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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:09 AM

"Thought you might freak out and fall..." Tavis muttered, loath to admit he planned to fight dirty and of course failed. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Standing, he glanced over at the girls before grabbing Davvin's wrist and dragging him to the other side of the park where they were hidden by the equipment. "Let's just not speak of this ever again, kay?" He narrowed his eyes in threat, very ready to enforce this if need be.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:17 AM

"Yeah, I kinda go into a zone when competing and things like that. Don't hear the world around me. And that would be cheating, so much for honorable competition." He plopped down next to Tavis, not really feeling like kneeling in an awkward position. "Why would there be need to ever speak of it again?"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:34 AM

"I don't see what playing fair has to do with anything. Cheating is just being more determined to win," Tavis said without the least bit of shame. He really saw no fault in his ways. He shook his head as he managed to get over the last of his embarrassment. "I'm just making sure you know I will punch you if you speak of it." Who knew. People held all sorts of things over him in the past.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:41 AM

"Cheating is underhanded and more often than not it backfires on you cuz you either get caught or it doesn't work. You see how well it worked this time." He shrugged, "I have no reason to mention it, so you don't have to worry." Not really giving away that he felt awkward just thinking about it, even if he hadn't heard Tavis's comments. The whole thing just made him feel weird. "Do you accept my superior grace though because I beat you, fair and square."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:52 AM

"Well aren't you mister lawful," Tavis griped. He very nearly laughed when Davvin said that. He could have been lecturing with those words, but it sounded like pure crap to Tavis. Still not ready to lose, he crossed his arms and huffed. "I bet I'm smarter than you though!"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 05:15 PM

"Give it up, dude, you lost," Davvin said grinning, proud, not answering the smarter comment because Tavis probably, honestly was. Though Davvin was pretty sure he had more common sense, not that he paid much attention to it. "Do you think they left?"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 05:38 PM

Tavis really did not want to give it up. He glanced backwards and didn't see the girls, so he nodded. "We look good. Come on." After he slipped back out into the open, he turned back on Davvin. "And you didn't say anything back about me being smarter. Does that mean you don't want to admit you lose? Come on, what's nineteen times twenty-four?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 05:50 PM

Davvin followed after Tavis and groaned the minute Davvin brought up math. Yep, this definitely wasn't gonna end well for him. He sucked at math, and most "school" subjects to be honest. Science he got a little bit, especially biology, but really he just wasn't good. He tried to make as how of figuring it out though, trying to remember what he'd learned about multiplying; it'd be years since he took a math class though.... "Ugh." he groaned, "How the hell am I supposed to know that without a calculator?! I have no fucking clue. But how is my ability to do math supposed to prove my intelligence???"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 05:59 PM

"It's 456," Tavis huffed with pride. It only took him a couple seconds to come up with the answer and he prided himself on that. In school, he got almost all a's unless he got bored and didn't take the class seriously, but math proved to be so simple he couldn't understand how others could not calculate in their head. Tavis sat down on one of the playground platforms and swung his legs. "Of course math makes you smart. What? You suck at school or something?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:19 PM

Davvin nodded, pouting a little. He'd been a solid C student in high school, though he probably could have achieved B's if he tried a little bit more, but what was the point when all his classmates just assumed he was dumb anyway. He wasn't sure but he was pretty sure the cracks in his bravado were starting to show around Tavis, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. He didn't feel the need to snark a response or lie just to cover up the truth. He wanted to tell the truth, which really was just weird for him. He tried anyway, "Whatever. It doesn't matter." A lie. "I've got more common sense than you could ever hope to have." He smiled at that, but it was weak.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:25 PM

Tavis tilted his head and held back the response he'd been planning. Even he could see that Davvin didn't react the way he expected. There should have been snark, more insults. The ones he heard came out weak. Tavis sighed, giving up the subject for the most part. "Fine then. Not like I care." He could hardly see why it would matter to Davvin either. "School is dumb as shit anyway. And I totally have as much common sense as you!"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:38 PM

Davvin actually smiled at that, "Hey look something we agree on. School is dumb!" He stood up from where he'd been sitting next to Tavis feeling the need to do something, anything. His skin was itching with how much he'd unintentionally showed the other and how much that didn't really bother him. "And I'm not so sure on that common sense. Most people don't turn tell and run on their mate or enter athletic competitions they know they can't win." He paused for a second before looking around, the need to do something bubbling up in his skin. "Let's go do something. Maybe I'll actually show you what I can really do."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:43 PM

Tavis' glare turned sulky. "...shudup," he muttered as he hopped down from where he sat. He brightened up immediately when Davvin suggested showing off his skills. "Yeah, great idea! I can't wait to see!" He wanted to see this even more than he wanted to see the guy fail. Whatever was going on with Davvin got forgotten because it's not like Tavis understood.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 06:56 PM

Davvin surveyed the area, trying to decide if it was worth trying here or if he wanted to go elsewhere. However, he noticed that there was actually a small skate park nearby next to the kid park and he definitely felt he'd be able to show off better over there. "Come on, we're walking over to that skate park. It'll be easier than a kiddie gym and there's more space for me to move." He started to lead the way over, already keeping an eye out for what he could do in the area.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 03:29 AM

Tavis followed behind, imagining what all he would see. "So like, what all can you do? Can you like, leap from building to building and do flips and crazy shit? Cause I want to see that," he chattered the entire time they walked, going on about all the different strange things he looked forward to. He finished his ramble just as they reached the skate park where he found somewhere out of the way to lean, waiting to be impressed.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 03:47 AM

Davvin listened to Tavis's chatter but not really responding just nodding his head along. "I don't jump between buildings. People who do that are being needlessly reckless. Parkour is about using your surroundings to your advantage, not putting yourself stupidly at risk just for a cool trick."

Once Tavis was settled into a good spot to watch. Davvin turned to look at the course. It was an inset pool into the ground with lots of different hills and a couple of steep one sided hills. One of the hills had a railing on top of it. Once he had a game plan in action he set of at an easy run through the park. The first thing he did was run up one of the smaller hills and then do a flip off the top of it. Landing steadily on his feet before running for one of the higher walls and running up and then down it. He followed that up with another flip of a smaller hill before going straight for one of the larger walls. He ran up it and pushed off using the momentum of his jump to bring him to the top of the ledge. Once there, he flipped off of it again and continued going through the course as such. Running and jumping in random locations. ended the course by running up the wall with the bar on it and fault over the bar, holding a brief handstand before coming down and grinning at Tavis.

[the course looks something like this]

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 04:51 AM

Tavis watched with unblinking eyes, enraptured by the show. He didn't move or try to say anything until after Davvin finished then turned to him with that smile. Realizing his interest must have shown on his face, Tavis tried to cover it up with a fake yawn. "Yeah, that's not bad. I've seen better on YouTube though. Honestly, it's just a bunch of running and jumping." In reality though, he couldn't help but feel impressed.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 04:54 AM

"Uh-huh sure, I saw that look on your face. You're impressed. Admit it!" He walked back over to Tavis smirking, even though he was breathing heavily from the exertion and definitely sweaty. "Besides, you still haven't seen everything I can do. This is just a skate course. Get me to an actual parkour course with more variety of structures and it's a whole different set of tricks."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:11 AM

"Y-yeah?" Tavis struggled to hold back his awe so he just gave up. "You should totally invite me sometime. I wanna see it." He shook his head, a frown painting his face for a second. "I wish I could do shit like that." It made him feel a little lame that he couldn't walk up a flight of stairs right some days despite not being all that un-athletic. Coordination was his only lacking point. If he just needed to run, then fine, but most things beyond that ended up foolish.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:17 AM

"Sure. Why not? I go every now and then. They're all a bit of a drive away though since there isn't a ton of them." He looked over at Tavis. "Well this isn't exactly a skill you pick up over night. I've been working on parkour for quite a few years now." Davvin was feeling particularly proud of himself at the moment. Plus, he loved the rush from doing parkour and the ache in his muscles form the exercise. It was really a great way to clear the head for him. He'd honestly picked it up just for that, something to keep him distracted from other things. Like poor grades or obnoxiously perfect siblings.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:24 AM

Tavis nodded his head. "Kay, text me sometime." He tilted his head up to stare at the sky before he looked back at Davvin. Strangely, the things he wanted to say all involved saying how cool Davvin looked, and how much he loved to see him flip around. Tavis flushed a little and made sure he didn't say that. Instead, he let the first random thing that came to mind fly out his mouth. "Once I dared some kid to ride a skateboard on his belly down a slide. He flipped into a giant mud puddle and i got a picture of it! Posted it on Facebook too. He never talked to me after that..."

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:35 AM

Davvin blinked in surprise at the sudden subject changing, giving Tavis a weird look. "That sounds like something a high schooler would do. Was that an escapade of fetus Tavis?" He asked, raising the pitch of his voice to be deliberately obnoxious.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:45 AM

"What the fuck?" Tavis gaped, clearly not following. Davvin just turned dumb or something with that voice. He rolled his eyes. "Duh I was in high school. Who else would dare someone to do that? It was funny as hell though!" he added with a loud laugh. "Don't care what you think of me. I don't regret a second of it. I don't regret anything." That was the freedom of living his life.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 06:09 AM

"You are so random....." Davvin muttered shaking his head. Still confused at the relevance of whatever Tavis was talking about. He chuckled though, enjoying talking to the other. "Ah anyway, should we had back to your apartment? Or do you think you're done sculpting for the day?"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 06:24 AM

"Talk to the hand," Tavis muttered, holding up his palm. He froze before he could say more then yanked on his hair. "Ah shit! I got no work done! Crap, crap, crap!" He stared at Davvin with wide eyes. His inspiration had calmed considerably though and he found himself able to breathe like a normal person. Because of that, he didn't press. "Ah...we can work more or not. Just fuck off if you've got somewhere else to be though."


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