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Gemini is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 06:52 PM

gemini smiled."we're like a big,crazy family." she said,with a warm feeling in her chest."it feels nice to have a family." then she yawned,showing what a tiring night it had been.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 11:42 PM

finx flipped evan off her"no touch" she said with a venomiis hiss

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 12:34 AM

Evan blinked, and then gave a short nervous laugh. "Okay then...Evan no touch Finx...Happy?" he asked, looking up at her, eyes slightly fearful.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 02:38 AM

gemini snorted in laughter."oh,yeah,i forgot to mention that finx REALLY hates to be hugged.or you really shouldn't touch her unless you have permission.and finx,do try to be nicer to evan.he can't help that he's overly friendly sometimes.personally i think it's cute."

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 04:47 AM

Kristina and Jerone started to laugh as they saw Finx's reaction to Evan.Kristina stood off of Jerone's lap and walked over to Evan."Awe it's okay Evan I'll give you a hug..."She said hugging Evan seeing his puppy dog eyes.She hoped it at least calmed him???Jerone let his laughter die down even if he had a smile on his face.That had been funny well no one hug Finx...He thought to himself.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 11:34 PM

finx just grumbled she would never let anyone touch her again after that person"its fine just dont let it happen again im gonna go to bed"

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 02:36 AM

Evan sighed "I seriously am sorry..." he whispered, to her retreating form. He looked over at the others, "So...What do we do now? 'Cause I'm bored!" he said, with a slight whine in his voice.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 04:12 PM

<should I make something eventful happen?>

Gemini is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 01:47 AM

((sounds good))
gemini yawned."i say we get some never know what will happen tomorrow,right?" she said reasonably.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 01:48 AM


Evan nodded, her yawn making him yawn, "Works for me..." he said, "Shall we?" he asked holding his hand out to Gemini.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:04 AM

gemini took his hand."will we be sharing a room again,or are we getting seperate?" she asked,blushing.she didn't expect to share a room,since there were so many,but she was hoping.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:13 AM

Jerone laughed and shrugged."What ever you two want..."He said smiling at them.He sighed softly as the so familiar feeling of unease swept over him...there was nothing to worry about.He shrugged the thought off but the feeling stayed...Kristina laughed and started to walk past the window.As she did this the window shattered and she got glass in her eyes as some one picked her up.She screamed as he fangs extended and dug into the vampires hand.He had the blood of a royal but was he?In a flash Jerone was gone someone had takin him out of the room faster than any vampire could see...

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:15 AM

Evan shrugged "I don't-" he started to say before he was knocked to the ground, as a blur rushed by him "What the-?" he asked getting up from where he had fallen.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:32 AM

gemini was knocked to the ground.she heard a scufle,and when she recovered jerone and kristina were both gone."what on earth? not another kidnapping?!" she exclaimed.she jumped up and half a second,starrunner was next to her.what's wrong? more kidnappings? he asked.gemini nodded."find the trail,we're going to find them and dammit we WILL get one normal good day's sleep even if it's the last thing i do!"

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:48 AM

Kristina was knocked unconscious by the vamp that was holding her right after she had felt the vamp rip out the piece of glass that had been in her eyes.Jerone was awake for the whole thing even though this thing thought he was unconscious.He saw all the features...the trees and the slopes..the tunnel to the under ground place they were taking them.He mentally groaned as the floor shifted back leaving no trace on the forest floor that there was anything.Kristina groaned and tried to open her eyes but blood was holding them shut.She screamed against the metal tape across her lips and felt some one's prescense in the room..."Jerone?"She asked and got a mumbled yes as a reply...

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 02:53 AM

Evan growled "Have I said before that no one messes with my family?" he asked, absolutely furious. "Jerone? Kristina?" He mentally called out, wondering if they could hear.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 03:28 AM

starrunner picked up the trail and blazed off faster than any car.gemini followed close behind,pulling evan with her."come on.with star leading,we'll have them back in no time." she said.she was also calling out mentally to them.jerone? kristina? please answer! hang on,we're coming for you! she somehow managed to see where she was going,avoiding rapidly appearing obstacles,deftly jumping and turning and manuvering through impossible spaces like only a vampire could do.starrunner was as fast as the wind,going in and out of mist form when he needed to,changing within a split second and then changing back,never losing the scent.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 04:36 PM

Jerone's eyes were covered and his mouth was tapped shut as to the point he couldn't move his mouth at all.He gulped his eyes blazing red underneath the cover.Don't worry Love we're going to be fine...He thought softly to her feeling around with his hands that were tied behind him.He felt metal bars and a cement floor.Were in a jail cell...He thought to her his voice angry.Kristina heard the others in her head as she paniced.Yes...okay...She thought as the jail cell doors began to open and they pulled her out of the cell."Jerone!!"She screamed against the tape.The panic rolled off of her in waves as this strong male vampire laid her down on a metal table and strapped her down with steal restraints.She screamed out in agony as they stabbed her multiple time's trying to find a spot they could put the I.V. in at.They finally did and started to inject the poison into her veins....

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 10:54 PM

Evan growled "When I find out who took them..." he said, As he followed Gemini, barely avoiding a fence. "Hope that wasn't barbed wire..." he muttered glad he hadn't run into it.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 11:41 PM

The same treatment was going into Jerone as he gritted his teeth and didn't give these people the satisfaction of him struggling and screaming...He bared it till the end and sighed in pain more than relief as they ripped out the i.v.This time he couldn't help but groan in pain his skin tearing.He squeezed his eyes shut tighter and froze as they took him back to the cell.He smelled blood and even though he was starving...for some odd reason the blood was repulsive to him and he gagged as they held it up to his mouth.He shook his head as they laughed.He couldn't help but slightly whimper as they did it again.Kristina's eyes slowly opened only to be blocked by the cover and she wouldn't have been able to see anyway...the blood from her eyes had been washed away by her tears of pain.They had shoved in the I.v. and let the foul stuff into her veins quickly forcing it into her bloodstream.She didn't move a muscle as they took her back to the room.The same thing happened to her as they put the blood up to her mouth she gagged and shook her head no as someone laughed."Please..."She whispered and he kicked her hard."You weren't talkin to were you?" He asked her and she whimpered in response giving him the pleasure of laughter...

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 11:56 PM

finx walked out of the bedroom into the hall "hey guys---what the fuck?"she said as she realized she was alone "gone and left me the jerks"

Gemini is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 01:53 AM

gemini realised late that she had left finx alone.she sent a thought to her.finx,the other have been kidnapped.evan,starrunner and i are going to find them.i think maidora is still there with you.we'll be back soon! then she felt a jolt of pain,like she was being stabbed with some sort of needle..."shit! evan,someone's poisoning them!" she yelled over the wind.starrunner howled and made a sharp turn,stopping abruptly in front of (wherever you are)

Last edited by Gemini; 07-16-2010 at 01:59 AM..

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 07:13 PM

Evan growled, "Then why are we standing outside?" he asked, cautiously knocking on the door "Hello? Friend-Stealers? We want Kristina and Jerome back!" he yelled into the intercom thing.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 07-17-2010, 02:20 AM

Kristina didn't know what else to do but give in and not struggle.She felt Jerone's presence close to her and leaned over and onto his shoulder as the tears slid out of her blind eyes.They had removed the stuff cover her mouth and whispered to him so softly no one would hear unless they were as close as Jerone was to her."I love you..."She whispered this not knowing if they were going to get out of this one.Jerone held his body stiff but tried and loosen it for her...he couldn't nothing about this place was right and nothing could relax him."I love you too...and I'm so sorry this is my fault."He replied his voice as quiet as hers was.Hearing a knock at the door they laughed and walked to it grinning as they were surrounded."Oh you Jerone's friends?"He asked smiling at them.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-17-2010, 06:01 PM

Evan blinked, "Okay...admittedly not my smartest idea..." Evan snorted, "Jerone? Hell No! We're here for Kristina, his girlfriend!" he said cheerfully, really regretting his idea...maybe they could get Kristina out now and come back later with better weapons for Jerone? Plus Kristina would have to know at least some of the area inside better than they did right now...


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