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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-03-2014, 01:16 AM

Numira didn't respond when lifted, she was still, unmoving, the only signs of life were her own beating heart and the shallow breathing that escaped her. There were small twitches and shifts, but no consciousness.She was light enough to lift, Kiernan would have had no torubles there, but she wasn't capable of holding on or keeping her own balance at this point, her body was not even defending itself the way she had once explained.

Zed stared at Cara when she told him to go, but there wasn't a chance that he'd leave her alone, instead he folded his arms and waited, unflinching, though he was fascinated as she took her turn to display an incredible amount of power. The show of light and the incredible force as the ground between them and the enemy troops shifted was quite impressive, but he had a feeling she would have overdone it. And he was right, he saw her sway, she wasn't exactly moving at her best so he immediately swept up being her and scooped her up, in spite of the attacks he had taken, he was in good condition, although his cloths had become somewhat tattered.

He carried her quickly tot he horse and lifted her up to the back of it before jumping up into place himself,
"Hold on!" He stated, making sure she had a grip on him so that she wouldn't fall before he chased after Kiernan and Numira. He wouldn't say it out loud but he too was concerned over that Numira girl, but right now Cara was his charge. How would he even begin to explain the situation to his sister and aunt?
Eventually he caught up to Kiernan, glancing over at him briefly before speaking as he turned his eyes tot he darkening path ahead of them,
"How's the girl?" He questioned, trying to keep the horse steady on the path, they needed to get as much distance from Shilf as they could. Again his thoughts were turning to those markings on her shoulders and neck. He had heard the story only once before and seen the markings. But he almost couldn't believe the coincidence.

Arc Angel
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Old 10-03-2014, 03:10 AM

Kiernan sat tensely on the horse, keeping it at a swift pace, but certainly not giving it his full attention. His attention as well as his gaze rested on the girl within his arms, Numira. Since she was limp, he had had to maneuver her to sit in front of him, her back slumped against his chest as his arms kept her in place. He held the reins carefully with his arms wrapped around her, attentive enough to pick up her breathing and twitching, but knowing there was no time to treat her here. What could he even do for her? His hands clutched the reins tightly, white-knuckled as he cursed under his breath. "God damnit, I said I'd take care of you..." He managed quietly, shaking his head as he willed back his emotions and kept them in check. He was pained, yes, but his objective was getting her to safety. Her and his sister. As the sky flashed with light behind them, he turned to look over his shoulder to catch the alarming amount of magic energy building within the town. He couldn't see its source or the outcome of it, but he knew it was is sister. Cara had better be alright, too.

As she turned to find Zed still there behind her, a small grin swept along her lips. Wobbly-footed and aware of her weakness right now, she didn't question his actions to pick her up, merely accepting it as she was guided up and onto the horse. Sitting up as he climbed on to sit in front of her, she heeded his words as she was told to hold on, and leaned forward to wrap her arms around him. Her wrists linked across his chest as she leaned into him, able to sit sturdily enough, but also using him as something of a support. "So, you are a fool after all." She commented as he drove the horse hard to reach the others, her tone this time something of gratitude despite her words. Then, she quieted, focusing on regaining her strength as her eyes scoured the road ahead.

At the sound of extra hooves, Kiernan glanced over his shoulder to find the figures of Cara and Zed, relief washing over him. So, they did make it out alright. A part of him wondered over the details of what exactly had happened, but his main priority was now sitting in his lap. "Not doing so hot. Alive, but she needs treatment, and a good bit of rest." Kiernan replied lowly to Zed's question once they were at pace, his gaze finding Cara's for a moment before contentedly moving to the road ahead. "We just need to find a place to take shelter for now." He then spoke thoughtfully, facial expression still that of a tense soldier's as his gaze narrowed in on the horizon.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:24 PM

Zed glanced back at Cara a moment, finding at least enough time to spare her a grin in response, being called a fool was fine by him. Riding alongside Kiernan and his charge had him looking over once ore twice at Numira again. What was curious to him was that so much magic should have killed some-one with no apparent magical power, he himself survived because it was his own element. But now that he was thinking back to it, that armor and sword she had equipped, the way they had vanished.. The coincidences were beginning to pile up, whether he wanted to believe it or not.

On Kiernan's analysis, he pondered while they rode, checking back behind him occasionally to make sure Cara was still holding on herself. He stared forward to the road again, but thinking was hard while they were riding, he glanced again to Kiernan and Numira,
"It's a hunch, but I don't think she can just be treated. Tell me something-" He paused briefly, adjusting course on the road, "-those markings on her neck and shoulders. They can glow, right?" Zed questioned directly, it was an assumption he was sure of, but still, he wanted absolute certainty. The answer he was looking for would mean a change of destination.

He stared up at the sky then forward once more, pulling a grim face, even if the answer was what he was expecting, it was getting too dark, they couldn't go on like this. If they made light, the soldiers would find them, best to get to the next safe place first, take stock then move again. They still didn't know the full capability of those giant steel knights, they were already highly abnormal, but still, there could have been more to them,
"We definitely need to get to some shelter, it's getting way too dark."

Last edited by HC-Gal; 10-03-2014 at 07:30 PM..

Arc Angel
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:26 PM

At Zed's question, Kiernan's gaze drifted back to him, stern as he was a bit torn on responding. His eyebrows crowded each other, drawn in as his lips parted hesitantly. Looking to Numira from his place behind her, he let out a sigh, then glanced at Cara and how she was leant against him for support. She was rather blindly trusting him, so couldn't he? His sister's gaze was calm and steady, luring him into relaxing just a bit himself. At the moment of decision, he nodded in affirmation. "Yes, they do glow... What effect would that have on her healing?" Kiernan spoke a bit hesitantly, unsure of what this information had to do with her getting better. Zed suggested that she couldn't be treated, but that was a horrifying thought. If not, the normal person would pass-- hell, one would have already. Numira was special alright, but she was still human to Kiernan. There had to be a good reason for all of this, and if Zed was familiar with marks like hers, then maybe he knew what had to be done.

Cara sat quietly through most of this, focusing on relaxing her muscles and regaining her strength as she held on to Zed with care, one of her hands clutching his clothing for a better sense of stability. Her gaze swept from the boys, to Numira, to the road ahead, then, finally... she cast a glance back at Shilf. The sight brought tears to prick her eyes, but she closed them to prevent herself from losing focus. Instead, facing forwards again, she brought herself to the present, to thinking of their situation. "We could try for Thristen, just before the mountain passes." She suggested, finally speaking up as she found her sense of self again. Cara was weak, surely, but hardly injured and determined enough to be helpful yet. "Or, make our own among the forest or badlands. We should get out of the way, but not far from the main roads, if we're to keep moving easily." She added, trying to think of a strategy for recuperating.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:44 PM

Kiernan's response made Zed's eyes widen a little but then he looked forward again, a look of determination on his face as he urged the horse onward, once he was sure he had a safe straight to run along he shifted his gaze to Kiernan once again,
"We cant heal her with magic yet." He stated, "It'll make her shut down like that. She might stay like that for days, or even weeks. But Aunt Ixera can help her and make it so that doesn't happen again." Zed looked forward again, shifting the horse slightly to the side and looking back to Cara as she came up with some ideas,
"We should probably get to Thirsten, get some rest there and head out as soon as we're awake. We need to go to Mount Levante."

Again he looked over quickly to Numira and Kiernan,
"I thought it was a bunch of coincidences at first, but.. My aunt has similar tattoos on her body, they glow too. I only saw it once but I never forgot about it." The man explained, gaze affixed to the road ahead of them again, he had to be careful, "She can summon armor and a weapon of her own from nowhere, it's not magic, not something you can learn anyway." He hesitated briefly on what he was saying but once he'd decided on his words he carried on, "Anyway, she said it happened to her the first time she got hit with magic and she had to figure out a way to deal with it. I guess she did. So I kinda think they're from the same place, if you get what I mean?"

Arc Angel
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Old 10-03-2014, 11:57 PM

Kiernan tensed a bit more at Zed's words, unsure of what the consequences of this would be for Numira. Absent-mindedly, his arms around her tightened just a bit more, too, afraid to left further harm come to her. He had made a promise. Clenching his jaw, he sighed and nodded at his words. "I have faith she can help." He spoke tersely, putting a weighted gaze on him for a moment before carefully taking care to navigate his horse about a turn. He had to put stock into what he was saying, to trust this borderline stranger with her life, because he had nothing else to do. He couldn't help her.

"Sounds like a plan. We should be nearing it soon, at this pace." Cara replied in place of Kiernan, his acceptance of their strategy seeming clear enough to her. He was taking things rough, she could tell in his demeanor. That inner-soldier was showing. "Thank you, Zed. It does sound like they at least have similar abilities..." She then commented, her gaze casting itself on Kiernan as he remained quiet, tense, his narrowed gaze staring ahead as his thoughts swirled inside of him.

"Knowing them, we'll have at least the night. We'll need to send a message further into the interior, to ensure those in Erenguard hear of this. Will Yu be around there yet?" He questioned Cara, then hesitantly looked to Zed. He hadn't yet answered him, and felt as though Cara had already taken on too much responsibility for him. So, he too spoke on the matter. "It does seem they may both be from Kiranes. We'll have to wait to see, I suppose." He spoke lowly, voice distant as he tried to instead focus on his maneuvering. Getting emotional would help for nought.

"Yes, he will still be in town. Perhaps... this is why he sent me home..." Cara replied after a few moments, voice trailing as she considered her words. Just perhaps.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-04-2014, 04:48 AM

Zed nodded to Kiernan firmly, whatever concerns there might have been, Zed was confident in his own thoughts at least. He turned his head again to look at Cara, smiling in return, he wasn't sure what to say about it though, he'd already aired this thoughts about his aunt. But still he feared a possible beating, after all; he was leading three strangers to their home, with the intent of asking his Aunt to help one of them. He could almost hear the telling-off in his head that was coming, but that didn't matter, he'd endured plenty before, one more wasn't about to make it all that different.

He still didn't know about this Chen Yu person, but apparently he was some-one the two seemed to defer to and rely on. Likely he wouldn't ever see Cara's master, so he supposed it didn't matter to him too much as he looked forward again. Though he had to wonder about what Cara had said; her master sent her home knowing it would be attacked? Sure Cara did a god job defending the people and holding off the Draskone, but what if it hadn't worked out that way? Wasn't it a little reckless? He shook the thought off, after all, another young woman had done something reckless and was paying the price. Best to change his thoughts.
They'd ridden hard and quick, it was no wonder they'd gotten as far as they did, the villagers must have already scattered in their own directions, he could only hope the best for them as he continued to urge the horse on.


The troops had infiltrated what remained of the village on the other side of the great rift that was now torn through its heart like a great wound. What survivors and initial victims they caught were being forced into a carts and those who wouldn't make it were assured of their fate soon enough. Though there was a certain heaviness amongst the troops. Most wore helms, disdain on their faces, but they stayed silent. Some watched as the three remaining steel knights gathered.
The lightning knight, am armored grey-steel machine with a light blue cape and broader shoulders than the others was the first to open up as a lithe young man leaped out of it. Staring over at the fallen machine before he simply yelled;
"Those bastards!" He shouted out loud, "They killed Cleiss! I should've killed them both in one shot each! Both of them! Nothing survives the power of my Golem! Two of them!-" The young man seethed, "-TWO survived a direct blast! I dont care who they are! I want them dead! I want them both dead!"

The largest of the three remaining knights knelt down. Thought it's shoulders weren't quite as big, it was more heavily armored, the same one that had crashed through the buildings in the first place. The chest compartment opened to release a rather large man,
"The second seemed dead, Benoit.." He responded simply, but the young man simply glared at him,
"Not dead enough! Not by a long shot, Kain! She didn't get reduced to ashes, I'm not satisfied till I've burned them to a crisp!!"
Kain didn't respond, instead simply folding his arms and staring over at the fallen machine. He didn't know any of the other pilots all that well, not even Cleiss, but he could only assume that the man had gotten overconfident and careless. Still, as Kain stared around at the village, he showed a little disdain on his face as well,
"The heck did we bump off this stupid village for anyhow?" Benoit added, a question that had likely been burning in many minds, "Hell, even taking prisoners, what's the point? They're a bunch of Austaros weaklings."

Arc Angel
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Old 10-04-2014, 05:02 PM

Cara's fatigue finally set in fully, leading her vision into swirling as her consciousness threatened to leave her. Her fingers felt numb where they interlocked, her grip beginning to loosen as they rode on. Kiernan caught a glimpse of his sister's eyes fluttering closed, only to snap at her. "Hey, up and at 'em!" He barked, sending her a look mixed with concern and scolding. "You can rest once we're there." She, in turn, tightened her hold on Zed, leaning forward and sighing as her eyes opened. She nodded in response, forcing herself to be more alert. She made the effort to further interlock her hands, leaning into Zed's back as she re-situated herself. "The gates of town..." She pointed out quietly, noting the approaching figures of buildings on the horizon.

At that thought, she looked down at what she'd brought along. Kiernan's sword, her cloak, and there was a small coin pursue attached to her belt. Has she really grabbed else? No pictures, no further provisions, nothing? That thought gave her a sinking feeling. Home was truly lost. Looking over to Kiernan, her gaze moved to Numira. It was quite odd to hear she couldn't be treated with magic, but there was at least the comfort that Zed's aunt had lived through such an attack. Then, maybe she could survive and recover, too. She caught Kiernan glancing down at her, adjusting her in his arms to have a better hold as his eyes dipped to her form. His jaw clenched a bit, but he forced his gaze back towards the horizon. Numira, hold on. Encouraged by the prospect of entering town soon, he dug his heel into the horse's side in a signal to speed up further, if only a bit.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

The smallest of the three knights approached not long after, having a leaner frame than the others that allowed it to move a bit more swiftly. It held long, curved blades in each hand, blood splattered now as it struck them into the earth at either of its sides. It kneeled as its chest compartment opened, becoming essentially lifeless as a lean young woman hopped out with ease. She was one of few woman among their ranks, but never seemed to give two shits of it. Getting a quick look around what remained of the village, she approached the newly-set ravine that the other pilots talked by. "Don't go getting your panties in a knot, Benoit. You'll get the chance to burn 'em all soon enough." She remarked casually, her hands moving to her hips as her lips puckered with distaste and she turned her back to the ravine. It wasn't something she could simply hop over, even in full gear. Looking back to her kneeling knight for a moment, she sighed then cast her gaze towards the other two.

She didn't know them well, and she could truly care less to get to, but seeing the fourth of them fall had been frustrating. "Conquering the land's the point, and that means specks of towns like these, too. Weaklings, maybe, but they sure as hell gave you a run for your money." A smirk of sorts rose to her lips as she cast an amused glance at Benoit. She hadn't taken on the four of those defending the village, but she sure hadn't missed their failure to take them down. "Kain's right, anyways. That girl that fell will most likely die in time." A fourth voice joined theirs as another man stepped into the sort of semi-circle they now had going on. In recognition of him, the woman bowed her head and lifted her fist to her heart in a brief salute. "Commander Arnoult." She addressed calmly, lifting her gaze to him as she allowed her fist to drop. "Veila... Benoit, Kain," He spoke in recognition of them to, nodding towards the three of them as a cold smile swept over his face. "Ah, nice work we've gotten done here." He spoke in low voice, striking purple gaze cast upon them for a moment before he looked down to his arm. He had morphed it into a sword of sorts for battle, one of his magical specialties, the sharpened point of bone coated in a flowing purple aura. His gaze caught it thoughtfully for a moment before he lifted it to the ravine and it morphed back into a full arm. Stretching it, the young commander stepped forward to overlook the obstacle they'd been left with, then the unmoving knight that had fallen.

He scoffed. "The Austaros scum you speak of managed to take one of you down." He spoke darkly, though a touch of amusement laced his tone. Turning to look at the three of them, hands moving to his pockets, he stretched. "How curious that two of own were among them," he noted thoughtfully, having recognized Kiernan and his sister. A sinister gleam lit his eyes as she crossed his arms before him and cleared his throat. "This was the first of many to fall to fall to the Draskone. Every life, every pathetic one of the Austarosi will be taken, prisoner or otherwise! Our purpose is completely annihilation, prisoners will serve us well in due time." He addressed the questioning he'd heard from Benoit, then chuckling as he looked to some of the foot soldiers standing off to the side. "Come along, now! Get this cleaned up. He'll be replaced, the suit fixed. Stop daydreaming and prepare for more!" Arnoult spoke with a sudden change in tone, a harsher edge taking it as he barked the order at the small group of men. Then, regarding the other three with a sly grin, he began to hum as he turned to step to the ravine's edge. "What a clever little girl," he spoke softly, looking down into it for a moment.

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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-05-2014, 02:01 AM

Zed turned his head quickly to Kiernan a moment as he called out to Cara before he then looked over his shoulder at Cara, brow raised at her a moment before he chuckled a little,
"Hey if you cant stay awake on your own, I can shock you a few times," He teased a little, "Either that or..-" He stopped then grinned nervously, "Forget it, you probably wouldn't get that one." He added, perhaps a little enigmatically but he knew some jokes wouldn't work for a situation. People just wouldn't get it. As she tightened her grip he shifted his hold on the reigns so that he was handling the horse with one hand whilst he placed the other hand over hers to hold it in place, not tightly, but enough that it wouldn't be easy to slip.

As they passed through the gates Zed slowed, a guard was on the road, holding his hand up,
"What's the hurry so late, eh?" He questioned, Zed almost immediately slipped off the horse, letting go of Cara's hands but making sure she was steady before he approached the man, keeping his voice in a hushed tone, "Draskone attacked Shilf, you have to get a message to Erenguard as soon as possible," He stated sternly, the guard could see from some of the tattered clothing of Zed that this might be true, but perhaps it was the determined look on his face, though he then added, "We have an injured companion, magic doesn't work, we need normal medicines," The guard stared over and Kiernan and Numira a moment before looking at Zed again, a little speculative about magic not working but so far his words seemed true,
"The Guardhouse has medicine stored away for emergencies, just tell them Kline sent you."

Zed nodded to the guard but then looked over his shoulder at Cara, Kiernan and Numira, his face remained serious as he looked at the girl. There had to be a faster way to do this.. And there was..
"Go to the guardhouse, get set up for the night. I'll get my Aunt and bring her here, I'm faster than horses on foot, in fact; I'm faster than most things. Make sure to get her some Yaccunan sap, Hercenin extract and water." Both the medicines he'd mentioned were known remedies for dealing with pain and fatigue, though he knew specifically that these were things that didn't need to be magically treated.
Without another word he turned towards the mountain, his body practically glowing again, his typically wild hair seemed just as charged as he was, becoming jagged and frayed as he practically vanished from where he stood, a streak of lightning following in his wake as he dashed off into the distance, determination remained on his face as he ran. He didn't care what the punishments would be, so long as he helped those three.


Benoit stuck his tongue out at Veila a moment, putting his hands on his hips and huffing whilst he looked away form her, nose raised in the air,
"I didn't see you in the fight, you hag." He replied harshly, but a large paw dropped on his head, the hand of Kain, the large bear of a being simply glared down silently at Benoit before speaking simply,
"Calm down." The man stated simply before he then looked at their commander. Kain remained silent, even as Benoit shoved his large hand off, staring back up at his hulking comrade before simply folding his arms and huffing again.

Kain stared briefly at Veila but then the commander and the soldiers he was commanding. Briefly his attention turned tot he wreck of their dead comrade, but he then silently looked away, watching first Veila's approach on the end, but then the commander. As Arnoult stood at the edge, admiring the work their opponents had done, the edge began to crumble, but before it could give way under the commanders feet, a large hand practically grasped the back of his neck and his clothing. At first the force of it might have felt like he was being pushed, but then the grip tightened and Kain pulled the commander back, glaring at him quietly like a parent to a child, warning them of danger.
He removed his thick hand and let it drop to his side before staring across the maw calmly,
"Do not tempt a mouth bigger than yours. It will swallow you.." He stated, lumbering calmly towards his machine again. People liked to joke that Kain didn't even need a Golem, more often they liked to joke that he didn't seem very smart, but time and again as a soldier he'd proven both resourceful and dangerous. The strength of his arm was a mask for the strength of his mind. He didn't speak much but everything he said had purpose, whether others realized it or not.

Arc Angel
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Old 10-05-2014, 03:18 AM

Catching Zed's gaze and playful tone drew Cara's eyes to widen a little. How could he be in such a light mood? They had just taken on the Draskone Horde, it was astounding to her to hear such things now. Yet, at the same time... A small smile flickered onto her face to repay his teasing comment. "Don't you dare, Sparky." She replied in something of a teasing tone of her own, though she couldn't help but wonder what he'd stopped himself from saying. "If you say so." She replied simply. Had it bee something crude? Shaking her head a little, she didn't ask, though it did remain on her mind longer than she would've assumed it to. Instead, her gaze and attention shifted to the approaching town. She felt his hand move atop hers, and tensed for a moment, only to relax again as she noted he was helping her to stay on the horse. This was a good thing. It just didn't change the warmth of his hand.

As they came to a stop, she adjusted her grasp to the reins instead, a bit more sturdy now that she had been off of her feet for a little while. She only listened to their exchange of words, gaze between Zed and the guard for a few moments before shifting to the town. While it was to be their shelter, their safe haven for now, she couldn't help but feel a lump grow in her throat. Would the villagers here be next? This was when Zed turned to give them instructions, drawing a look from wonder from Cara. He was faster than horses, as affirmed by his sudden disappearance. Blinking in surprise at the quickness of it all, she turned her head quietly to look after him before sighing softly. "Right. I'll take the horses to the stable. Get her fixed up." She decided to take charge from here, even if she still felt a bit loopy. Kiernan needed to care for her, Numira needed immediate rest, and she knew she could take care of herself.

Kiernan nodded gravely, jaw set tensely yet as the three entered the city to head to said Guardhouse. Upon reaching it, Cara did as she had said, carefully maneuvering down from her horse in order to take the two to the stable for the night. Kiernan picked Numira up in both arms, tucking her into his chest as he headed on inside, speaking quietly to the men there in order to get them set up. His grave demeanor and tense tone was enough by means of believability, and soon he had Numira laid down on a cot of sorts, as he sat cross-legged on the floor beside her. The medicine Zed suggested had been procured by the time Cara walked in, ducking into the small room they'd been granted for the night. Two cots, a small table, and a bit of hay. It would have to do. Grinning at her brother in the dim light, she stepped inside to sit on the hay in front of the second cot.

"She doing alright?" She questioned calmly, gaze showing worry as she looked over the girl's form.

"I can only hope." Kiernan replied softly, his soldier's composure melting as he looked over Numira. One of his hands rose to gently rest on her forearm, his gaze losing its hard edge as he felt a pull of angst in his chest.

Cara, sighing softly, lost her grin. "It will be alright, once Zed is back." She spoke, putting her faith in him. He may be a goof, but he had a good heart. This, she was sure of by now.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

Veila scoffed as Benoit's initial reaction, finding him rather childish. She crossed her arms before her and tried to resist the urg to roll her eyes. "Hag? You've got to be kidding. 'Sides, while you were distracted with those four people I was busy getting a fresh coat on my blades." She spoke playfully, a wicked sort of smile crossing her face as she pointed back at the fresh coat of blood on the machine's blades. Veila had indeed made quite a killing. Then, hearing Kain, she sighed softly. Stretching her arms out, she fell into more of a calm, too.

As the ground beneath him began to give way, Commander Arnoult's gaze lit up with some sense of childish excitement. A fall? Now, that would be interesting indeed. A shame, but interesting. Yet, as he felt a hand grasp him, he turned to looked over his shoulder with something of a sheepish smile. Like a child confessing to something foolish in front of his parents. Then, as he was set down on solid ground, he chuckled. "Ah? What if I like my meals large?" He bothered to reply, not in a mocking tone, but rather one with mild excitement. What the other meant, he wasn't actually sure of. It didn't matter. Arnoult still found it quite interesting, watching the pilot back away momentarily before setting his gaze off in the direction the survivors had fled in. "Get me a map." He then snapped at a soldier standing nearby yet, leading the young man into a scramble to find one as Veila yawned and turned her back to the others standing about.

"Guess I'll go exploring." She commented shortly, believing they'd take a bit longer here yet as she set off across some shambles of a home.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 10-08-2014, 01:44 AM

Numira had remained as silent as since when she'd fallen unconscious, though as time went on, she'd begun to breath more noticeably, twitching still occurred once in a while, but perhaps most notably were the markings once more, though rather than glowing fully, only small parts of the marks were changing color, miniscule areas that lit up briefly before dying out again. Her immune systems were having difficulty, as a result she was beginning to run a fever, her face was slowly becoming red, beads of sweat rolling from her brow.

"H-hello..?" A voice came from the nearby doorway. A young woman stood there in a red dress, the material was relatively fine, certainly not something a small-town country girl would wear, but rather perhaps something of a more noble sort. She glanced at the ill companion among the three before bowing politely to Cara and Kiernan. Her gaze suddenly affixed on Cara a moment as she pressed her hands together in an almost prayer-like motion, fingers to her lips and one eye winking gently, it was mostly a sign to Cara, hopeful that she would refrain from identifying her.
She knew Cara after all, as the apprentice to Master Yu, a man who had helped her father many times and Cara knew her as the princess of Austaros, Asleen, and she was flanked by an elderly male. He was Bracus Tarn, her bodyguard and servant, a tall fellow, bearded, with a stern, disapproving face, his disapproval apparent even as he spoke,
"My lady, you should not bother with these-"
"And why not?" She interrupted, standing tall with her hands before her and looking over her shoulder at him, not sternly, but with a look that seemed almost like simple disappointment in the man, "They are people in need." The girl added in earnest before looking to Kiernan and Cara again, "I am sorry to interrupt.. I heard from the guardsmen that some-one was unwell.. May I be of assistance?" She asked, gesturing her hands softly. The princess was known for wanting to help others, she had no apparent fear or concern for herself, there were some in the nobility that called it foolishness and naivete, but then there were those who considered it a little differently..


Kain didn't respond to to the Commander, it was a foolish question, in this situation, he was not the mouth, but the meal. His preferences did not matter one bit. No matter your ambitions, one day the ground would swallow you. As he returned to Veila and Benoit he glanced between the two, they seemed quite tense still. He supposed it was having gotten fresh out of combat. On the other hand, Kain remained as calm and sombre as when he'd first climbed into the machine.

Kain turned his head a moment as Benoit went towards one house that was still standing and kicked down the door. Much to his disappointment it was empty, the occupants were either already dead, captured or fleeing. However there was still a warm meal, so why not take advantage? He happily dug into the meal. Kain meanwhile calmly explored not far off from Veila until he came across a particular home furthest along the road.
He managed to stoop enough to enter the home and look around until he saw a picture, various Draskone bits of memorabilia too but the picture in particular. He stared at it long and hard, detailing every part of the face he remembered in his mind,
"Kiernan.." He muttered, looking around the room, the home, the furniture, the smell of cooking, laced with a slight burn he could make out, "So this is your life now, old friend..?" He pondered quietly to himself, before he turned to climb out of the doorway again and stare across the village, And this was how it turned out..

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Old 10-08-2014, 02:46 AM

Kiernan's gaze remained cast over Numira for quite some time, lingering on her form though it occasionally drifted about the small room they'd been given. He monitored her carefully, noting her breathing, how her marks were reacting. He wasn't sure how to read how well she was doing, except in spotting the sweat beading on her forehead. Eyes widening a little she his gaze settled on it, one of his hands moved to gently touch the back of his palm to her forehead. Recoiling after a moment, his gaze became stern once more as he turned to look at Cara, his attitude still quite somber as he tried to maintain his composure while speaking. "She's beginning to develop a fever." He spoke as an update, one of his hands rising to gently grasp one of Numira's. Kiernan squeezed it gently, his jaw clenching as he thought over what he could do.

"She'll be alright. She's strong." Cara spoke softly in response, one of her hands grasping his shoulder lightly in what she hoped to be a motivating manner.

Sighing, he nodded, but frowned yet all the same, fetching a clean cloth and dampening it in some water to dab Numira's forehead gently. "I can at least try cooling her off..."

Cara watched him, eyebrows drawn together worriedly, up until movement at the door caught her attention. Turning her head to see the girl standing there, her eyes couldn't help but to widen a bit. She made the move to stand quickly, scrambling to her feet, though it was something of a clumsy move. Cara was capable of doing so, but her fatigue showed in the process, movements stiff and slow as she straightened up. "My--" She began, about to call her by a more formal name when she caught the little signal she was given. Clearing her throat a little after she had spoken to Ser Tarn, Cara nodded her head to the both of them. "My lady, sir." She addressed politely, then hesitantly looking over to where Numira lay. Was it proper to speak of war to a princess? Heavens no, yet here she stood with blood splattered across her, and Kiernan was nursing a badly-injured Numira. Sighing softly, her gaze lifted to Asleen with a mix of apology and appreciation. "We appreciate the concern. I am afraid we have done what we may already... Our companion was injured badly in battle. A lightning attack..." She explained calmly enough, though her voice lingered with sad notes. Thinking of Shilf, she knew, would not be easy for quite some time. Perhaps never.

"Please, is there a way we may contact the capitol quickly? It is rather urgent." Cara then spoke in a sturdier voice as she kindly voiced her request, still not quite explaining the situation fully, although she was unaware of whether her doing so too openly would disclose Asleen's standing. "I would send one myself, had I the energy left to enchant something with enough speed. Also, refugees from Shilf will be making their way here, some may already be hiding in town. I am certain many of them will need assistance." Cara spoke as she drew her cloak about herself, meaning to go to attempt assisting them as the thought came to mind.

Kiernan nodded his head quietly to the two that lingered in the doorway, his own quiet greeting as he allowed his sister to handle the situation. It appeared that they knew each other, though how he was unsure. The girl did seem to be a noble, from her dress and how the other two addressed her, yet his sister has spoken vaguely enough that he was unsure of what to think. Why would a noble be this far from the capitol, in any case? Sighing softly, he sat there cross-legged, tending yet to Numira as he allowed them to speak.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

Veila, sadly, found little of much interest to her on the short trek she took across the ruins they had left. There were a few buildings still standing strong, the bakery one of them, from which she nabbed a loaf of fresh bread to carry about with her as she stepped over rocks, bodies, and piles of incomprehensible rubble. She didn't think much of it, honestly, sympathy not something she dedicated herself to as the bodies in her path had become dehumanized to her long ago. As a soldier, it was what had to be done. Especially in that metal suit of hers, whose purpose was sheer devastation in numbers. Why else carry only blades?

Casually strolling about, bread in hand as she took carefree bites of it, she ended up in a corner of the village that hadn't seemed as heavily hit. Looking about the streets with one of her hands slipping into a pocket, she scoffed a little to herself. "They had a quaint place here, eh?" She commented quietly, shaking her head in not regret, but in thought. Why couldn't she have had a life in a place so cute as this? Why, that was because cute places got trampled. It was that simple. Taking another bite of the bread, she heard approaching footsteps, and turned to see Kain leaving one of the nearby homes. "Find anything ya like?" She spoke casually enough, gaze sliding over to him curiously. Her tone was a bit playful, but she felt rather dulled, waiting here. Veila was simply finding a way to bide time.

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Old 10-08-2014, 06:40 AM

Asleen approached the three, though Bracus stayed at the doorway, the girl sat down opposite Kiernan and Cara, glancing down at Numira, her eyes spying the strange tattoos and the way the light patterns danced across her skin. She didn't recognize that, yet she found it interesting, though her attention shifted as she looked up at Kiernan and Cara again. A lightning attack they said? It was strange, the body of their friend was not in any way injured, it certainly didn't look that way, but perhaps it had damaged her inside. That made some sense.

She spied the cloth Kiernan was using on her head and the remains of the medicine that had been brought. Those would ease pain at least, but wasn't magic an option? Cara was smart enough to have healing magic used, Asleen believed that, but if they hadn't used it, could they not? Or was there more to it? In her puzzling thoughts, Asleen heard that Shilf was attacked, this warranted even a reaction from Bracus, the old man staring at them rather wide-eyed, to mirror the girl. Though for a brief flash there was a little terror in her eyes, until she forced it down and knitted her brow together,
"That's terrible." She paused and looked at Bracus, the man still staring at Cara after hearing that news. He wasn't a fool, even he could determine the truth from her words,
"The king must be informed immediately, there is no doubt. However in your condition, you will likely hinder more than help." He stared at Asleen a moment, he knew what she would say, even without her saying it, he was used to her behavior, she was also stubborn, so it was going to be difficult to argue with her, "I will make sure the guards are aware of the coming refugees and get them to render aid. Excuse me." He put a hand across his stomach and bowed politely before turning on his heel to leave.

Asleen waited a moment as she listened to his footsteps but then looked to Cara and Kiernan with a smile,
"At the very least, I will make sure you are all comfortable, please, come with me," She stated, getting up to her feet and offering her hand to Cara, though she looked to Kiernan and Numira, "Can you still move her? This isn't a good room for her to recover in."


Kain caught sight of the woman as she spoke, though her question actually rung out to him as something he wanted to answer. He thought about it carefully as he stared at her for a moment, there was a long enough moment that the wind changed before he replied with a simple;
He continued to stare at her a moment, folding his arms at first but then he raised a hand to his chin, staring out across the desecrated village in thought before he glanced at Veila again, that look of momentary consideration coming across his face once more before he spoke again,
"When did you give up?" He asked, though he didn't give context to the question or what she was giving up, still he seemed to expect an answer of her.

He glanced past her as Benoit appeared from a building. The younger man didn't wander far form his machine, in fact he was rather attached to it, after all, it allowed him to destroy things, he seemed to enjoy that, not something Kain could understand entirely. Destruction for the sake of destruction was a fools end. Kain wanted to believe that some people had hope, but then there were men like Benoit, that Commander. The Emperor. And that man..
He stared at Veila again and he wondered; did she have hope? Or was she lost, too? Kain already knew where he stood. Loyalty. It was all that he had now, he wasn't sure he could even call it patriotism..
"The Commander might be ready, soon." Kain finally added as he walked past Veila, returning to folding his arms.

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Old 10-08-2014, 11:56 PM

Cara nodded slowly in agreement with Asleen's conclusion; it was indeed quite terrible. She couldn't yet bring herself to think of the bodies flying through the air, the rubble, and destruction. She couldn't bear to imagine Kiernan's quaint cottage demolished, their peaceful lifestyle left in shambles. It was all too much. Even words yet, the invading forces were none other from their country of origin. Given, they had left for good reason. Cara forced those thoughts to the back of her mind as her hands balled themselves into fists. Looking over Asleen for a moment, her gaze then drifted to the man yet staring at her from where he still stood.

Sighing softly, her eyes then moved downwards as she tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear. "It truly is. The village was decimated." She spoke softly then, uncomfortable with having to be the one to relay such news. Uncomfortable with such happenings in general, really. As she was told she was unfit for assisting the effort to tell the king, her body tensed a bit. She did not appreciate the remark on her health, even if it were true. She had been holding up just fine, considering. However, she was acutely aware of the fact that she wouldn't have been able to leave Shilf without Zed's help earlier. She couldn't have even mounted the horse. So, sighing softly, she stubbornly pouted a little. She felt rather... useless, just sitting there. As Aseleen sent a smile in their way, however, her lips instead turned into a small grin of appreciation. "Thank you." Cara spoke softly, accepting the hand as she looked over to Kiernan and Numira.

Kiernan had taken this all quietly, almost meditative as he sat there cross-legged, quiet. He was trying to regain his composure and sense of self after the battle. It had been such a long time since anything quite so trying had occurred. "I am able to," he began, then eyeing Asleen briefly before glancing at Cara and nodding. If she trusted her, then he cold trust her. Standing up, he pocketed the medicines before scooping Numira up gently into his arms. Resting her against his chest, he was ready to follow them.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

As she was granted an answer, one of Veila's eyebrows slid up curiously. "Oh?" She remarked briefly, but expected nothing more of it. What would interest Kain, she wasn't sure. She didn't care to ask either, though she briefly wondered over it. Instead, she quietly stood there, about to take another bite as he returned her question with one of his own. A thought-provoking one at that. Freezing mid-bite, she lifted her head again to frown a little. When had she given up?

Eyebrows furrowing slightly at the somber tone this interaction seemed to be taking, she could only frown slightly as she guessed what he meant. "I'm not sure I have yet." She stated thoughtfully, then scoffing a little at herself as she shook her head and discarded the rest of the bread loaf, chucking it in a random direction. Then, stepping down from the small pile of rubble she'd hiked up, she hopped over the remains of a man lying in the dust. Veila thought not of it, instead looking at Kain curiously from where she now stood. "Eh." She shrugged in response, not all too enthused to hear that they would be moving on so quickly, even if she had felt rather restless but minutes earlier. It seemed she was never pleased with the orders she was given, even if she obeyed them quite well.

Even so, she slipped her hands into her back pockets and went along over the piles, humming as she headed back to the central group.

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Old 10-09-2014, 03:26 AM

Asleen pulled her friend to her feet, making sure she was steady before gently holding on to her arm, it was all just to make sure she had balance. There was a look of worry on the Princess' face, one for Cara at that time, after all, Cara was both her friend and an elder student, so much more powerful and skilled that she almost couldn't bear to see her friend in such a weakened state, but she said nothing, instead watching Kiernan lift Numira. The closeness he had for her was perhaps too obvious, but as she stared at Numira she seemed to lose herself for a moment, distracted, perhaps a little confused before she practically snapped back to reality,
"It's so strange.." She stated without thinking about it, "I have never seen anyone like her.. But she seems so.. Familiar..?" She pondered out loud but then smiled nervously, "Maybe I am just imagining it.. Sorry.. This isn't the time for my rambling.." She then firmly nodded to herself and lead Cara along with Kiernan out of the room. What few guards were still in the guardhouse gave the group a strange look as they moved through the building away from the spare cots towards the nobles quarters on the other side.

She wanted to speak with her friend, but she wanted to limit the knowledge of her being there, instead she gave Cara's arm a gently squeeze and a smile as they walked. Even the guards only believed she was of noble standing, none knew her actual identity. It was a necessary measure in order to stay safe when she got closer to the borders of the country on her travels and visits. Sure there might have been a handful of people who may have known her identity, but that was merely for convenience. They were trusted individuals.
Once they finally reached the Noble's quarters, she waited for Kiernan and Numira to be safely in before she nudged the door shut entirely. This was her cue to give off something of a relaxed sigh,
"Goodness." She stated, a tad exasperatedly before smiling at Kiernan, "Please, this way," She motioned a hand towards one of the closest rooms. It was better than that much smaller room, the bed was larger, not lavish but still neat and soft. Some books lined one of the walls and a fireplace was burning gently on the opposite side of the room. Side-tables were sat by the bed along with a chair on either side, "You can use this room," She offered, before looking at both Kiernan and Cara once each, "Also.. There is a bathing area in the room over. If you like, you can take a turn each? I will be here to watch over your companion. You can trust me, can't you, Cara?" She asked the sister with a genuine smile. It had been the first time she'd mentioned Cara's name since she first spoke to them and introductions had yet to have even been made.


Kain pondered on Veila's words only briefly, it would have made him smile, were he not keeping his composure, instead he simply walked quietly at pace with her until they had gotten closer to where the Commander was. Now that he was in place he rested his arms at his sides, watching as the smaller Benoit got in line next to him, a sneer on the other mans face as he too waited for the Commander's orders on their next target or whatever they were going to do next.
The more obvious plan was to get around the pit created by that young woman. But identifying their next target would also be important. Perhaps they would even catch up to Kiernan and those others that had taken out Kleiss. The remaining soldiers were also done with their sweep. What they could find of their fallen comrades had been gathered and wrapped in cloth, a standard ritual for Draskone after battle. All that was left was for the Commander to tell them what was next.

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Old 10-09-2014, 04:26 AM

As Cara felt the steady pressure of Asleen's hand on her own, her gaze wondered over to her friend, sending an appreciative grin her way. While she was able to stand properly and find a decent amount of balance, she surely wasn't up to par with her usual coordination. It was a tad embarrassing for her, quite frankly, but she accepted the assistance she realized she may need. Then turning to look over her shoulder at Kiernan as he adjusted Numira in his arms, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. He looked down at her in such a somber manner, his mannerisms rigid as he bottled himself up. Kiernan had been rather quiet and distant in this distraught state of his. Cara could only hope that Numira would be able to recover soon.

At Asleen's comment on Numira's familiarity, Cara tilted her head slightly. "Perhaps you've met someone of her ethnicity before?" She suggested a bit curiously, though not wishing to push the subject. Kiernan pitched in briefly, "It is possible, I presume, if you've met someone from Kiranes." As they received an apology neither thought necessary, Cara's free hand gently rested atop the hand Asleen grasped her arm with. "There's no need. We are in your debt." She spoke genuinely, grinning, not wishing her friend to think herself foolish but knowing that it would be best to truly get settled for the night.

"Thank you," Kiernan spoke a bit distantly, following trailing after her into the room she allotted for them. After he had gently laid Numira down, he turned to her with a hesitant grin, rubbing his neck. Did he know her? No, no he hadn't even think he'd seen her before... Yet, she and her sister were obviously acquainted. How? Not having been introduced properly, he looked to Cara to do so now, but she had other thoughts on her mind first.

"It really nice a nice room, thank you again." She spoke in gratitude, a small smile spreading over her lips as she looked around briefly. As bathing was mentioned, she found herself fond of the idea, though she wasn't sure of Kiernan's comfort with it. Nevertheless, as she glanced over at him, she spoke up. "That would be lovely... and yes, of course, you have my complete trust." Cara was now quite aware of the dirt caked on her shoes, the blood on her clothing. Cringing a bit as she found it pretty distasteful, especially in from of Asleen, she then seemed to come to remember her initial walk into their first room. "Oh!" She exclaimed, laughing hesitantly as she looked between her and Kiernan. "Asleen, this is my brother, Kiernan, and his companion, Numira." She introduced, embarrassed but speaking calmly enough. "Kiernan, she is a friend from the city. We study together, at times." Her gaze moved to the princess as if for approval of her words, sure that Kiernan would not know her status by her name.

She was right. Grinning, Kiernan nodded in her direction. "Oh, from Erenguard, huh?" He commented for a thoughtful moment before nodding. "Alright, nice to meet you. Bathing does seem like a good idea..." He conceeded to the idea of leaving Numira to Asleen, trusting his sister's judgement of the girl. He was still hesitant to do so, but he knew it was necessary to bathe after something of that sort. Still, he turned to look at Numira where she lay from over his shoulder before heading into the adjoined room.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

Commander Arnoult stood by the edge of the pit now, a makeshift table before him as he reasoned with another man at his side, the two looking over a map for a few more moments before her turned to see who had come to rejoin them. Clearing his throat as Veila stepped into line beside the two other pilots, he looked over them, then the men now taking ranks behind them again. "Ready now, eh?" He spoke casually enough, hands tucked into his back pockets as his jacket now only hung from his shoulders. A sinister gleam took up his eyes as a grin curled along his lips. "Friends! It appears we will be taking a second go at many of those who have fled from our reach. Let us not allow them to get away so fortunate this time!" He spoke in a strong voice, low and laced with enthusiasm as he went on. "We'll press on eastward, to Thristen, a piece of shit little town they call a guardspost!" Crossing his arms now before him, something of a smirk crossed his features.

"This road takes us straight on inland, men, lay waste along it! I want to see every single one of these scum-faced Austarosi pay their dues! Thristen is hardly any larger than Shilf, but don't go getting cocky now. I'm not all that impressed so far." The last bit was a mention of the four that had battled them earlier, none of which he'd gotten a proper glimpse of sadly as his own hands were plunged into battle, but he hoped to. He hoped to watch the light of hope leave their eyes as they took their dying breaths. Some 'huzzah-like' buzz rang up, a number of their ranks lifting one arm as if to proclaim their intent on following the orders. Vienna did not care to yell so, but she did lift hr right fist with mild enthusiasm. "Move out!!!" He then barked once, approaching his nearby-standing horse, armored handsomely in crafted metals, and swinging up onto it effortlessly to begin leading the troops out of town.

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Old 10-10-2014, 03:41 AM

Had she met some-one like Numira before? Asleen was sure she hadn't. No-one with such odd markings, nor anyone with such strange hair, her skin looked like any other person, so that was out. Yet the sense of familiarity still lurked at the back of her mind, a small doubt. There was no point dwelling on it though. Once Kiernan and Cara both accepted her terms, she smiled at them,
"I'm glad you feel you can trust me. She will be safe, I swear," The princess replied, firmly resolved in her words as she sat down next to the bed, observing Numira a moment before she went about gently fussing over her, placing a fresh cloth on her forehead as she prepared another to put in its place afterwards. Even she felt a little helplessness of her own, after all, she had been adamant on learning healing magic, but if it wasn't of any use, all she could do was use mundane methods.

From what she'd gathered of the guards tales, there was another on his way to get a healer that could fix Cara and Kiernan's companion. She looked over at Cara once Kiernan had left to go bath himself before grinning in a playful fashion,
"I know you told me you had a brother.. But you never said he was so cute, Cara. Shame on you, now I cant snatch him up.." She giggled a little, trying to mask over a worried face, after all, the idea that Draskone was attacking.. Well, it was certainly frightening. And she could barely imagine the destruction that had been wrought. She looked down at Numira and smiled in a slightly more sad fashion,
"It looks to me like his heart is taken.. Yet nearly broken.. I hope your friend can be healed soon, or that look on your brother's face may make my own heart ache." She rubbed at her own chest softly, still smiling though.


Kain had a feeling this was the way it would have gone, Thirsten was the closest guard post to Shilf, of course with this big of a delay, their targets would have escaped and gotten word out of the attack. At the very least they would be able to attack and defeat the forces at Thirsten with minimal hassle, but then the Royal Army would be on the move, at which point their slaughters would instead become battles on open fields or in the streets of the next town over.
With their Golems, the battles would be more equal now. Draskone had never been a major magical power like Austaros, but when that man appeared and convinced the Emperor to help him create the Golems, it had given them a new way to level the playing field. Still there was proof enough that these things weren't invincible, especially if the pilot wasn't good enough to fight in them.

Benoit looked just as eager as the Commander, no doubt he wanted another chance at that white-haired man and the woman he'd failed to incinerate. Kain wondered about that a moment. Whilst Benoit was a zealous one, his words were accurate. He understood the man surviving, to a degree, he was using lightning heavily, perhaps he guarded himself and negated the damage..
But the latter had fallen in one stroke. He saw that clearly enough. Yet even after her armor and weapon vanished, she looked mostly unharmed. He hated to agree with the idea of Benoit being right, but to physically survive something like that.. Perhaps he would get his chance after all.

Kain said nothing, instead turning towards his Golem and walking to it calmly, Benoit practically running up to his own and climbing in with a cackle, he was more than prepared to cause more trouble on the battlefield if he got a chance. Like the commander, he viewed the people of Austaros as nothing more than petty targets. they were a good match for each other.

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Old 10-10-2014, 06:29 PM

Kiernan cast one more glance in the direction of Numira before completely slipping from sight, wary of leaving them, yet yearning to soak his sore muscles and wash the dirt from his skin. Besides, it would be nice to look well for Numria when she woke. That thought drew a little grin to his face as he went about his business, cleaning and rinsing his clothes as best as he could.

As Cara watched Asleen shift to sit beside the bed, nursing Numira with care, she sent a small smile in her direction. She truly was a sweet girl, certainly admirable in her own right. She stifled something of a short laugh at the comment she made, shaking her head. "My brother? You have got to be kidding." She began, amused but also surprised, "He is a total goof, but uptight at the same time... you wouldn't have wanted a part in that anyways." Cara spoke lightly, though such a subject was touchy indeed. Sighing softly as she looked over Numira, her smiled slowly faded. Zed would be back soon. He had to be, in Cara's thoughts. If he weren't, then what would they do? Numira would be without the help she needed, Kiernan would break, and she would be quite... alone in this. Not that she expected Zed to stick around for much longer after this rather massive favor.

Rubbing her cheek thoughtfully, she rested her back gently upon the wall behind her. "I appreciate the concern and the help, Asleen. I do hope our friend heals quickly, as well." She spoke softly, resting her back on the wall she stood before and closing her eyes lightly as her head tilted upwards. "What brings you so far from Erenguard, may I ask?" She managed, wishing to yet avoid the previous subject, with her brother's pained face looming in on her mind.

~ . ____________________________ . ~

The commander rode with no lack of haste, leading the troops down along the edge of the ravine that had been set into their way with hopes to simply move around it. Its edge was a decent ride's worth away-- that girl had done well to cause them a bit of a set-back. Sneering at the thought of her, Arnoult shook his head in disgust. Tightening his grip on his reigns, he instead allowed his narrowed, focused eyes to scour the horizon they marched towards, searching for the end of the damned thing. He would have his last word with her. Her, the lightening brat, and that berserk armored chick. Not to mention that odd man that had apparently distressed a side section of the ground troops. Kiernan, too, if the bastard reared his head.

Veila let out a brief sigh, looking about the rubble once more before shrugging and climbing up to her place in her Golem smoothly. Pulling its blades up from the earth as she stood it upright, small chunks of earth flew downwards to reveal blades still rather blood-stained. Sliding both away in one swift motion, she aligned herself at a flank with the troops, moving with ease over their 'leftovers'. Shilf was nothing to her, the people fodder for their army, yet seeing the peace their village may have at once had touched something in her. Frustrated her. Gritting her teeth, she tried to numb her thoughts as they moved forwards. Veila could barely make out the end of the ravine now from her new hight, lumbering with some mild care amongst the mages below. They would be at its end within the next hour.

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Old 10-11-2014, 04:32 AM

Asleen giggled again at her friend's reaction to the joke she'd made, covering her mouth with the back of her hand a moment, face lit again by simple joy before she replied,
"I am joking, Cara.. My father would not allow it anyway, at least, I do not think he would understand if I took interest in some-one not of noble standing since those are the people I should be consorting with.." She snickered a little "Father thinks I am traveling the country, giving lip service to the other nobles.. I may speak to them briefly, but honestly I have more fun talking to the less haughty villagers and shopkeepers. The guards practically tremble and fall over themselves like fools.." Asleen giggled again.

The princess carefully swapped the damp cloths, transferring the first to a bowl of water and looking over at Cara more calmly, that same genuine smile returning as she was thanked for assisting,
"You know me.. I'm not that bright, you help me so much with my studies but it's only natural I help you in any way I can. I would never, not once do less than my utmost to help you, Cara." She could have said more, she wanted to say more, but she wanted to keep that reasoning private. It wasn't really out of a sense of propriety, proper duty, she simply didn't want people to hassle Cara if they learned that the Princess considered her no less than a sister. As an only child, having a sibling was something she wanted for the longest time until she thought she'd grown out of the idea, at least until she met Cara.
Her second question, she realized she'd already stated, but she repeated herself regardless,
"Just visiting the nobles, that oversee Thirsten.. Bracus keeps insisting I talk to them more but.. They're all so stuffy and boring.. I already know what they want to say and all the usual banter that doesn't mean anything.." She stuck out her tongue as if gagging at the thought of dealing with it all, "It's not like it's my duty to do more than greet them and see how things are going, after that it's just a social obligation, if they approach me with something interesting to say, that's fine, but otherwise I'll do what I want with the time I have."

Asleen stared over at Numira and resting her head on her closed hands, elbows upon her knees as she pondered a little,
"So.. What is she like..? She has a nice face, despite.. Well.." She smiled nervously at Cara, "Sorry.. I almost let myself get gloomy. The glowing tattoo things are really interesting, I cant help but be a bit curious."


[If you want me to add something here, let me know ^^;; I needed to sleep]

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Old 10-11-2014, 04:11 PM

Cara's smile warmed as Asleen admitted it to be a joke. She was both thankful and amused to hear that, but more so curious with her next words. She had always viewed noblemen and women as delicate, composed, respect-worthy... Since she had befriended Asleen, of course, that view hadn't changed. It just twisted her perspective a bit. Now, she could just imagine the boring sorts of them, talking away to Asleen of gossip and other trifles. Laughing a little, Cara let off a shrug in the other's direction. "Thank god." She began, tone playful as she smiled. "Ahh, and what would he say to you roughing it with delinquents?" She giggled as she referred to herself, Kiernan, and Numira. After all, she was well-aware of her brother's tendencies to dance the line between crime and justice. Stealing was stealing, even if from criminals. Not that the room she had taken them to was exactly the equivalent to 'roughing it' in any case, either.

As her friend's expression seemed to shift, Cara's head tilted slightly as she regarded her. She had expected some sort of denial of her thanks, of course, but the words still weren't quite was she expected of her. Something of a slight frown took her features for a moment. "You're very bright, Asleen. You're bright and open-minded, caring, and... I appreciate that." She spoke thoughtfully, though her direction twisted mid-sentence. Grinning almost apologetically, she cleared her throat a little. Cara was quite worn, her mind foggy and her words not quite as she'd like them. She found her focus shift to just keeping herself standing up more so than preferred, but remained calm and focused anyways. "I will always do my utmost to help you, as well." She replied after a few moments, some weight carried in her words as she thought of the Draskone army marching inland. Could they not cross paths again? Surely, it was more than a possibility. She would have to fight again, and this time it may be for the sake of people like Asleen... Eyebrows knitting together slightly, she raised one of her hands in front of her, concentrating upon it.

Nothing occurred. Magic was still lost to her for the moment, apparently, so she let her arm drop to her side with a soft sigh. Instead, her attention refocused in on what she was told of the stuffy nobles, the horrors of her visits to them. Laughing once more, in a fuller manner, one of her hands rose to rest on her stomach lightly. "I'm sorry, I can only imagine... All of the mannerisms and court conversation..." She managed, then calmed calmed herself, stifling the remains of her laughter as she smiled warmly. "Oh, those visits must be just wonderful." While she didn't speak to demean nobility holistically, she was instead trying to imagine things in her friend's perspective.

Kiernan stepped out of the bathing chambers quietly, sense of calm renewed as he stepped into the hall. His hair still hung damply, a towel about his shoulders to catch what dripped as he adjusted his clothing a little bit. It was still a bit dirty, but that couldn't be helped tonight yet. Tomorrow, he thought to maybe purchase something in town, but if the Draskone came, what use would new clothing do him? Frowning a bit as he quietly walked back to the room, leather armor now resting in his arms, his thoughts swirled as he heard the subject of conversation. Numira. Unconsciously, he paused before entry, instead lingering out of sight beyond the door for a moment.

The two seemed to quiet for a moment, and as she found Asleen's gaze moving over Numira, her own drew along after it. "Mmh, well, I only just met her this afternoon. I don't actually know much about her, aside from the fact that she's definitely from elsewhere. She's very sweet, albeit a bit... strange about customs." She grinned half-heartedly as she looked over how she lay now, feverish and not responding. Sighing softly, she crossed her arms before her with some effort. "She seems eager to learn though, asks questions when she's curious and tries to follow others' lead when she doesn't quite know what to do herself. Childish in a way, but also strong. She did a number on the Draskone, definitely." Cara paused for a moment there, her own thoughts taking a darker turn as she dared breach a touchier subject. "The only way they were able to strike her down was this giant... this giant metal knight, he used a lightening attack." Her brow creased, frowning a bit as she let out another soft sigh. "Sorry, it seems we're both getting a bit gloomy, huh?" She chuckled hesitantly, then rubbed one of her cheeks thoughtfully.

Kiernan, frozen there for a moment, allowed his thoughts to darken yet as he re-imagined the attack that had struck her down. His fists clenched at his sides as he felt his heart skip a beat. She had to be okay. Frowning slightly, he willed himself to walk back into the room after a moment, greeting the two with short nods as his gaze then drifted back to Numira's form. "Cara, you should get cleaned up now, you look about to collapse," he commented with a bit of a grin, leading her eyes to widening a bit.

Almost shyly, she stood up from the wall and nodded, looking between the two of them for a moment before moving carefully out of the room. "Right." She replied briefly as she passed, shooting a grin back at the two of them before passing on into the bathing chambers herself.

Kiernan quirked an eyebrow in Cara's direction for a moment before shaking his head and moving to set his bundle of leather armor down calmly. His thoughts replayed what he had caught of their conversation in his head for a moment, pleasant things having been said of Numira, but they still burned. After he had set it down, alongside the blades and coin pouch that he had been carrying, he cast a glance over at Asleen. It was curious to meet another Cara had known, even in the circumstances. He didn't often go to the city, and she didn't typically bring people along to visit home with her, so in a way he could use the few he met to imagine what sort of life she was living there. Who she trusted. "I hope you will make plans to travel back to the interior soon, as well?" He questioned, voice a tad stern though he had good intentions in asking.

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Old 10-12-2014, 02:59 AM

At the return of her own words, Asleen smiled again, blushing ever so slightly, after all, to hear praise from Cara was something she rather enjoyed. It didn't sound like words she was expected to say. Hearing what Numira was like, however, gave the girl a curious look for a moment before she smiled broadly,
"She sounds great.." Asleen replied, glancing at the silent figure in the bed before she changed the cloths again, "Giant metal knights.. How could she face something so scary? I think I'd be too scared to move." She replied, once again smiling nervously, it was almost impossible to imagine, but then, she remembered what it was like when she was a child and seeing her father's knights. She supposed it was sort of like that, but the idea of something so large and powerful attacking was definitely a frightening thought.

When Kiernan showed up she jumped slightly but then looked at him with a smile again, his suggestion to Cara made her face light up a little, before she looked at her friend again,
"With your brother here, he can look after your companion and I can help you, you both look exhausted." She nodded firmly and stood up. She moved over to Kiernan quickly and stood behind him, placing her hands on his back and gently nudging him forward,
"Come on, you! If anything can make a sick person feel better it's some-one who cares about them being close by," She suggested with a wide grin, she liked to believe her insinuation of their relationship was correct, it just seemed that way to her, "Even if some-one else is coming to help her, you're just as important. It's something not even magic can do for anyone." She reinforced the idea, giving him a hopeful look, as much as she believed it, she wanted to pass it on to him as a belief, at the very least she could give him that hope.

Before long she had however vanished from behind him and practically bounced after to Cara to grab her by the arm and lead her to the bathroom, sure it was just a bad excuse to help her walk, since she did look tired, but she did also want to help with the bath, she was such a mess that she couldn't imagine it would be easy to clean it all out in her state. She was already prepared to roll up her sleeves and assist,
"Lets get you cleaned up proper," She chimed, "I think I have a dress that will fit you, we're about the same size."

Arc Angel
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Old 10-12-2014, 06:14 PM

Cara nodded a little at Asleen's reaction, grinning as she agreed. Numira did indeed seem pretty great. It was a shame that she may not get to know her any better. Cringing at the thought and shaking her head a little, she averted her gaze from both the feverish woman on the bed and the one tending to her. She couldn't afford to think like that, but it was difficult not to after the destruction she'd seen. Shilf had been a nightmare. "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Anger, maybe...?" Cara guessed, thinking back briefly to ty and recollect what exactly she may have been thinking. What they all had been thinking. Curling her fists, she instead attempted another small smile. "I don't know that a lot of thought went into it, on second thought." She added after a few moments. Numira, Zed, Kiernan... none of them had given pause to simply acting at the time. It still hadn't been enough, though.

Kiernan was a tad taken back by the girl's move to push him on forwards from behind, leading him to chuckle just a bit as he stepped on forward with the pressure. "Hey, hey, I was on my way..." He spoke calmly, though he did internalize he words some. Was she so hopeful in strangers? Resettling himself at Numira's side, he cast a curious glance over at his sister and Asleen as they left the room together. A grin played along his lips now as he looked down onto Numira. "She's got herself some friend, huh? I think you'll get along with her well." He whispered, then frowned for a moment before taking up the damp cloth and gently pressing it to her forehead again, dabbing it. His other hand rose to gently grip her nearest one, his eyebrows creasing slightly as he sat in the silence there with Numira.

Cara laughed lightly, hesitantly at her friend's suggestion of help. She may not be in the best shape, but it was a bit embarrassing to have assistance offered to her. Not that she found she had much of a choice, after Asleen had bounded after her. Asking a princess to help her bathe and clean up didn't seem proper to her in the least, but this was also coming from someone she considered a dear friend. Besides, she did seem hell-bent on helping in any way possible. Generously so. "Thank you, Asleen. I really am sorry to put you through such trouble." Cara eventually spoke up, blushing as she was guided to the bathroom with the help of the other's grasp on her arm.

Once there, she caught sight of herself in the mirror, and some sense of horror washed over her. To let people see her in such a messy state... "Ahhh, I really do look like Hell." She let out a childish groan of sorts, a slight pout taking over her lips as she caught sight of the blood smeared along her clothing, the dirt encrusted on both fabric and skin. She supposed they had all looked this way, coming into town. Sighing softly, she accepted her appearance and readied to wash.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 10-13-2014 at 03:28 AM..

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Old 10-13-2014, 05:35 AM

She heard the garbled sounds of words above her, her senses flaring again. The burning pain across her bod had mostly ceased, but it was numb. Everything was so numb. Her blood glowed rapidly, her heart beating quickly in order to sustain her. And whatever she could feel through the numbness was over-ridden by the warmth, heat, she couldn't even tell what the hottest parts of her body were, but she felt something cool briefly below her hand. She felt her arm move a little, something wrapped around her flesh, it held it. Who was it? She hoped..

Her fingers flexed quickly, as if in reaction at first, before wrapping around Kiernan's hand, however weakly they could manage. Her head shifted, but her eyes did not open. If only she could, then she could see for certain. But everything felt so heavy.. So tired. That small shift alone sent shards of pain along her arm and down her neck into her very core, but all she could manage was a small groan. How long would she have to endure this feeling of being locked within herself? To feel pain with every movement? She tried to simply drown herself in her thoughts, whatever her mind could resurface.

Asleen meanwhile smiled at her friend as she finally realized what a mess she was, without giving it much thought, she helped Cara undress before allowing her to get into the bath whilst she took the cloths away, holding them in one arm whilst she pointed at Cara,
"Just don't fall asleep in the tub, okay? I'll be right back!" She stated before vanishing for a moment, her footsteps could be heard pattering away before she returned with a fine dress, not too different from her own, it was a dark green, though the sleeves were fully attached. She held it up to Cara with a broad grin before settling it down on a chair and kneeling by the tub. She had removed her own sleeves in order to grab a cloth that would allow her to wash Cara's back.

There was a melancholy look on her face as she wondered a moment before she started thinking out loud,
"It is all so strange.. I keep trying to wrap my mind about it, but I can not.. Seeing you is wonderful.. But the reason for seeing you.. Shilf.. Draskone.. Giant metal knights.." She mumbled a little before breathing a little and staring up at the ceiling, it was fairly ornate, but it didn't keep her attention, "And there's that strange feeling.. Your companion. It is as if.." The girl paused again, thinking on it once more, "Like.. The Relics Room at the palace.. They are all made of old magic, or sources of old magic.. Members of the royal family can resonate with them.. I get the same feeling from her.. But no resonance.."

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
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Old 10-13-2014, 04:12 PM

At the sudden flex of Numira's hand, Kiernan's eyes widened, startled as his gaze drew quickly to her face to see if she had woken. No sign of consciousness available to him there, he let out a soft sigh and instead settled his eyes upon their hands. Her fingers had move to return the grip, there... His heart leapt at what little a gesture he took for hope. Grinning, his gaze trailed her form again, his other hand yet gently dabbing her forehead with the cool water. She seemed to shift, to stir, but let out a small groan instead of truly waking. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked over her, his own body feeling as if burnt as he worry washed over him.

Was there more he could be doing? Frowning, he reckoned there really wasn't. If she could have been helped with magic, such could have been done by now. However, her body seemed something quite different than his. Quite different than anything he had encountered. How it may react to magic types of healing, he wasn't sure, but if Zed seemed to know how to handle it, he could trust him. At least, that was where he found his faith lying for now. Wringing out the damp cloth, he would replace it moments later, quietly.

A faint blush still claimed Cara's cheeks as she was helped out of her clothing and into the tub, the warm water soothing her sore muscles as she sat down carefully. It was still quite embarrassing, to be this much of a mess in front of Asleen, to even need the assistance in bathing. "I won't." She promised briefly, watching with a wary gaze as her friend went running off. Sighing softly, she began to scrub some of the dirt from her skin, relaxing in the warming water. She sunk into her own thoughts for now, seeking peace in the madness of the day. Something Yu had taught her at one point. Losing herself in her mind was something even she rarely had the patience for, but it was a practice she did attempt when stressed.

When Asleen came back with a dress in hand - a fine one, to boot- Cara grinned up at her half-heartedly. "It would really be a shame to dirty something so nice, are you sure you don't mind lending it to me?" She asked hesitantly, not wishing to be ungrateful for something so generous, but Cara would hardly wear such a thing if they were to fight again. At least, she could hardly wear it with the promise of returning it safely. Her friend's next words thwarted her thoughts quite a bit, however. Sighing softly, Cara tried not to think of the carnage she had had to leave behind. Instead, a bit of determination took her tone. "I know we haven't met in the best of circumstances... but, those giant knights can be fought. We have already taken one down, we can finish the others, too. Trust us. If you could return inland, you needn't ever see them." Cara spoke firmly, though her own doubts did linger in her words. Could they truly take more down? Moreover, would the others be as willing to run to the protection of other villages? Cara already had her answer. Yu had trained her to fight so that she could protect others; this was what she needed to do. If that meant the safety of others, like Asleen, she was especially set on it.

Then, Asleen's words took a surprise turn. Cara's brow furrowed slightly as she looked back at her friend, confusion lingering in her gaze. Why would Numira be giving off a similar feeling to that of something to deeply rooted in ancient magic? Thought twisting her facial features slightly, Cara spoke hesitantly. "It is quite a weird... connection, if that's what it truly is. It's very strange that the same feeling would come from her...." Rubbing her neck, she allowed her thoughts to wonder over it. Perhaps this, too, was something to report to Yu.

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Old 10-14-2014, 03:23 AM

"Nonsense, I have too many clothes, more than I'd need for years to come yet. Some of the noble houses men thing that gifts from their finest tailors will interest me, all it does is overfill my drawers with more nice dresses than what I know what to do with. How do they even know my size..?" The last thought made her pull a face of suspicion, perhaps mild disgust that she was being spied on or something. She glanced at Cara again when her friend urged that she leave soon before she ever saw such things, though the Princess smiled, "I wouldn't foolishly wait around for such things to come after me, I promise. Bracus wouldn't have it, either. He will likely take me home by force if necessary."

With Cara agreeing about the strange feeling she got from Numira, the other girl frowned a little, thinking about it a moment before once more smiling nervously,
"It seems there are many mysteries of late.. I hope this does not cause her trouble.. She seems to have had her fill." Asleen stated softly, taking to cleaning Cara's hair, she rather enjoyed running her fingers through the long strands, though it wasn't pleasant to see the bits of grit and blood. She stood up making her way over to a transfer tank full of fresh, heated water and placed her hands on the bath and tank. It was a basic form of linked magic, where two objects would interact with one another when given the magic cue.

Water poured gently through the air from the tank whilst the dirtier water poured away, being replaced, the dirty water being poured away down a small sink, leaving Cara with a fresh bath,
"Better." She stated with a smile before sitting on the rim of the bath herself whilst smiling at her friend again, "So, Cara. You've got a cute brother, but do you have any other interesting guys in your life?" She grinned, she wanted to at least throw aside the gloomy and strange talk for something more interesting, "Any.. Secret crushes? Hmm?" She added, teasing Cara whilst she mockingly put her hands together by the side of her head like she was daydreaming about something, "Surely one or two of Master Yu's other students are lining up to try their luck with some-one as pretty as you, are any of them cute?"


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