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ReiyukaE is offline
Old 03-30-2008, 09:19 PM

Very unlikely, indeed. XD Probably an Atlantic Ocean apart.

Sadly (or luckily) my mums' colleagues are helping out. Yay for people who are all 20 years older than me. XD
I like coming across things that I thought were long gone, though.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 03-30-2008, 11:43 PM

Yeah. Well at least you've got some help!
And yay for finding long-gone things!!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 02:30 AM

Yay indeed! ^-^ <3

I must admit that I'm really glad for their help. I'd be seriously clueless on how we'd get everything moved, otherwise.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 04:44 PM

Heh. No kidding! Moving can be really hard sometimes!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 04:49 PM

I can imagine. After all it's packing up your whole life, sort of.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 04:57 PM

Sadly, my whole life can fit in one car.
But then I'm only 20. Well...technically 19...but only for like 2 months.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:08 PM

I'm 20, too. ^-^
21 in a couple of months.

Surprisingly my life is taking a much larger amount of boxes than I would have imagined. Must be all of those books I've gathered over the years. XD

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:11 PM

Yeah...I think books and all my old CDs are what take up most of my room....oh, and all the towels I got for graduation.
Yay books!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:28 PM

Towels for graduation?! o.O"

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:30 PM

Yep. My graduation presents included the following:
towels, luggage, a coffee pot, an iron, and approx $200 from various relatives/friends of the family.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:32 PM

Interesting. ^-^ <3 I always forget what a big deal graduation is in America. For us, it's a matter of going "yay, I have my degree!", go get a drink with friends, and then enjoy a month or so of vacation before starting the job hunt. ^-^

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 05:34 PM

Yeah. I think I might have preferred that actually.
I've never used my iron. I only used the luggage because I needed to use something to help move all my clothes, and I only needed like 2 towels.
The money was a huge help though. It bought the books for my first semester college classes.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 07:33 PM

Money would have been a better gift in general. ^-^

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 04:18 PM

Yeah, more money would have helped.
The luggage has been nice and the coffe pot was a godsend last year though.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 04:35 PM

Hmm, coffee! <3 I can imagine. We're without coffee at the moment. ;-;"

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 04:39 PM

Yeah...I don't drink near as much coffee as I used to.
I can't take it black and I've been unable to find a good creamer lately. So I'm trying to finish all the stuff I have but I can't stand it. They just aren't good in coffee! Or in cocoa! (except the blueberry cobbler one)

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 04:50 PM

Poor girl. I just drink black coffee, so it's all peachy-keen for me.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 04:56 PM

I've tried drinking coffee black, but the closest I can come is 2 sugars, 1 cream.
Or mocha.
I love mocha.

Alas I'm one of those people that likes fancy-flavored coffee.
But the most fancy drink I like is a double-shot english toffee latte though.
I'm so not the mochafrappucrapichino, small dog-toting, pink-wearing type though.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-04-2008, 09:29 PM

I must admit, I've never even heard of those drinks. XD In Belgium we're simple coffee or cappucino people. XD

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-06-2008, 11:04 PM

Well, I just made up the second one. Basically anything with more foam and sugar than a lemon merangue pie.

But a latte is basically coffee with some flavoring, steamed milk, and (in my case) two shots of espresso.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 06:22 PM

Hehe, talk about lot's of trouble for making a coffee. XD

Sounds rather yummy, though I'm not a fan of milk in my coffee.

I wonder where Kyasurin's been hanging out. O.o"

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 04:49 PM

Hmmm...*looks around*
Yeah, I'm not sure!

And oh yes! Way yummy!

Titenya is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 05:20 PM

|| |I want a CHILD!
|Username: Titenya
|Name of your child: Puck
|Default or Special egg?: Default
|Colour: Red
|Gender: Male
|Anything else?: that's it, thank you ^_^
I have remembered to donate the gold to ReiyukaE. (Yay for you!)

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 05:21 PM

Nuuu!!! I'm not the first customer!!


Titenya is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 05:24 PM

aww i'm sorry


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