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Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-16-2016, 03:05 AM

I am here to resurrect this dead thread. Rise from the dark and go forth conquer the evil corn syrup dragons from the east!

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 06-16-2016, 09:58 AM

Far more than corn syrup dragons are advancing, I fear...but I could just be a paranoid mountain hermit! Lol!

I have stopped in and lurkedca minute, but just didn't have it in me to post anything...knowing that once I get started, its hard to stop...and in light of the recent turmoil that is my life, I think it has been best that I haven't shared.

Amongst other events...real. and possibly appears that Sarah has been bitten by a Brown Recluse spider...on her left side, right at the top of her diaper...2 clusters of raised boil-like blisters that developed into a very painful area! The bumps have gone down, but the tissue around the bites has turned white, with reddness surrounding, then a dark red ring around each cluster.
We took her to the ER...they gave her 5 days worth of antibiotic and told us to keep an eye on things...that there is no conclusive proof that it is a Brown Recluse bite...I never found a spider and there is no test used to verify...therefore, there is no antivenom to administer...that we need to let the bite run its prevent infection and to bring her back if she runs a fever.
We looked at the horror pictures of Brown Recluse bites provided by Google Images...and I certainly hope this doesnt progress into something that could require surgery! ...and testimonials from those who have been bitten say that the pain is unbearable. ..and Sarah's face and actions tend to confirm her discomfort.
She is having problems holding her cup without letting it slip through her hand...and it seems painful for her to raise her left arm.
She hasnt refused food...but her discomfort is distracting from the swallowing process, csusing her to choke...causing a risk of her aspirating food or drink into her her weakened state,...I'm pretty worried about her right now!
She's a trooper, though...she only moans softly and hasnt cried.
I want to cry FOR her!

Hope was so sweet to Sarah while we were at the ER....wanting to lay by Sarah on the bed, Hope put her arm around Sarah and whispered "Hope's here, Sarah!"
Sarah seems to notice and appreciate the extra attention that Hope gives her.
Twas a very sweet moment, indeed!

The BF is supposed to start his new job next week...he is finishing his week out with the tire shop...
His distant behavior has had me on edge...leaving me to imagine things that I'm SURE are in my head...NOT!
At this point in the game, I'm just happy he makes sure the bills get paid and that he comes home every day...and in recent days, his presence at home is nearly nill...either his nose and attention are glued to his phone or he is asleep.
I'm pretty sure that the sound of my voice causes "selective deafness," making it easy for him to ignore nearly anything I try to talk to him about.
I dont know what else to do that I havent already done to make things change...and I am just not quite prepared to move out...nor do I ever susoect I ever WILL be!
I find myself working overtime...doing far more than I need keep my mind busy and assuring exhaustion at bedtime to aid in swift sleep.
I am so grateful for Hope...she gives me the reasons to keep on keeping on...

And...speaking of Hope...Sarah's trip to the ER got Hope's sleep schedule all cattywhompis again...and I need to convince her that we need to go to 3 hours ago!
I hope a everybody is well and things are good with you all! !

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-16-2016, 10:50 PM

Sounds like you have quite the battle with chaos going on, Inzaned One. I hope Sarah's bite improves soon.

And the corn syrup dragons are advancing. Just about everything you eat that is in a botle seems to contain corn syrup. I'm gonna try to knock this crap out of my diet as much as possible beginning with my beloved Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce. Fortunately, I know how to make my own and I will tonight.

It's easy. Just mix molasses, brown sugar, ketchup, mustard, apple cider vinegar, and a small dose of Frank's Red Hot sauce together. Good stuff. I saw Emeril make this on his show once and it's easy enough to make.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 06-17-2016, 02:05 AM

Back when my kids where young and it was cost-effective to cook from scratch, I made my own barbeque sauce on a regular basis...starting with sweated onions, then btown sugar and vinager and ketchup and molasses...and garlic and whatever fit my fancy at the moment and we had in the cabinet...Some sauces were better than others...but cheaper than buying bottled!
I am not big on barbeque sauce, often finding that it is too spicy to detect any other Mr. Wrong's sauce sounds lovely, providing I omit the hot sauce...I gotta think of Sarah's and Hope's delicate tastebuds, also!

Sarah's bites seem to have stopped growing in diameter...but I worry about how deep they go...but she looks like she feels a bit better...and she let me feed her some oatmeal with no resistance...maybe she will poop soon and relieve herself of some nasty toxins.

The weather has been warm...the sunsets have been gorgeous, thanks, unfortunately, to some serious wildfires and prescribed burns...but, the sky has been beautiful at sunset!

I gotta go bother Sarah and shove some more pills down her gullet...
...I'll be so happy when this is but a distant memory...but then, I imagine there will be something else to test my tenacity...*sigh* !

kelseydee is offline
Old 06-17-2016, 10:42 PM

Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!!! That is all.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-18-2016, 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by the Cheshire Pisces View Post
Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!!! That is all.
I like that you have saved some of your avatars from Mobamingle. I miss those backgrounds. There seemed to be one for every mood or costume.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 06-18-2016, 10:00 AM

...Just a quick update...
Sarah's bites seem to have stopped growing and the area where the venom made the flesh turn black looks painful.
The antibiotics seem to be helping,...but I noticed some red bumps on her tummy and I worry thst she may be covered in hives by morning as a result of an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
I can only wait and see...
Meanwhile, Sarah was looking pretty good Friday afternoon...but by dinnertime, she wasn't looking so good...with a phlegmmy cough and kinda clammy...
Her defenses are down and I always worry about pneumonia...
I gave her some honey, hoping that it will help cut the phlegm so she doesnt cough and gag all night...and I am hoping she will be feeling much better when we wake up....with NO hives, please!

I hope everybody is having a nice weekend! !

kelseydee is offline
Old 06-18-2016, 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
...Just a quick update...
Sarah's bites seem to have stopped growing and the area where the venom made the flesh turn black looks painful.
The antibiotics seem to be helping,...but I noticed some red bumps on her tummy and I worry thst she may be covered in hives by morning as a result of an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
I can only wait and see...
Meanwhile, Sarah was looking pretty good Friday afternoon...but by dinnertime, she wasn't looking so good...with a phlegmmy cough and kinda clammy...
Her defenses are down and I always worry about pneumonia...
I gave her some honey, hoping that it will help cut the phlegm so she doesnt cough and gag all night...and I am hoping she will be feeling much better when we wake up....with NO hives, please!

I hope everybody is having a nice weekend! !
Mix the honey with lemon juice.

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:13 AM

greetings to all and sundry! It's a warm night here. Actually cold outside. Lady di, you asked how hot is cali? It's brown lawn hot. I think they're having fire problems too. Mr. X has been watching scary sci fi shows today. I told him I was going to be writing here. He said, oh you're telling me to shut up? I said, just give me 5 min. Cuz I'm on this phone where the screen is microscopic and I can only see part of it. I just had a can of chili. Out of the can, it's that warm. Mr. W this thread isn't dead! It's a pink clubhouse, for goodness sake. I've been lounging on the pink couch. Didn't you see me? So you ask, how tiny are these letters? Well, I've typed 5 lines and it's only 1/2" long. Being nearsighted I can't read a mcdonalds menu on the wall, but I can see microscopic stuff. That's called a trade off, I believe.

izzy, what a scary event for sarah with the spider bite. Hope the antibotics work, and she doesn't get a fever. You mentioned hope likes going when shots are given. How is her reaction when she has a shot? Most kids dislike shots. They hurt! How come were supposed to nonchalantly take it? It still hurt to me! I don't see how gals can withstand getting tats. That's needles! I liked your use of word, cattywhompis! #claps appreciatively.

Mr. W, that would be a fun fantasy of me traveling with you! I could maybe wear my beloved denim jac. Do you member when we tried to hit muir woods? Going round and round? The weather was so stormy. And I was seasick. Yup, that's the way I roll. I do look back on it with awe. It was exciting! Do you really have electricity in the tractor? You could show me a truck stop. And we could talk in cb lingo.

I'm glad you're cutting out corn syrup. I'll have to check my bottles. Probably fresh anything is good. I just got over a 2 day headache. My sugar dropped too low I guess. It's hard to control. I'm still dutifully doing 30 min of exercise. And now I better hit it soon. It's wash day tomorrow.

pink out!

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Dazzlingdreamberry View Post
greetings to all and sundry! It's a warm night here. Actually cold outside. Lady di, you asked how hot is cali? It's brown lawn hot. I think they're having fire problems too. Mr. X has been watching scary sci fi shows today. I told him I was going to be writing here. He said, oh you're telling me to shut up? I said, just give me 5 min. Cuz I'm on this phone where the screen is microscopic and I can only see part of it. I just had a can of chili. Out of the can, it's that warm. Mr. W this thread isn't dead! It's a pink clubhouse, for goodness sake. I've been lounging on the pink couch. Didn't you see me? So you ask, how tiny are these letters? Well, I've typed 5 lines and it's only 1/2" long. Being nearsighted I can't read a mcdonalds menu on the wall, but I can see microscopic stuff. That's called a trade off, I believe.

izzy, what a scary event for sarah with the spider bite. Hope the antibotics work, and she doesn't get a fever. You mentioned hope likes going when shots are given. How is her reaction when she has a shot? Most kids dislike shots. They hurt! How come were supposed to nonchalantly take it? It still hurt to me! I don't see how gals can withstand getting tats. That's needles! I liked your use of word, cattywhompis! #claps appreciatively.

Mr. W, that would be a fun fantasy of me traveling with you! I could maybe wear my beloved denim jac. Do you member when we tried to hit muir woods? Going round and round? The weather was so stormy. And I was seasick. Yup, that's the way I roll. I do look back on it with awe. It was exciting! Do you really have electricity in the tractor? You could show me a truck stop. And we could talk in cb lingo.

I'm glad you're cutting out corn syrup. I'll have to check my bottles. Probably fresh anything is good. I just got over a 2 day headache. My sugar dropped too low I guess. It's hard to control. I'm still dutifully doing 30 min of exercise. And now I better hit it soon. It's wash day tomorrow.

pink out!
We did hit the Muir Woods. It was the Redwoods I wanted to get to. Didn't know those were so far away from San Francisco. And even though those toll booths are not manned, a camera snaps a photo of license plates from passing veeeeeeehicles. I know because I received a toll notice in the mail. $7.35. Nice.

Next time we're in San Fran we should take the Alcatraz tour. I recently read that the two brothers, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin, successfully made it to Brasil.

The San Francisco Dungeon also seems appealing.

My beloved tractor is only equipped with 12 volt outlets. Some tractors do have inverters installed, but they aren't 110 like a house outlet. I've seen two tractors that have literally burned down because these inverters were installed incorrectly. ooopsy? Bye bye $120,000 tractor.

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:54 AM

Anyone ever drank Kona beer from Hawaii.I seen only one commercial for kona beer

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:00 PM

MrWrong have you tried Kona beer yet .

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:38 PM

Did I read that the temperature in California is supposed to be 120 degrees today??!?
OMG! That is HOT! *is embarrassed for complaining about mountain cold earlier in the year!* !

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 05:57 PM

Deep in the throes of washdom here. Only going to 81* here. Mr x biking with hippy guy. SF dungeon? Is that where sf's finest Dungeness crabs are locked up? Kona beer has funny commercials. Mr x pointed them out. We do their shtick now. When we thank each other we say, tanks aunty.

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
MrWrong have you tried Kona beer yet .
No, I have not. Kona beer, huh? From Hawaii no less. I wonder if coconuts are an ingredient. Or pineapples.

And sorry, but I've already taken away your self-control.

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 11:49 PM

How about generic beer

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 06:50 PM ----------

It's an old Laura branigan song .Real 80s

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 06:50 PM ----------

I am a night person .

Last edited by ladydiana; 06-19-2016 at 11:53 PM..

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
How about generic beer

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 06:50 PM ----------

It's an old Laura branigan song .Real 80s

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 06:50 PM ----------

I am a night person .
Generic beer does not cross my lips. Only beers from Leinenkugel or Wild Blue blueberry beer will do for me. If I even have beer. It's been over a year since I drank my last beer.

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 05:23 PM ----------

Ah, those 80s songs. And those unfortunate shoulder pads.

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 05:24 PM ----------

I've always preferred working swingshift.

kelseydee is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 01:56 AM

Why do blondes wear shoulder pads?
Do they don't hurt themselves when they rock their heads side to side saying.. Ohhhhhh I doooooont knooooooow....

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 04:22 AM

Bring back the 80s .there are things that were big in the 80s that are now obsolete .Remember when Blockbuster video was big and advertised .Several businesses don't exist anymore .

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 11:24 PM ----------

Great films in the 80s to .

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 05:42 AM

Yeah, I remember ole Crotchbuster Video. Them and their stupid late fees. When Netflix came on the scene, Crotchbuster started hemorrhaging profits so in all of their wisdom they began implementing those stupid late fees in a lame attempt to recoup sagging sales. This act of desperation only acted as lubricant on their last step toward an early grave. Hollywood video made the same mistake and they went belly up even sooner.

I still owed Hollywood video late fees when they closed up shop. What a bunch of boneheads.

---------- Post added 06-19-2016 at 11:05 PM ----------

I think I enjoyed Ferris Bueler's Day Off the most in the 80s. And Jennifer Grey still looks good.

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 06:59 AM

The old dominos pizza ads from the 80s were different .Many video stores have closed down .Now only a very few left .Those that are left are renting out games .

---------- Post added 06-20-2016 at 02:01 AM ----------

There were some good perfume ads back then around Christmas time .

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-21-2016, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
The old dominos pizza ads from the 80s were different .Many video stores have closed down .Now only a very few left .Those that are left are renting out games .

---------- Post added 06-20-2016 at 02:01 AM ----------

There were some good perfume ads back then around Christmas time .
The Noid! Somewhere in my junk collection I still have those original Noid dolls. I collected all four.

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 06-22-2016, 01:04 AM

Anyone ever tried a fast food restraunt called Dairy King ever heard of Burger Queen ..I always liked pizza inn and Taco hut .Not to many around anymore .kens pizza is now a part of mazzios . I

---------- Post added 06-21-2016 at 08:15 PM ----------

Mrwrong If someone started a social network site strictly for truckdrivers and others in the trucking industry would you join it to

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 06-22-2016, 01:51 AM

I've never heard of those...I know of Dairy Queen, Burger King, and Pizza Hut

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 06-22-2016, 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
Anyone ever tried a fast food restraunt called Dairy King ever heard of Burger Queen ..I always liked pizza inn and Taco hut .Not to many around anymore .kens pizza is now a part of mazzios . I

---------- Post added 06-21-2016 at 08:15 PM ----------

Mrwrong If someone started a social network site strictly for truckdrivers and others in the trucking industry would you join it to
I vaguely recall seeing a Dairy King many moons ago. Betcha he was dethroned...or worse. Dairy Queen. With a Blizzard. In the Greyhound bus station men's room.

If anyone recalls their Mobion days, there was another trucker on Mobion who was a bit of a whore hound. Devil's Buttpimple...or something. He's probably stuck driving an old Freightliner Classic with a coffin sleeper that isn't equipped with EZ Pass/PrePass. Ha ha!

One day I found out how to use the hackers' profile and I snooped around a bit and also made those nasty hacker blogs more enjoyable to read. And I snooped around on his page, too. Quite the trucking Romeo he was. I actually met a girl from Pennsylvania who told me that she had also met this guy in person. But he wasn't interested in a deep and meaningful relationship with her. Which seems odd since she only wanted to use me.
So I left her butt there and I got back on the road.

The moral of the story is that you really wouldn't want a exclusive trucker only forum because it wouldn't take long before we started sharing the same DNA.


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