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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 05:04 AM

As Ryek yanked Gemma to her feet she frowned, but it quickly faded. She was stubborn and hard headed, but she knew when she'd met her match and she truly was at Ryek's mercy. She bit her tongue and nodded at his words. Stupid compass, she thought as he picked the thing up. Stupid map! she added in her own head.

When she was yanked forward again, it didn't take long before she realized they were headed to the main deck. Was he really sticking by his word now, too? Was he throwing her to his crew? Her heart raced in a fury of fear and anger and she tried to pull away from Ryek's grasp, but it was useless. In moments they were at the top of the stairs and she almost immediately felt the lustful stares from the crew members. She swore she could hear them licking their chops. She felt so dirty and all she wanted to do was disappear. A simple poof would have done just fine.

With her free hand she tried her best to cover herself, but she needed a lot more hand for that and found herself trying to tug her wrist away from Ryek once again to no avail. She was frowning again as they stopped at the door. How dare he do this to her! She jerked her wrist free just as he shoved her into the kitchen where the elf stood and she blushed deeply, still frowning as she averted her eyes to the floor.

Gemma felt Ryek's fingers on her skin and it caused her all too familiar goosebumps. In the next moment, he was gone and she was left standing there in the kitchen with Belle. When the woman spoke, Gemma nodded and took the apron, wrapping it around herself, thankful that it was big enough to cover everything it needed too. Not that it really mattered now. Everyone on this damned ship had seen her completely naked now. She sighed, partly in defeat, partly in disgust. She took Belle's hand grateful to be taken care of now by another woman as she cursed her father for abandoning her and cursed that stupid map that had gotten her into this mess.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 06:14 AM

Her arm went around Gemma as she lead the woman from the kitchen down the hall to her room. "Just wait here and we'll get you cleaned up." Belle said softly as she cleared her hope chest to get out a dress for Gemma. She passed a green gown with off-the-shoulder sleeves and a white corset to Gemma. "Here. The bust maybe a bit tight. I'm not as developed as you." The young woman went to her basin to wet a washcloth to Gemma. "I have to go check on dinner. But just yell if you need me." Belle locked her belongings in the hope chest because she didn't want her items stolen. Her blue eyes went to the woman and left the room before closing the door.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 07:08 AM

When Belle turned around to dig in her chest, Gemma tugged at the strings to the apron and it fell to the floor. She certainly wasn't modest, but really she didn't mind being nude in front of another female. In fact, she wouldn't really have minded being nude in front of Ryek, had the circumstances been different. It was the crew she really wanted to avoid. She took the dress and corset and waited for Belle to return to take the cloth.

Gemma waited a moment as Belle locked her things away. She probably wouldn't have stolen anything from her, but then again, she would never make that promise either. As Belle moved to leave the room, Gemma mumbled a thank you. She moved to stand in front of a mirror and for the first time as she stared at her reflection she felt small, and weak. Emerald eyes peered into her own and her cheeks turned a rosy hue and she frowned. She felt so used, but the part that really bugged her was how helpless this entire ordeal made her feel.

She was no weak woman, and now she'd been made to feel like some expendable toy. She shook her head and put on her big girl face, hiding her feelings to the best she knew how, and cleaned herself up. She got dressed and stood in front of the mirror once more with a sigh. This outfit would certainly prove tough to fight in, or escape in, especially since the corset was in fact very tight, but she was just glad to be covered now.

She tugged at the wavy brown locks that fell around her face and found something on the dresser to pull part of her hair back with. When she was satisfied with herself, she exited the room into the kitchen to find Belle. She really wanted to find Ryek and ask to at least see the map, but at that very moment, Ryek wasn't someone she wanted to see at all. Nor did she want to find herself near any of the crew members after Ryek's forced peep show.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 08:14 AM

She stood in front of her bedroom door until she felt that Gemma was dressed. A few men seemed to be searching for Gemma but when Belle glared at them and shared a warning with them in French. Her eyes reflected a death glare and the men knew better than to try things with Belle since messing with her tempted the captain's hand. Belle waited for them to scurry away before returning to the kitchen to finish her soup. After adding the cured pork and cheese, more was cut to put on the side for people to add.

Her eyes went to Gemma as she entered the kitchen before a gentle smile filled her face. "That looks good on you. I can alter that for you later so it fits better if you want. " Belle handed her an apple and some fresh water. She offered the stool to Gemma as she stirred the soup. "Dinner will be ready soon."

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 11:11 AM

Mindy's nap was not the restful time passer she had hoped for. She rarely let herself have much energy by bedtime. Deep sleep without dreams was her preference. This was not one of those times. She slept fitfully as a nightmare all to familiar to her harassed her. It was one that had plagued her when she was younger on board a ship. It had continued to follower her night after night when she first came to this island. Now it had its painful claws once more on her mind as she was forced to remember. Remember and regret.

She was sleeping in her bedroom. It was an elegant bedroom designed as only the French crafted their aristocratic homes. A soft noise had brought her out of slumber. She remembered thinking that it must be almost morning. She didn't want to get up. Her French tutors were strict on making her learn the manners, poetry, and other skills her station in life called for. A gentle hand shook her the rest of the way awake. Blinking in surprise, she saw out the window that it was definitely still night. Her mother bent over her in apparent urgency.

They fled that night. She allowed to take only what she could get dressed in and carry in a small bag. Her mother dressed in traveling clothes had dragged two chests outside to the curb. When Mindy was up and ready, her mother rushed her out the servants door to the curb where she got the nightwatchman to fetch a cab. The cab was drawn by two shaggy horses, the like Mindy was not used to being near. That was the beginning of a commoners life for her.

They had boarded a ship at the harbor, sailing with the tide by dawn. From then on they traveled. Always abroad English vessels. She had had to learn a new language. There was no way to learn to read and write it, but at least she could speak with these strange people and better learn their ways. They were the ones who insisted a woman at sea was bad luck. That nothing but trouble would come. Trouble could be fought. She was bitter at their lot in life, but forced herself to learn to use a sword. A good move considering her fate.

Fate to live on near rotten rations, work that was tough for a youngster, and fear of whatever was chasing them. She hoped it was her father and that he would talk her mother out of this misery. Yet he never came and she continued that life until the fateful night. The night that her nightmares always ended in. Raging seas tossing the ship with fury that was not meant to be lived through. The splintering of wood and tearing of sails. The struggle to not drown.

She awoke with a start. A dream. The same dream. A dream only her memories could bring back. With anger fueled by her shaking body she screamed. Screaming again she unfurled her temper at the silent temple walls. "Leave me alone!" Alone like the other survivors who eventually died here. Alone as this temple was. With sobs, she slowly stood and dragged herself outside. Best go on patrol again. Now point in staying here for the afternoon. Maybe she would swing by the cave where she had stored everything. A treasure cave filled with wonders besides her own family's possessions.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 01:48 PM

"Huh?" Gemma looked down at herself. The dress looked good on her? She never wore things like this, ever. She was a treasure hunter, and a thief. She was often in fights and running/maneuvering in ways that might be a lot harder to do in an outfit like this. "Thanks," she said in response to her comment, her offering, and the information that dinner would be ready soon.

She took the apple and the water and sat down on the stool, resting her elbows on the wooden bar top as she watched Belle cook. That too was something she'd never done more than a handful of times, and she certainly was awful at it. You could give her a bonfire and a string of fish and she knew what to do, but put her in a kitchen and she might as well be blindfolded with her hands tied behind her back. At least everyone would be better off with those odds anyway.

Gemma zoned out as she took a bite of the apple. She wondered where the ship was headed. Had Ryek already opened the map and headed towards their first destination? Surly he had. What was their first destination? How many destinations were there? Where were they? What lay ahead? Gemma couldn't take the nagging questions anymore. They were eating at her and making her crazy. Plus, she felt she deserved at least a peak by now.

She stood and looked to Belle for a moment wondering if the woman needed any help. Probably not. She'd apparently been doing this for years. Plus, she recalled that there was another elf on board that probably did all the helping. She left the apple on the counter with intentions to return and made her way onto the deck, avoiding the crew members the best she could, shooting them her own glares as she passed.

When she located Ryek she moved to stand near him and cleared her throat softly to make her presence known. "Captain," she said, sounding like she was addressing him when in fact she was more questioning him and his actions. "Have you set sail towards the first destination on the map?" She refrained from calling it her map, although it was her map. She wanted to get a peek of that map so bad she couldn't stand it.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 02:12 PM

Running. Running hard. She pushed herself to go faster and faster still. This was no paced patrol or simple sprint. This was a grueling challenge to wear herself out. She absolutely refused to dream the next time she laid her head down. She would wear herself out so that she would drop into oblivion itself. Skirting around the banks of a waterfall pool, she kept going. Reaching yet another waterfall, she slowed to a jog. Then stopped. Heart pounding and blood rushing through her head, she forced herself to neither start running again nor to drop as she was to the ground. This waterfall... there were so many but she knew this one... was where she had dragged every reminder of her past life. Even the things that the other survivors had brought to shore and what wreckage had floated to the beach had been collected and brought here. Nothing was left around the island. Not even where she lived in the ancient temple. Her living quarters were composed of natural native things.

Walking towards the rocky cliffs, she walked along the base up to and behind the pounding waterfall. There was nothing spectacular about this waterfall. It wasn't large or impressive as some of the others were. It was dainty and small as most were. The caves behind it were neither more extensive nor shallower. Yet this was the one she had chosen. Precisely because it was not unique. She wasn't the only one to think along those lines. The proof lay before her. Walking carefully on the slick rock path, she entered the chamber behind the waterfall. Stacked neatly was drift wood and other such debri from the ship she had been on last. On the opposite wall was her mother's, as well as her own, things. Particularly the two chests. They had been salvaged from the wreck when her mother convinced the survivors that they would have to pay for passage off the island when a ship found them.

Kneeling in the dirt, she placed a hand on one of the chests. She knew what was inside. Jewelry her family had collected over the years. Why have pretty things if it couldn't be used. The other chest was papers, documents, paper money, and most importantly her mother's diary. Unfortunately, her mother had written it in English instead of the French she had been raised and educated in. So she couldn't read one word. There was no way to tell if the diary held the secret to their midnight escape. If escape was the right word. More like ruination. Sighing, she stood and walked further back into the cavern. Picking up a torch she left for this very purpose, she struck a match and let it flare up. Walking confidently down a tunnel, she gave a wry expression at some of the traps she had disabled. She had disabled them all. And yes, she had found them all. Nothing was left to hurt anyone, except perhaps her. Reaching the treasure chamber, she let the light flicker on the piles of coins and random gems. Why have all this and not use it? Some people just didn't know how to use their resources.

Mindy had had a lot of time on the island. She had explored quite a bit and done everything there really was to do. No one to talk to and nothing to learn had left her to create her own amusements. Hunting was not one she enjoyed so it was quickly abandoned. However creating fun monuments with these glittering treasures was a fun past time. Right now the coins and gems were stacked to resemble the royal castle of the monarch back in France. There were a few swords, daggers, and artifacts of the ceremonial kind. Little use beyond decoration. She had used those to make bridges and such throughout her small town. It was amazing how so much coinage could be used to create such a mini city. She didn't feel up to destroying her artwork to start something new, so left it as it was.

However, she should keep in shape. Perhaps getting her sword from the entrance and training against a tree or some monkeys would be the thing to do. The monkeys were fun critters that threw fruit at her. She found she could with practice slice the fruit in half before it reached her. The monkeys had become her unofficial trainers in that respect. Her only trainers since she couldn't have proper ones. No thanks to her mother of course. Turning swiftly and suddenly, she angrily headed back down the way she had come.


On another island further away.... Edward slowly walked out in front of his congregation. Not many were gathered there. It was a small village that lived on this island. Holding mass, he prayed for each of the souls under his care. As he finished, he was met with well-wishers and those with petitions. Answering the calls of "Father," he proceeded to tend his flock.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 04-13-2012 at 03:13 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 04:43 PM

Before Talon could respond there was a low rumble that seemed to originate in the ocean. It vibrated through the ship and immediately Azaela knew what was happening. Her father certainly hadn't given anyone a chance to think things through, which was understandable on his part. He wasn't one to strike deals with humans or show them any mercy.

The whirlpool began again, but this time it was directly under Talon's ship. It began to spin slowly at first and then faster and faster as the ship disappeared from view into the center of the pool. With any luck, the ship would be spit back out mostly unharmed, but those chances were slim. Azaela looked with worried eyes from Talon to Verity in the moment just before a massive wave crashed over the ship, sweeping her overboard.

As she floated in the water, she kicked and flailed and panicked for a moment before she reached up and wrapped her fingers around the shell pendant, using the magic inside to transform her back to her mermaid appearance. Her sapphire eyes searched the waters frantically for her friends, fearing the worst.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 04-13-2012 at 08:02 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 05:10 PM

Ryek stood with one hand on the wheel and the compass resting in on the palm of his other. He glanced at it occasionally, and once or twice slightly adjusted the direction of his ship. She glided through the water easily. All the sails were raised and the wind seemed to be with them for now. Ryek was glad for that, he loved a healthy wind in his sails. To glide like this was true freedom. A truer freedom than most would ever know. His first mate stood next to him, but when Ryek saw Gemma approach he sent the man away with a single word.

Those eyes roamed over Gemma and the clothes she wore. That was better. A woman should always dress properly. "You look more a lass than a wench now." It was probably the closest thing to a compliment she would get from him. He seemed a bit indifferent towards her. "We sail for an island, perhaps it's on the map and perhaps it isn't." He looked from her, to his working crew, some of which had paused to watch them. The implications of that glance was there, if she tried his patience one more time he would hand her over to his crew.

His gaze fell back to her, lingering on her bust for a moment then moving up to her face. Ryek licked his lips. "Mayhaps I think to maroon you on the island? Pirates do that sort of thing, abandon people on uninhabited islands." He watched her carefully for a reaction. Ryek had to admit, this was such a fun game, she was fun to play with, in more ways than one.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 08:47 PM

Emerald eyes followed the first mate for a moment before returning to Ryek at his words. Gemma blinked owlishly at the Captain. He hadn't called her a wench and ordered her off his deck? Was he feeling bad for the way he'd treated her perhaps, and growing kinder now? When he spoke again her eyebrow twitched. No, that would be giving the pirate too much credit it seemed.

She'd never been so twitchy before in her life until she'd met Ryek and now she reached up to steady her brow once again as he stared at her breasts in the corset that was easily two sizes too small in the bust. Her mouth dropped open when he spoke of marooning her on the island. Was he serious!? She seemed to growl and despite trying to bite her tongue, she couldn't contain herself. "Ryek you're so infuriating!" she shouted before turning her back on him to try and compose herself. The last thing she wanted to do was really push him to leave her on a deserted island.

Her eyes and fists were clenched tightly shut for what seemed to her to be at least a day as she talked herself out of punching Ryek. When she opened her eyes again she was looking out over the water and it seemed to calm her almost immediately. The ocean was her true home. There was no place she'd rather be than looking out over ocean waves as a cool breeze blew salty ocean air over her face and through her long hair. She forgot all about Ryek and the others in that moment and wondered where her father was, if he was even still alive.

Would the map lead her to her father, or at least to answers? She recalled Ryek now. Not if she ended up marooned! She addressed him once again, not used to asking nicely for things as she forced herself to be calm. "Please Captain, allow me to travel aboard the Devil's Dream as you collect the treasures of Blackbeard." Her eyes looked out over the water again. "I'm looking for, something, important to me," she added quietly, seeming in deep thought and almost like a different person. The truth was she'd do nearly anything to keep Ryek from deserting her or killing her, but she hoped she wouldn't have to admit to that to keep him from doing either of those things.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 04-13-2012 at 11:17 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 11:16 PM

Mindy twirled around and swung her sword up to block another fruit that had been thrown at her from behind. It was cut cleanly in half, both piece falling to the ground. Pausing, she waited. The little monsters couldn't possibly have run out of food so soon. Sure enough, the monkeys sent more fruit sailing through the air. Pivoting and quickly blocking, she met each onslaught with practiced ease that only daily training such as this could bring. Not wishing to have all the fruit go to waste, she carefully timed the amount of time she spent in this grove by watching the shadows lengthen. Deeming it long enough, and having her temper cooled, she executed an armed retreat and was pleased with herself for not getting on of the fruit juices on her clothes. That was a rare thing indeed.

Finding a spring, she cleaned her sword and set it down carefully. Then she stripped and jumped in herself. Getting rid of tall the dirt and grime from her recent activities was a chore. Once every inch of her was clean, she rose and dressed. Picking up her sword, she strapped it to her side and began walking out. There wasn't much to do, once again. She had been on more patrols today than normal and didn't have the heart to go on yet another. The sprints were good, but took energy. Of course that had been her goal. Yet she wasn't that tired and still had a lot of time left to the day. Just her luck. Heading out to the beach, she strolled along the warm sand. Perhaps she could swim out of the reef and go pearl hunting? It was always a possibility. An activity. Nothing more since pearls on a deserted island were useless and she had plenty already. She kept them in the ancient temple lining the ledge in the small room that was probably used for worship.

Edward felt peace about his day. It had been a good mass and those he had talked with afterwards had left with smiles on their faces. Smiles he hoped would be there for a long time. Walking through the village, he greeted those he met. His goal was a small hut just outside the village wall. A widow lived there, determined to hate life for her husband's disappearance. His prayer was that he could return her to the world of the sane. Especially since he knew that saving others' souls was most likely the only way to even come close to redemption of his own. Guilt still plagued him after all this time.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 12:17 AM

Watching the strange girl with the sword from one of the trees, Lucy pursed her lip in thought. She certainly was good with that sword. Would she run a small girl through before she realized what she was doing? It certainly wasn't a thought that promoted the notion of going down and actually introducing herself. The monkeys were, of course, having a great time trying to hit the girl with their fruit, though why was a mystery to Lucy. Now that she knew how to hunt, clean, and cook animals, she didn't rely on fruit any longer, though she wouldn't pass them up either.

As the lady began walking away, Lucy dropped down from the tree, wrapping her legs in light to cushion the blow. Really, being able to manipulate the light that she produced through bioluminescence was a handy ability. It was how she hunted after all. Lucy decreased the light she put off as she followed the girl though, figuring it best not to get caught. So far, she hadn't, though a single moment of carelessness could ruin that. While the girl bathed, Lucy looked away and hummed a little song, the sound of her voice, while inaudible to humans from her distance, attracted various songbirds and parrots that wished to imitate the sound. She barely managed to avoid giggling as the lady made her way out of the pool and to the beach.

Of course, Lucy followed, though she stopped at the edge of the forest. Really, the reason she tailed the lady so much was because it was pleasant to have company, even if that company didn't know that you were alive. The birds were still lively and singing as they settled around Lucy again, acting almost as if they wished her to continue with them. Deciding to oblige the birds, Lucy turned and sat behind a tree before joining in. The birds seemed overjoyed as they flitted about, some moving closer and others singing louder. All the while, Lucy was childishly ignorant of how loud they were actually being.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 12:48 AM

The sudden capsizing of the ship made her regret the armor she wore. Verity couldn't swim with all that metal upon her as the seas swirled and curled. Spluttering and couching, the knight struggled to try and rid herself of her metal weights, but she simply couldn't do it. Slowly her blue eyes closed as Verity was swept away.

Soon enough she found herself upon the beach of the same island where a little village lay with it's insane widow. The blonde knew nothing of that though as she lay unconscious upon the sands.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:00 AM

Ryek had laughed when she called him 'infuriating'. He was a pirate after all, what did she expect? He watched her for a few moments as she stood there with her back to him, then he looked out over his ship. His crew was doing a fine job, and he yelled out to them in French for a few moments. Words of encouragement and promises of treasure. When she turned back towards him, he only glanced at her. When she spoke he stared at her. So, had he managed to teach her some manners after all? Probably not. She was just doing what she could to stay on his ship. "Aye, you can stay on my ship. As long as you behave yourself, do as your told and don't get in my crew's way."

He regarded her with thoughtful eyes, wondering what it was she might be seeking. Something important. No, not important, but important to her. Something personal then. Ryek shook his head. "You've got free run of the ship, except my quarters. Stay out of there unless I say otherwise. You can sleep with Belle." He watched her warily for a moment and then looked ahead. It would be awhile before they ever came into sight of that island.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:45 AM

Gemma nodded at Ryek in compliance, but she wasn't really listening fully. She was trying to figure out how to convince him to let her see that map. Clearly her attitude hadn't gotten her where she wanted to be, and she clearly couldn't overpower him, especially without a weapon. Could she shove her pride aside and try to ask him nicely? She took a deep breath, adjusted the tight corset to push her breasts up even higher, and put her game face on.

She moved to stand close enough to him that should the ship rock just enough in one of their directions, her breasts would be pressed against his chest, and she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Ryek," she started in a sweet and almost sultry voice, "Won't you let me take a peek at the map? Please?" She drug out her 'please' seductively as she leaned closer to him yet. This was a trick she'd played on plenty of men to get things that she'd wanted in the past, and now she was hoping it would work for Ryek too.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:51 AM

Belle left the soup on low before going up on deck to let the captain know dinner was ready. Her eyes closed as she felt the breeze and salty ocean air on her face. She located the captain easily and walked over beside Gemma. "Captain, dinner is ready." The elf looked to Gemma as she heard that Gemma would be joining her in the small room. "I'll get a cot for you from the storage room." Her voice soft enough for Gemma to hear. "Shall I inform the crew, captain?" Belle asked as she looked to her captain. Seeing how much her captain ogled Gemma, sort of infuriated her because he never stared at her that much. But she should be lucky that he treated her so nicely otherwise.

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 04-14-2012 at 03:56 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 03:07 AM

Ryek had hoped the woman would wander off somewhere, maybe go bother Belle or Rel. But Gemma hadn't, she was still there and now she was speaking to him again. It was bad luck to have a woman on board, and already he had two. Ryek shook his head slightly and blinked when Gemma spoke his name. He glanced at her, or rather, he had meant to only glance at her but she was standing so close and when he looked down at her he got a very nice eyeful. She was saying something, but Ryek's mind had drifted for a moment. Thinking of when he had taken her body earlier and then thinking of how sweet it might be to have her again.

Ryek blinked, his eyes lingering before he sighed. It wasn't often that a woman could wield her natural born weapons effectively against him, but somehow, when Gemma flaunted them like that and spoke in that tone, Ryek couldn't help but nod. Besides, it was just a map. Showing it to her and their first destination would really hurt much, or change anything. Then Belle was there, Ryek hadn't even heard her approach but he looked at her. Blinking softly and wondering how it might be to bed Belle and Gemma at the same time. Pure heaven, most likely. He cleared his throat and took a step back from Gemma. "Inform the First Mate, he'll inform the crew."

"Gemma.." He spoke her name, only to make sure he had her attention now. He leaned down and pulled the folded up map from his boot and began to unfold it carefully. The wind pulled and tugged at the paper, but Ryek's grip was firm and sure. The wind would not steal this map from his fingers, with one finger he pointed at an island on the map. "We sail for that island." He would let Gemma linger over the map for a few minutes before folding it back up and sending her off to supper.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 03:38 AM

Mei-Lein looked up as her door was knocked upon and a young serving girl came in. After glaring lightly at both the guard and the girl, the young princess turned on the stool where she was seated before a desk. "Yes?" She asked, tone clipped in displeasure as she spoke their native language. The young girl flinched minutely then stood, her head kept down respectfully, she responded in fast words of the same Asian language that some strange man was on the ship and asking for the captian. Sighing, Mei-Lein set down her writing brush, pulling on the outer layer of her dress as she stood and made her way out of her room.

Stepping out into the hallway she noted the pair of guards that were stationed next to her personal doorguard. "A stranger has mysteriously appeared on board, a foriegner. You can speak to him." The guard remarked gruffly, if not a little disdainfully about the foriegner being on the ship and the princess having to go talk to him. Nodding her acceptance at a legitamite reason for being disturbed, Mei-Lein turned and went to the main deck to see the male shouting up at the captian who had looked down at the stranger in confusion. "May I ask why you are seeking the captain? And why you are scaring the crew?" She may have spoken english, but it was heavy with her own accent and she made sure to pronounce slowly so he could understand her.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 03:50 AM

After having stood around for several moments, Jacob was beginning to get a bit irritated. Then Mei-Lein appeared, and his irritation evaporated like the salty water around them. While he smiled cheefully at first, it sort of dimmed when he learned that he was scaring the crew. "I assure you, good ma'am, I had no intention of scaring your crew. I'm really quite harmless you see," he responded, spreading his arms wide. "No, I am looking for the captain to discuss the payment for this voyage. I have need to go to the west. I can pay in both money and services. Would you care for an example?" Of course, once the idea was in his head, Jacob wasn't letting go, and so he raised his arms and muttered the spell under his breath, the actions purely theatrical. Still, the point was that a sudden, strong wind blew in, increasing the ship's speed.

"I can also increase the speed of the current, miss," he said, his usual twinkle back in his eye. He was hoping that the lady, apparently of noble status, saw the potential benefits to having a magician on board her ship and allowed him passage, even if she still charged him. Money was really no problem due to his own estates back in England after all. One more time to try and sell himself, he bowed to the lady formally, much like he would to a noble lady back in England. It was really just the polite thing to do.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 04:30 AM

Belle nodded before leaving the captain and Gemma to go find the first mate. She found him near the helm and spoke to him in French for a moment. Her eyes went to the captain and Gemma before heading to the kitchen. Aurelio heard Belle yell at him to come help her by setting the table for dinner. He closed his book, grabbed his watch, and ran down the hall to get the bowels from the kitchen. Going next door to the mess hall, Aurelio sets the table for the crew. A special place at the head of the table for the captain. Belle waits for the crew to fill the mess hall. "Aurelio, I want you to eat at the table." He nods and goes to the table to sit down.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 05:07 AM

Mindy paused. The roaring of the waves crashing onto shore were loud, but she was very used to the sounds of her island. Not even the sea breeze could hide what her ears were picking up. It was the sounds of birds. Not that this was unusual in anyway. There were plenty of birds on the island. It was natural for them to chirp and enjoy the day. However, something was off. They were still singing, very pleasantly too. Yet it was how loud they were singing, as if drunk at a party, that was worrying her. What spell was this that would change the nature of things on this island. She turned and slowly headed towards the trees.

Reaching them, she paused. Looking back at sea, she saw no ships. Glancing to the left and right, she saw no ships. So whatever was causing this disturbance was no one that was near the island. It was perfectly logical to assume that nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Yet the birds in this place had never done this before. She slowly and carefully maneuvered around the trees. Stopping in surprise, she stared at... a girl? No ships had come to this island in all the past months that she had been here. Drawing her sword swiftly, she leveled it at the girl's throat. No human could this child be. It must be something else. A magician perhaps?

Edward left the hut in puzzlement. The widow had served him with all the respect a hostess could offer and still be considered civil. He was a man of God after all. However, he had gotten no further in his talks with her. She refused to talk about the things that were hurting inside. Until she did, the pain would never leave. He sighed and started walking. The best way to pull oneself out of a melancholy mood such failure could bring was a walk in nature. He felt peace in doing so and hoped that God would give him some wisdom to be guided by. Reaching the dirt path that lead to the beach, he turned to head that way. Few ships stopped here as there was no economy to speak of. Thanks to his own influence, all alcohol and prostitution was also no longer present on the island. Sailors didn't like it very much and so the island was all the more avoided.

The sea breeze pushed against his white robes, making difficult a little harder though not really a challenge. He focused on his walking, not paying attention to looking around as much as just heading straight and true along the beach. It was with some surprise when he looked up and saw a glint of metal nearby. A body lay mostly in the ocean, but enough on land that the person wouldn't drown. He gasped and run to her side. Fearing for her, as it was indeed a her, he rolled her over and checked for a pulse. Weak, but there. He carefully cleared away her wet hair from her face and checked her coloring. With rest and care, she would be fine. With muscles most normal monks didn't possess, Edward lifted her over his shoulders and carried her back to his monastery.

Not eager to undress her, but knowing that being in wet clothing and armor was a bad idea, he carefully unbuckled the metal pieces. Finding a white gown for her that anyone staying at the monastery would wear, he carefully cleaned her up and had her dressed and warm in bed. Well, a cot with a super soft mattress and blanket. With her hopefully resting, he left the small cell and headed down the hall. All the rooms people stayed in here were small white rooms with a basic cot and closet. No one needed anything else here. He reached the main living room and checked on the soup. It was bubbling with a watery aroma. He inhaled it appreciatively and then set to work washing the lady's clothing and armor. Wouldn't do for mildew or rust to set in.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:48 PM

As Ryek nodded to her, Gemma smiled excitedly, but not overly so, keeping her actions seductive as to hopefully keep him from coming to his senses. Not that she could possibly memorize all the coordinates or anything, she was merely hoping maybe to find some huge clue as to where her father might be. When Belle approached her and Ryek both seemed to take a step back from each other.

She watched as Belle walked away until she heard Ryek speaking to her and she turned her head to see him pull the map from his boot. Yes! She was so eager to see the map he held between his hands that she ducked under one of his arms to place herself between him and the map as she stood leaning over it. Emerald eyes lit up and danced over the map. It was beautiful and held so much potential for answers that she almost couldn't stand herself.

All the legends were there. She saw the words, "Davy Jones' Locker", "Pirates Cove", "Smugglers Isle", "Skull Rock"... Pictures littered the map too, skulls and crossbones, what appeared to be the cracken, an unnamed island with an X mark and a feather and tepee. Jagged rocks separated some islands, shark fins and crocodiles separated others. One island had mountains and another had a dense forest. Gemma didn't have the time to memorize or even notice coordinates or the fact that there was a single random picture of a key with no coordinates at all. She did however take note of the X mark in the center of Davy Jones' Locker, and another in a random spot appearing to be in the ocean. How were they to get treasures like those? That would be impossible if not in shallow waters...

When Ryek closed the map Gemma pouted turning around to look up at him with sad puppy dog eyes again. She assumed he would only send her away, but it was worth a shot. Not to mention, the crew had already gone below deck to eat and she'd seen a large triangle on the map between Tortuga and the island they sailed towards. She didn't know what that meant, but she didn't want to miss it either. In reality, it was said that pirate, naval and merchant ships alike traveled into the area, but never traveled out of it. Soon a heavy fog would settle in around them. It was said from the few survivors that their compasses would spin wildly and they would become disoriented, but there had to be something else that caused ships to disappear or sink, or whatever happened to them.

((I'm referencing the Bermuda Triangle, although not calling it that, since I'm pretty sure we're in the wrong area for that :sweat: Lol I always assumed that Davy Jones' Locker was at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, lol. But I'm going to say that Davy Jones' Locker is just a dangerous area littered with hidden jagged rocks instead.))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 04-14-2012 at 02:56 PM..

Angelo is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 06:22 PM

Staring in confusion as the birds darted away, Lucy was a bit late in noticing the lady. Mentally, she beat herself up for allowing herself to get caught, though she didn't move any more than was necessary for breathing. The sword held to her throat terrified her immensely. She could die! Still, she managed to stay calm and not panic, which was much harder said than done. As it was, her eyes were wide and sweat was gathering on her brow. "Hi- eep!" she said, the cry coming from the contact of her throat to the sword when she spoke. Shaking noticeably after the scare, she managed to swallow and lean back just a hair before continuing. "I-I'm L-Lucy. Wh-What's your n-name?"

With her nervousness, she was accidentally leaking out more light than usual, her control over the process shattered by her emotions. When she noticed the faint glow she was giving off, she managed to slow down the reaction in her body to a minimal level. She wasn't too keen on showing off her abilities with the lady's sword to her throat. What if she panicked and twitched or something? Waiting for a response, Lucy couldn't help but shudder at the horrible thought. The birds had come back a bit, cocking their heads at the scene in front of them. A few of the brightly colored animals began singing again, hoping to continue like before. Inwardly, Lucy cringed. What if the birds made the lady think they were going to attack or something? Hastily, however, she banished those thoughts. The lady certainly seemed reasonable enough to not react suddenly.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 01:09 AM

Ryek watched Gemma pout for a moment. Wondering what was going through her head as she looked at him like that. Quickly he brushed the thought aside, "Go on, get your supper. Bring me mine when you come back up." Ryek often ate with the crew, it kept them in good cheer to have the captain socialize with them. Sometimes though, he would take his meal in his quarters or on the upper deck as he kept a sharp eye out. A sharp eye for trouble or just anything in general that might pop up.

Though now it seemed a fog was settling in around them. Ryek supposed he could have sailed a long away around this place, but superstitions didn't really frighten him much. Except. There were women on his ship, so he knew he'd run into a spot of bad luck eventually. He licked his lips and shouted loudly in French. Loud enough to wake the dead, loud enough for his supping crew to hear him. He wanted his sails lowered and oars in the water. Better to move through a fog at rowing speed. Ryek wanted two in the crow's nest, and one at the prow to watch for anything that might be out in front of them. Sailing in a fog was dangerous.

His crew had heard him, and they hesitated a little before leaving their food to go do as told. Most below the main deck, ready with the oars. Ryek pulled out his compass, it didn't point north anyway, still even if it was spinning wildly around he might have trouble navigating. One hand clutched the wheel tight, keeping the ship steady and straight. Ryek hated sailing in fog, only because he couldn't see things in front of him. Sailing blind.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 02:58 AM

Mindy's eyes widened as the girl began to glow. She forced herself to remain calm. Just her luck. She was surely bound to run into trouble no matter what happened. Narrowing her eyes at the girl, she demanded, "Lucy. How and when did you get here? And why are you glowing?" She could hear the birds returning, though somewhat hesitantly. Normally she wouldn't be suspicious of someone that the natural wildlife liked, but the girl was glowing! Girl wasn't even the right word. Fairy, siren, succubus, mermaid, other creature. Wait. What if she was some mage? A horrible mage with dark powers? It was possible. A fairy tail she grew up with was of a boy who, with a simple musical instrument, could summon all the creatures in hearing distance to his side as if they were puppies. Anyone with that ability, no matter if they were good or bad, could entice innocent creatures of the forest to their side.

However, she couldn't ignore the widening eyes and scared expression on the pitiful, if not beautiful, face before her. The girl was clearly speechless with something close to terror. If Mindy was afraid of this child, how much more afraid was Lucy of this stern girl holding a sword? But still... how the heck did Lucy get on this island? She patrolled daily. She patrolled multiple times daily. She had never seen a ship. Ever. Angling her sword so that it wouldn't move, she stepped closer and crouched down a little lower. Perfect position to attack with, but also it placed her lower and more at Lucy's level. She wanted answers. Answers that explained all of this... this... bizarre stuff... now.


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