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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:32 AM

Noah thanked Everest for the keys, placing them in his pocket so that way he wouldn't forget them.

"I see." Sunny hummed, "Well, I'm glad that it's not outright sorrow anymore. I nearly fell over, it was that powerful a feeling."

The longer Nara's hand stayed on Sunny's, the less emotions of the room she could feel, and the more ice and fire she felt. It wasn't a bad feeling, it didn't hurt Sunny, it was just a strange sensation. It certainly was one that she'd never felt before. She had the urge to ask, but she hadn't known Nara that long, and prying didn't seem like a good idea.


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:44 AM

Nara used her free hand to grab the keys and said 'thank you'. She gave the inn keeper a warm smile and watched her step away. She then turned back to Sunny as she spoke. She nodded and added a soft 'me too'. The truth was she cared for the handsome red head, simply because he knew of her kind yet felt 'honored' to meet an outcast of her people. She shrugged, however, and focused on keeping the connection and shield strong. She was surprised the other girl hadn't pulled away...

"Can emotions hurt you that much?" She asked softly, her tone gently. She tilted her head to the side, watching her in thought. She seemed genuinely concerned about the other girl. A power that ultimately hurt you.... she could definitely understand that a little too well.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:49 AM

The dragon had been quiet for such a long time. Alai pouted a bit, he didn't want to leave the creature but maybe it wanted to be alone. With a soft sigh, the healer slipped off the table, grabbed his book and rushed towards where the food was. He was famished. Though quickly he realized he couldn't hold his spell book, plate and glass of water all at the same time. So Alai darted over to Kry, the tall Eladrin male. Never mind that he was deep in conversation, Alai was very familiar with Eladrin and he had met this particular one twice in the Fey Wild. Once had been in a library in the Eladrin School of Magery. The other time had been in the wilderness of the Fey Wild. Alai got to Kry just as Everest did, and he took the key from her that she intended to give to Kry. "We'll share the room, thanks!" He turned to Kry and shoved the book in the Eladrin's lap. "Hold this for me, please?!" Before the red head could even respond to any of that, Alai had darted off to pile his plate full of meat and fruit.

Once he had his plate and his glass of water he looked around for somewhere to sit. Those blue eyes landed on Nara, and he only glanced over the two with her. They didn't look too interesting, still, the feminine male practically bounced over to their table and without permission sat down. At least he would get to listen to Nara's pretty voice again. Alai looked at the boy and girl and smiled brightly at them. "Helllllooooo! I am Alai Wynter; Healer Extraordinaire." He couldn't really do a very dramatic introduction while he was sitting down and with a piece of fruit already half way to his mouth. So he settled for that lame, non dramatic introduction. He popped that piece of fruit into his mouth and munched on it happily.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:47 PM

Sunny smiled a little sadly at Nara, "Yeah. Negative emotions tend to have that effect on me. They just kind of... overcome me. It's especially hard if we happen to travel somewhere where a funeral was held recently." But Sunny was quick to add, "But the positive emotions make me feel... good. Really good. If they're strong enough for me to feel like that, it's like euphoria. Granted, sometimes that makes me a bit weak in the knees, too," Sunny laughed then, remembering the time she and Noah had saved that little girl, and gotten her back to her parents, "But it's pretty amazing."

Sunny grinned widely as Alai introduced himself. He was so happy that he was bouncing! Despite the fogginess in her ability to feel emotions, she could feel some of the happiness radiating from the boy, and that in turn made her smile that much brighter. "I'm Sunny," She said, "This is-"

Noah interjected, which surprised Sunny, "I'm Noah." He could hear Alai's thoughts buzzing around, faster than he'd ever heard. It almost gave him whiplash, but he was able to make out a familiarity to Nara. "Have you and Nara already met?"

Though he couldn't feel emotions like Sunny, he could hear the many questions buzzing about in Alai's head, though most of them were going to fast for Noah to even think about reading them. But the words he did make out made it clear that Alai harbored no hate, just intense curiosity.


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:01 PM

Nara looked up at the figure of Alai in surprise. She gave him a smile, though his energy was hard for her to follow. It took her a moment to understand the word Hello because of how he stretched it out. It reminded her of the wind but she focused on each individual sound in the word a moment. Hello, yes, that was the word it was. She wished he would talk slower and without such excitement. Oh well she was beginning to get use to it enough to adjust. In her focus her shield would release Sunny slightly for just a moment until her voice responding to Alai made her remember. She focused on the shield once more, wondering if Sunny would notice now or care.

"Hello again Alai, and I'm sorry to hear that Sunny. Well, I guess we'll just have to find you happy people like Alai here." She said quietly with a warm smile. She felt uncertain what to say now. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly, however, at Alai's introduction. Before his dramatic habits had startled her, but now that she understood her they were kinda funny and a little cute. She smiled faintly at him before glancing to Noah. He seemed to be coming out of his shell slightly.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:34 PM

"It's nice to meet you." He said it very politely when the girl and boy introduced themselves and he nodded vigorously at Noah's question. "Mmhm! Nara and I are good friends already, even though we just met today." He wriggled in his seat for a moment and beamed at Nara before turning that radiant smile to Sunny and Noah for a few moments. Then Alai practically dived head first into his plate of food. He was so hungry, he ate very quickly but somehow he managed to keep from making a mess.

It was only a matter of moments before he was more than half done with everything on his plate. Then he only paused to drink from his glass of water and to glance at Kry, he knew the Eladrin would watch over his spell book carefully, Eladrin had a great respect for all things magical, but Alai just couldn't help but feel the slightest bit exposed without his book. He was almost never without it. His gaze lingered on Kry for a moment, before he returned to shoveling food in his mouth.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:34 PM

Sunny laughed. He was just so cute! "It's nice to meet you, too." She took several bites of her food, attempting to appease her stomach, which was growling loudly. She was curious about the white-haired boy seated across from her, but didn't know what questions to ask. He and Nara might have met, but that didn't exactly mean that he'd have the same respect for Seers that Nara did. After all, personal opinion varied from person to person. But he just seemed happy, and... curious. Very curious. Though Sunny felt a little foggy, she could tell that much.

Noah could tell that most of Alai's thoughts were on Nara. For some strange reason, he felt a little jealous. Though he wasn't sure what direction the conversation would go, he was fairly sure that if Alai was a friend of Nara's, he wouldn't just shun them like others did.

"Sunny and I are Seers, and Sunny can sense emotions. That's what we were talking about earlier." Noah said, hoping to at least see one blip of them in the white-haired boy's thoughts, though they were moving so fast that Noah wasn't sure he'd be able to see it if that happened.

Last edited by CADFND; 05-25-2012 at 07:37 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:51 PM

Nara flushed at the declaration of friendship but was uncertain how to take it. He had not known anything of the Faelira judging by the questions he had asked her, so had no way of know how binding that term was to her people. She bit her lip, unsure if she should say something. Friendship, to the immortal Faelira, was eternal. To turn on a friend or abandon them was a terrible, banish-able offense. Accordingly you only called a person a friend if you were sure....

Sunny's laugh distracted her from these thoughts, however, and she looked to the two once more. She watched as noah spoke so easily to Alai and raised an eyebrow. It was a surprise considering how quiet he had been towards her. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe...could Noah feel attracted to him or something? Or did women other then Sunny just scare him? It was a puzzle and she was uncertain of the answer....

"I thank you for your vote of friendship Alai. De'lesah is how we would say my friend in my language." She informed him quietly. The way he asked so many questions about everything she figured he'd like any random bit of information. She then turned towards Sunny and Noah. She would wait for Alai to react to the two for now, knowing that's what noah wished for. She knew he would accept them, he just seemed so innocent.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 08:10 PM

Alai nearly dropped the piece of meat he was bringing to his mouth when Noah admitted to him that they were Seers. Blue eyes blinked and he captured them in that bright gaze of his as he slowly put down his fork with the meat still on it. "Excuse me!" Alai was on his feet in less than a second, and rushing over to the long haired Eladrin. "Thank you, I need this now." He snatched his book up out of Kry's lap, the Eladrin giving him a bewildered look for a moment and then a soft chuckle as Alai quickly returned to the table.

He plopped down in his seat, shoved his plate out of the way, set the book down on the table opened it, reached into the folds of his cloak and pulled out a pen. Alai hadn't ignored Nara either, he smiled brightly at her and flipped some pages in his book, back to the page where he'd been writing earlier when he had spoken with her. He wrote down her word for friend as best he could in his own language. Stared at it for a moment, then looked at her with his bright smile. "De'lesah!" He giggled a bit. "Your language is sooooooo pretty Nara!"

Alai was bouncing in his seat, but his attention quickly went from Nara to Sunny and Noah. Seers. Palantir, as they were called in Alai's native language. He flipped the pages back to a blank one and sat with his pen poised above page. "You've been kissed by the Gods. Such a gift, it makes me almost jealous!" He wriggled a bit, but all his attention was on Sunny and Noah right now. "Oh please, you must tell me everything about yourselves. I want to know more about you and the wonderful things you can do!"

His expression was one of hopeful eagerness and innocent curiosity. It wasn't uncommon to meet a palantir in the Fey Wild but Alai was very far from that realm besides, these palantir weren't even Eladrin or Elves. Alai wanted to learn more about them.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 08:19 PM

Hideaki let his sapphire eyes wander as he ate. So many people were here. What if they'd heard about his parents? He hoped so. His sister and him had lost their scent long ago, but they weren't going to give up searching for them. Blinking as he watched the white...male? It smelled male, but certainly looked female. Either way, he refrained from gawking terribly as the person had stolen the phoenix's key, proclaiming they would be sharing a room, then handed the other a book. Shaking his head, the young 8 year old returned to finishing off his food, then looking to the table for the lovely fruits. They would certainly make a nice dessert, but he didn't want to bug his sister from her meal to get some. Sitting on his shins, he tried to figure out how he'd get some for himself.

Tama's orange-white tipped ears were twitching as she kept semi-alert. There were so many people here and she didn't know them. While she didn't think anyone was bad, she wasn't going to just blindly trust. Finishing up her plate, she grinned as she noticed Hideaki thinking of something. Most likely how to get something himself. It was easy to see given both of his tails were twitching, well one was twitching and the other was swishing back and forth, his arms were crossed over his chest, and the tip of his tongue was sticking out the corner of his lips. It was so cute. Leaving him be, she gathered his plate quietly, looking around for where she could take the dirty plates. Shrugging as she couldn't find one in the immediate area, she concentrated a little as she summoned her water to clean the plates for her. Letting the water dissipate, she opened her eyes, grinning at the successful use of her gifts before she grabbed the plates up to fill with all kinds of sweet fruits for her and her brother.

Glancing down at their companions, she grew concerned as she couldn't find her kit anywhere. Looking around she spotted the little fox over by the strange male, sniffing at his feet. Stepping around her chair she jogged over and picked up the snow-white creature in her arms. "Yuki! You know better than to bother other people." She hissed lowly to the furball in her arms now. Turning to the white haired male, she bowed much like she had to Kry. "I apologize, Shiroi-sama, if Yuki has bothered you any." Curiousity was slowly eating at her as she wondered just when he had retrieved his book, and what all he had written in there. Respect must be followed, no matter how much she was curious of something, and she dragged her eyes back down to the ground, one hand twitching to brush back the lock of hair that had fallen into her face.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 08:43 PM

Noah's cheeks turned a faint pink as he noticed it. Alai's thoughts were on him and Sunny now. It made Noah smile that Alai also was so accepting of their abilities.

"Well, as Seers, we get visions. They hit us any time of the day. Usually they're places for me, or a person." Noah said, feeling more comfortable than he thought he would.

"Mine are downright cryptic." Sunny laughed, "Like yesterday. I'll see a fluffy white cat and an androgynous silhouette in the snow and-" She paused. Nara had cat ears and a tail. And Alai looked pretty darned androgynous. Sunny blushed. "-Okay, maybe that wasn't so random after all..."

Noah continued, "And, um, on top of that, Sunny can feel the emotions of the people around her, and I can hear the thoughts around me. I can't usually understand more than a few words when there are many people around, but touch amplifies those abilities. There's no way to turn them off, though, and they're hard to control, which means being in a crowded room with many unhappy people is something we tend to avoid."


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 08:52 PM

Nara blushed as he complimented her language. It was true she loved it... but it was often difficult to understand for others. There was the fact for example that there were two r sounds. A light, english r, a light double r that was almost imperceptibly different then the former, and then a deep, heavy, lengthened, growling double r. The first two tend to be more general, while the latter tended to only be in words associated with negative things. It also had different grammatical rules and many words had multiple uses depending on context. Few outside the Faelira could appreciate it's depth...

She said nothing, however, for a moment as she watched the group. She saw Noah's blush and began to suspect he was attracted to the androgynous Alai after all. She suppressed a smile but said nothing. She could only chuckle as Sunny spoke, playfully reaching over to tap her nose with her long white tail. It was still a little critic from what she was describing... it sounded like a fluffy white house cat. A snow cat's feline form while white was large, a lot like a lioness but with more powerful shoulder builds and a single colored mark on it's head. It's shape often denoted their rank in society. It's tail was fluffy though... like a snow leopard for the warmth... but the rest of their fur was fairly short.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:06 PM

When they started talking Alai started writing. He hadn't even noticed the little animal that had come sniffing around his feet, but he did notice the girl that came to retrieve the animal. Alai paused in his writing and blinked, looking at the girl. The first thing he noticed were her ears. "So cute!" He dropped his pen and reached out to touch one of her ears very gently. What had she called him? It seemed she spoke a different language as well. The word had sounded pretty. Maybe later he would ask her to talk to him more in that language.

Right now he just smiled brightly at her. "It's alright. I hadn't even noticed." He giggled softly and pat the girl on the top of the head. So many people here, and he wanted to talk to all of them, but he knew he probably wouldn't get the chance to speak with everyone. Right now, he was learning about Sunny and Noah, but he also didn't want to be rude to the girl that had just approached him. He touched her ears again. "Maybe you and I can talk later, I'm a little busy right now." He smiled brightly at her, and then turned his attention back to Sunny and Nara. Picking his pen back up. His words were directed to Sunny and Noah. "You have such a marvelous gift, but I imagine it must be very difficult for you sometimes as well?"

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:29 PM

Sunny giggled as Nara tapped her nose with her tail. "I said cryptic, not accurate." She said to the cat woman. Her attention was back on Alai as he began to speak again. "It does get difficult. Emotions vary in their strength, and particularly strong ones can physically hurt. While a strong bout of happiness can make me light on my feet, negative emotions are just as painful for me as they are for the people around me. In extreme cases, I've passed out before..."

Noah fiddled with the bracelets on his wrist. "I'm weird in conversation most of the time. Because I can hear people's thoughts, I know what they're thinking of me and of their situation. Sometimes it helps, but other times it can bring about a whole lot of awkwardness, especially when I hear things that are incredibly private. Or when I get curious about something. Thoughts can vary in volume, too, and because of that, I never get real 'peace and quiet', since people are almost always thinking about something."

"We can't read each other, though." Sunny added, having spontaneously forgotten and remembered it, "It's strange how that works. If we touch each other, the strength of our abilities goes down. But it never truly goes away."

Last edited by CADFND; 05-25-2012 at 09:37 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:31 PM

((nara's just going to sit there quietly for a bit unless something big happens . irl stuff needs my attention a moment.))

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:33 PM

Feeling an ear twitch just before the other gently brushed the sensitive appandage,Tama barely held back the shiver and unbidden purr his action evoked from her. Standing upright, she quickly brushed the short lock behind her ear, smiling brightly in response to his. She did pout a little as he pat her head, but after a quick shake, she smiled softly, before nodding at his offer to talk once he was done. Being patient for his touch to disappear once more from her ears, she jogged back to her seat, setting Yuki down next to Jun as she and Hideaki both began eating their fruit. The large pile of natural sweets slowly dwindling.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:53 PM

Alai was nodding as they spoke and writing down almost everything they said in his book. He wrote it in his native language. He looked thoughtful for a moment as he glanced up from his writing to peer at them. He studied Sunny's face intensely for a moment and then that intense gaze settled on Noah. "I see. But it's good that you have each other, to lean on when you need to borrow someone else's strength. Don't take each other for granted, and one day I'm sure you will have much better control over your abilities." His gaze lingered on Noah for a few moments longer and then he was looking down at his book and writing in it again. It was fascinating and Alai loved learning about new people, especially those gifted with magic.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 10:39 PM

Noah's blush deepened as he met Alai's pretty blue eyes. Somehow, he liked that the white-haired boy's attention was on him. Noah wasn't able to explain it to himself. Sunny noticed the uncharacteristic redness on her companion's cheeks, and smirked a little. She smiled at Alai, "Thank you." And for the first time, she seemed to notice his writing at incredible speed. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you're writing?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 10:59 PM

When Sunny asked him about what he was writing, he giggled softly and turned his bright smile to her. "Oh nothing much, really. Just all the things you were telling me about yourselves." He tapped the book lightly with the end of his pen. "It's my spell book, full of healing spells and recipes for potions and salves, and instructions for making bandages out of common things, and there are some rituals in here too. But I like to write down things about the new friends I make while I'm traveling. That way I won't ever forget about them, and I'll always have a part of them with me. It's an enchanted book, so I'll never run out of pages, no matter how much I write."

The idea that it might be rude to write things down about people without their permission never even occurred to Alai. "Sometimes I write down things that happen to me, if I think they're very important or interesting. I guess you could call it a record of all my adventures." He continued to smile brightly at her, glancing to Noah again. Alai had noticed the way Noah was blushing and how that blush deepened some when he looked at him. Alai couldn't help but wonder if the boy was attracted to him.

Last edited by Kry; 05-25-2012 at 11:03 PM..

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 11:34 PM

"Huh." Sunny hummed, taking in what he said, "That's an interesting premise you've got there. Keeping everything on record so you won't forget..." She smiled, "It sounds like you've got your whole life in that book."

Noah finally managed to get most of the blush erased from his cheeks, slightly embarrassed. His heart was beating twice as fast as it usually did. That hadn't happened before. He smiled upon thinking of something, but this time kept the pink on his cheeks in check. "So, this means we're friends?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 11:47 PM

"Well, not my whole life, just the interesting parts." He giggled lightly at that, and when Noah asked that question, Alai looked at him as if the boy should have already known the answer. It was so obvious, wasn't it? "Of course we're friends. Why wouldn't we be?" Alai gave a slight shrug, sometimes he forgot that humans liked to make simple things complicated. His eyes were on Noah and he was still smiling though.

"I understand that a friendship is something important, but people also always try to make it complicated. As far as I'm concerned, everyone is my friend until they do something to prove otherwise to me." For a very brief moment a frown flashed across Alai's lips but it was gone so quickly and that smile was back it could have just been their imagination at seeing it. Alai had been betrayed once before by a friend, but he was quick to push away those thoughts. It had been a long time ago anyway, and besides. Everyone deserved to be someone's friend, or at least the chance to show they could be.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 12:36 AM

It was just a flash, but Sunny could sense a bit of discomfort in Alai. It was gone in a second. Her eyes were a little more somber as she spoke. "I wish more people thought that way. I guess humans just love to make things complicated." She laughed a bit, then, rolling her eyes. "The more races we encounter, the more I'm realizing just how true that is. But every species has its complications."

Noah couldn't help smiling, though. They were friends. Friends sounded good. Friends sounded really good. He laughed a little. "I-I'm glad." He stammered a bit, though he didn't intend to. He rubbed at the back of his head. Neither of them had had a friend for a while, not since they left the previous place they'd been staying a month ago.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 01:22 AM

Alai nodded, agreeing with Sunny. "Humans seem to be the best at complicating things, though. At least from what I've seen." When Noah stammered, Alai couldn't help but giggle softly at him. It was really cute, the way the boy had stammered like that, and Alai's bright blue eyes were on him. "Tell me more about yourselves, I love learning about my new friends." Alai couldn't help but to wonder if this boy Noah wanted to be more than just friends. The feminine male was very certain but it did seem to him like Noah was attracted to him, then again. He was probably just reading to deeply between the lines. Still he watched them both eagerly, he really did want to know more about them.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 03:25 AM

"Well, we're from a city called Sheervale. It's a coastal city on the other side of the continent. We left when Noah got his first vision, at fifteen." Sunny said. "I was sixteen. I wanted to explore the world more than anything. It was Noah that needed convincing."

"I didn't want to go, at first." Noah said sheepishly, "But our Oracle told me that there were things I couldn't do from Sheervale that I needed to do. So we snuck out after a week or so, and set off. We've been following our visions since then. That happened to lead us here."

"It's kind of hard to believe it's been two years since then." Sunny said, resting her chin in her palm, "I mean, sometimes it feels like we left just yesterday, and other times it feels like we've been on the road for more years than that."

Noah smiled softly, lacing his fingers together, "Even though I was scared at first, I think it's been worth it."

Sunny leaned forward, putting her elbows on the table. "You're gonna tell us a little bit about yourself, too, right, Alai?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 04:46 AM

Alai was writing as soon as Sunny began speaking. Writing down the things she said and also writing down the things Noah said. As well as making his own little notes in the side. When she asked him if he was going to tell them about himself Alai just smiled sweetly at the two of them and laid his pen down gently across his book. He crossed one slender leg over the other at the knee and placed his hands almost delicately on his knee. "Well, I was born in the Fey Wild, the birth place of Elves and home of their ancestors the Eladrin. Magic flows freely in the Fey Wild and it is infused in every creature and every plant that is born there. I am a child of Winter's Light and I come from a part of the Fey Wild that isn't on any maps. From the ice capped mountains that have no name and no end."

He lifted one of his hands from his knee to run it through the long strands of his long white hair gently. "I was cared for and nurtured by the snow and ice and the fairies that guard over such things. When I was 10, I made a very long journey. From those mountains to Shinaelestra, the Fading City I traveled. Guided by morning dew, and falling leaves. The wilderness of the Fey Wild is a dangerous place, and the journey from those mountains to any civilized area of the Fey Wild takes years. Even traveling to the closest place. The Fading City was the closest place, and I didn't reach it for three years."

He lowered his hand from his hair and placed it back on his lap. "I enrolled in the Eladrin school of magic. It only took me five years to master my magic. I'm extremely gifted, but all I can do is heal and create a protective barrier and make a sword of holy light." He smiled brightly at them, he was proud of his craft but he wasn't trying to brag about it or anything. "I graduated with high honors and now I'm traveling around on the Material Plane." Was that sufficient information for them? Maybe not. It wouldn't have been enough for Alai, but then he had a hunger for knowing and learning things.


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