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Crystalunicorn is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:24 AM

Luenola Marxiel ~ Lol i see, its funny how you find things like that. Me and ghost of wars on gaia share the same bd too xD. Lol my ava is just cheap teehee!

Iroase Delschatten ~ No ~ but it looks pretty cool... the gold on black background is nice xD

(Lol yeah that and people ending up skint after christmas.... but we do celebrate her birthday by going out on New Years Eve hahaha! (Rosebleed on here))

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:26 AM

Yeah? I love critiques (well helpful ones anyway, but I can't really see you being useless and mean) Anything to help me get better
but it just rolled to 3:30 am
*falls asleep on keyboard*

I'll see you all tomorrow!

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:27 AM

Iro: I don't have the right items to wear with it anyway. It's silver and blue and I have gold in this avi instead of silver. I just don't think it'd look right.


Roachi is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:28 AM

- Dies -
Tis movin too fast for my eyes.

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:28 AM

@Mikhail: Ah, lol. There is that.

@Roachi: Yep. *points to Iro's reply* She bullies me. :rofl:

@Crystalunicorn: Somehow, I don't think that's cheap at all. XD"

@Bound Birdie: Yes, I did! Thank you very much! XDDD!

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Old 10-29-2008, 10:30 AM

I'll just trade for it. Much easier in the long run. And I'm gonna get the male sash either way. I personally don't wanna go through the hassle of glitching on items.

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Crystalunicorn is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:34 AM

Luenola Marxiel ~ Haha sweet. I dont own any commons at all except from last events common items. I have stayed away from the shops cos i know i will like too many of them and put me off the questing. I ll do that til i have some more of the older items.

I have to go now. I hope to see you here again. Byyyeeee :D

Byes Iroase Delschatten <3


Roachi is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:34 AM

@Luenola - Should i make ebil kitkat go after her? *points to siggy* ^^

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:36 AM

@Roachi: I know how you feel. XD LoL. Maybe...nah, I love Iroro-tan too much. That's the problem. Iro takes advantage of it. XP

@Mikhail: I see what you mean. I glitch items a lot, lol, because I find I want to use things from both genders to create a certain look. I wish all items and hairs were unisex, to be honest. Like, you can make two, but don't restrict buying/using to either gender. XD"

@Crystalunicorn: Aww... Well, talk to you again soon! *waves*


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Old 10-29-2008, 10:38 AM

lol Yep, gold and white goes well with this background. Compared to darker colours on a white background. ^_^

My family usually celebrate my birthday BEFORE Christmas, but I still get the 2-in-1 presents. I don't half-mind now, though. I've learned not to mind after 20 years. xD


I think think you need some footwear, though, at least. Any particular shoes/slippers you are looking for to go with your current avatar? :lol:

*pats Roachi*

I'm having trouble keeping up myself. But I'm trying. xD

@Luenola Marxiel:
*coughs and covers ears*
Lalalalala~ \o/

@Bound Birdie:
I can be mean when I want to, especially when I'm tired. Though, I try not to be useless when I am giving critism. It gets on my nerves when people does it to me, so I try not to do it to others too. =)

Okay, see you, Birdie!

See you too, Crystal!

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:38 AM

Luel: Yeah, that makes things a lot more enjoyable when things are unisex. You dunno how many times I've tried and failed to make a decent black and white themed avi. Mostly because a lot of the guy items... aren't that great.

Iro: I was thinking about getting the gold roman sandals. I need those for my red and gold dream avi. But I'm being stingy with my gold right now. I wanna save as much of it as I can so I can buy a bunch in bulk rather than buying each item as I have the money for it.

Last edited by Mikhail; 10-29-2008 at 10:41 AM..


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Old 10-29-2008, 10:41 AM

Though, I've never used a female avatar in my life here in Menewsha. I like the challenge of mix and matching the male avatars. 8)


Roachi is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:41 AM

*is scared of ebil kitkat lookin at her* heh :sweat:

@Iro - Yush, but i just finished hockey!! I was so amped to be back, now that i've eaten i'm struggling to keep my eyes open xDD.

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:42 AM

@Iroase Delschatten: Meanie! XP

@Mikhail: That's why I just keep glitching things to and fro. XDDD"

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:43 AM

Yes, the guy avis are hard to dress most of the time. But I managed to pull off two dream avis. Even if they are expensive.

What does this button dooooooooo...
Suspense is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:44 AM

@Luel: Oooh! Wow, it's every country girls dream to go to the UK or US xD Seriously, when I was in Terengannu (My mum's dad is from there), everyone was so interested in me and like "Oooh! Dari London ke??!" And telling me they wanted to come here too xD

@Iro: Yeah, it's beautiful there! I loved it so much, it's so developed there as opposed to under-developed Kelantan. But both were equally as amazing to me :3 :3

Yep, actually, my parents were official citezens here because the goverment paid for them to study here.

Oh :3 Yeah, I guess IT can be quite a fun subject. But it's boring once you've been learning how to create databases and store information on them over and over again xD I want to learn coding!

I need to do my work now Dx

Bye guys! <33

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:45 AM

Night night Suspense. <3

Meww... I'm getting dizzy and sleepy but I wanna stay on to get more candy apples. D:


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Old 10-29-2008, 10:46 AM

Why not get some rest, then, Roachi? ^^

@Luenola Marxiel:
*smiles brightly*

At least now there are many more items, and they unisexed some of the female ones for the males, it's much easier than it was back when I first started. xD

Coding is exactly what I am currently learning in my IT subjects, actually. =)

Ooh~ I see. That must be great, to be paid to study there. =O

Hai, see you later, Suspense! ^^


Roachi is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:48 AM

I think i might Iro lol.
I am seriously finding it hard to stay alert 0_____0

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:48 AM

Aww, bye Suspense! Happy working!

@Mikhail: Now and again, I do enjoy the challenge of using just one set of items though. But you see the vampire teeth I'm using? That the male version. I don't like the female ones because they're too big and grinchy. XD"

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:48 AM

Iro: Oh man, I bet. I remember back on Gaia when they were first starting. The items were so... lame.
I remember back then how having 30k for the fairy wings was outrageous. And other things. Now 30k is nothing. ;^;

Luel: I do admit that those fangs look devilishly good on you. >:3


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Old 10-29-2008, 10:50 AM

Alert? What is that? My focus has been failing me since 5 hours ago. xD

lol Yeah, back then, even having 50k means you are RICH!
The Nitemare Scarf used to be 15k back then too. ;__;

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Mikhail is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:52 AM

Iro: Yeah now the NM scarf is actually deflating some because of Halloween. But it's still WAY over a mil.
Man.. I remember the first time I had a million gold on Gaia. I felt amazing. Then I realized I actually couldn't get very much in the way of items. So I ended up selling the rest of my items and buying a crapload of OC art, then using the rest to spoil my friend by giving her half of her wishlist.
Of course, this was when I thought I was going to be leaving Gaia for good.
Then I ended up going back on my old mule account. XD


Roachi is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 10:54 AM

Lols @ Iro! Who is the one who should be going to bed then! =P
But alas i must leave you guys anyway, i'm just gonna finish up here and then crash. I'll be back tomorrow though *hugglesquishes*

Bye everyone *waves*


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Old 10-29-2008, 10:54 AM

Heck, I remember the day I had 100k. I was insanely overjoyed. xDD

Of course, I'm barely on Gaia now, and I still have quite a number of old letters in my storage. I'm just too lazy to go art hunting now. >o>

It's still rather early for me, Roachi, that is why. It's not even 10pm yet. ^_^

But yes, see you!


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