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Ribe is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 12:02 AM

Larry just looked to his father. "It is my business." Then he paused turning to see Kirin smiling. "We'll talk about this later father." He walked Kirin this looked like it was some thing good but he was going be very careful.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 12:06 AM

"Oh my boy I am truly happy to see you alive and well. I have heard you are doing well."

"I have. I truly have. Though I do apologize for not contacting you sooner."

"Nonsense, you've been busy. Mr. Jameson told me about those leeches coming and trying to get to you."

"I won't let them get to me."

Ribe is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 12:10 AM

Larry listen carefully not adding any thing just listening.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 12:15 AM

"Oh I would like you to meet Larry. This is my godfather Richard Markson. Godfather this is Larry Jameson."

"It's an honor to meet you son." He extends his hand to Larry.

Ribe is offline
Old 06-20-2012, 03:35 PM

(so soosososos sorry i thought i reply but it didn't go through a while a go)

Larry shook his hand. "Its an honor to met you as well." If Kirin was happy about this then he would be but he still would keep up his plotting to make sure Kirin got everything back.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-20-2012, 05:05 PM

Richard smiles. "If there is anything I can do to help you get back on your feet please let me know." Richard says. "Thank you, Larry is helping me with that."

Ribe is offline
Old 06-21-2012, 03:34 AM

Larry smiled. "Yes that is true I am doing what is in my power to restore Kirin name and title back to him."

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-21-2012, 03:47 AM

"I will do what I can to help you." Richard says with a smile.

"Thank you." Kirin says with a smile.

Ribe is offline
Old 06-21-2012, 10:45 PM

Larry started to move inside with the others as they talked. He stay close to Kirin as he spoke to the other man. "There is a party coming on next weekend I have set up to finshed getting at less Kirin title back. If you really want to help just being there to support Kirin will able us to get it back. With less of a socail fight."

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-22-2012, 01:39 AM

"I would be honored to be there." Richard says smiling.

"I am so happy you'll be there." Kirin says with a grin.

((Oh and feel free to jump ahead if you want.))

Ribe is offline
Old 06-22-2012, 09:49 PM

(yeah sure we can skip ahead to the party if you want.)

Larry smiled to them as they head inside for dinner.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 05:40 PM

It is the evening of the party and Kirin is getting himself ready. He is a nervous wreck and it shows.

Ribe is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 02:38 PM

LArry was with him in the bedroom watching Kirin. he sighed it looke dlike this was going to be to much on Kirin heart with the way he was acting. Larry walked up behind Kirin and kissed his shoulder then his neck. He really wanted to calm his lover down but he was the one who started this whole mess in the first place. So he wrapped his arms around Kirin. "After tonight what ever happends I'll expect it even if we can't get your title back I still want to be with you."

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 04:15 PM

"The thing is it would be nice to have my title back, and my lands." He says. He knows how much harder it will be on the two of them if he doesn't get his title back. He turns around and kisses Larry. "You've done so much, I can't stop now." He says.

Ribe is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 02:29 AM

Larry held on to Kirin. "I know that idea but I'm turning you in to a wreck. I don't like I did that to you." Larry kissed Kirin deeply "I want to make you happy."

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 02:36 AM

"you do make me happy. So very happy." He says kissing him softly. "I've just never been good at this. Even before I was taken."

Ribe is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 10:27 PM

Larry kissed Kirin again and placed his hands on Kirin hips. "Are you sure?"

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 11:42 PM

Kirin hesitates briefly then nods. "Yeah. Let's do this." He says with a smile.

Ribe is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 06:04 AM

"I'll be with you as much as possible. Those there are things you will need to do on your own. I will be near by when that happends those." Larry hugged Kirin and pulled a way giving kirin a once over to see if everything was right on him.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 12:33 PM

"Did I get everything on correctly?" He asks as Larry looks him over. He pushes down his nerves. He can do this.

Ribe is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 09:12 PM

"Perfectfly your training really has paid off you know that Kirin right?" Larry said kissed kirin lips once more. "Shall we get going then?"

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 09:21 PM

"I guess." He says with a small smile. He offers Larry his arm. The two then head down to the party. Kirin is a bit overwhelmed, there are so many people here. He takes calming breaths.

Ribe is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 06:44 PM

Larry smiled to Kirin as he lead him down to the party. Those he had to part with Kirin to talk with a few of the higher up nobles here. He need to do this best for Kirin.

While Larry was busy another man walked up to Kirin. The man was way dress and had marking he was a wealthy nobleman. He had jet black hair and brown eyes he was about 5'11 and had a big smile on his face. He had eyes Kirin up from a cross the room before even moving over to talk with him. He saw Kirin already arounded by other people but when he came over they made room for him.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 03:54 PM

Kirin is feeling very overwhelmed right now. There is just so many people surrounding him and he truly wants to run. To go to the barn to be with his horse. Soon the crowd is parting and he doesn't really know why but he is grateful and lets out a sigh of relief.

Ribe is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 11:29 PM

"Aw your your the one I have been hear about." The man who was in his middle 30's maybe 35 at the most looked over Kirin. "My name is Duke Haierson was you cover to join me on the belcony for some fresh air?"


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