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ShatteredAngel is offline
Old 03-03-2016, 02:00 PM

The king laughed heartily "Yes yes go ahead. At a boy enjoy your nights rest" he grinned and watched as Micah took his leave with his guard following behind him, the girl not far behind of them.

The guard would continue to walk after Micah calmly, making sure to keep the girl in his sights, not trsting her, after all this could have been a setup for all he knew and if it was, he wasn't going to let anything happen to his charge. The girl jingled softly with each and every step she took as her bare feet softly padded along behind Micah. There was an emptiness in her gaze behind the mask she as though her expression was completely devoid of emotion. The guard would make her stop before opening the door, allowing Micah entrance before checking her over to make sure he was completely un armed before allowing her also to enter the room, following behind and shutting the door, locking it so now one could disturb them.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-03-2016, 06:11 PM

Micah let out a deep sigh once they were in the room. "That had to be the most uncomfortable I have ever been." he said and looked at the girl the king had pretty much bought for him. "Well...hello." he said to her, unsure of what to do or say. She looked devoid of any emotion, it was upsetting. "I'm not going to hurt you, if that is your concern." he said to the girl then looked at his guard. "Did you enjoy your meal?" he asked and smiled. The food had been very delicious, it was nice to try foods from different parts of the world. He would have to try to find recipes to bring back home. Micah sat on his bed and focused on the girl, honestly worried something was wrong. Was she afraid? Did someone threaten her to stay quiet?

ShatteredAngel is offline
Old 03-03-2016, 08:49 PM

"You did very well, your highness. Yes the food was very delisious, did you enjoy yours? I hope the king did not make you feel too uncomfortable. I'm sure your parents would commend you on your actions"
The guard smiled gently before looking over the girl, watching her carefully, circling around her once before standing besides Micah, his voice now firm.
"You had better not try anything funny, girl"

"Pardon?" The guard had been alittle taken off guard by the fact the girl had spoken, having been so silent that he was beginning to suspect she was mute.
"My name is not girl, it is Kyra."

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-03-2016, 10:17 PM

Micah smiled and bowed his head in thanks, "Thank-you very much." he said. "I actually enjoyed the food, very delicious and it was interesting to try foods from other places of the world. I believe if my parents were here they would enjoy the food as well." Micah answered and grinned happily. He did hope he was making his parents proud right now. He watched his guard circle around the girl, obviously making sure she was harmless. She looked harmless, all she did was dance so what danger did she pose? The guard knew more about that than him though so Micah trusted him completely.

When the girl spoke Micah blinked and stared at her in surprise. "She...she can talk?!" he noted. "Kyra..." he repeated, hoping to learn that name. "We apologize, we didn't know your name. You never spoke and introduced yourself." Micah explained. He hoped she wasn't already upset for being called girl.

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Old 03-11-2016, 02:55 AM

The guard's eyes narrowed as he studied 'Kyra' much more carefully now. Something was off and yet he couldn't place what it was, which unnerved him more then he liked to admit. The young woman stared back at the guard as his gaze bored into her before shifting her focus onto the prince who was sat infront of where she stood.

"You never asked" She pointed out before finally removing the mask from her face revealing her pale baby blue eyes properly now which were accented by minimal make up, a design having been drawn on one cheek gently which trailed under her chin and alittle onto her cheek before ending.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 03:20 AM

"Well it's common courtesy to introduce yourself Kyra. I suppose that I am to blame. I never really introduced myself either." Micah answered. "I am Micah, and this is my guard. It is nice to meet you." he said to her politely. Those beautiful eyes were going to haunt him, Micah knew it as he stared at them. He didn't think it was possible to have eyes of that color, but he was obviously wrong. Micah wanted to learn more about her but he thought it would be rude to just ask about her personal life after just meeting her. All he knew about her was her name and that she seemed to enjoy dancing, plus she was a beauty. She seemed shy..well very quiet anyway. Didn't talk unless spoken to it seemed.

ShatteredAngel is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 03:46 AM

"You never asked" She repeated in a very cool and calm manner, "If you don't ask, I don't answer, it is quite simple in that respect" She folded her arms gently under her bust as she watched him carefully, falling silent now.

The guard leaned in and spoke lowly so that she wouldn't over hear their conversation and exchange of words, "Your highness, if may be this slave girl has been taught to only speak when spoken to. If that is the case she will answer or do anything you ask of her. It would be wise to not trust her, atleast not just yet. With King seemed to adament on obtaining her as a prize and yet relenquished her to you so easily. It could be a trick or a ploy to get you to lower you defenses"

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 04:07 AM

Before Micah could respond, he listened to his guard and looked at him before whispering back, "The only person I do not trust is the king. I was surprised he just handed her over so easily when I was expecting him to keep her for himself. Perhaps you are right however, perhaps she will tell the king anything we tell her..." Micah glanced at her then looked back at the guard. "We'll both have to keep our eyes on her. I am not sure where she will sleep tonight, would it even be wise to have her sleep here? What if she's a thief and takes something of mine?" he whispered quietly. She didn't look like the type to steal, but his guard was right, they couldn't trust her.

ShatteredAngel is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 04:14 AM

"She can sleep in here. I will stand watch so she can not cause any mischief or be a threat to you or your life" The guards's eyes returned the beauty of a girl who was stood before them with her arms folded beneath her bust line. "Be wary, my lord. There is something about her that I just can't place my finger on..something..unnerving" he admitted quietly to Micah.

Kyra watched them both carefully, it didn't take a smart person to work out they were talking to her, not that it bothered her. However while they spoke, her eyes drifted around the room, surveying it carefully, making mental notes and such before quickly settling her gaze on the pair of men in front of her, hiding the fact she had been observing and scrutanizing every little detail about the room that she could.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 05:59 AM

"You need to get some sleep as well though. You cannot do your job properly if you are deprived of sleep." Micah reminded quietly. "I'll keep my guard up. Perhaps she thinks she can disarm us just with her looks but we'll prove her wrong won't we?" Micah asked and smiled. He was going to be very careful around her. What bothered him was the fact that she was too quiet. What was she thinking? Was she planning to do something while they slept?! Surely she wouldn't dare. If she did his guard would be sure to speak with her, and Micah didn't want anything bad to happen on this trip. It was a very important trip to him and he didn't want anything to mess this up for him. His parents and the entire kingdom were counting on him to make this treaty work in their favor.

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Old 03-11-2016, 06:08 PM

"I will be alright for tonight, you needn't worry. In the morning however we will need to make other arrangments." The guard's gaze again fell to the girl, looking her up and down. What was it about her that set him so on edge? He frowned alittle to himself as he puzzled over it before staightening out.
"You may take the sofa, miss. If you need anything, as long as my lord allows it, I shall acquire it for you"

Her gaze went from one to the other before she took a deep bow though there were slight traces of mocking in the body language, "How gracious of you, sir. Thank you" This caused the guard's eyes to narrow further and his lips to go thin as he face set with a stern expression, holding his tongue.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 06:26 PM

Micah nodded in agreement, some arrangements did have to be made because he didn't feel comfortable having a girl in his room. His parents would not be too happy to hear about this. They might think he had a 'good time' with her when that was certainly not the case, but would they believe him? Looking at Kyra, Micah noticed something was off. The way she acted when his guard told her about having the couch and her sounded insincere. Was she mocking their kindness? Did she want to sleep elsewhere? Micah noticed the stern look on his guard's face and frowned. "Well then, I believe we should all try to get some rest. It's been quite an eventful day." he reminded quietly.

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Old 03-11-2016, 06:45 PM

She straightened up and watched them carefully as the guard nodded and moved to the side.
"You should get some rest, I believe the king will be wishing to speak with you in the morning. Will want to know of your..evening activities. We will need to come up with a story we all agree on"
He pointedly look over to the girl who just stared back quietly.
"Rest well, young prince"

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 07:41 PM

Oh yes, Micah had forgotten about the king's expectations. He wanted him to live life and have a good time with Kyra. He couldn't face him tomorrow and just say he didn't do anything, but he didn't think Kyra would let him lie either. Well she was his and she had to do what he said right? Micah snapped out of his thoughts and nodded at his guard. "Thank you, goodnight." Micah said and grabbed his nightclothes before leaving into the bathroom and getting changed. When he was changed he walked out, slipped under the covers and closed his eyes to sleep.

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Old 03-11-2016, 08:00 PM

The guard stood watch all night and eventually the girl lay down on the sofa and slowly slipped off to sleep, realizing there was nothing she would be doing to escape that night. But something puzzled her. The prince hadn't tried to do any 'funny' business or pass her off to his guard because he wasn't interested. Instead he had just left her be, it was a confusing thing indeed but something she would tackle in the morning. First of all she needed sleep and then she had to plan and work out how to get out of here.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 08:16 PM

The following morning, Micah yawned as he slowly sat up in his bed. His long hair was a mess, he looked like some monster from a horror film with his long curtain like hair falling around his face. It was time to get up, get changed and face the day even if he didn't want to. Looking over at Kyra, he was glad to see she was still sleeping and everything seemed to still be where he left it. "Good Morning." he said to his guard who was still up, Micah was sure the man hadn't gotten any sleep but hopefully tonight they could change that. He grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom where he was frightened by his own reflection. Micah quietly bathed, dried off and got dressed once he was done. He walked out to the room where he grabbed a brush to brush his hair easily and then strapped on his dagger his mother had packed for him. Micah smiled at the thought of his parents, they always worried so much about him but his mother seemed to worry a lot more than his father. He understood his father was trying to put on a brave face though.

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Old 03-11-2016, 08:22 PM

The guard gave a simple nod of good morning, stretching to work out any stiffness from his joints from having no sleep, luckily it had been a very peaceful night. He had placed a thing blanket over the sleeping girl partway through the night so she wouldn't get gold, though it was doubtful from the heat of the desert kingdom, there was no point in chancing it.

The girl slept under the blanket, hidden completely, having curled up beneath it in her sleep as though hiding hersel away. As though hearing the movement from the others she sat up slowly, stretching. It was a she stretched that the blanket fell away only this girl didn't look to be the same as the one who had fallen asleep although their build and clothing was the same, this girl had brown hair, which was still pinned up in the fashion of the girl from the previous night and instead of pale baby blue eyes, honey brown ones were what stared back, loking around at the room sleepily.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-11-2016, 08:38 PM

Sensing movement, Micah looked over towards the girl and was surprised by what he saw. His eyes widened seeing a different girl sitting on the couch! Where was Kyra?! Micah let out a scream of surprise and looked under his bed for Kyra but she wasn't there. "Oh no..." he breathed and opened his bedroom door to see if she was out in the hall but she was nowhere to be seen. Looking to the girl, he narrowed his eyes but noticed she was wearing the same clothes as Kyra so why didn't she look like her? "Are you Kyra?" he asked seriously. He hoped it was but how was he going to explain this to the king? The king was going to think he lost the girl he left with last night!

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Old 03-11-2016, 11:59 PM

The guard was bewildered as to how this other girl had managed to trade places with the one from last night. He swore on his life and honor that he was awake all night.
Confusion changed to amusement as the honey brown eyes followed the frantic search, that was when a smirk like smile payed at her lips as he asked his question. "Why do I not look the same as I did last night? Not what you were expecting?"

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-12-2016, 12:39 AM

Micah didn't appreciate her smirk or the tone in which she answered the question. That didn't matter anymore, what mattered was thinking up a story to tell the king. "Great, what do we do now? The king is going to question us when he sees that we don't have the same girl." Micah said, starting to panic a bit. Okay, what would his parents do? Explain to him what happened...or avoid any sort of contact with the king. That wasn't going to be easy to do though.

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Old 03-12-2016, 05:06 PM

"He knows.." She stated simply as she watched and studied the pair of males infront of her. "It is a natural thing.. I looked like this when they caught upto me so they know I change, if that is what you are worried about."
She stretched again beforebeginning to finally remove the adornments of jewellary letting it all fallinto a heap on the floor besides her. With the sounds some of the pieces had made, it was clear some of them hadn't been the lightest of pieces. Eventually she unpinned her hair, allowing brunette tendrils to fall around and below her shoulders.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-12-2016, 08:37 PM

"He knows?" Micah repeated and narrowed his eyes. So then the king did this on purpose? No that didn't make any sense. He couldn't trust anyone here. The only friend he had here was his guard, he was the only person Micah could ever trust. "I see...well then we should get going. It won't be very polite to keep the king waiting." Micah reminded and used the ribbon his mother had given him, to tie up his hair so that it wouldn't get in his face. Kyra was a kind girl until she spoke that is, she seemed to speak with attitude which he didn't really like but he wasn't going to do anything about it either. She was free to talk however she wished.

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Old 03-12-2016, 11:04 PM

The guard watched as she shed the layers upon layers of jewels, alittle puzzled by her words. "So your appearance altering is a normal thing for you?"
She would nod alittle before getting to her feet, brushing out some creases before using one of the jewellary pieces to acr as a headband. "I will keep you room tidy for you while you meet with the king"

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-12-2016, 11:43 PM

"Leave you alone?" Micah repeated and thought about it. It didn't seem like a smart idea. If she was a thief she would probably steal something and run off to sell it or something. "I'm not sure that's a smart idea." he said. "What if he asks about you? What are we supposed to tell him? That you chose to stay in the room?" Micah asked and shook his head. "The king will not be happy to hear that I don't think." he commented.

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Old 03-13-2016, 01:15 AM

"He may ask of your night time activities, young prince. If she is with us she make speak of the truth..or she may aid if given your order.. Thisis a rather perculiar situation, I must admit." The guard pondered, continuing to watch the girl as he thought of all the angles. It could be a set up and that is why she wanted to stay but she could also give them away if she didn't stay quiet or go along with whatever Micah told the king they had been upto the night previous.


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