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Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-02-2013, 02:16 AM

Nodding Phaedra smiled broadly at Percival, loving how he was playful with his daughter. "Yes her hair is a huge give away, you can't really find it elsewhere but on the head of a fae. Pixie you say? Isn't that lovely! They have an amazing and interesting culture." Smiling down at the two girls who were conversing, she looked around before returning her gaze back upon Percival. "So my Lord are you going to be competing in the tournament?"

Ophelia watched the smaller girl wiggle around in front of her, causing her to tip her head to the side. Her eyes widened when Rosie said she had to grow her wings. "You has to grow your wings?" Then she also turned her head awkwardly to look at her own back even though her wings weren't currently out. She turned back around and shrugged. "I would show you em but my Mummy and Unkie S says I can not have em out. They are black um.." she paused and turned to her mother and tugged on her skirts. "Mummy why ah my wings black?" Ophelia looked back at Rosie and waited for her mother to tell the girl why her wings were black.

Hearing her daughter she quickly replied with, "Your wings are black because you're a harpy darling. We all have black leather wings."

Grinning Ophelia nodded her head quickly at Rosie. "They are black because I am a harpy!" She said excitedly.

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-02-2013, 02:28 AM

"Arydia. Mother wants you. And you better hurry. You know she does not like to be kept waiting," said Arydia's step-brother Edward behind her. She froze and turned to look up at him, quickly getting to her feet.

She curtsied. "Yes, sir," she replied softly as she hurried past him and to the back entrance of the house that had led into the kitchen. She found her step-mother in the dining room, looking over some papers.

"Ah, Arydia," the woman said rather boredly. She rested her hand on the table and looked over at the servant. "If you have not heard, a festival is being held in town this den," she said. "You are to stay with him at all times. I want you to make sure he gets home in time for dinner."

Arydia curtsied. "Yes madam."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-02-2013, 02:50 AM

That mask of disinterested and indifference was slipping as Erynion moved amongst the camps, always just at their edge, a smile was playing at the edge of his lips and excitement was entering his eyes. Close enough to say 'hello' as he passed by the nobles and knights, but not close enough to seem like he was intruding. Truthfully he was scoping out his hunting grounds. Though it seemed like he only eyed the campsites with a casual eye, his eyes were sharp and quick to pick up something that might draw his attention back to said place later. He only surveyed a couple of camps at one time though, and he was almost done with this set. He passed by a knight and a lady, two children at their feet.

He paused. Looking them all over carefully, the woman and child at her feet both had red hair. Clearly they were mother and daughter, the other child had bright fuchsia hair. His light blue eyes lingered on the group for a moment, before he nodded politely and was on his way. He wasn't sure why such hair colors had caught his attention, perhaps because they stood out so well? It didn't matter, Erynion was done with camps now, now it was time to prowl around in the market. He turned to head off in that direction.

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Old 10-02-2013, 06:39 AM

Percival nodded in agreement when Phaedra commented on the fae, but he found himself frowning. "I do agree, they are fascinating, but I confess that I know very little about them. I have, shamefully, been raising Rosie as only a human can. It is not that I am biased against her species, quite the opposite! I am just...not sure how to engage in pixie customs. So...I don't. ...I am sure that will come to bite me one day."

He looked down to Rosie and rubbed the back of his neck. When Phaedra mentioned the tournament, he found himself smiling again, "I have come to compete, yes. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Rosie and I love travelling and the tournaments keep an old man like me young."

"A feat not easily achieved, I imagine." Roderick had strolled across the way to Percival's camp where the small group was gathered. He was looking as sour as ever, scowling something fierce.

Percival shook his head and smirked. He huffed a small sigh, "I knew it was only a matter of time before you were over here. What do you want?"

"It seems I have left home without a sharpening stone. I wondered if I might borrow yours until I can have it replaced in the market." Roderick took the moment to look over Phaedra and the small child at her feet. He gave her a small nod, then looked to Percival.

Percival waved Agatha on to fetch the stone and followed Roderick's eyes to Phaedra, "Oh, goodness. Forgive me. Roderick, this is Lady Phaedra; Duchess of Devon-shire. She is accompanied by her daughter, Ophelia and her guardsman, Striker. My Lady, may I introduce Roderick; Lord of Kent."

Roderick gave her a short bow and a mumble resembling something akin to 'M'lady.' He looked down to the children, then back up to Percival while he waited for Agatha to bring him the stone, "I see you still have your....pixie thing. .....How old is it now?" Rubbing his stubbly beard, Roderick bent down slightly to look at Rosie a little closer. He glanced up at Percival when he responded with Rosie's age, three, and straightened back up, "Father and I will never understand why you kept it. Doesn't it need other pixies or something? You know, like a herd. Won't it need a herd?"

Percival rolled his eyes so hard, he could swear he saw straight into the back of his head. He was glad Agatha made her reappearance at that moment. he took the stone and pressed it into Roderick's hands, "SHE needs love and attention, that's all. She's not a sheep, Roderick. She doesn't need a herd, you dolt. I am giving her everything she needs and that should be good enough for you and your father. Besides, what do you care? My decision to raise her does not affect you at all. Take the stone and be on your way before I send a letter to Kent detailing to your mother your lack of manners." Percival watched Roderick head back to his own encampment, rolling his eyes almost as hard as Percival had. He shook his head, "That man is no more than a very tall boy. I apologize for his behavior, my Lady."

As Erynion made his way to the market, he would have noticed an odd sight, even for a festival crowd. Two elf maidens were exiting a seamstress's shop, arm in arm. The dark haired maiden looked pensive and even a little annoyed. The light haired maiden was in tears, sniffling and whimpering as they pressed their way through the crowds toward the camp sites.

~:There ya go. Some Roderick/Percival interaction lol It's always fun when they talk:~

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-03-2013, 01:52 PM

Phaedra was opening her mouth to reply to Percival when a sour looking knight came upon them. Her mouth quickly closed shut in shock when he began speaking. The duchess could tell this man was a spoiled brat and he was not worth her time. Though she would have to be polite, it was the way of the nobles. She almost rolled her eyes at the thought.

The tall women stood there silently as the knight went on being rude. She didn't even speak when Percival introduced her and everyone else, she just politely gave a nod of her head and an extremely short curtsy back to Roderick. Once she heard that he was Lord of Kent Phaedra could finally place the somewhat familiar face. She had met young Roderick's mother many years ago at a ball, the two still kept in contact every so often.

When he spoke of Rosie her mouth opened slightly in shock. He was calling that beautiful little girl an it. Though she wanted to send a punch straight at his jaw she held back and stayed silent until he left.

Once he was gone Phaedra smiled at Percival and shook her head. "You have no need to apologize for him Lord Percival. If you don't send that letter to his mother I think I might have to," she said with a chuckle. "Please never stop shocking me with the words that come out of their mouths."

The moment Roderick had show up Ophelia had gotten a little scared at the look on his face and had backed into her mother. She had grabbed at her mothers skirts tightly, pulling them slightly in front of her. Phaedra had reached a had down to sooth her hand over her daughters hair in a calming gesture. Now that Roderick was gone Ophelia had let go of her mothers skirts and had begun to bounce up and down on her toes. "Mummy can I bite the mean man next time he is near me?" It was asked so sweetly that Phaedra couldn't help but let out a small laugh and shake her head. She looked at Percival with a grin and then looked at her daughter saying, "no my dearest you cannot."

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-04-2013, 03:01 AM

Arydia stood at the entrance of the festival, her eyes going over everyone smiling and laughing, moving around to go where they were going, whatever their reasons were. Suddenly, Arydia envied their freedom. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking to her step-brother.

"Do as you please, Arydia. I have personal business to attend to," said Edward as if hadn't a single care in the world regarding his step-sister.

Arydia curtsied, bowing her head as he walked away. She straightened up and looked around again. The smell of fresh baked goods clung to her senses as she put her hand into her dress's pocket, feeling the few gold coins she had been saving should something like this ever happen. It was a good thing she had brought them with her.

She wandered around, smiling as she watched some children playing. And then she arrived at the jousting arena. She peered inside the stands at the people with curiosity.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-04-2013, 06:19 AM

As Erynion made his way into the market he noticed an odd sight. Two elven maidens exited a shop, one seemed rather upset and the other a bit pensive, perhaps annoyed. It caused him to pause, as he watched the two, wondering about them. Well, they had left a seamstress shop, so perhaps one of their gown's had torn, and the one elven lady was distraught over it. It seemed logical to him. Though they didn't really seem to be dressed quite like noblewomen, at least in his opinion.

Erynion stood there, staring after them until they were out of sight. Well it really was none of his business anyway. He had work to do, and by work, that meant taking in his surroundings and familiarizing himself with them. Finding escape routes in case he got caught and needed to dart away. Figuring out which stalls and shops would be the easiest to filch from. People were always easy, bump into someone 'accidentally', bow and apologize and walk off with whatever goods you managed to sneak off of their person when the initial bumping into happened. The half elf ran a hand through his hair and started moving through the crowd again, slowly but surely making his way towards the jousting arena. Surveying everything he passed with careful glances.

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Old 10-05-2013, 02:18 AM

Percival chuckled lightly, but he shook his head, "It would seem writing to his mother does nothing. His behavior is not unwelcomed in Kent and his mother does nothing except provide excuses for him. It serves only to shut him up."

Percival looked down to Rosie and smiled. It would seem that her feathers were not ruffled by Roderick's words, if she understood any of his meaning. She stood still, clutching the top of Percival's boot. He reached down and fluffed her hair, drawing her attention up to him. She returned his smile, but it fell when she realized that he had spoiled her hair. She spent the next few moments 'fixing' it and putting it back the way it was before.

By this time, the two elves had returned to the camps. The light haired maiden was still as distraught as before, but she was dressed in much finer silks and suedes. The cut of her outfit matched her companions, but rather than gold, she was robed in a forest green color with golden accents.

Rosie perked up when the two elves reached Percival's camp on their way to Roderick's. She tugged on Percival's boot and points across the way, "Papa, look! Look, Papa, look! Is dose...dose...pwincesses?! Is dey pwincesses, Papa?"

Percival sighed lightly when he caught sight of who Rosie was so animatedly pointing at. He shook his head, "No, my dear heart, I am afraid not."

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-05-2013, 02:58 AM

Shaking her head Phaedra smiled at Percival. "You are only to right," she said softly as she watched father and daughter interact. The little pixie was the cutest thing she had ever saw in all of her years besides her daughter. But then all parents thought their children were the cutest things on earth.

When Rosie stared pointing and asking her father if the two elvin ladies were princesses she quickly covered her grin with one of her hands. Her own daughter perked up and looked around at the two of them. Her excitement fell when Percival answered with a no. "I 'ave never seen a real princess before," it was said in a sad little tone, like the world was going to end if the girl didn't see a princess. Phaedra soothed her hand down her daughters hair and tickled her under the chin, causing a small giggle to emerge. "Do not worry my love you will one day see a princess you might even see a queen. You just have to be patient."

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 04:50 AM

Arydia touched the gold coins on her pocket, a mental calmness she found in making sure her only life's possessions left were still on her. She turned around to head back towards the market, wanting to see more when she accidentally bumped her shoulder into someone.

She froze, her eyes going wide as she looked to the man. "I apologize, sir! I meant not to hurt you!" she said quickly, fumbling with words. She cringed, readying for hateful words of any sort. That's what usually happened when she paid little attention as to where she walked.

Last person she remembered accidentally bumping into ended up smacking her across the face and yelling for her to be on her way, opposite of that woman.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 04:59 AM

Erynion had been minding his own business, and by minding his own business he was surveying the people and area around him. It was hard to tell if he had perfectly, accidentally on purpose bumped into the young lady or not. Perhaps she really had just bumped into him. It didn't really matter, years of experience had those hands on her in seconds of contact. One hand slipping into a pocket to fish out what he could, touch so light it should hardly be felt, if felt at all. His other hand had gripped her by the upper arm, but gently. As if to make sure she didn't fall over from their crashing into one another, mainly that hand was on her upper arm to distract from the feather-light fingers in her pocket.

A light smile played on the half-elf's lips and his blue eyes sparkled with amusement. His hand had been quick, in and back out hopefully before being noticed at all with some coins. "No no, it is quite alright dear heart. I was too distracted to watch where my feet were taking me." Such words could serve as another distraction, as he released her arm and began to dust her off a bit with the hand that had just let go of her arm. "It is all my fault really. I apologize." That was spoken as he finished dusting her off a bit, and he bowed slightly, before starting off. Both hands slipping into his pockets to deposit the prize he had gotten, if he got any at all.

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Old 10-06-2013, 09:57 PM

Percival reached down again to smooth over Rosie's hair while he watched the two elves enter one of Roderick's tents. Percival sighed and shook his head, but the action was halted when Agatha, his maid, touched his arm. She spoke softly about going to the market. He nodded and looked back to Phaedra and her companions.

"Well, my Lady, it seems we are in need of provisions from the market. If you have no prior engagements, perhaps you might..join us?" Percival rubbed the back of his neck lightly, then motioned to Rosie squatting in front of him. Her attention had been grabbed by a bug on the ground. He rolled his eyes lightly, but smiled, "The girls seem to be warming up to each other."

~: I'll post for Roderick and Naerwyn again in a bit. Since they are hiding in his tent right now lol :~

Last edited by Squidie64; 10-07-2013 at 05:07 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-07-2013, 05:04 AM

The moment Percival mentioned the market Ophelia tugged on her mother’s skirts and looked up at her, batting her eyelashes. "Mummy I am hungry," she said sweetly.

Phaedra shook her head and sighed, "I do not know how you can eat so much. Where does all of the food you eat go to little miss?" Smiling down at her daughter she soothed her hand down her hair then looked to Percival, still smiling. “I guess the answer is yes, we would love to join you and the lovely Rosie. They do seem to be getting along quite well,” she added after Ophelia had bent down to examine the bug with Rosie. Turning to her companion she made a shooing gesture at him. “Go have fun brother, we will be perfectly alright on our own.” She turned back to smile softly to Percival and look down upon the girls.

It was an old tactic she used on Striker at times. She would tell him to do something and then ignore him. Eventually he would do as she asked because he knew she wouldn't speak to him again until he did what she asked. Grumbling softly to himself Striker bent down to kiss his niece on the forehead then after shooting Phaedra a glare and giving Percival a short bow he set off to go find something to entertain himself with.

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-07-2013, 05:22 AM

Arydia relaxed at the kindness that the stranger seemed to possess towards her and her clumsiness. She smiled happily, putting her hand to her pocket once more out of a new habit. But when she found it empty, the color quickly drained from her face, her smile fell, and her eyes widened. She looked around her to the ground, feeling inside her pocket in case there had been a rip in the pocket. No rip. No sign of gold coins mixed with the grass.

Her heart thudded in her ears as she began to panic. They were just in my pocket a minute ago until...

Her eyes fell back to the stranger retreating into the festival crowd. She hurried after him, grabbing his arm boldly. "Hey, give me my gold back!" she cried, desperate. Tears began flooding her eyes. All those hard-earned hours of trying to keep her gold saved up for something like this-- wasted. It felt as if her heart sunk into her stomach with disappointment.

"Please," she whispered next, shakily. She suddenly felt like a child and it mortified her.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-07-2013, 06:01 AM

A few gold coins richer and Erynion was very content. Not quite sure what he should use the coins for yet. Of course, she wouldn't be the only victim to fall prey to his thieving ways this festival. There would be others and more coins or valuables to be had. He didn't even spare a glance over his shoulder, surely it would be a little while before she even realized they were gone. Suddenly a bold hand was on his arm, Erynion stopped, turning to look at her. Feigning a look of confusion and innocence as his eyes met hers. "Dear heart, what are you accusing me of?" The half elf spoke the words quietly, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Of course he knew what she was accusing him of, but a good thief was oft times also a good liar and actor.

She seemed so very distraught over a few coins. It almost tugged at his heart strings. No, she surely had more than just the few he had fished from that one pocket, she was just overreacting really, the way women often did about things. "I am sorry, but I do not have your gold. Mayhaps you dropped it somewhere? You really should be careful about things like that, and you should not throw accusations like that around so carelessly." He pulled away from her, almost gently and began moving again. More than ready to put a lot of distance between him and the girl, but if he ran it would only make him look guilty, so he moved at an easy pace.

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Old 10-08-2013, 05:34 AM

Percival reached down and tapped Rosie's back. She straightened up and dusted her dress off. He smiled and scooped her up into his arms. She immediately went about trying to get the iron bracelet off of his wrist. Percival smiled to Phaedra, "Shall we, my Lady?"

~: Oh god, I don't know what else to post >_>; :~

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-09-2013, 06:14 AM

"We shall," Phaedra said with a broad smile. Bending down she picked her daughter up and plopped her on her hip. Ophelia wrapped her small arms around her mothers neck and rested her head on her shoulder. Phaedra began to walk, glancing over at Percival. "Tell me about your land my Lord, I find myself curious."

((Gahhhh....I'm brain dead right now...))

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-09-2013, 10:55 PM

Arydia was more surprised about the fact that the stranger was being more kind to her about her "accusation" than the fact that he didn't have her gold.

She watched him walk off, feeling her heart ache as she watched him disappear into the festival's crowd. Her bottom lip trembled as she fought back the angry tears. She didn't know who she was more angry with, her-- for being stupid to take her mind off of the precious coins for just a moment, or the person who had taken her coins.

I mustn't cry in front of these people, she told herself as she turned her back to them, walking over the trees near the jousting arena. No one seemed to really be around there and who was a few passing strangers who saw her crying?

She found a tree, sat down against the base, curled her legs beside her, and cried hard. She shouldn't have been so sad over the loss of a few gold coins, but they were precious to her, they were her hard hard work, they were going to be used towards something to just brighten her day a little, maybe even her week. She needed that.

She buried her face in her hands as she sobbed, the salty tears washing away the dirt from her cheeks. Then, she curled her legs up to her chest, holding onto them until the tears would stop.

I am only over-reacting, she soon told herself, willing the tears to stop. There's still a whole day left at the festival. Certainly Edward wouldn't wish to return so soon. Something good is bound to happen. Hopefully...

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-10-2013, 06:41 AM

Erynion had fully expected the girl to continue, to chase him. To call for the city watch or a passing knight to defend her and her honor. He was very surprised when such things did not happen at all. It caused him to stop, turn around, and search for her with his eyes. His gaze found her, walking away. He followed her with his eyes and soon his body followed as well. A slow careful pace, trying to remain unseen by her if she were to look in his direction.

She found a tree, and sat beneath it. Knees drawn to her chest. She was so distraught, surely she had more money. Certainly the few coins he had taken from her were not something to cry over. The half-elf was thief, but as far as he knew, he had never once taken from someone who couldn't afford to lose it. Was he wrong in assuming she was the daughter of some nobleman? He couldn't give the coins back, not now, if he did that would only prove his guilt and if she did call someone with authority he could lose a couple fingers, or a whole hand..maybe even both. His fingers twitched slightly at that thought.

Blue eyes looked so uncertain as he stood there, watching. He had never given back anything he had taken before, that was rather counterproductive. Erynion chewed his bottom lip a bit before he began moving. He circled around and came upon the tree from behind. Quickly he climbed up it, found a suitable branch high above her and perched there. He took the coins, and dropped them. Letting them rain down to the ground next to her.

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Old 10-11-2013, 02:15 AM

Percival strolled along toward the market, Rosie still squirming in his arms. He was still attempting to keep her from taking his bracelet off. He smiled to Phaedra and shift Rosie in his arms, "Bernicia is a beautiful place. Rolling green hills, beautiful lakes, and forests. We're a harvest land, mostly. Many, many farms owned by my people. And it's funny, we're entirely self sustaining. Food, goods, and wool is entirely traded within Bernicia. If it weren't for exotic foods and linens, we would have no need for the outside world." He was positively beaming when he spoke of his home land. He loved his land and the people living within it. "Of course, then again, we could never shut out the world entirely. As the saying goes in Bernicia; 'There's always room at our table."

He shifted Rosie for at least the tenth time and scolded her, gently, for her continued attempts at thefting his bracelet. They were just getting into the market place, Percival's servants in tow. "Tell me about your own land, my Lady, I'm very eager to hear it." He smiled kindly to her.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 10-11-2013, 03:26 AM

((I will post in this exact spot tomorrow morning:) ))

Phaedra was silent as Percival told her about his home. It sounded absolutely amazing to her, she couldn't help but want to go there and see all of the things he was describing. As she listened she couldn't help but smile at the little pixie who was trying to steal her fathers bracelet. Her own daughter was currently twirling a lock of Phaedra's hair around her small fingers, snuggling her face into her mothers neck. Phaedra had one hand supporting her bottom and the other was rubbing Ophelia's back.

When Percival asked her about her own land her smile turned into a grin. "Well let's see. We have ton's of lakes and vast forests. We don't have many farms, we have to get a lot of our food and good's outside of our land. But we have a great marketplace. My land consists of maker's which makes it easy for us to trade for harvested food. Our forests let us hunt and the lakes let us fish so we don't have a need for meat. We just do not have the resources or space to grow or harvest much. In the middle of the market we have an open dance hall, for we love to dance." Everything was said with a small smile on her face. Phaedra loved her home with her whole heart.

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 10-11-2013 at 04:33 PM..

To give a shit or not give a shi...
Zimmerdale is offline
Old 10-12-2013, 04:00 AM

Arydia froze at the feeling of small, solid objects hitting her. She straightened her back, looking behind her where the object had fallen to see her missing coins. She tried to stop crying, only a one small, shocked sob escaped her as she picked up the coins, hoping that this just wasn't a dream.

Her wiped her eyes on her sleeves, sniffling as she looked closely at them. Yes, they were dirty. They were her's. She looked around to see no one near. But then her mind reminded her that they must have come from above. She looked up at the tree with red blotchy eyes, searching for whoever, or whatever, had blessed her with her lost precious coins.

"What..." she said allowed shakily to herself. She sniffled once more as she held the coins to her heart as if she were hugging them to her soul. "Bless the heavens," she murmured.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-14-2013, 11:45 AM

Erynion pressed himself flat against the tree branch. As if to hide from her sight when she inevitably looked up to see who had dropped the coins. It was a thick and sturdy tree branch so it did well to mostly hide him, at least mostly hide any features that would give him away. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, wondering at what he'd done. It wasn't like him to give back anything he had taken, but still, she had seemed so heart broken over it. Slight frown was on his lips and he waited. Perhaps waiting for her to leave so he could climb back without being found out.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-15-2013, 02:28 AM

"Oh! Look! Look Helios, the Festival is just as beautiful as I remember it." A young looking lady exclaimed as she tugged upon a young mans arm besides her, she pointed with her free had towards the festivities. She was wearing a floor length royal purple gown. As with all dresses of this time, it had a corset for the torso piece. Her gown was strapless as well as sleeveless. Though there are matching arm sleeves that come with the dress. About half of her upper arm is covered in a band, so the sleeves can stay on her arm, while the rest is some type of faintly see through flowy material such as chiffon. The dress was accented with a pattern in a burgundy color on the corset and on the arm sleeve bands. She wore below the knee moccasin boots, that were jeweled where her toes would be. And to top off the look she had gold bordered rubies (( necklace/choker in dress pic )), she had rubies in the typical long crystal shape in her ears.

"Princess... please do remember we are not to mingle with them. Remember the agreement your mother told you. You are allowed to visit and watch onl--" The young man who the Princess was holding onto spoke up but was quickly dismissed. He seemed to be dressed up as a knight in armor the color of a sunrise.

"Oh Helios, I remember well the agreement my mother had. And you are to escort me at all times if I am to come here." The princess retorted playfully, as she let go of his arm. She looked at the beautiful lit up festival, then to the jousting arena. I've never actually been to a tournament or the markets... but that's going to change she thought. "Aieee! Helios what is that!?" She feigned a frightened screamed and pointed to somewhere off into the distance, when he turned to look with his hand on his sword hilt the Princess bolted off towards the Festival Markets.

The knight Helios looked off into the distance where the Princess has pointed to but he didn't see anything. "Princess there's nothing to...." his words trailed off as he turned to see the Princess running off. "Princess Alexstrasza!" He ran after her.

The Princess reached the markets well ahead of her guardian knight. Giggling she felt free, it was a wonderful feeling. Alexstrasza looked around at the stalls, campsites, and the arena off in the background as she put on a hood that was attached to the corset from the back. Oh so many things to go see! She wondered off stall to stall in excitement picking up jewelry, herbs, food anything she could grab her hands on. And of course she was looked upon not too kindly. The Princess didn't stay too long at the Jewelry, toys, herb and other stalls because she was shooed away for various reasons. One much like the incident at a food stall. With all her excitement she forgot about the customs, even more so when she saw the delicious food. She couldn't help but grab something and start to eat it until the stall owner noticed and started scolded her and demanding money.

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 10-15-2013 at 02:39 AM..

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Old 10-15-2013, 06:52 AM

Percival smiled as he strolled along the market place with Phaedra. Her land sounded wonderful and he felt his smile grow, "That sounds lovely, my Lady. I should love to visit your land, if my presence would be welcome." Agatha, from behind them, chirped about this and that as they strolled along. She was listing off things that they needed to Percival's squire, John, whom had tagged along to carry everything for the older woman.

Percival shifted Rosie and set her on her feet. He held her hand tightly as they moved toward some of the bakeries, "If you love dancing so much, remind me to find you during the banquet. Sharing a dance with you would be an honor, my Lady." Percival flashed her one of his trademark handsome smiles, but it faded when he herd a bit of commotion nearby. He noticed a well dressed young woman standing at one of the baked good stalls. The owner was barking about money that the young lady apparently didn't have. Percival was more surprised that she didn't have any. She looked very well off, judging by her gown. Not one to ignore such a situation, Percival politely excused himself from Phaedra, promising to return in just a moment. He scooped Rosie up and set her on his hips. With his free hand, he reached into the purse hanging on his belt and pulled out a few coins. He stepped up next to the young lady and offered her a kind smile. He pressed the two coins into the baker's hand and waved him off, "Such things should not be made out to be so serious! Tis a festival, good man!" He smiled down at the young lady and bowed his head to her, "Lord Percival, my Lady, Duke of Bernicia. I hope I am not imposing by paying your small debt."


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