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The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:28 AM

Okay you guys are gonna scare Crow-sama's newbies away so lets break it up *claps*

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:30 AM

-The knife drops as it is physical, but the Arm of the Abyss (Obetenebration 3) makes it's way THROUGH the 'net', as a net has holes and splices into smaller tentacles that then attack Aoekae's neck, ears, nose, eyes, and mouth all at once-

-With the distraction of having many senses overpowered and perhaps being in mortal peril, the Crow easily slides his feet up to his torso and flips up Aoekae again in the same winning move, Turns her in the opposite direction on the back, and watches while the tiny black tendrils try to go down her throat, and are causing her difficulty breating, and she must fight to keep her eyes closed to keep them from gouging them out as well-

This isn't the way to treat your resident Keeper.

Edit: On a side note, I think DarkFae would be pleased with me. I already have a character for her WoD RP, just need to format him.

Last edited by The_Crow; 11-27-2009 at 06:33 AM..

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:34 AM

*Hits Crow-sama and Aoekae over the head*Both of you stop right now or you'll scare away your New Members*puts hands on her hips and sighs*Kid these days*shakes head*

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 06:34 AM

Her secondary shield clicked to life, blocking the tentacles before they reached her flesh.

"Darling, you've never been MY keeper."

Grinning, she leaned in close. This caused the pressure on his arms to become more uncomfortable, though not quite painful yet.

"Want to give up, honey?"

(Naoto-chan! You're no fun! XD New people LOVE fights. ...err...right? XD)

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:39 AM

I don't know what you're talking about as I stood while you were being assaulted by the splitting of my singular Arm into mini arms. I'm merely dusting myself off.

I am the High King of Creepiness
I walk between the Land of the Living and the land of the Dead
I look like a Mime From Hell
I need Serious Mental Help

Yet I am the host of this thread and must be presentable -dusts self off- 'secondary shield' my ass anyway, there are no Disciplines or Traditions for such.

The Keepers are the nickname given the Mighty Clan Lasombra, deriven from the Bible passage about being "my brother's keeper".

*yawn* Anyways that really wasn't a fair bout as we both AUTOed each other's character, however I felt like you started it.

My initial move to flip you over is something I've done in my martial arts classes many times.... there would be no way that you could easily get right back on top of me, at very least I would have gotten UP and gone away before that happened, pegging real life rules into this. We'd be 'countering each others counterspells' until we'd both be blue in the face the realm of AUTOing, anyways.

Last edited by The_Crow; 11-27-2009 at 06:43 AM..

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:41 AM

Good I was about to ground you guys:lol:

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 06:43 AM

Depends on your point of view, really.

*twacks with newspaper* XD



*steals his 'older than me' cane*

No hitting! XD

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:45 AM

A younger person can't ground an older person. It doesn't work that way.

Aoekae- Have YOU ever sucessfully gotten out of the 'pummeling down on your face' grasp of somebody sitting on your hips who happens to be anywhere between 2 to three times your size and quite literally 'turn the table' on them? Or how about 20 of them consecutively? I'm trained in this, and had some braziliain-jiu-jitsu/mixed martial arts/real wrestling training in the past as well. My muscle memory might save my life one day.

Last edited by The_Crow; 11-27-2009 at 06:48 AM..

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:46 AM

It does it that person is acting more like an Adult than the older one is*goes back to mushroom corner*

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 06:47 AM

That's what I tried to tell her. Shortly before she locked me in my room with no computer. :cry:


The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:49 AM

Crow-sama:I think she could flip you quite easily...being as you weight next to nothing....*worries*

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 06:51 AM

Tis true. I'm a few pounds overweight for my height, anyway. I can usually flip non-skinny people over, let alone a smaller framed person.

I ask again...the benefits of Crow-fandom?

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:52 AM

-Writes "Kinoko" (キノコ) on a piece of paper and tapes it over in Naoto-chan's corner-

Oh, and my previous point was I have done exercises where I have had to flip twenty people all approximately three times my size over using that technique IN A ROW as we did a weird class rotation thing.

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 06:55 AM

YAY I have a corner full of love *snuggles mushrooms*....I think I have finally lost it, Has anyone seen my marbles?

Last edited by Naoto-chan22; 11-27-2009 at 07:00 AM..

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:09 AM

Actually, I have quite a bit of training myself. I did that too, actually. Twas kind of fun. I like sparring more than exercises, though, for the sake of variety and muscle memory, as you called it.

I originally learned to fight against multiple opponents. Otherwise I would probably have gotten beaten up (worse than I was, anyway) daily. My average number of opponents, for about five years or so, every day, was three to seven. I'm not saying I didn't get my butt beat. But they hurt almost as much as me, individually. I've also been trained in Wing Chun by the student of one of Yip Man's students. I'm in a direct line of teachers from the start of the art. I've been trained in Judo by one Eiko Shepard, who is a seventh degree black belt trained at the Kodokan Institute in Japan. She's actually a very fascinating person. She comes from a Judo family. Her entire family are Judo masters. I took personal defense (again by Eiko-sensei), and mixed martial arts (different teacher, only the one class, which wasn't as memorable as the others). I've been a boxer, and have once considered trying out for amateur fights, but decided against it because I tend to scare myself when I really do fight. Not to mention...Medical school? Kinda takes up a lot of time. XD Hand to hand combat is a very real interest of mine. I tend to do well in the things that interest me, and I haven't been helpless for a very, very long time.

That isn't to say I start fights. I'm sure you don't either. People who HAVE taken martial arts, if they have absorbed ANY teachings at all, tend to be more likely to be pacifists. I also think that the added confidence from knowing how to defend yourself adds to the likelihood of someone deciding not to fight you in the first place.

....Well that was a long, serious post. Oh noes! Everyone will think I have a brain, now! :cry: *tries to stay away from that* XD

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:13 AM

*hisses at text wall*Hiiisssss

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:18 AM

*hides head in shame*

I know. I know. Sowwy!

*hides in one of the the mushroomless corners*

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:26 AM

*snuggles Mushrooms* Oh you guys are growing so nicely ^_^

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:27 AM

A charity? Oh boy! I live for these! *sits in corner sipping imaginary tea*

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:27 AM

Hello Bria-sama, do you like my mushroom corner*points to my corner*

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:28 AM

Ohoh! Is it imaginary Chamomile tea? Perhaps Chamomile, mint, and honey?

*excited puppy eyes*

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:32 AM

No, I'm afraid. It is imaginary blueberry tea, Moroccan-style (that is, with a TON of sugar). = u=

Princess of Ranch Dressing
Aoekae is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 07:39 AM


*conjures up her own imaginary tea...chamomile, mint, and honey*

Yay! Tea!

*tackleglomps Bria*

How are you doing?

Naoto-chan tried to ground me. Even though I'm her stalker-san!

The Soul Consumer
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:41 AM

Thats because you and crow-sama we're fighting

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:48 AM

Today's charity summary: We've had one new user to qualify though they have yet to send me the form so I'm going to wait to send them their dress.

I hope word will spread when people wake up from their turkey-coma and return to the site.

My martial arts training is mainly in Krav Maga. I tested for Yellow Belt (5 hour long test designed to make healthy, atheltic blokes twice my size want to curl up in the corner and vomit, I do have a friend who followed me by a year or so and can attest to this). I had additional back surgery a year ago so my stamina has never been back up to the place where I can test for Orange Belt. I have attended the summer seminar each year where we get to learn gun, knife, blunt object, carjacking, etc defenses.

My studio is open minded, they have seminars for things like Kook Sul Won, Chinese Kickboxing, etc as well.

For a while I would take the groundfighting classes as a warm up and it was a mix of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo (soviet official art), Judo, Mixed Martial Arts, and Wrestling. I'm a nice target size, but oddly enough I've never been mugged or anything. My only attacks to my person have been mental/emotional.

Oh, and to mention I weigh less than 100 lbs, I'm 5 feet tall, and I'm card-carrying disabled due to my spinal fusion. My former adopted big brother found it hillarious that I'd use my disabled parking placard then go train in Krav -shrugs, tries to look innocent-

In the movie "Enough" where the character's real father lived in San Francisco, he hooked her up with a Krav instructor. If that was in real life, it would have been one of my very own instructors.


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