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Dante's Inferno
The Forsaken
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Dante's Inferno is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 06:58 AM

Sarasvati I love the art! Thank you so so much! (From Kiako ♥)

ToriKat is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 07:00 AM

*jaw drops* Never took an intro to printing class and tossed into an advanced...*would've been so scared!*

It's going to be at Spokane, WA in July. xD KuroNeko Con 2011

I struggled with the pose...and I only had the day before the deadline with an hour and a half to spare by the time I turned it in. I originally wanted her floating down/falling. I had Alice falling down the rabbit hole in mind for some reason. When I couldn't get it right, I just had her sitting in a tube. 8D Figured that was summery enough!

The competition was intimidating. O_O

\ (•◡•) /
Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 07:19 AM

Kiako: I'm so glad! ♥

Tori: Don't be so impressed, I was totally at a loss half the time. x_x

Oh wow! Congratulations, you. Get a spare program for meee, so I can have more shiny Tori art? /begger ahahaha. Or I am assuming they're going to use it for the program. D:

Well, it worked out fine, no? ;3 It's interesting how crunch-time can change a picture. What kind of stuff are you planning to make for your table? *w* (canoodles on Denzell)

ToriKat is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:00 AM

I'll swipe some to send. xD

I was thinking about drawing some fanart for prints and bookmarks. Planning on keeping it simple to see if I'll even do well. ^^; It's a small convention, so I won't be too overwhelmed.

My problem is I'm not entirely too sure what's popular in the US. I know in Korea they LOVE Hitman Reborn and Durarara! Comic World Busan was flooded with those two. I really like Reborn, and I started watching Durarara to see if I'd like it.

I was thinking about Sailormoon, Ouran, Kuroshitsuji, Naruto, and Bleach. Maybe I'll draw cutesy cats to see how that would do. xD

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:02 AM

Very cool looking. ;D

I am ready for a macaron!
Name: Captain Howdy
Colour preference: Red


Kent is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by Sarasvati View Post
Kent: Pick-up!

Awesome! Thanks so much! This is the first art I've gotten of that avi and it's perfect. > w< <3

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 07:08 PM

Kent: I kind of like how it reminded me a bit of a... harpy/cherub/idk punkish-monk? xDD That and the heart plush from that Valentine's is so adorable. I look at it and want to draw happy things, haha.

Captain Howdy: Gotcha down! That blood CI is getting a lot of use. xDD

Tori: YOU BETTER. ; 3;

Maybe, or maybe you will be crying for the local Kinkos to make more prints. |D Now I wish I was on that side of the coast so I could just bug you that weekend. :rofl:

I do think Reborn is pretty popular over here, too? Most people I know have seen/read some of it (except for me loool, although the merchandise at the JUMP store was super tempting to splurge on >_>). All the series you're thinking of seem like good bets, honestly. The only other things I can think of off the top of my head are Vocaloid and Hetalia, but I've been a bit out of the loop of late. Cats~. ; o;


Kent is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 07:13 PM

Yeah, I really like the punkish monk with headwings aspect of it~ XD
That plus the heart plush makes him seem like a sensitive punk~ X3

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 07:23 PM

I know. You can't be a mean guy toting around a heart plush with a total ":D" face. xD And heart shadows. Geez, now I want to break out the heart plushies, hahaha.


ToriKat: Pick up!

Last edited by Sarasvati; 02-20-2011 at 07:44 PM..

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:20 PM

Sorry for disappearing Sushisush~! I think my brain shutdown too much. XDD

Did you do your crossword~? Or just a buttload of adorable?

And lol. XD I don't eat any seafood because it turns my stomach. I can' even bear the smell. I used to like... Fish sticks. And like, halibut, cod, clam and stuff (but anything else (like shrimp) made me really queasy). But my mom dated the head chef of a seafood restaurant for a few years so we'd go there ALL THE TIME and the smell and taste have just permanently turned me off. I got the point where I'd only order chicken and even that became gross.

I've only had tuna sushi twice and I liked it until I found out the funny taste was fish. XD I used to looove tuna sandwiches but now they remind me of cat food. >_@;

xDD;; Gourmet cake vs occasional pancake is EXACTLY how I feel. I have such a hard time motivating, too. It's like, 'oh, I want to make art for that person!' then just never get around to it because of one thing or another IRL. D:

XD I realized you said Florida before, after I asked. My brain was clearly too sleepy~.

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:33 PM

That's o.k.! I went to bed and have only just gotten back to Mene. |D

I actually just finished a crossword, I did more bite-sized chibi before I went to sleep earlier.

Oh man, that's understandable then. S-sorry for rambling about delightful oddities. 8D I used to like shrimp as a kid, but lately I don't really care for it most of the time. If I had my druthers, I'd probably eat only certain fish and chicken, my inner meatasaurus seems to have bailed on me.

Ahahahaha. xDD That's so silly! Although it could have been a secret ingredient, so I can understand. >> Some sushi have such weird things on them. D:> I never really liked tuna sandwiches. My maternal grandmother made them all the time for my brother, and as a small child, I was just "EEW, GROSS." It took me trusting my dad's noodle and tuna dish to be o.k. with it, although I still won't eat cold tuna things like salad/sandwiches. Kinda for the same reason you mentioned. --;

I know. When I had some funds, I was like "I need to learn how to properly vend!" and then... Something came out and I just lost it all on shiny things. :rofl:

That's o.k.! |D I need to doodle a few things for you and get your letter+postcard ready to mail for tomorrow. >>;

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:38 PM

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good time during the event.

I like to hid a lot before the event is over.

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:42 PM

Hi~. :D

I bought a few things, so I guess my event needs are sated. |D My goal is to get the macarons finished before the event ends. I might close to freebs in a little bit. >>

Hiding is no fun. D: How else are we to chase you with heart plushies...

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:45 PM

@sara ::
just wondering are we allowed to order again~?? :3

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 08:49 PM

avi: If you want~. It just has to be a different character. :>

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 09:04 PM

@sara ::
of course x]
*looks through characters*


I am ready for a macaron!
@Sarasvati ;
Name: avi
Request: lement
Colour preference: teal :p

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 09:31 PM

angelbabe1: Pick up!

avi: O.K.! I will add you back to the list. |D

I'm probably gonna close shop around four. Going to go see family, so I won't be here. If the event closes before I get back, I'll p.m. the finished macarons to their respective eaters. |D

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 09:43 PM

Gah, that macaron is the cutest one so far. D: <33

What delightful oddities are you talking about~? XD <3 Most meat makes me sick sadly. D: But I still like it. <33 And I'm afraid of shrimp. XD:; My cousins are half filipino, and to celebrate one of their birthdays they held a traditional party. I was... 4 maybe? Probably older I don't remember. D: And my parents told me to try the shrimp because I'd like it... Well, I pick it up, look at it, and it still has eyes. DD: Screamed and dropped that sucker.

I've eaten it quite a few times but it's yucky. >X

xDD; At most sushi places the sushi is covered in roe. It just grosses me out, the thought of eating little unborn fish babies.

I'm so excited. ;; *lovelovelove* <33

I was trying to save enough to get Matt the EIs but I think I give up. XD

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 09:50 PM

@sara ::
>D yeah, ty <33

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 10:13 PM

Ceri: Hee, I like how it came out, even though I ditched the original background (gargoyles work too, right?).

Eel, octopus, those kinds of things. Most people give you weird looks when you talk about happily nomming on things that aren't filleted into non-descriptiveness. Oh god, it still had the head on? D8 THAT WOULD BE TOTAL NIGHTMARE FUEL AS A KIDaljksd.

I just never liked the smell much. It was stinky fish. I would just have ham on toasted bread. |D

EW WHAT. No, no. No roe. DX I don't know, roe just looks weird.

Yay. ; 3;

You need a set of EIs? I can get one for you dear. <333

Avi: No problema! ♥

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 10:33 PM

Well, I have been busy doing school work. D:

Ohh, I will order a freebie please.

I am ready for a macaron!
Name: Sakura_Madison

Colour preference: Dark Red, please.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 11:15 PM

@Sarasvati ~ Thank you. :D

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 11:17 PM

Gargoyles work with everything, madame. 8D

Pfft, doesn't bother me any. XD <3 Like I said, I want to try octopus, I'm just scared of it. @_@ My mom says I'll like it though. And yesss. D: My mom said she freaked the first time she saw one with eyes, too. So at least I'm not alone. XD Everyone was just casually picking the eyes off and I was all 'asdsfjsf what are you doing?!'

Oh man, I loved ham and cheese sandwiches so much as a kid. Now I'm all about the turkey bacon clubs. 8D;;

I KNOW. D: And it's like, on everything at Aji. XDD;;


Aww, you don't have to do that bb. <333 I'm just trying to snag a set for Matt if I can magically, lol. XD It's not a big deal to him, but he's been bummed so I thought it'd make him smile. X3

Account OC is Sekhmet (my avi)
angelbabe1 is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 11:18 PM

omg thats AWRESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so so much!!! :D <33

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 12:38 AM

Could I order another macaron? o wo

Name: Hadsvich
Request: Itsuna
Colour preference: Blue~


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