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2katty2 is offline
Old 03-03-2010, 09:29 AM

Thank you for being so sweet...

You know when I am having a bad pain day, I try to remember the people in Chile or Haiti they are so much worse off than I am...

It is hard some days when I want to do something and I find out that I can't anymore... Then I get mad and do stupid stuff like lifting or carrying something that I shouldn't...

About 2 months ago, I went to sit in a chair in the kitchen. I fell right on the floor. Sometimes I get mad when I do stuff like that also...

Not being able to do things anymore can be so frustrating...

Like I said then I just have to remember that there are plenty of others that are in far worse shape than I am...

That is when I get up and try it again... Hopefully with a healthier outlook also...

Anyway, enough of that junk...

Tell me about you... How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun or exciting? Or did you stay home and "take it easy," at home all weekend?

Here is what I have been up to:

Saturday I was out of town from 10AM until 4AM... Sunday I was just pooped all day... Then Monday I was at a dead run again...

Today I did some work around the house that I maybe shouldn't have but I took it easy and took plenty of breaks. I am not hurting any more than usual so I think that I will not suffer for it...

I reorganized our computer/office room here at home. That room has some thick plush pile carpet and I used that carpeting to slide things around rather than lift or carry.

My Boyfriend didn't yell at me about it... Figuratively not literally...

If I do anything that he thinks is pushing my limits he tears me up one side and down the other... Here also figuratively not literally... Boy do I feel like an idiot then... when he is done telling me off, I mean, hehehe...

He is very protective of me... I am not allowed to do anything that might cause me the slightest pain...

God is very good to me. I have a loving boyfriend, family, and friends... He has given me life for 48 years. At least 100,000 little miracles in any given day or night...

Then I have had some BIG miracles from God plenty of times in my life also... Things that were just amazing to me...

If he took me right here and right now I couldn't complain because my life has been full of love...

Dang, I have just typed up a novel... hehehe... To bad we don't get pure for how much we type completely instead of having a limit per post...

The Sock Queen
Deilen is offline
Old 03-03-2010, 10:30 PM

I love biographies though, so don't go fussing about your little introduction here - there is still so much more that could be said. I fully believe what you've shared though, and I am glad you recognize a miracle for what it is, and Who it comes from. See, I am right to think you must be a beautiful person. Be, not "look", although I'm sure you look it to. Your boyfriend sounds sweet too, I figured he be concerned for you, but more power to your trials of performance. It is important to keep moving and to push beyond feelings. If anyone has known some pain, I'd say Lance Armstrong is one, and most of us know his story - but it never grows old. You're no less spectacular to someone like myself, who is looking from the outside in.

And for that matter, cleaning makes ME feel very productive, so I reckon it does the same to you, regardless of the aches.

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 05:59 AM

Well honey,

Reality is that each morning that you wake up and can get out of bed is a miracle... I get up and I stretch and think today is the beginning of a new day/life...

I get up and go to the RR, I take a rinse (You know the 5 minute shower.) every day but I only take a real shower and wash my hair every other day. Then I go and get dressed and make my bed.

After that I go around and open all of the blinds. I go outside for a 5 minute breather next. See the sky, the neighbors, the world outside of me and my space...

Then I look to figure out what I want to cook for dinner that night... I take the meat out of the freezer to defrost.

By 8AM I have usually had at least 100 miracles...

Life has been good to me I have also had many BIG, really big miracles also... Things that make a person stand up and take note.

Then look at you and I... We became friends by doing things that we like to do... Isn't that also a miracle?

Yep, I may have bad days some times, that is but the human part of us... I try not to stay in the bad times. I try not to wallow in them.

I mostly try to see the good in everything... I try to be the best that I can be, at everything that I can do.

Life with Cliff is pretty easy on me... He isn't high maintenance. He cares for me very well... (I am smiling to think about it...)

I must tell a person, don't ever be mean or hurtful to me, around him. He will tell a person off if they aren't good to me... hehehe... I have never had a partner that took care of me.

I was always the one that did the taking care of others.

He makes sure that the bills are all paid. He makes sure that the vehicles are in decent running order.

My job is to go to the store, get the food and sundries that we need to run the house until the following payday, prepare the food, and clean the house....

He takes out the garbage and deals with the lawn and yard. Once we get my riding lawn mower here and running then I will take over the actual mowing...

Isn't it crazy, I live the life of the old girl/boy stereo type... hehehe and I am happy this way...

Oh well... enough of my wall-o-texts... I hope that you have a great day!!!

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-05-2010, 06:39 AM

Bringing this to the front page because it isn't on page one and I am still buying and selling items here on Mene...

The Sock Queen
Deilen is offline
Old 03-05-2010, 07:04 PM

Yes, I reckon those miracles do add up without most of us ever realizing it. We aren't promised each day after all, even I know that. I suppose I'm not grateful enough, but it's because I tend to think in terms of "I never asked to be born". That's everyone's excuse, if they so choose to use it, so I really shouldn't let it all get to my head so often. I like the way you start your day, I like how you don't make a point to be "woe is me!". Cliff sounds...well he sounds the way all men ought to be (at least half the time), married or not.

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 03:24 AM

Well he is good to me and I am amazingly happy with him as part of my life...

My Grandkids make me amazingly happy all of the time, also...

Each day when I wake up I make a choice...

I choose to get up and to live...

I am kind of different about that, "I didn't ask to be born," stuff... The thing is that doesn't matter if we asked or not, we were born.

I figure I am here! Now, how can I make the best use of my time/life here...

The Sock Queen
Deilen is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 03:27 AM

I am very glad as I've said, for your happiness and steadfast optimism to do what you can for yourself.

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 07:39 AM

I haven't been online for almost 2 weeks now. I am bringing my thread up to the top page and top spot for now. Hopefully I will stay here for long enough to make a few goldz...

Fauxreal is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 02:25 PM

For real! Make some gold girl! <3

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-23-2010, 02:14 AM

I don't know why I am always Mene broke... I just don't make enough gold and or chat to anyone here. Nobody I know is ever here when I am... It is kind of a drag...

Fauxreal is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 07:17 PM

Well - I haven't even had any time to get online really - I'm suprised I get my 500 games gold! I feel like I'm always cooking / planning dinner. *lol!*

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 06:51 AM

I don't even know what 500 games gold is... hehehe

Yes I seem to be a lot busier these days than I did.

I also seem to be having some cabin/spring fever again this year. That doesn't help me any either...

Fauxreal is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 02:33 AM

I'm trying to convince Travis to go to the Field Museum next week - I wanna go out!

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 06:34 AM

Sometimes we do need to get out, or else...

Doesn't he understand that sometimes "out" means time together and time to clear the cobwebs at the same time???

Crap... Wind storm... Coming in, it wasn't supposed to until tomorrow night... This is a whole day early...

Fauxreal is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 03:47 AM

Yay! We are going on Friday- then also to Chinatown for dinner!

2katty2 is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 04:01 AM

Sorry everyone,

I haven't been online for what seems like forever...

My hard drive crashed... I thought that I just needed to do a re-install to freshen things up so everything would run right...

After 2 days of that not working right we pulled my hard drive and tried it in my B-friends computer...

Well that is when we figured out that it was my hard drive and so we had to order one and wait for it to get in.

I have just got it up and running with the new hard drive and it is still going to take me days to get my files moved back over and all of my programs re-installed...

Those who have made offers please repost so that I know you are still interested before I start the trade.

Those that have offered me items please repost with the item names that you are offering and the price you are asking.

Send a message via MSN to Pa-pancake
Pa-pancake is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 05:22 PM


I come in to say hi and already I see stuff I need to catch up on and buy (that rhymes O.O)

How have you been? I saw your post in my profile and I'm glad that you missed me! I missed talking to you too! I hope to be back for awhile or at least as much as my job will allow me to.

By the way, how much would the Halloween 2009 set be going for? I have not been around lately so I really wouldn't know and I'm not sure if the price guide has been updated and or if it is accurate. Please advise me on a price.

Thanks love!

The Sock Queen
Deilen is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 02:01 AM

Hey Katty, I miss you.

Skullushka is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 04:05 AM

1.3k for your Imperial Lucky Cat?

2katty2 is offline
Old 04-02-2010, 04:31 AM


I thought I was never going to get to see you again...

Right now I am in the middle of a computer problem...

I have sooooo missed you all of this time!!!

(I am checking for the value of another item and so I will check on the Halloween set also...)

Deilen honey,

I miss you also!!! Hugs to you!


Let me check the guide for the value of the items and I will let you know.

Originally Posted by Pa-pancake View Post

I come in to say hi and already I see stuff I need to catch up on and buy (that rhymes O.O)

How have you been? I saw your post in my profile and I'm glad that you missed me! I missed talking to you too! I hope to be back for awhile or at least as much as my job will allow me to.

By the way, how much would the Halloween 2009 set be going for? I have not been around lately so I really wouldn't know and I'm not sure if the price guide has been updated and or if it is accurate. Please advise me on a price.

Thanks love!

Pa-pancake somewhere between 1800 and 2000


1125+1500= 2625

So I value the Imperial Cat at 1313...

I accept your offer of 1300 and you may start the donation/trade if you are ready.

Last edited by 2katty2; 04-02-2010 at 05:22 AM..

Pra-prawn is offline
Old 04-02-2010, 03:22 PM

I hope your computer gets fixed real soon! It really sucks when something breaks down when you need it the most... I think I have suffered the same problem countless times with my laptop!

I missed talking to you too! I can email you nowadays more often since the email I use at work is somewhat like twitter! It makes this buzzing sound whenever I receive emails so I will never miss them. Quite a useful thing to have.

Oh! Its so pricey now those items! I remember when EIs used to go at 50G XD that must have been ages ago! But no fear! I will make the gold when I can. Though right now I am really wanting to buy the St. Patty's stuff and the Easter things in that shop before they go bye bye. So I gotta stinge on my gold! I hope the Halloween stuff doesn't go up in price just yet ^^

Maybe I will sell some of my extra stuff first

I am bored. D;
Send a message via AIM to icandiee
icandiee is offline
Old 04-02-2010, 05:42 PM

Hi, can I buy the halloween lantern, candy and flowers as a bundle for 600g?

The Sock Queen
Deilen is offline
Old 04-04-2010, 04:30 PM

I've been working everyday, really wack hours - so that's what's up. But now I'm here to check in on you and the others. It's a peculiar thing, what a job does to one's perspectives. I have virtually no computer time anymore, and I find when I look on here..I'm not upset at all to be gone. I'm still questing, and hoping one day to have a bit more time to visit, but I just don't feel the sense of urgency, and I definitely don't feel so sucked in. ^^ Almost sounds anti-avatar site doesn't it? Tihi, it's not, but I'm pleased at this part of the events.

How have you been?

s w e e t
\ (•◡•) /
s w e e t is offline
Old 04-04-2010, 04:52 PM

hye~ i see that you're questing Jester Hat..
mind trading my hat for your March 10 + 500g? :)

2katty2 is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 07:03 AM

Pa-pancake honey & Pra-prawn honey,

hehehe Dang I hope that you are back for good so that we can talk again...

Do you have my home personal email address? So even if you can't come to Mene you could still talk to me some?

I will have to see what I have extras of to help you out. I will have to do that later this week though because my Granddaughter will be here from Mon early until Wed late...


I am sorry I prefer to sell them as a set...

Deilen honey,

Well now you have my personal email address so you can talk to me whenever you feel the need.

I totally understand about being busy and not really having either the time or the energy to come here sometimes.

I am doing pretty good. The bladder Dr is trying to get to the bottom of that problem so that I don't have to deal with that any more...

s w e e t,

I am sorry I just got a Jester hat recently and haven't had time to update my list quite yet...


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