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Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-25-2017, 06:23 PM

"Iron Man will swing by and pick you up, five minutes," Clint told her. "See you soon." He hung up and went back to shooting Doombots.

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Old 02-25-2017, 07:13 PM

"I'll be ready," Luna said as she hung up as well. She grabbed her good bow, the one that Clint, Apollo, and Artemis all had some sort of hand in creating for her, and a quiver of arrows that Clint had given her for 'just in case'. Then she headed outside to wait for her ride.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-25-2017, 07:44 PM

Tony landed next to her and nodded when he saw her gear. "Ready?" He asked, holding out one hand.

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Old 02-25-2017, 08:04 PM

"Let's go," Luna said, taking his hand and stepping up onto one of his feet. "Drop me where you need me."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-25-2017, 08:13 PM

Tony took off without a word and set her down on a rooftop and dropped a little communicator into her hand. "Have fun," he told her before taking off to go after the bots again.

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Old 02-25-2017, 08:36 PM

"Thanks," Luna said as she was dropped off. She turned on the communicator and hooked it onto her ear. "Alright, I'm here, looks like I'm a little south of the action."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-25-2017, 09:32 PM

"Good, keep an eye out and let us know if any head farther your direction or head down alleys." Clint sounded calm and casual, as if he did this every day. Steve was a little less sure of getting her involved, but he at least was smart enough to keep quiet about it.

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Old 02-26-2017, 01:25 AM

"Will do," Luna said, already taking a shot at one of the robots that strayed too close. Her eyes took on a bit of silver as Artemis gave her a bit of a hand.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 02:19 AM

The team kept most of the bots away from her area. But there was a coffee shop down there with several civilians, and one bot decided to try its luck.

Which, of course, was where Arianna was, swearing violently in Greek as she kept everyone else herded back away from the windows and behind a make-shift fort.

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Old 02-26-2017, 02:48 AM

Three arrows promptly found the weakest points of the robot, sending it toppling down. It tried to get back up, but the arrows were lodged exactly so that the limbs were locked up. Luna (and by extension, Artemis) watched just long enough to make sure the robot wasn't getting up again before turning her (their) attention away, back to the main fight.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 02:54 AM

Arianna decided that she wasn't doing much of anything good, so she snuck to the front of the store to watch in case any other bots approached their position. She did glance up at Artemis/Luna, but didn't distract her.

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Old 02-26-2017, 02:58 AM

The fight was over pretty quickly after that, and Luna made her way down to ground level to see if there was anything else that could use her help. She slung her bow over her shoulder with her quiver so it was out of the way and went to see what all was up.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 02:59 AM

Clint met her on the ground, giving her a quick once-over. "All good on your end?" he asked.

Arianna emerged from hiding and helped set the coffee shop to rights and helped keep people calm. She did glanced around a couple times, though, fairly sure there was someone else around.

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Old 02-26-2017, 03:09 AM

Luna nodded, the silver slowly receding from her eyes.

"Fine," she said. "You?" She glanced around as she asked, certain that there was someone else like them nearby.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 05:02 AM

"I'm good." Clint looked around as well.

"You did good," Steve told her, smiling faintly. But he wasn't relaxed yet, instead waiting to see if the other person would reveal themselves, or if he'd have to go looking. Forcefully.

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Old 02-26-2017, 11:43 AM

Luna beat him to it, already going to investigate the person she sensed. She followed her sense all the way to the little cafe, and she went inside to check on things.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 05:55 PM

Arianna looked over at her, saw the bow, and quirked an eyebrow.

"I take it you're the one that shot down that bot?" She nodded to the still remains of it, which she'd shoved off to the side.

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Old 02-26-2017, 06:06 PM

"I am indeed," Luna replied, nodding. She went over to the robot to see if she would be able to get her arrows back without it getting up. She decided to leave them be. "Is everyone alright over here?"

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 06:23 PM

"We're all fine," Arianna confirmed. "We had a barricade." She shrugged, her gaze sharp as she looked over Luna, and then glanced over the rest of the group. "Everyone alright? Can I tempt anyone with a coffee?" Her smile shifted, just this side of flirtatious now.

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Old 02-26-2017, 08:54 PM

Luna's own gaze sharpened as well. Yes, this was the person she'd sensed. She didn't say anything at the moment, though, just letting her do her thing and calm the crowd down.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 08:58 PM

Arianna spotted Tony and her smiled softened a bit. "Hey Tony, all good with you?"

Clint did a double-take, blinking between Arianna and Tony. Then he grinned. "Oh, so this is your other lady-friend," he crowed.

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Old 02-26-2017, 08:59 PM

The faceplate on the armor went up to reveal Tony making a bit of a face.

"Not MY ladyfriend," he replied, shaking his head a bit. "I try very hard not to get in the middle of THAT mess, thanks."

Luna raised an eyebrow. Oh, this sounded like it was going to be good.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-26-2017, 09:08 PM

Arianna laughed. "And here I thought I was your favorite besides Pepper," she teased.

Clint grinned slowly. Oh this could be fun.

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Old 02-27-2017, 02:06 AM

"Not when it ends with me having to find my way out of Hell's Kitchen, thanks," Tony retorted. "Not cool."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 02-27-2017, 04:45 AM

"This wasn't my fault," Ariana retorted. "But if that's how you want to be, fine, be that way. I'll just buy coffee for the rest of the team here." She grinned and winked at Clint, because he was closest. Clint looked far too amused.


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