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Old 05-01-2007, 11:44 PM

He listened carefully and responded accordingly as the question about the coat got dropped,

"He was basically naked there so we can assume that was how he entered. And I do think we can identify him that way as well."

After listening up to his final question he looked at him with a real basic smile and pulled up his exaggerated scalpel shaking it a bit,

"I may be a bit old but I think I can handle another human with good taste so unless he has a gun you don't need to worry about me. Mostly why I was heading there alone to begin with. So the easiest response is a kindly little hell yes my friend. Besides people have said I am a walking scare tactic with my tallness and the paper bag."

He said easily allowing the one with higher senses to lead the way with a flourish that only seemed more ridiculous with his lanky limbs.

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 12:02 AM

Pyralis gave a nod to the doctor,
"You have my gratitude," his voice had become the same drone as always and he began walking down a hallway that would soon lead to the only path toward the northern area of the lab (or what was left of it).
"We must hurry. Also, we will have to assume they are heading towards the area where the most living people or specimens are and that he or she must still be heading away from the northern area and is still indoors. This is the only route I know of that he or she will be able to take while heading away from the northern area that has not collapsed. If we are lucky, we should encounter them soon." He did not look behind him to see if Faust was following, instead his eyes were directed forward and taking in the entire path. Another drop of blood began to form at his nostril.
"Also if I am injured I want you to run and gather as many officers as possible in a limited amount of time or try to evacuate the building as much as you possibly can. Please prepare yourself and consider that you may be shot. I will protect you from any stab wounds."

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Old 05-02-2007, 12:17 AM

He was ducking a bit lower now not wanting to hesitate cause he hit his head on the ceiling or doorway. His time for talking was just about over. He entered that strange surgeons feeling that kept him serious and exact as he surveyed ahead and at Pyr for any possibility of flaw or mishap that may occur. His mind was just about empty before he heard that last statement and nodded his head gently pulling his bag on tighter while attempting to continue surveying ahead. He readied his scalpel and a few sedatives for battle and one more syringe for Pyr.

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 12:23 AM

{{ooc: now..we wait XD...does anyone know when laveris shall be back? <3. this is so exciting }}

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Old 05-02-2007, 12:28 AM

((ooc: absolutely no idea but damn anticipation is always a killer for me))

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 12:32 AM

{{ooc: dito >_>; }}

L L A M A N O ! S E
Old Time-y Roleplayer
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Old 05-02-2007, 06:02 AM


And explosion echoed through Kit's ears, and she leaped up from her sleeping position and screamed; a loud, piercing sound. A strange man was running around and opening cages, mumbling to the contents of the metal boxes and scurrying off to the next cell and freeing its respective experiment and so on. The fox-child hid herself in the back of her cage, staring out at the man with fearful eyes and staying right where she was as he kept moving past.

Why... why would she want to leave this place? She knew nothing else. Sure, it hurt to be here sometimes, but... that was normal, right? Tugging her blanket over her head, Kit hid herself and shivered, whimpering quietly to herself. That noise was scary, that strange man was scary, some of the other experiments were scary...

She wanted someone that she knew!

she wailed, and tears streamed out of her eyes at a rapid pace, dripping downward. She reached out with her elongated fingers and tugged the blanket away from her face-- it was getting uncomfortably warm and stale-feeling in there-- and she tilted her head back to cry more effectively, her mouth open so wide that her slightly large canine teeth showed. As she balled, she wanted desperately for someone familiar to her, someone who was nice. Her pure white hair, that had been so smooth and soft minutes before was static-y and a total mess from the blanket, her ears were flattened against her head in fear, and her tails flailed around frantically. Her arms and legs were pulled up against her chest, and her fingers and toes were clenched tightly in her terror.

Laveris is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 10:02 AM

More than the bomb, the sound of a wailing, child's screaming shook Remy, and he stopped what he was doing so rapidly that he dropped the card he was holding and watched it slide across the floor. His curse was drowned by the wail and so he strode over to the cage in question, half frustrated and half astonished, which was occupied by a young feral girl.

"Don't you want to leave this place? This prison?" he demanded. "My friends are waiting - they will be your friends too - you'll be able to play in the sun."


The bomb had haulted all other activity inside the Lab, everywhere Laveris looked there where scientists running, either to safety or to secure the subjects, but in every instance all was chaos. For a sensible, calm face and some progressive direction Laveris would have set off a whole fleet of bombs herself.

She, however, could see no other option but to join in the chaos and sprinted down the corridor. She wasn't sure exactly where she was going. Anywhere, perhaps to find someone to help, perhaps to find someone to tell her what was happening.

She stopped abruptly.

"Doctor Faust?" she said. Not always someone that she considered a vision of serenity, here he seemed to be entirly filled with a purpose.

"What's going on, do you know?" she asked. "I heard an explosion..." She paused for a moment to regain herself. "I mean, what do you want us to do to secure this threat?"

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Old 05-02-2007, 05:54 PM

He stopped for a moment as Lav approached him and rushed Pyr on with his fingers,

"I'll catch up so don't slow down."

He listened looking as always nervously off until she finished,

"Okay first of all come with me I am falling a bit more behind then I could hope."

He then anchored her along with him as he strode his long legs down the hallways still keeping his eyes determined as he stared out the bag hole.

"There is an intruder on the loose in the Lab. He/she has killed a scientist, Bob if you know him, penetrated the interior, planted and detonated a bomb, and we assume it is opening cages for the experiments to escape. I am unsure if it has associates around the lab or even within. But I would like to destroy the source to stop the whole."

The scalpel was twisting in his hands a bit nervously as he continued his walk hoping at most for nothing to happen he couldn't expect. Him and a crowd never really worked well. Even the chaos of his own lab-mates annoyed him to no end as they bumped and rushed about mindlessly. Attempting to do good but more likely just making more bad.

"If I can suggest anything to all employees right now is that they need to calm down. As long as this chaos ensues we are only helping the radical get away. We figure it is wearing Bob's lab coat so if I can't get a shot of his name tag I will have trouble identifying unless I catch it in the act. So if you have any power of will I beg you, calm these bastards down. If you cannot at least try to gather some officers or battle-made experiments to help us comb the lab. Till then I must be ado."

He finished with a short flourish but no real smile beyond it as would be his norm but more of the automation of the action, and quickly rushed off to catch up with Pyr.

Laveris is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 06:32 PM

Laveris nodded.

"Yes, yes, I understand," she said perposfully. She pulled herself up to her full height of 5'2 and breathed in deeply. "I understand the trouble this could cause. I will relay the message to everyone and try to keep the subects in their cages." She considered his request about the battle-ready subjects, but junior scientists did not have access to those areas of the Lab. But if she could find someone who did, well, that would help out at least a little. She ran in the direction of the lead scientist's offices, thankfully well away from the north end, in the hope of finding something, but every time she passed a scientist she stopped them, heading Doctor Faust's words. If she could help stop this chaos...she may also find the intruder wearing Bob's coat.

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 09:03 PM

Pyralis quickly gazed behind him as he heard the echo of Faust's footsteps once more. The rushing figures around him made his mind a little disoriented as he tried to read all the name tags at once. None of them were the name he was searching for. He suddenly stopped and gazed around quickly,
"She's crying..." he muttered, "Kit is crying." She sounded panicked rather than injured, and as he thought, it was not far from the rubble that was probably the northern area of the lab. Pyralis swiftly turned toward Faust,
"Where is the experiment Kit's cage?" the teen sounded alarmed. She must have seen the intruder, and that intruder was obviously capable of harm. He would never forgive himself if she was hurt or killed, along with any of the other experiments. He noticed Laveris stepping away into the crowd of lab coats. In his view, she seemed to be the only one that was calm. He forced his eyes back to Doctor Faust.
"Do you have any idea of what room she is located in?"

Laveris is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 09:13 PM

Though she searched, Laveris found no one who could help. Where were the top scientists? Where they hiding in their offices, afraid of the dangers? She couldn't blame them - they must have suffered like this ever since the Lab was discovered by outsidered. But that was the trouble here, now, wasn't it? Outsiders that didn't understand.

As she paced the corridors went quiet. It was eerie and she slowed her pace, confused as she heard a deathly wail, loud and piercing through the silence. She resisted the temptation to cover her ears to the sound as she began to realise that she had heard it before.

"Kat?" she whispered to herself. "No...Kit." She turned to the left. There was a door just a few feet ahead and that was the room where Kit was kept. She contemplated uncertainly; it may be nothing, it may just be the explosion that had worried the poor girl and if so she would be caught up for a long time trying to calm her. But if it was not...if that's where Doctor Bob's killer was...she could cut him off there and then, and stop his escape and that of dozens of the subjects...

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Old 05-02-2007, 09:59 PM

He thought for a moments and then turned around and began to run to Kit's group of holding cells picking up Pyr without much of a second thought of what he may think of such a situation,

"Don't worry I know."

The little fox girl. An innocent on so many levels. He could not let anything happen to her...he remembered that first girl he lost...he shook his head violently and got back in focus. The itch led him with an unstoppable intensity as he now avoided just about everything and would crush any doctor in his way, and most doctors seeing him running with that one hole glowing so well got out of the way quickly. He slowed down as he saw the corridor and Lav once more in his path and put Pyr down giving him a short shush as he approached her. She looked very much like she was planning to intrude so he whispered gently,

"You imbecile. Why did you not try to find us? You know the one in there killed Bob don't you think it wouldn't hesitate to kill you too?"

He steadied his anger a bit and whispered to Pyr oddly,

"I don't want a big confrontation so should we go in and attempt to quell it(or kill it trying) or do we call him out and capture it(or once more kill it trying)?"

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 10:51 PM

Pyralis seemed a little shaken from the sudden ride but he straightened himself and his countenance became a bleached mask.
"We do not want the intruder to know we're here. The best way to subdue the intruder would to be to take him or her by surprise. That way there is a less likely chance that they will be able to harm us or commit suicide. If killing the intruder is the only way to ensure the safety of the experiments and doctors than the intruder will be killed. If he or she has already set up a bomb I will try to kill the intruder and then as quickly as possible remove the bomb from the facility. However, if that is the situation it will all be based on the time limit of the bomb." He began to stride silently further into the room. The muscles in his arms and back rippled once more and claws were pushed outward from the tips of his fingers. A drop of blood dripped from his nose as he grimaced from the strained effort.
"I will try to locate and subdue the intruder now. I trust you in the choices that you will make from here on."

Laveris is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 11:18 PM

Laveris felt Doctor Faust's presence behind her just before he spoke. She gasped in some surprise but regained herself quickly.

"I was not sure what was going on," she attempted to justify her actions. "If it was the intruder...I thought I could delay him at the very least." She knew it was pointless though, and Faust was correct.

Then she looked wide-eyed at Pyralis. She had never seen one like him before.

"Allow me to assist?" she asked. "I have a duty to the subjects and to the security of this place just as you do."

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 11:43 PM

Pyralis stood still and looked toward the doctor.
"It is also my duty to keep everyone safe at all costs and protect them to the best of my ability. I still am even unsure that Doctor Faust should accompany me. If I am engaged in a fight it will be difficult to protect both of you. Personally, I would be assured that a doctor would check on any of the experiments in the northern area (if there are any) and to make sure they are unharmed. Also, I would not like to put you in harms way Doctor Laveris. Unless you are positive in your ability to protect yourself." His voice was unwavering and unnerving. It sounded strangely robotic as he stated the facts.
"I need you to make a decision quickly. I need to apprehend the intruder as quickly as possible."

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Old 05-03-2007, 04:29 AM

He turned to Lav carefully and looked deep in her eyes his dark bag hole glowing gently and darkly as he asked his very serious question,

"Have you ever killed someone? If not we cannot afford for you to try to protect yourself against whatever monster inhabits this room. This person shall not hesitate and will not care for you at all. Bob is a prime example and its first bomb."

He then decided on his legs bent and spun towards the wall his scalpel pointed over his shoulder and run between his fingers,

"I do believe I can protect myself quite easily. I can kill someone with no issue as long as I see them as a virus to my medical cause. And this thing is a virus to be removed or exterminated. I do not hesitate. I am Faust."

He realized just how that sounded for a moment and exited his stance and stared towards the door,

"But I think you should go in there alone Pyr. If you can scare him out here I am quite sure I can incapacitate him even if he has a gun. A quick slice of his lower spine or a syringe to the neck and he will fall before he becomes a threat to anyone else. Plus I doubt he could challenge me in these closed quarters and survive. In there though things are a bit wide and I would have trouble parrying and dodging."

A deep smile was scaled behind his bag. That odd love for pain he should have lost long ago was ticking now. This was no longer the itch. It was that old urge. He was still a healer, but he still felt the urge. But he gripped his scalpel and let the urge quell until it would be needed.

Laveris is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 09:36 AM

Laveris hesitated.

"No, Doctor," she said truthfully. "I have never killed. I see your point." She looked at Pyralis. "However I am confident that I could provide back up. There against one is a significant advantage to us. He is a threat to the subjects and in that light...I would have no qualms about his death."

She was not convinved that her words where truthful, even to herself, but she knew her sense of self-preservation was strong - if he came to kill her, or any of the subjects, she knew she could kill him without a worry.

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 12:19 PM

Pyralis looked between the two and simply nodded.
"Very well," He began towards the door that would lead to the intruder and gripped the handle, "If I am able to subdue without killing him I would like doctor Faust to sedate him immediately. If he leaves the room before myself then do whatever it takes to protect yourselves and the experiments," The muscles in his thin arms twitched as he turned the handle and stepped inside. The outcome of the situation would be decided now.

Laveris is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 02:16 PM

Laveris nodded nervously and waited for the outcome.


Inside the Lab room, Remy despaired at the immobility of some of the subjects. It appeared that he had picked the wrong room for his cause - most of these where docile to say the least, nervous and timid. His heart was furious as what had been done to them to make them this way for he had not assumed enough - not imagined that their souls had been broken in this way.

He had to give up on Kit. He could only take, for now, those who would follow him freely and determindly. The others, he feared, would have to remain behind. A larger mission would have to be mounted at a later date to free those who could not free themselves from the cage inside their own minds.

He was about to turn towards the exit when he heard the noise of its opening, to which his ears pricked up and his hand reached slowly inside his stolen labcoat, to the weapon he had consealed within.

"Who is there?" he said. The best thing, until he had discovered the intentions of those outside the door, was to make pretense at being one of these wretched scientists.

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Old 05-03-2007, 06:08 PM

He was odd then as he dropped down to the floor lying with his scalpel blade and a syringe full of tranquilizer pointed up to anyone would would try to exit the doorway. He waited for anything. First the injection then the blade. The blade only if it failed. He ran through his knowledge of anatomy quickly realizing the best arteries in the leg to inject and the tendons in the leg and back to cut that would give him the greatest repairable disability. Then his last resort appeared, arteries that were the most important to the heart. The easiest access he had to the heart. The prime weak points of the spinal cord's coordination links to the rest of the body. The brain stem. It was running quick so that he knew exactly what to do when or if the intruder came out. He felt no doctor's mercy, just an itch in his mind.

From the ground he skid a tranquilizer gun to Lav,

"I don't like to rely on this thing as I can't assure vital targets with it. I was given it mostly if I have to face off with a rouge experiment on the run. If I cannot subdue him withing 30 seconds shoot randomly at us both. I don't care if you hit me at all but just make sure to hit him. It only has six shots. Think of it like a pistol."

Laveris is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 06:59 PM

Laveris bent down and, ensuring her movements quiet as possible, lifted the gun from the floor. She studied it for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Yes," she whispered her reply. She considered, for a moment, a new found respect for Doctor Faust. Clearly, he was not quite an unhinged as people said he was.

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Korrye is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 08:25 PM

Wes looked back over at the experiment that had spoken to him but in moments he had disappeared. He sighed heavily, leaned over, and grabbed the amount of clothing that he had stripped off from its place on the floor. He slipped the t-shirt elegantly over his head and arms in a quick motion. He was just pulling it over his chest when he felt the explosion. The walls rattled and the ground shook, he braced himself up against a wall for support. As soon as it had come it ended. Wes looked over at Deryk, the scientist rising from his seat to a stand. Neither of them spoke as they knew from guttural instinct what was occurring. Some one had found out about the lab, some one was trying to get everyone out. The good thing for Deryk was that his only experiment was standing 10 metres in front of him.

"Stay here." He shouted before leaving his paperwork on the table. Wes could see it from where he stood. They were all forms to be submitted after making bulk orders. He had seen them before somewhere. But it didn't matter. The man had told him to stay put and that was not something that he was going to do.
"Deryk, I'm trained for this! Why the hell are you going to condemn me in a room with a fish tank?"

"Because you're valuable." he responded and before Wes could respond further the man disappeared through the door and into the hallway. What Deryk had said stuck to Wes' state of mind. He was valuable? Because they had put so much money into his experiment or that he was a success? It didn't matter. What he needed to do was get out of the room. He thought as he worked. Wes carried himself over to the door and punched in a code. Then it denied it and he bit his tongue. Deryk had been smart; he'd locked it with another code. It made him upset, to the very least and so he paced in a circle. The other, the mermaid, they would never transfer her through the halls. That meant there had to be an adjoining gate or doorway in the tank. Wes rushed over to the tank steps and dove inside leaving behind his shoes. The water consumed him in one large gulp.

He swam with his eyes open, the chemical agents burning but he didn't care. He swam hard deep into the tank feeling the pressure of the water on his body. And then he saw it, a circular tube was open. In a sense, a hidden passageway. He made his way into it not exactly sure if he was dooming himself to drown or not. Luckily it took him only a few seconds to get through. After a minute and a half he surfaced in another room.

He gasped for air his lungs burning do to lack of. He kicked his legs hard before looking up. Overtop of the large tank was hot wire. Fuck.
He bit on his lower lip again in frustration before his mind came through with quick wit. He dug into the pocket of his pants and found the empty epi. He started to fiddle with it in the water, having memorized how Deryk or Shane refilled the precious shot. As it opened he caused for it to suck up a portion of water from the tank. Then, he closed it, before manipulating the springs that allowed for the dosage to shoot out. He floated on his back evenly and held the epi with both of his hands. Wes was focused on one task, getting out. So flipped back up and held his head above the water. He laced the water filled epi-pen into the mesh feeling the short sharp electric bolts surging through his arms in the process. At the end he jabbed the epi into one of the hot wire strands. The water injected like a poison and a fire of hissing commenced. He dove under the water and watched as the hot wire began to short circuit, the water killing it from the inside. The entire process took him about ten minutes. When he emerged he swam over to a side of the tank before pushing himself off of the glass. He pushed his arms into the mess and pulled at it. After two other tries he finally broke through.

Wes climbed from the tank and gasped for a decent breath of air. Then he proceeded to the doorway and exited into the hall. A bloody mess was what he was greeted with.

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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 05-03-2007, 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by Laveris

Inside the Lab room, Remy despaired at the immobility of some of the subjects. It appeared that he had picked the wrong room for his cause - most of these where docile to say the least, nervous and timid. His heart was furious as what had been done to them to make them this way for he had not assumed enough - not imagined that their souls had been broken in this way.

He had to give up on Kit. He could only take, for now, those who would follow him freely and determindly. The others, he feared, would have to remain behind. A larger mission would have to be mounted at a later date to free those who could not free themselves from the cage inside their own minds.

He was about to turn towards the exit when he heard the noise of its opening, to which his ears pricked up and his hand reached slowly inside his stolen labcoat, to the weapon he had consealed within.

"Who is there?" he said. The best thing, until he had discovered the intentions of those outside the door, was to make pretense at being one of these wretched scientists.
He was forced to listen as the door was closed. If he had not been alert, it was likely that he wouldn't have heard it. Remy earned no response to his question and the room became eerily silent.

Pyralis crouched behind the cages and boxes in wait. Judging by the name of the tag, this was indeed the intruder. His eyes focused on Remy's hand that was concealed under the fabric of the coat. If the intruder had a gun, that meant that he could shoot the experiment or anyone else if he was rushed. Pyralis needed to know what the weapon was.
'He'll need to be provoked,' the teen thought. He gingerly raised his hand and placed it against a can of food that sat upon the top of the cage. He drew a breath before pushing it. The can hit the floor with an alarming thud. It echoed shortly in the small room. Pyralis waited intently behind the boxes and cages. His muscles tense as he waited for Remy's response.

L L A M A N O ! S E
Old Time-y Roleplayer
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Old 05-04-2007, 02:24 AM

Kit ceased her wailing as the stranger talked to her, but she pushed herself against the metal wall of her cage and just stared at him in silence, wishing to just blend into the shiny metal; to just disappear. As he turned away, she let out a low whimper and crawled forward a little. Then, through the doorway, she saw a familiar face. It was Pyralis, one of the experiments that she had seen around. He was a fighting specimen, much unlike herself, and he didn't talk much, so she didn't know if he was nice or not. But he had never been mean to her, and she recognized him, as well as a glimpse of the strange man with the brown square face in the hallway: the tall man, Dr. Faust.

Her sensitive ears also twitched and picked up on a low voice she was the most relieved to hear. Without thinking once about the consequences, Kit leaned far out of the cage and called out,
"Miss Laveris!!" Her voice showed the fear she felt, and she was very tempted to jump out of the cell and sprint into the woman's arms. But she knew, that was against the rules. Very, very against the rules. And she didn't want to be punished-- Oooh, no. That was for sure.


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