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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 04-02-2009, 10:42 PM

I hate to pass judgment on a film i've never seen... which i'm sure I often do :P ... but seeing the trailer for this on TV, it looks all kinds of stupid. :lol:

I used to watch Dragonball for a time, long ago, but i'm not really a fan anymore. Perhaps if I were I could get hyped. But from my perspective now, it just looks laughable.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 04-05-2009 at 09:47 PM..

Oracle12 is offline
Old 04-05-2009, 06:10 AM

Yes. It does look horrible.

mano is offline
Old 04-06-2009, 02:46 PM

i watched dragonball and i liked it. It was one of those shows that i made sure i was not busy so i could watch it everyday on cartoon network, so of course im going to see the movie. I am, however, not setting any high expectations for the movie because i honestly think they will make it bad. I don't think they will do it properly and make it fit with the anime... but i will still watch it because its anime related and i want to see how it turns out.

::...Rest In Peace Ronnie James ...
Yazoo is offline
Old 04-10-2009, 01:28 AM

I really can't wait until I can see it; I've seen the trailers on the TV and have been O_O ever since *hugs Goku pillow obsessedly*
I don't care what other people say; I shall remain a DBZ fan =p

Kat Flower
Kat Flower is offline
Old 04-10-2009, 01:59 AM

I grew up watching Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z and I'm disappointed at how sucky the trailer looks. I also don't really like who they cast as Goku.

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Livia is offline
Old 04-10-2009, 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by The PyroKittie View Post
I'm going to see it in theater. I must see this on a big screen. It's a must.

Seeing James Marsters in anything is a good thing. Whether he does it good or bad. Just seeing him is worth at least half the ticket price. More so if he's killing people. Just adds to the sexyness that is him.

*had a thing for Spike back in the day*
When I saw the title.. Dragon ball with real people.. Might boring... But two words made me think " I'M SO GOING TO WATCH THE MOVIE! D<" And it was JAMES MASTER! :heart:

I used to watch buffy becaouse of him <.<;

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AcidDrop is offline
Old 04-13-2009, 09:32 PM

ok, i'm a huge fan of dragonball z but the movie looks soooo CRAP! i refuse to watch it even if james marsters is in it <3 the entire story looks SHIT, and lmao the dragonballs do not grant you ultimate power(as the plot says) they grant you a f*cking wise.. you dont get power from 'em unless you wish it... its going to be an epic fail, any true dbz fans will know!

Keary Lumiere
Keary Lumiere is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 05:37 AM

I can't believe that they ended up making the kame-hame-ha a moving attack :stare:

Cheya is offline
Old 04-19-2009, 11:17 PM

From what happened to Akira Toriyama with the Dragonball movie, I hope this teaches future generations of writers and artists to NEVER trust Fox.

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 01:11 AM

I love Dragonball but I'm quite sure that this movie isn't going to do any justice to the anime or manga. It looks horrendous, and I don't think I can get over the fact that Goku isn't being played by an Asian.

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Nemui is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 06:56 AM

yup me and my boyfriend watched the trailer together. and we both just laughed.
i for one can do with out seeing it.
while he has to see it DX
so im sure at some point i will see it. but i dont look forward to it.


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