30-2016, 10:59 PM

Kiki saw the doctor and they followed him and he asked her if her head hurts her now and said "yes it does just a little but when i was sleeping yesterday afternoon it got bad but then it went away." Kiki sat down and told him when Azriel was in pain her head hurt at the same time what happen to him she just didn't tell anyone about it. Kiki rubbed her head a bit she wanted to know why it hurts her so much.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-31-2016, 06:10 AM

The doctor wrote down what Kiki was saying in her patient file and looked over at Azriel who was sitting in the corner of the room. Turning his attention back to Kiki, Doctor Lorne nodded. "I see. Well that could just mean that you two are connected mentally somehow. It's an interesting case." he said. "I can prescribe you some medication to take for these headaches if you would like." he suggested.

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Old 01-31-2016, 07:26 AM

Kiki looked at him and smiled at him and nodded but said "thank you doctor but may i ask how Azriel and i connected?" Kiki looked at him and wonder how.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-31-2016, 07:34 AM

"Well you still dream about him right? Azriel always wanted a friend and something tells me that he knew about you without actually knowing you. That's probably why he found you at your school when you both first met." James Lorne answered. He worked on filling out a paper with the prescription and then handed it to her. "Hand this to the pharmacy on the third floor. They should give you the medicine right away." he said to her.

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Old 01-31-2016, 07:54 AM

Kiki took the paper and heard what he said to her and she blushed about it she still does and she got up and bowed to him and said "thank you Doctor you are very kind." Kiki smiled at him and walked out the room with Azriel and they had to pharmacy and she looked at him and said "Azriel may i ask you something do you dream about me as well?" Kiki looked at him while they walked.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-31-2016, 07:59 AM

James Lorne smiled, "I'm happy I can help." he said to her and watched her and Azriel leave. Azriel walked with Kiki toward the elevator and pressed the button. They waited a bit before the doors opened and they stepped inside. Pressing the button '3', Azriel stood still and looked at her when she spoke. "Yes you may." he said and blushed softly. "I do." he answered. Her scent filled the entire elevator and it was driving him crazy.

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Old 01-31-2016, 08:24 PM

Kiki looked at him and blushed a bit that he does when they were in the elevator and she smiled at him and said "i am happy that you do I am shy that you thought i was a bit weird." Kiki looked at him and saw something wrong him and she got closer to him to make sure he was alright "are you alright should we go see your father to make sure you are alright Azriel." She looked at him with pink eyes.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-31-2016, 08:50 PM

Azriel shook his head. "I'm fine Kiki." he answered and stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened. "The pharmacy is this way." he said as he led Kiki to the large pharmacy. Walking up to the counter, Azriel had Kiki hand over the prescription to the woman. "Alright, it will be a few minutes so please take a seat." she said politely. Nodding, Azriel walked over to the sitting area and sat down.

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Old 01-31-2016, 09:15 PM

Kiki looked at him and followed him to the counter and saw the lady and she smiled at her and they sat down and she was quiet and she wonders how much it will be she doesn't have enough money for it she hopes it is not much. Kiki looked at him and said "thank you Azriel you are a kind man." Kiki smiled at him.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-31-2016, 09:55 PM

Azriel frowned, "I am not." he said quietly and stared at the time. His brothers and sisters were probably worried but he'd go home after this. "Your order is done." the woman at the counter said after a few minutes had passed. Azriel walked with Kiki to the counter and took the medication. "It will be eight dollars." she said. Azriel took out a ten and handed it to the lady. "Keep the change." he said as he walked out of there with Kiki and handed her the medicine. Walking to the elevator, he called it and they waited.

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Old 01-31-2016, 10:07 PM

Kiki looked at him and she smiled she thinks he is a kind man and she looked at him and saw her medication was ready she heard it was eight dollars she was going to pay it but he pay it for her and she took her med's and put it in her bag and smiled "thank you Azriel you i think you are a kind man." Kiki walked towards him and she smiled still at him and they wait for the elevator and she rubs her neck a bit.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 01-31-2016, 11:34 PM

When the doors opened, they stepped inside and he pressed the button '1'. When he saw her rub her neck, he raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" he asked her curiously. He wondered if maybe her neck hurt now too, he hoped now. "S-so you're not going to school today?" Azriel asked.

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Old 02-01-2016, 02:15 AM

Kiki looked at him and heard about the school "no it is too late to go now but i will tell my teachers i was sick for two days." Kiki said to him and said "i had a dream once that some one bit me it was a vampire but it was only a dream i have been rubbing my neck ever since that dream." Kiki looked at him.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 02-01-2016, 02:37 AM

Azriel was surprised to hear this dream of hers. "Do you wish it was real?" he asked her. Once they reached the lobby, he took her hand and walked out of the hospital with her. He needed to go home and wondered if she would want to come home with him.

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Old 02-01-2016, 03:08 AM

Kiki looked at him and he asked her if she wished it and she blushed when he took her hand and was shy and said "i do wish it was real Azriel it would be romantic." Kiki looked at him and said "do you mind if i go to your house a bit i would like to see your family again they have fun." Kiki smiled at him.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 02-01-2016, 06:19 AM

Azriel looked at her and nodded. "Okay then." he said and led her over to his house. When they arrived he opened the door and walked inside to see his family playing Twister. They quickly stood up though when they saw him return. "Azriel you're back!" Oliver said and smiled at him. Magnus saw Kiki and waved at her, "Hello again little lady." he said to her and watched as Azriel took some medicine from her and red the instructions. "It says you need to take two when pain persists." he explained and handed it back to her. "Take two now." he ordered and got her some water. "Here you go." he said. "What's wrong with her?" Magnus asked. "Headaches." Azriel answered.

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Old 02-01-2016, 06:09 PM

Kiki followed him to his house she thought it was big and she smiled and saw his brothers and sisters were playing twister and she laughed a bit. She thought it was funny and cute and she saw Magnus again and she smiled at him and saw Azriel took her med's and she listened what he said about how to take her med's and she nodded at him and he got her water and she took her med's with her water and it was done and she smiled at them "don't worry I'll be fine and thank you Azriel I had a wonderful time." Kiki smiled at him she was happy.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 02-02-2016, 06:55 AM

Azriel was glad to see Kiki take the medicine like he asked her to. "It's a surprise seeing you here." Magnus said to Kiki. "I brought her here. She wanted to see you all." Azriel explained. "She did?" Magnus asked and looked at Azriel. "How are you feeling?" he asked, concerned. "I'm fine. I almost lost it but I behaved." Azriel answered. "Good. Well then should we play more Twister or did you want to play ball?" Magnus asked with a smirk. "Let's have the girls choose this time." Azriel suggested. "Or better yet, let's see what your friend here thinks we should play." Magnus said and looked at Kiki.

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Old 02-05-2016, 01:27 AM

Kiki looked at him and he asked her what they should play and Kiki is not good at games she is more a reader but there was a game her brother taught her since she was eleven years old and she thought about it and said "well we could play Poker i know how to play it since i was eleven years old." Kiki rubbed her head a bit and said "if you guys don't want to play it i'm fine with that."

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 02-05-2016, 01:39 AM

"Poker?" everyone said at the same time. "What's poker? Who are we poking?" Angelica asked. "It's a card game sister." Dimitri started. "I think it's very popular since a lot of people talk about it. I'm sure father probably played it once." he added and looked at Kiki. "I think we should all play that, you can teach us, we are quick learners." he said.


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