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Saving Lives Every Day
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Old 12-09-2010, 03:58 AM

Karma hung on to Yen as they toured the house. When they got to the master bedroom, she was yet again surprised when Yen wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. She let her eyes close as she kissed him back. When he finally pulled away, Karma smiled up at him even though her face was still red. A startled sound came from her as Yen quite literally swept her off her feet and into his arms. After he set her down on the bed and disappeared Karma looked around teh room in total confusion. Her heart was racing and her face was hot but she felt wonderful.

The thoughts left her as she watched Yen carry in the last boxes and set them down near her. As he went to his own things, Karma opened up the boxes and gasped. Beautiful kimonos and undergarments filled the one box along with a few sets of work clothes. In the other box, Karma found beautiful accessories. Hair clips and sandals and shoes, along with make up and sewing supplies. She turned to say something to Yen but the words didn't even register when she saw him standing half naked. Her face reddened again as she looked at his fit and toned muscles. When Karma saw Yen frantically search for clothes.

She giggled a bit and smiled at him. "You're fine Yen." She looked away just in case he still felt embarrassed. It was getting late, and Yen had the right idea. Karma sat with her back to Yen as she pulled out a sleeping dress from one of the boxes. As carefully as she could, she disrobed and slipped on the thin dress while she sat there. She did it slowly to avoid showing anything too much. Once done she folded her clothes up and set them aside with the rest of her new things. Then Karma turned around, her face still red, and smiled at Yen.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-09-2010, 12:30 PM

Yen kept his head faced away from Karma as she dressed. When she was done he slipped a light robe on and laid down. He got up again as he gathered the lanterns from the boxes and let a few as to give them light. He then returned and laid down again." Sorry I am not use to having others in a room with me. I promise to be more mindful. You should go into the village tomorrow and get to know some of the locals you might find a few friends there."

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Old 12-09-2010, 05:21 PM

Karma blushed as he laid down next to her, but she smiled. "You are fine Yen, if i make you uncomfortable, just let me know and I'll move to another room." She said softly as she braided back her hair. Karma gently laid down next to Yen, just not too close. She fought off the urge the hold on to him, but she couldn't get the kiss out of her head. Even at the mere thought of it, her heart started racing. Karma caught herself staring at him and her face flushed more as she looked away.

What was going on? She had never felt that way before, no one had ever made her heart race so fast. Karma knew that Yen and her were connected strangely, but this felt like more. After a few moments of her mind spinning, she tried to ignore the thoughts. "Okay, the village sounds fun. Is there anything in p[articular i am looking for?" then another question came to her. "Oh and what are you going to do while i am in town?" She still couldn't make eye contact, every time she did, her heart started racing.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-10-2010, 12:27 AM

"I will go to the fields and help harvest season is up on us. Knowing Yan,Ming and Rukura you want be alone tomorrow in the village. This Yens time she is the one in charge here. You wouldn't know it by her bubble personality. There others will be back in their own times I have no doubt. I just thought you might like to experience a new culture. There are many things that you might find different and worth while to experience while you are here. I would offer to stay with you but I promised to help in the fields." He said disappointed that he had to leave Karma by herself. He shifted his eyes as she stared at her then grind. "You don't have to go any where you don't want. I will protect you I promise Karma. " He said as he played with her braid before laughing.

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Old 12-10-2010, 12:50 AM

A smile spread across Karma's face as she heard him laugh. The feeling seemed to be contagious and soon enough Karma was giggling too. She rolled onto her side so she could face him, the smile still clear. Before she could change her mind, she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to his. She kissed him for a few moments and then slowly pulled away, her cheeks bright red. Karma couldn't believe she had just done that. "Sorry." She mumbled but she still stayed close to him. Her heart was pounding in her chest, what was she thinking doing something like that? Karma was unsure of what to do next. Look up at him? But she didn't think she could handle looking him in the eyes at the moment.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-10-2010, 12:56 AM

Yen smiled as he found himself being kissed by Karma. He gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he pulled the cover up around her and kissed her fore head gently. "Don't blush like that you have done nothing wrong Karma. Though you are cute when you do that. You can close your eyes I promise not to leave you in the morning till you are up and ready to leave." He said as he stared at her for a while before closing his own eyes and drifting off to sleep.

He slept most of the night though he woke a few time just to make sure she was alright. He was never a deep sleeper and was easily waked by the lest little movement. He smiled as he watched her sleep seeing how beautiful the sun's rays made her skin as it dance about it. It have her a soft glow that mad her look like a prized jewel or being.

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Old 12-10-2010, 01:29 AM

Karma smiled and wrapped her arms around him as he held her. She felt safe in his arms and comfortable being held by him. She snuggled into him and let herself drift to sleep in his arms. She slept soundly next to him, it just felt right being by his side. It didn't seem like anything could have ruin the way she felt lying there with him.

In the morning when the sun's rays finally woke her, a smiled came onto her face. She was still wrapped up in Yen's arms and it made her smile. "Good morning." She said sleepily as she looked up at Yen with a smile. Pushing a lock of hair from her face as she smiled up at him. "Did you sleep okay?" she asked not really wanting to get up and start the day. She was too comfortable, too happy, just lying there.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-10-2010, 02:12 AM

Yen just smiled as he heard her and kissed her fore head to greet her." I did and how did you sleep? Are you hungry? I can make you breakfast unless you are tired of my cooking already." He said in musical tones as he smiled happy to be up and ready to start the day. The sooner he got done in the fields the sooner he got to come and find Karma and spend time with her. "We have a big day a head of us so you better eat something. I know my cooking isn't the best but I am sure there is something around here to eat."

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Old 12-10-2010, 02:20 AM

Karma smiled as she sat up and stretched. "Your cooking is wonderful and breakfast sounds like a great idea." She smiled as she scooted over to give him some space. Her eyes drifted over to the trunk of clothes she had been given. "What is appropriate to wear into town? I don't want to look too fancy or to under dressed." she asked curiously as she played with her long braid. She looked over at Yen, a smile still on her face. "Oh and i slept great. For some reason when I'm next to you i sleep very well." She admitted, her cheeks turning pink.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-10-2010, 02:41 AM

Yen smiled before leaning over and kissing her cheek. "Wear what makes you happy. Don't let others tell or make you what they want you to be. Besides it doesn't matter here you can't under dress because you are you and very beautiful and freon. Not matter what you wear you will attract a crowd." He said as he rose and left the room after grabbing his own clothing for the day. He left and headed to the bath house. He enjoyed the hot water and quickly bathed himself putting more hot water for Karma to use after he was done. He quickly dressed and headed to the kitchen and began to cook.

He made her omelet of shorts with different local veggies and cheeses or as close as you could get in that time. He brewed a soft tea that was light and mixed it with honey to give it a sweet taste before placing it on the table to serve to her for their breakfast.

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Old 12-10-2010, 02:52 AM

Karma Blushed when he kissed her cheek, but smiled at him as she watched him move to find clothes. At his comment her blush intensified, but she was glad that someone found her attractive, it was still something she wasn't used to. When Yen left to shower, Karma found a pretty pink kimono with an embroidered cherry blossom pattern on it in her box. She selected it and the beautiful emerald hair clip. Once Yen was done in the bath house, Karma took her clothing and got herself cleaned up while Yen prepared breakfast. When she emerged, she was wrapped in her new pink kimono and the emerald clip was holding half of her hair up while the other half of her hair tumbled loosely down her back.

When she walked into the kitchen she smiled. "It smells wonderful." She said sweetly as she watched him finish the food. "Where did you learn to cook so well?" She asked, the smile still painted on her face.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-11-2010, 01:48 AM

Yen just laughed as he walked into the dining area and took a set. "You have to know how to cook if you move as much as I do. It was something I had to learn if I wanted to eat. I am not above digging in the trash but really I figured I could cook just as easy as digging threw some trash can. Besides Yan and some of the others taught me how to cook. " He said as he poured them some of the tea.

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Old 12-11-2010, 03:18 AM

Karma took a seat and picked up the cup of tea Yen had poured for her. She sipped it and the warmth spread through out her. She smiled and looked down at the food yen had prepared, just the sight made her mouth water. She happily ate the food, and continued to praise Yen's wonderful cooking. Once the food was gone she sat back and finished off her tea.

She knew that Yen had work to do so She helped with the dishes and then she walked over to Yen. "I think i am going to head into town now okay?" She smiled and then stood on her toes to softly kiss his cheek.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:08 AM

Yen smiled and nodded he was sad to watch her leave. "You have fun and stay safe." He yelled after her as he finished his own meal then cleaned it up. He placed the cloth on his eyes as he left the house. He walked to the fields and began his work. He enjoyed his time with the others laughing and talking about different things. It was always a treat to hear the stories of others as the worked hard in the field harvesting the crop. He worked hard and obtained many complements for how fast and how much he could gather and how hard he was willing to work. At first he had been mad fun of because he was blind but it quickly came to a stop as they saw how fast he could work better than those with eyes.

At lunch time he took a break with the others and enjoyed some rice and chicken that a few of the local women had made. He smiled as he heard some of the girls giggle as they saw him baking him blush slightly as he hear the older men around him laughing at it. The subject then turned to their own homes and lives and when they got to him they had many questions of him and his new wife. He just answered short and simple not giving any detail as was common for such subjects. All he would say was karma was a honorable wife that he was lucky to have.

Saving Lives Every Day
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:22 AM

Karma gracefully walked her way into town. She found the market and decided to check it out. She had no money or things to trade with but it was nice to be out. While walking groups of women stared and whispered as did groups of men. KArma felt her face flush but she tried to ignore the stares. Besides she had no idea what they were staying. She heard the term beautiful being thrown around but she couldn't make out too much of complete sentences.

She had wasted the day away not meeting anyone too special or interesting. Just when she felt like she was about to head home, she felt like she was being watched, well, watched more than normal. She turned around. No one. She looked around again, who was there staring at her? She could feel their eyes like daggers on her back but she couldn't find them

Karma decided to head home, now.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:46 AM

Zay smiled as he appeared in front of the beautiful girl he had met with Yen. "A shame that any would are let a beautiful beauty like you walk around unprotected. I would have thought better of him than to let you walk alone. I guess he really doesn't know about me after all." The barren chest man said as he cornered her in a corner penning her against the wall as he stared deep into her eyes. "You can't love him really. I bet he hasn't even touched you yet." He said as he slid his hand to her chest and grind before kissing her pushing himself against her. "He always did find the the beautiful ones. But he want have you I think I would rather have you." He said grinning.

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:00 AM

Karma gasped when the half dressed man appeared before her. She was about to heave a sigh of relief but then he started speaking. She let out a small cry when he back her against the wall. "W-w-what are you doing?" she stammered as she tried to find a way out but there was none. When his hands touched her and he forced her into a kiss, she tried to shove him away, but he was too much stronger than she was. Tears dripped down her cheeks when she couldn't break the kiss and she felt his hands trying to get under her clothing.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Her lips were Yen's not his. when she finally got his face away enough to breath she let out a scream, but she still couldn't get him off of her. Where was Yen? The people around them didn't seem to care or notice. Couldn't they hear her scream? Couldn't they see her tears?

Lady Chello
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Old 12-11-2010, 05:11 AM

Sukia appeared as he pushed Zay off Karma. "What are you doing? This is uncalled for. Besides she is mine." Zay turned as he quickly drew up his hand as the earth beneath Sukia rose up sending him flying. As Sukia flew threw the air he split into four different people. Each one landed on top of a different house then quickly leaped together and converted on Zay sending him flying in the air and soon following.

Yen shook her head as she gently placed her hand on Kamra's shoulder. "It would seem I was right about them after all. I had told Yen they where not to be trusted I told the others. They never lessen to me. I told them their auras where dark and tainted. Are you ok Karma?" She said as she looked worried for the girl. "That is one of the curses of my time. Things happen to our kind all the time. To be a female in my time is not always a good thing as you can tell. Yen is the first man I have met that has never dared to touch a female in the manner those two would. Though he is a descent man. I should have known he would have sent you here to find me. Come there is a tea house not far from here and you and I can get some tea and let you calm down." She said in a warm voice.

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:41 AM

Karma was shocked when the man was ripped from her. She watched as zay was chased off. When a hand landed on her shoulder she jumped again, terrified. She was relieved to see another woman's face. Karma simply nodded, she was too shaken up to speak. Her body was trembling and tears still dripped down her cheeks. She clung to the woman's arm for support as she was led to the tea house.

She felt violated and dirty. She wanted a hot shower. Karma had never been touched that way before. She wanted Yen to be there. She felt safe with him, and maybe she did love him... but she wasn't sure of that yet. All she knew was that she wanted him there now.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-12-2010, 02:42 AM

Yen carried the rice he had harvest that was to be theirs and cleaned up. He looked about the house not seeing Karma. He left the house and followed some leads from villagers to the Tea room. When he entered he felt his heart stop as he saw the distress on Karma's face and the look Yan gave him in her silent manner. He quickly took a set before her as he pulled her to him wrapping his arms around her as he held her close. He was happy that no one else was in there as Yan left as well leaving him there with her. "Karma what happen. Shh...I promise nothing will happen to you."

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Old 12-12-2010, 02:55 AM

Karma clung to Yen as soon as he sat down. She buried her face in his chest as she tried to calm down. A few tears still dripped from her eyes as she looked up at Yen. "I'm so glad you're here." She mumbled wrapping her arms around his neck. Shaking, she sat up and looked at him. "I-it was Zay..." she didn't know how Yen would take that. He knew Zay alot longer than he knew her, would he believe her? "He backed me into a wall and kissed me and his hands..." Her hands tried to wrap her kimono tighter around herself. She didn't want to say that he had touched her and had his hands dangerously close to being under her clothes. "I am just so glad your here." She wrapped her arms around him again. Karma just wanted to be held by him, he made her feel safe.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:14 AM

Yen gently picked her up and placed her in his lap as he held her. "Shh....clam down now. It is over with and it want happen again I promise. I should have known better. I really thought he had gone back to his home. I promise not to leave you again Karma." He said as he gently kissed her. "Come on lets get you home and away from this place." He said as he rose and carried her home. He gently placed her on one of the pillows of the dinning room as he kissed her and smiled." Well I think I might be able to make you some hot coco if you like. Maybe Donuts."

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Old 12-12-2010, 03:24 AM

Karma was grateful when he pulled her to his lap and held her. He was so comforting and Karma knew he wouldn't let anything else happen to her. She felt bad when he lifted her up and carried her the whole way home, but she was glad he did. She held on tightly to him the whole time, not wanting to look up and see the stares that she knew they had to be receiving.

When he set her down at the house and kissed her a tiny smile showed on her face. "Thank you." She mumbled. "I'm sorry I seem to be causing you so much trouble." She wiped her face off with her hands. She was still shaking slightly as she looked up at him. Something that Zay had said still stuck with her. You can't love him really. Did she? Was that why he made her feel so safe?

She shook her head at his offer. "I'm fine, i don't need anything. I-I just want you next to me." She gave him a small smile as she took his hand in hers.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:41 AM

Yen nodded as he held her hand and smiled. "That is something I can handle and promise. Don't lessen to what he said there is no truth in it. He was aiming to hurt." He said as he kissed her again this time not pulling away instead he pulled her to him and gently held her face with his hand. He let the kiss fade as he smiled happy to have her safe. If he wasn't so worried about her he would be out for blood for Zay's. "I think the Professor may have known about this and set this whole thing up."

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Old 12-12-2010, 03:48 AM

Karma closed her eyes as Yen kissed her. She loved the way he made her feel. When he pulled away she gave him a small smile, but still stayed close to him. When he mentioned the professor she raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean he set this up? He planned for us to be stuck here?" She was confused, she hadn't ever spoken to the man, but that one brief introduction where she had also met Yen. "What exactly is that man capable of?" She asked as she put his arms around her. She still needed him there to calm her and make her feel safe.


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