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Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-06-2011, 07:01 PM

((Ok, yeah, timeskip, pleaaaaaase? I really don't wanna get my ass kicked off this site.))

Lore had been commandeering the ship for some several hours now, and let one of his other men take control of the helm while he went to stretch and relax. He needed to walk the perimeter of the ship to shake the feeling of numbness off. Plus, a good meal was in order soon. He decided that it was a necessity to change his clothing as well, away from the heaviness of his jacket and the formalwear he usually wore that felt binding. Lore was massaging his hands together and shifting his head from side to side to ease his joints of any stiffness. He was surprised to see a flash of red, velvety fabric sweep the decks of his ship, and that’s when he realized that it was Luka. He smiled, taking in the sight of her and nodded approvingly. “You look nice. Did you sleep well?”

It wasn't exactly the way he'd planned to have Lucian, but their connection had been so spontaneous. Carter had brought himself and the woman down to the floor, where they'd been laying for a few moments, as he was stroking her bare shoulder with his thumb and staring up at the ceiling. What had just transpired between them was something that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was a lot different than the other women that he'd been accustomed to before, though he didn't know why. Glancing down at Lucian, he'd wondered if she was sleeping or not. He drew a finger over her face, mainly to brush the hair that had covered her eyes.

Last edited by Marguerite Blakeney; 03-06-2011 at 09:04 PM..

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 03-08-2011, 04:21 AM

Lucian had been resting contently against Carters chest.Not asleep, but resting.He wasn't joking about ravaging - atleast that had been made clear.Lucians scarlet eyes opened as he removed her hair from her eyes.It was mostly a lazy I-dont-want-to-get-up look.Lucian stretched silently.She didn't have much to say, but Lucian knew she had to get Katerinas gift together.'Your comfertable.'Lucian blurted out with complete humor in her tone.Something was different about the bruing relationship between the two of them.Or atleast thats how Lucian felt.'What time is it?'Lucian asked lightly, her tone relaxed as she tried to saviour the lack of tension in the room.Clearly once Lucian left this room she'd have to take a very long bath to get Carters scent off of her.Personally, Lucian liked his scent all over her it made her feel as though she beloned - as girly and cheesey as it sounds.Lucian had brought her hands to Carters cheeks, just gazing down at him as her finger tips brushed his cheeks.Maybe, just maybe this was for the better.

Luka hadn't been really paying attention, just wondering around.Thats when Lores voice cut through her trance.'Thank you.'Luka stated bluntly.Ah, crap.Luka thought to herself as she was lost of words.Lore looked entirely different, abit more lively to be precise.'I slept alright.Hows managing the ship coming along?'Lukas voice was clear but clearly she wasn't on guard.Considering she just woke up she didn't quite care what happend.Well to her anyway.Thats when Luka spared a glance around..what was this?The upper deck?Ah, hell.Luka had lost track at this point due to the lack of experience on boats.After awhile, she just got tired of boats.But that didn't mean she didn't know her way around.

Jezebeth had taken awareness to Micah walking along side of her.The only thing Jezebeth thought about for the spark of the moment is why he was beside her and not Iri?Iri was the one who raised him and taught him right and Jezebeth was a dull stranger and unwilling to open up.It didn't take long to gather distance from where the dragons had been circling until they found a safe-looking cave.Maybe there would be alot more adventure into todays activities.Jezebeth didn't understand why this made her senses go crazy with enrichment but, it was better then being at the demonic kingdom.

Synbad was aware that Iri was distent, but he didn't try to pull it out of her.Instead he gave her the space she wanted.He walked beside her silently keeping an eye on Micah and Jezebeth.Had a connection formed he didn't know about?Even he knew this was out of Micahs charactoristics and Jezebeth was pulled his mind away from the disturbing scene and tried to focus on what all they'd need for tonight.

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Old 03-08-2011, 05:57 AM

Iri followed behind the leading duo, one of them being her very own Micah. Normally she probably would have said something to why he was up there when she was not, but at the moment they were merely looked upon with dead eyes. They cave loomed over her, the darkness that it brought seemed almost welcoming as they entered. The cool, dampness nipped at her pale skin, cooling her. She watched the older male, though he always act much younger, set the wood down at one end of the cave when he watched the female wander towards a rock before sitting. She wasn't sure if they were staying there long or not but her brain was telling her to take a break. She wasn't too worried though, she could catch up to them if they deciding to keep moving forward.

The shorter girl sat on a rock to one side of the cave, a good distance away from where the sunlight no longer reached within the depths of the cave. Her eyes traced over the solid, yet moist textures of the cave walls as her brain jumped from topic to topic as it recalled the actions as of late.

Micah's eyes darted over to the long haired demon that he had left trailing behind and she seemed off, much more so than usual. Once they were inside the cave he quickly set the wood down and darted in the direction in which she was heading. He said nothing to her as he knelt beside her, his arms wrapping around her small body, head resting on her lap much like a small child would do. A reassurance came about him when that familiar hand stroked the hair upon his head in a soothing motion.

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Old 03-09-2011, 12:19 AM

Ayumu took a nap in her guest room. She had finally given into her tiredness. Laying there on the bed not many would know who she was since she no longer was using her glamour spell to make her look like a child. No, she looked like an innocent 16 year old girl. When she awoke she would go find Lucian to tell her about the person that killed the demon king.

Ryo laid beside Ayumu, stroking her hair. “Why you choose to look a little child instead of the beautiful woman you are, is beyond me.” He whispered as he smiled down at her.

“How do I feel?” Damon paused for a little before answering. “Yes I do love her even if she doesn’t feel the same way. But maybe my love isn’t what I think either.” He had a slight confused look on his face as he spoke, but only for a moment. “I’m not sure what that would be Miss Emma.” There was a smell of food coming from the dining room as they arrived. Bowing slightly he opened the door for Emma. “Ladies first.”

((I’ve been having some writers block lately))

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:25 AM

((Shit, we just got told off in the other thread, so I’m gonna just keep this post to a minimum tonight. Or not.))

Emma pouted slightly. “Pity,” she answered. “There isn’t much to celebrate for, except a pending coronation after a period of mourning, and I’m not even sure the princesses are ready for that.” She curtsied and said a polite, “thank you” to Damon as he allowed her to enter the dining room first. She hoped breakfast hadn’t gotten cold as most people had already left and very few people were still there. “So, has my brother given you a task to do while we are all still residing as guests in the castle, or did he give everyone a few days’ furlough?” she said next, as she walked around the table to an empty seat of her choosing. Emma smiled, sitting down after she found a suitable place to dine, and reached for a bread roll from the basket situated in the middle of the table.

Lore rubbed his jaw with his fingers. “Stressful, but nothing I can’t really handle. We’ve been having good winds today. You should stay up here and get some fresh air,” he suggested. “But we have all night. I’m a bit hungry, so I’ve sent word to the cooks here to serve dinner shortly. Would you like to dine inside the cabin or out here? Neither is a problem to arrange.” He was relaxed and calm, oddly enough. He hadn’t felt like this for quite some time, probably due to the stress of having to follow orders at the castle. “I’ve got to change before dinner, though. But if the food’s out, you may start without me.”

Carter chuckled slightly as Lucian made that remark. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be comfortable?” He looked to the clock he kept on a side of the room. “Is it late morning yet or afternoon?” he yawned. “I can’t tell.” Sitting up, he held Lucian’s shoulders so he could get her properly situated as well. “How do you feel?” he then questioned, smiling at her knowingly. He looked around. They hadn’t been in a bed – so there wasn’t really a sheet he could cover himself with. “We should both make ourselves presentable,” he laughed, making light of the situation. He then took one of Lucian’s hands and kissed the top of it, rubbing circles on the area with his thumb afterwards. “Else people would like to think of a scandal, should they find us clandestinely meeting.”

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 03-11-2011, 04:29 AM

Lucian laughed lightly as she lightly kissed Carters cheek.Pulling away, she picked up her dress off of the floor and just slipped it back on.Fixing her hair, silently her gaze remained abit distent.A scandle?'At the moment a scandle sounds fun.Maybe the girls will keep they're eyes off of you.'Lucian spoke in her humored tone as she winked at Carter.Perhaps only she saw the humor in this situation but in all seriousness this was happening all too soon on her behalf.Although Lucian couldn't block out the passion she had felt for Carter, it just didn't seem right.She knew once she walked out of here that the first place she'd have to go is to her chambers, then get Katerinas gift together.One of the few things she was hoping for was that Carters scent wouldn't be strong enough for them to smell it and that Katerina wouldn't look at her eyes and be able to tell what happend.Sometimes Katerina was so right about things it chilled Lucian to the bone.

Luka tilted her head slightly as she stared at Lore.Talk about alot on his mind.'I dont really mind.I just wanted to take a look around.'Luka remarked with a sly grin.For a moment as Luka stood there, she couldn't help but feel that thin connection beginning to build.Why did I leave with him?Luka thought to herself.There was no reasons that made sense that came to midn for her.Although by the way things were looking, Lore had alot going on up in his head.Luka kinda wished she could hear about it but she'd try to find out what all was on his mind later.'So, where you off to next?'

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-11-2011, 06:49 AM

Lore raised an eyebrow as he adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves. “My room, of course. Where else would my clothes be?” he replied, nonchalantly. “But take a spin around the ship. Have fun. There’s not much to do here, really. I haven’t had a guest on board in a long time, so any entertainment is few and far between,” he explained. It dawned on him that Luka might get bored so easily. But aside from the Vandergelt estate, (not his ancestral land) of which lands he purchased and built, this ship was his home, and he belonged to no country. “If you’ll excuse me,” he nodded, walking on his way.

The guest room was emptied, save for things that belonged to the castle. It was only midmorning and very close to afternoon. With nothing else to do, Katerina couldn’t be satisfied just standing around, bored. She wouldn’t be leaving until nightfall, and only when it was certain the sun had gone down for the day. Till then, well, it was daylight and she had to suffer being inside. Katerina couldn’t wait to return home. With nothing else to do, she decided to spend time in the library, leaving her servants to do as they wished for the time being.

Carter was straightening his tie, when he looked at Lucian a moment after she kissed him on the side of his face. “I can’t guarantee that,” he smiled. Putting his hands behind his back and leaning into butler mode, he continued. “I am always at someone’s beck and call. It’s hard to avoid the job.” Straightening up, he covered his mouth with a fist as he cleared his throat. “Do enjoy yourself, your Majesty,” he said in a clear voice, just in case anyone happened to be outside hearing. Gods forbid. He bowed, smiling only for her. “And good day.”

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Old 03-13-2011, 04:27 AM

Doviculous straightened his outfit saying, "Don't worry, I'll play by your silly little rules and I promise not to hurt someone unless you give me permission... or unless they provoke me first."

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-13-2011, 04:59 AM

Emilian closed the folder that was in front of him, almost with a slam. “If you really want to that much, then let’s begin the interrogation.” He stood up abruptly from his seat, rising to his full height. “I won’t be able to work if all you want to do is torture a pretty girl. I hope you know what you’re doing, Doviculous.”

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Old 03-21-2011, 01:50 AM

“We have been granted leave for a little while if we wish. I was one of the few that chose to stay here instead.” Damon walked over to the unoccupied seat across from Emma. He hadn’t noticed the girl sitting at the far end of the table. “It’s true that there isn’t much to celebrate and the princesses are still missing. It makes one wonder what is going to happen now if one of the princesses does not return.”

Mai eat quietly listening to the conversations around her. The room was mostly empty except for a few others that had decided to stay. She glanced up the table towards the man that had spoken to her last night. “Hello,” she said in a quiet tone to Damon and Emma.

Tabitha was still sitting under the tree, her scythe on the ground beside her. She stared out at the empty training yard. Movement from the distance caught her attention. An intruder? Who is that? Slowly she rose to her feet grabbing her scythe. This she would have to check out. That person could be her way out of this mess.

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Old 03-21-2011, 08:05 PM

Doviculous chuckled saying, "Fret not snuggle butt, when I wish to, I can be a perfect gentleman."

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 03-22-2011, 12:54 AM

Lucians lips upturned into a chuckle as her eyes rested on Carter.She only shook her head watching him leave.Hes a real piece of work..but hes my piece of work.Lucians thoughts were selfish..over him anyway.She waited a few moments until she thought Carter would be clear out of sight and gone.Walking with her head held up high as though nothing happend, she turned down the hallway and begun towards her chambers making her own plans.Wash his scent away..get Katerinas goodbye gift together..see if anything needs to be tended to.Lucian kept on running this through her head until she walked into her room.A warm bath with roses had done been prepaired and thank goodness the maids weren't here.The last thing she wanted was a scandle taking place.Quickly she cleansed herself, once done Lucian dried herself off and got dressed in a simple white shift and flat heels.Yeah, there was such a thing as flat heels..abit surprising - to Lucian anyway.Quickly she pulled her hair back in a loose braid.Knowing the sun had not yet set, she scavenged her room starting to find the things she had meant to give Katerina.

Luka rolled her eyes as she watched Lore walk off.Although a firm smile had spread across her lips inwhich she had not be contious of.Lightly, she walked over towards the main dek but off to the side to keep out of everyones way.Luka didn't say much, although this dress was annoying her.She wondered if where they were going did they always wear annoying dressed like the demonic kingdom made them wear.Silently, she leaned against the 'edge' of the boat and stared down.She didn't regret it but simpley took in the sight of the ocean bellow.Now this, she hadn't done for quite sometime.The ocean..Luka made a mental note to get Lore into the water sometime whenever they got to where he lived.She didn't quite care what people thought, Luka was a free spirit and nothing more nor nothing less.Hell, Luka didn't even expect to get this far with Lore himself yet she did.She didn't know how she managed it nor did she know how Lore was even able to put up with her.'This is going to be a remeberable trip.'Luka muttered to herself as she kept her eyes nailed down at the ocean, interested and not fightened.

[Sorry if I left out anyone..and im sorry I haven't been posting.x.x]

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-24-2011, 07:49 AM

Emilian raised an eyebrow. “Snuggle butt? Where did that come from?”

Emma smiled as she perched her head onto her folded hands. “Well isn’t that fun? Did my brother tell everyone that?” she asked, knowing the answer was probably yes. Her head turned when she heard another voice squeak out a “hello.” She replied, “Good morning,” sending a smile over to the girl as well.

Lore entered his cabin after a short walk. The only thing that had changed in this room was that the bedcovers were now rumpled. ’So she actually slept,’ he concluded to himself, not surprised. There really wasn’t much else to do on board, but he figured Luka might think the trip tedious rather quickly. This is why he had never brought women on board on his ships before. Going through his belongings, which were all prepared for him by his crew, he chose a white linen shirt with long sleeves, black trousers secured by a belt, and Hessian boots. It might be getting cold later, but he had no wish to be constricted by an evening coat.

Having fallen asleep while reading a book in the library for some time, Katerina’s unconscious form lay comfortably on a silk-lined chaise longue. Her long dress’ skirts spilled onto the floor, while one arm was crossed over her stomach, still holding the book, close enough to her body that it wouldn’t fall off the couch. Her head was dipped down, and her dark eyelashes fanned out above her cheeks. She had lay dormant for hours, trying to pass the time before it was actually time for her to leave.

Carter had decided that he was in need of a bath and change of clothes. He gave himself half an hour to do these things before returning to work in the kitchen, which was pretty much the main area he spent most of his time in if he wasn’t working anywhere else in the castle. Sighing, he rubbed his temples in exasperation wondering how and why he had just bedded the Queen. He hoped nobody found out – at least not right away.

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Old 03-28-2011, 05:38 AM

Ryo had fallen asleep beside Ayumu on the bed. His arms were wrapped around her and there was a smile on his face. He was always happiest when he could be with her like this. Being able to be with her in her true form was a special privilege that she allowed only him. If anyone else seen her as her true self they would understand why he stays by her and deals with her. “Of course, you are my princess and no one could take me away from you. Or take you away from me. I would never let that happen.” He whispered back in his sleep. One would think that this conversation took place often if they had witnessed it.

Ayumu sighed contently and smiled. In her sleep she nuzzled Ryo’s neck and whispered, “you are mine and no one elses. So will you always stay beside me no matter what?” When she heard his answer she wrapped her arms around him and mumbled something.

“I don’t think so, but it’s hard to tell knowing your brother.” Damon joked. Hearing the girl he looked over. “Oh, hello again. You’re Maiara right? Tabitha’s younger sister if I’m not mistaken. I am Damon and this is Emma.” He was surprised that the girl had stayed here on her own. This might not be a good thing since Tabitha was acting strangely and her emotions were hard to read lately.

Mai nodded. “Yes that’s right. I’m Mai and I’m Tabitha’s younger sister. I stayed to try to talk to her since I haven’t seen her since she ran away from home. It’s nice to meet both of you.” She blushed slightly as she asked Damon a question she’d been wanting to ask since last night. “So umm…Damon are you my sister’s boyfriend or husband? It would be nice to know if she finally decided to settle down.” Her gaze fell as she wondered if maybe she shouldn’t have asked such a personal question right off the bat.

Tabitha followed the person she had seen. It wasn’t demon, nor vampire. The only thing she could think of that it could be was a shinigami, but what would a shinigami be doing snooping around the military base? “Hey you, stop,” she shouted, but he figure darted around the building.

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Old 03-28-2011, 11:02 PM

Doviculous waved his hand off handedly saying, "Moving on! C'mon, we have to go catch the bad guys! Well... the other bad guys." Doviculous moved to stand next to the door, chuckling at his little joke and waiting for Emilian to lead the way.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 03-31-2011, 08:17 PM

Lucian moved around the room, glad she had done gotten the items from outside inwhich she'd need before hand.Lucian pulled out a small crat.Nothing heavy, but big enough to be noticeable if carried.Moving with ease she placed a white cloth of satan at the bottom of the crat.She put beach sand over the cloth and then another cloth over it but it was red.She placed a book of spells inside the crat with a red and yellow rose intwined together.This was symbolic for friendship and passion.Something Lucian seemed to lack for quite sometime.Silently she sealed it off and picked it up and placed it over on the chair.Katerina will be far from here..there for atleast this book of spells will be able to hopefully supply some kind of protection for her.Lucians thoughts wirled around as she ran her hand over her forhead.Then Lucian went on ahead and started towards the kitchen.She couldn't go to sleep now and maybe abit of blood would give her the boost she needed.Just thinking about it made Lucian lick her lips.

Luka simpley shook her head with a small smile.Staring down at the waves she pondered through her thoughts.Luka knew leaving was the best thing to do, for right now she wasn't needed.The king had died and the two sisters had disappeared for now.Although she knew once over there fathers death they would return.It only seemed logical.Until then she'd be spending time with Lore, or by herself.Which sounded good at the moment.Luka only appeared to be captivated by the ocean as it licked at the bottom of the ship.Perhaps this wouldn't be such a bad trip after all.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 04-01-2011, 05:48 AM

Emilian rolled his eyes before making sure his file folders were in place at the desk he constantly worked at. “All right. But be nice. We don’t know what this girl is capable of, or if she even knows who was behind the murders.” The fact that Emilian wasn’t used to working with anyone else but Lore or just himself made him feel uneasy to take on a new “partner.” Even so, he had no idea what ulterior motive Doviculous had, if any. It just made him feel strange. In any case, he stalked off in search of the woman that eluded him.

Emma sat up straight. ’Tabitha’s sister,’ she wondered. ’And she’s visiting here unescorted?’ Ordinarily she would have thought that since Damon knew Tabitha, he would also personally know her sister just the same. But the formal tone he was taking with her and the fact that he was just introducing herself told her that these two were in fact strangers. “How is it that the two of you have never met until now?” It was an odd question, but it did require an explanation, no matter how small. But when Maiara had asked Damon if Tabitha was settled down with him, something inside of Emma twitched. Whether it was due to jealousy or unease, she couldn’t tell.

Lore left after the short while it took him to get dressed and freshened up. He had combed back his hair and freshened his breath with a sprig of mint, as there were no stems of juniper available on board. Back on the main area of the deck, he looked at the open floor on which a small table for two had been prepped. Lanterns had been lit around the general perimeter and he nodded to the crew that set it up as the ambience and display were up to his expectations. Two plates of food were placed on the table, and yet Lore didn’t immediately see the pink-haired vixen in the vicinity. He pulled aside one of his crewmembers and asked where Luka was. The male pointed in some random direction, and Lore immediately went to follow. He found she was alone, and he approached slowly. “Enjoying the view?” he asked from a slight distance.

Burgundy eyes fluttered open as Katerina’s body roused from its dormant state. She was attempting to locate the clock when she found it on the mantelpiece. “Is it time to go already?” From what the air felt like (rather cold), it seemed that it was almost time for her carriages to leave. “Someone’s getting fired tonight for not searching me out and waking me up when we are to be leaving soon,” the Countess muttered in irritation. She left the library, navigating the corridors of the large castle which she had memorized in her countless years of life (she’d rather not remember anymore) until she arrived at the wide entrance. Her staff was already on hand there, finishing the rest of the preparations since it was dark enough outside already for her to travel safely. Donning her large hooded silk cloak, she paced restlessly back and forth on the floors of the castle, awaiting Blade to escort her and for Lucian to bid her farewell.

Carter had put himself to work, slicing up things for that evening’s dinner menu. Since a considerable amount of people were leaving, the servings were fewer, which meant less work for the kitchen staff. It gave the lot of them some relief, but they wouldn’t lower their standards either, since they still took very good care of Lucian. However, they sensed her approaching, and the members of the kitchen staff immediately quieted themselves in anticipation of their queen’s arrival.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 04-01-2011, 09:08 PM

Lores voice didn't startle her.She was geting use to him sneaking up at random moments.She hadn't really been paying attention to how dark its geting.Luka had been too intwined with her thoughts to even care.'Yes.'She anwsered automatically as her wild blue eyes remained on the blue-gray sea until her eyes finally detached them selves and setteled down on Lore.He cleaned up good.'Have you ever tried swimming in the ocean?'Luka asked curiously, trying to atleast get some small talk going.Nobody knew what laid beneath the water.Some just said it was sea monsters, so on and so on.She didn't quite believe that.There simpley had to be more to it then just that.Although it quickly occured to Luka that they were supose to have dinner together, or well set up.Ah, crap.I had forgotten.Luka thought nervously.She couldn't help the fact she had so much on her mind.It was simpley how she was.Always geting trapt in her own wonderland just because well...reality wasn't better then her dreams.Whos reality was better then there dreams?Heak, she'd like to know.Luka didn't really want to leave this spot but knew she'd have to.Still leaning to where she could see the waves press against the ship, but to where her eyes could settle on Lore she didn't say much.All she did was await his statement.

Lucian cursed under her breath.The halls were beginning to darken which meant the draps and so on would be opened soon enough to let the moonlight shine through.Quick and with ease she moved into the dinning hall but only went straight to the fridge and spotted herself out some blood.It was a smell test tube of blood..this usually helped her get through the day.Quickly downing it and puting it in the sink she said her good mornings to her servers but didn't seem to catch a glimpse of Carter.It wasn't like she could at the moment anyway.Rushing she walked back to her chambers and picked up the box.Thank goodness it was light or else she wouldn't have been able to move as effortlessly as she did.As sad as this sounds, the only thing she really had her mind set on was being ingulfed within Carters scent again.The welcoming comferting scent...Quickly Lucian snapped herself out of her own haze of thought and found Katerina.'I put this together for you..but everything in here has some kind of use.'Lucian spoke contently as then Blade begun to rush up.She could still see the bags under his eyes and only hoped Katerina would be a good influence on him and his sleeping habits.

Blade didn't sleep at all during that day.His head kept chasing after thoughts of Iri and Katerina.Blade reassured himself that Iri was gone and would never return..and even if she did he told himself he wouldn't care.Moving with ease and his belongings already packed he begun to walk towards Katerina and Lucian in the hallway.Lucian was carrying a box..or crate.Whatever you would like to call it.You could tell it wasn't that heavy but it had an edge to it.Was that Katerinas gift?Silently Blade moved to Katerinas side and stared down at the two women.He didn't say anything but only waited for the command to leave and get out of here.After everything thats happend thats all he pretty much wanted...was to leave.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 04-01-2011, 10:26 PM

Ayumu lick the blood where she had bitten Ryo before slipping from his arms. “Good morning,” she whispered, leaning down and kissing him. She then processed to go the bath. If she wanted to speak with Lucian alone she’d have to do it soon. Quickly she washed to get rid of Ryo’s scent, not that she would care if others noticed it on her. She had a plan though. For this meeting she would go to Lucian at her true self instead of using her spell to make her look like a child. Silently she left the room after slipping into a dress. Time to find Lucian, she should be seeing Katerina off right now.

Ryo didn’t stir other than to reach for her as she left his side. It was rare for him not to be up before his mistress, but this time Ayumu had taking precautions to make sure she could do things alone.

Damon laughed at the thought of Tabitha settling down. “Excuse me, Miss Mai. I don’t think Tabitha will ever settle down. As for our relationship her and I are just friends. I’ll explains things for you Miss Emma. That is if you don’t mind Miss Mai.” He turned his attention back to Emma. “You see Tabitha is from the Kingsley family. She is actually their eldest daughter, but she renounced her position and ran away when her father tried to arrange a marriage between her and a high military official to get closer to the king. After leaving she changed her last name to Williams and because a rogue of sorts. She takes odd jobs as she travels around the kingdom. That is how her and I ended up meeting.” He figured that should about sum everything up. “By the way Miss Mai, I’m glad that your parents left, but I am surprised that they allowed you to say here unescorted. Do they know you are here?”

Mai laughed as well. “I suppose you are right. She never seemed like one that would even if she did get married.” She gave Damon a slight nod as he started to explain things to Emma. She just listened. When he said something about her being unescorted she looked surprised. “Yes they know I stayed and are unhappy about it. I don’t care because unlike them I do not hate my sister. I will be fine as long as Tabitha is here and I have my raven with me.”

Tabitha summoned her whip as she continued to chase the shinigami. “I said stop.” She ran faster as the shinigami picked up speed. You’re my escape out of this. I won’t let you get away.

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 12:26 AM

Doviculous followed after Emilian, gesturing with a nod for him Battle Nun to follow behind him.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:20 PM

Lilith glanced at Athony who had just got out of the shower and blinked a few times.'Morning.'She whispered in a drained voice as she stood up and stretched.Quickly she walked into the bathroom and took a quick bath, slipping into a comfertable dress.Stocking slipped up her legs along with red heels.Brushing her long light brown colored hair out she then walked out of the bedroom and stared at Athony.'The sun is going down, do you want to go outside and catch the last few rays of light?'Lilith asked lightly, taking note to his gaze staring out the window.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 04-10-2011, 09:44 AM

Anthony took his eyes away from the window and looked at her.A smile danced across his lips as he replied."Sure and then something to eat?"He asked her his voice light and relaxed today. If any worries or fear still played in him he didn't show it. He didn't have to...The emotions he had felt when he first arrived at this place had been more shock and he hoped never to feel that way again.As he waited for her reply he stood smoothly and brushed off his clothes.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 04-11-2011, 12:57 AM

Lilith smiled and simpley nodded.'Thats if you can keep up.'She teased lightly as she begun walking out the door and into the halls.Moving quickly, filled with excitment to catch the last rays of sunlight, her thoughts about the demons seemed to disappear and sink.The last thing she wanted was to remeber them.


I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 10:19 PM

Anthony smirked and with out a doubt or care raced passed not caring who saw him."Hmm catch you?"He called back to her as he made his way towards the doors. He ran someone startling them and laughed with ease as he felt the air rush past him. He looked behind him to see where she was and almost ran right into someone. He slowed willing her to catch up to him.

<It's all good ^^.>

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 05-21-2011, 05:06 PM

((Back. Need to recover stuff and get back into routine.))


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