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Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 10-18-2013, 05:03 AM

((Oh my glub all typed out and everything and my computer decides to restart for updates. *sobs into the night before slowly retyping everything*))

Audrey's paws pounding the blood slicked lawn, eyes set on the man's belly. The softest spot with the softest meat. It would be easy to tear into him, spill his guts on to the ground, eat the fresh toned meat. She barely heard the gun shots, didn't even see the muzzle flash. She only became aware of the weapon when a searing pain flashed through her head, blood spilling down and into her ears.

A bullet, hot and burning, blew itself through her left ear. She yelped, her head darting to the side slightly. This saved her eye, another bullet whizzing past her, grazing her shoulder as it went.

She stumbled, thrown off balance by the pains in her left side. This stumble full became a full slip, her claws unable to find purchase on the gore slicked grass. She rolled, shoulders slamming into the ground and jarring her slightly. Her body came to a rest about four feet from the other. She huffed and panted, eyes locked on the others legs.

Within a few moment- a moment too long her head was spinning he has a gun dammit dammit- she was up, lunging for his leg, an enraged sound leaving her throat as hot blood continued to spurt and flow from her ravaged ear, painting her vision in unfocused red.


Nate's dreams were uncharacteristically quiet. No nightmares reared up at him, laughed at him. There were no images of decay, no sounds of children laughing oddly from endless hallways, no running helpless through tall dark forests from an unseen creature with a crooked jaw. No. Instead it was some nonsensical scene he would not even remember when he woke.

And he did wake. There was a pounding, the desperate sound of fist on wood. He took in a sharp breath, sitting up in the bed he had been loaned. He looked around, eyeing the room bathed in the soft light of his camera's screen. He groaned slightly, lifting his hand and rubbing his eyes.

Nate turned, eyeing the camera on the stand tiredly before, with a soft grumble, fell back onto the pillow. His eye closed and he was about to try and sleep again. A beep from his camera prevented it and, with a confused grunt, he turned to give it a look.

The battery icon was flashing, under half full. That wasn't right. He had charged it before he went to work. He sat up, a frown forming on his face. He reached out and grabbed the device, staring at it in confused concern. He debated, wondering if he should review the footage. Or maybe he had left it on in his bag somehow, forgetting to actually turn it off and it would simply be a few hours of muffled darkness.

He sighed before putting it back on the table, rubbing his face again. There was a sound below him, muffled and distant. A voice, fast and sounding kind of panicked. Was there someone else here? That poor priest....two people in one night. Nate felt the guilt come on, wondering if this was a member of the priest's congregation. Someone he knew who was in trouble and needed this bed he was in for the night.

"Fuck....maybe I should just brave the woods..." he muttered, staring at his blanket covered legs. There was a noise, soft and barely noticeable. But he did and he turned his head, eyes wide as he stared at the window. That was the window. It definitely was. It sounded like someone had thrown a rock at it and he started to chew his lips. "O-....o-or not..." he mumbled, looking away. He fidgeted for a moment before, swiftly and shakily, he leaned over and switched on the lamp, shrouding the room in light.

Last edited by Hidden Cupcake; 10-18-2013 at 04:49 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-18-2013, 05:55 PM

Kasimir let Varten lead him where he would, through the house, out of it. He trusted the vampire not to get him killed. Perhaps that was foolish but Kasimir knew not all of them were bad, just from his association with Alistair. Even though the silver haired vampire refused to find any good in his blood drinking brethren. Kasimir glanced over his shoulder, briefly wondering where Alistair was and if he was alright. That was stupid, of course the silver haired vampire was alright. A sudden noise caused Kasimir to jump slightly and squeeze Varten's hand. A gun shot. Somewhere from the front of the house it sounded like, and hadn't there been the sound of sirens just a little bit before that? Cops. Kasimir hated cops. "Do you know somewhere safe we can go?"

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-18-2013, 07:16 PM

(( Gold = talking, and the blue color will be thoughts.. if it's bothering or would confuse someone let me know... I'll stick to one color. ^^ ))

Watching every action thrilled him, he watch as she continued to move away from where the shoes used to be and him unknowingly until she was a good distance away. Probably at this time she would be thinking alot of things maybe. He listened to her breathing, and it sounded like she was trying to breathe, typical of the hunted to try and seem as quiet or small as possible.

Though something about this scenario surprised him just alittle bit. As far as Aiden could remember this is probably the first time anyone timidly spoke out to him. Usually they would be quiet, try and run, hide, and heaven forbid scream. Now he likes a good scream just as well as the next vampire but some of those girls and sometimes guys have really annoying screams. The kind if they were any louder would break glass if they could.

Maybe he should entertain her for a bit, to see what else might happen. If he gets bored he can surely swiftly dispose of her if he really wanted but she seems pretty interesting. Atleast enough for him entertain her with a response. Aiden thought about the sound of fear in her all too shaky voice, might be on the verge of passing out of having a heart attack...the latter being no fun at all. Aiden slightly frowned at the though of her having a heart attack, he wouldn't be able to play with her anymore at that point.

With a unknown accent that never faded fully despite all the places his been and how long it has been. "....Yes." He deliberately waited what probably seemed like forever to her before he responded with one short word.

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 10-18-2013, 09:42 PM

As the wolf stumbled, slipped and fell, Randolph held steady. He didn't know what was inside, and judging by the sheer amount of gore, he doubted the wolf was the only monster around, so he didn't dare waste his ammunition firing at a target that was no longer moving predictably, or one that might be down for good, however unlikely that might be.

A small part of him was horrified by the slaughter, but he couldn't allow it to disable him. He pushed the fear and grief away, but allowed the anger at needless deaths to remain, fueling his determination to avenge them. When the monster got up and lunged for his leg, he resumed firing, bracing for the impact, and not even attempting to flee. He would drive the monster away or die trying.

The wolf closed the distance between them quickly, too quickly for Randolph to get more than a couple of shots off. Even though he was expecting it, he found himself yelling in pain as the creature's already bloody fangs closed around his leg, just below the knee. Between the pain of the bite and the wolf's momentum, he fought to stay upright, and he lost his grip on the gun.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-19-2013, 12:09 AM

Fear gripped her like a vice that was growing tighter and tighter by the second. Becca couldn't breathe. Someone was in there with her. But who and why? And why hadn't they said anything to begin with? Whoever was in here wasn't friendly. Becca knew that at least.

Well, Becca wasn't going to get herself killed without a fight! She thought herself brave enough and strong enough anyway. Really, she just wanted to get out of the tomb and run away. She inched towards the door. Would she be able to get the door open again? Would whatever was following her be out there waiting? Boy had Becca gotten herself into some trouble.

Maybe she could talk her way out of trouble, until someone could find her, or until she made 'peace' enough to escape. "I didn't mean to bother you," she finally said. What was this person doing hanging out in tombs anyway? She was definitely trapped in here with a weirdo. Perfect.

"I'll just, open the door and leave," she assured the stranger as she reached the door. Her back was still to the cold stone and her fingers searched for the break where she could grip the door and hopefully open it. She was too afraid to turn around to try just yet. Finally, her fingers found the edge of the door. And forget those shoes. She'd get new ones.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-19-2013, 03:16 AM

He almost wanted to laugh when she said that she didn't mean to bother him and she'll just leave. Aiden quickly composed himself before that could happen though. How cute he thought as he watched her hands fumble in the darkness until she found herself a firm grip on the closed door. "How rude, you come in here bothering me and then want to leave..." Aiden softly said as if he was hurt, which is quite the opposite. He walked over to her and placed a hand upon hers. "I don't think so."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-19-2013, 03:29 AM

Becca was frowning at the words, into the darkness. The fear still had an immense hold on her, but this guy had the nerve to call her rude. How was she supposed to know there was someone just hangin' out in a tomb? She looked in the direction the voice came from. She wished she could see him. Maybe she didn't want to. Who knew what she'd see.

His voice held a hint of accent that she'd never heard before. But before she could think too much into it, she felt his skin against hers. It startled Becca. She couldn't see a thing, and didn't realize how close he'd come. Not to mention, his skin was cold. So was hers. It was a cold night and she was only in a costume. But his was still colder. Probably from hanging out in a creepy tomb, like a creep, she thought.

Her heart thudded in her chest. She thought she could hear it, but she wasn't sure. She thought it was kind of like chewing. Sometimes you felt like it was really loud, but no one else could really hear it. She hoped he couldn't hear her heart beat, too. Then he'd know how scared she was, while she was trying to act tough. Just keep him talking while you figure something out, she thought.

She wanted to ask why on Earth he was hanging out in a tomb, like a creep, but thought it best not to make attacks on his hobbies. "Well what do you want then?" she asked, since he didn't want her leaving. But that wasn't what she should have asked. Mental head slap. The last thing she actually wanted to know was what he wanted. The creep probably wanted to kill cats or sniff her shoes or something.

I don't - what is - I - huh?
Beekeeper is offline
Old 10-19-2013, 06:01 AM

Kaled didn't no what to make of the girl - she had stormed in and slammed the door closed, locking it behind her before collapsing into a rather pitiful and annoying display of tears. He nearly sneered, the top of his lips wanting to curl up in disgust at the utterly mortal display of fear, of the salty liquid pouring down cheeks and the harsh and laboured breathing. The girl stank of terror, of sadness, of longing, and the scent was repulsive. Too human and too close. Quite frankly he wanted nothing more than to snap her neck and be done with it.

But the noise should have alerted his lodger up above - the church was old and, at least aboveground, noise carried well. If silence suddenly ran rampant throughout the building the other boy may grow suspicious. It would be hard enough to deal with one dead body, but two missing persons in the same night in his vicinity would not do. He didn't get this far by making impulsive choices, no matter if he knew it would bring him great satisfaction.

The female finished speaking, clutching her purse tightly. Kaled felt disgusted at the obvious display of weakness that unfolded in front of him but he could not allow himself to show it on his face. He must play his role - and if all went well then whatever this child was holding onto would fall into his possession. It appeared as though she had no idea of her budding power, nor of the strength of the object she was carrying. This could mean it would be easier to obtain the item.

Kaled sighed, a tired smile settling in on his face. His role. He must play his role - the caring priest, the Father, the holyman, the one who helps those always in need.

"I am sure God is looking over her as He has looked after you. He will protect her in this unusual night. As it stands I am afraid my guest room is occupied - however, I have plenty of hot tea to drink and food to spare. Let's get something warm in you."

He wrapped one arm around her shoulder, the other coming to rest on the girl's tensed arm. The warlock made the motion seem as unthreatening as possible for him as he gently led the female further into the church, bringing her to where the other guest - Nate - had been just moments before. The hot water had cooled now to room temperature in the kettle while he had been absent from the kitchen, but it wouldn't take more than a quick gesture at most to have it heated again.

Releasing the woman he pulled out a chair, gesturing for her to sit as he turned his back, now facing the kettle. He made sure to block the pot from her view - it would not do to have her watch as he worked. It would be suspicious enough with the movements of his fingers, let alone the kettle suddenly whistling as though it had just reached it's boiling point.

He brought out another mug from the cupboard - this one was short and squat with a chip along the rim from where one of the children of his congregation had dropped it. From then on he had served hot chocolate during the month of December in styrofoam cups though he loathed them with a surprising passion.

"I hope you don't mind camomile tea. I had prepared it earlier to help me with my sleep this night."

A minor lie. It was all he had left to drink and Kaled had no need of human remedies for sleeplessness. Simple spells were enough to bring him in and out of unconsciousness whenever he wanted, so long as he planned the time ahead of the execution.

He poured the tea and set it on the table.

letmefly101 is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 12:52 AM

Onyx listened to the Father. She was a believer in God, of course. But she never attended church on a regular basis or prayed. It was all just not her thing. Onyx mostly spent her times indoors writing, eating, or sleeping. Which seemed like the life to Onyx. Onyx nodded as she was told to follow. But when the man out his arm around her, she tensed. It felt weird to have the touch of another person on Onyx right now. Not to mention how many horror movies she's watched that begin like this. But Onyx shook off her imagination. This was real life. Those types of things werent real. But then again, less than twenty minutes ago, Onyx ha seen the unimaginable.

Onyx gently say down and tried to put on a tough exterior. But just ended up looking and feeling even more exhausted. She gladly took the tea and took a welcoming sip. "Thank you for the tea. And it's completely fine. I'll be out of your hair in no time. I plan to find my friend as soon as possible." Onyx said with a voice mixed with confidence and fear. She wasnt quite sure how she'd find Becca, but she knew she would eventually.

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 01:15 AM

Blood. Blood filled her mouth, the satisfying feeling of flesh yielding under tooth, the sound of horrible screech of pain. Audrey's fangs had met their target, the other man's leg now held in the strong grip of her jaws. It was the meaty bit too, the one part of the lower leg with the leanest muscles.

A few holes littered her back, his bullets having seared their way through her own flesh. But they didn't burn and her blood wasn't boiling from the metal. They weren't silver. That was her main concern, the off chance this man had silver ammunition and she would have more scars. These wounds would heal. Slowly and she would have to dig the metal out, but the would heal.

Her paws found purchase again, digging into the ground as she put all four out to stop her lunge. Then she pulled, pushing her body to side and tugging, intent on taking his legs out from under him. Get him on the ground. Expose his stomach to the air and give her the advantage of superior height. Easier access to gut and neck. She didn't know the man had silver on him. The smell and taste of meat and blood was all she knew.


Nate sat in his bed, watching his legs as breathed. He lifted his head to cast a look at the window, eyeing the drawn curtains cautiously. No more sounds came from it and he wondered if it was his sleep addled mind playing tricks on him. He let out a sigh before he moved, throwing the blankets off and sliding his legs over the edge of the mattress.

He wasn't getting back to sleep any time soon. He was too wired from, what he assumed, was a simple hallucination. Hell it might have just been a very large bug slamming against the glass. Heavens knew there were these gigantic moths out in the woods. Hung out around the yard a lot. A complete pain.

He cast a glance at the camera, watching it almost apprehensively. The device had proven both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it proved he wasn't crazy on most things (though the only one he had ever shown any film to was Louis and had called whatever it was 'freaky'). On the other it proved he wasn't crazy. That maybe there was some credence to the strange creature stalking him. And that in itself was a little terrifying.

He turned again to the window, staring at it critically. It felt like there was something out there watching him, spying on him through glass and wood and cloth. Or maybe it was just his paranoia from thinking too much. He groaned, dropping his head and rubbing the back of his neck. He eventually stood and, taking the few moments necessary to dig out and put on his pants, he grabbed his camera and headed to the door. Jiggling the handle in order to actually open it he moved out into the hallway, closing the door behind with a click. Grabbing the camera, which was held in his hand limply at his side and was aimed at the floor, was purely reflexive. He went nowhere without it. Not even to the restroom.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 02:15 AM

It was wonderful feeling for him, to be able to sense her fear again, and to add to that his touch had startled her which was a given and a bonus. Compared to his skin, hers' although cold was warm to the touch which is quite normal, but what did she think of it? What should he do next he wondered as he listened to her heart as it quickly got louder from the moment he touched her. Not just that though, he could hear or rather feel her blood rushing through veins even faster. Aiden glanced at her throat before looking at her face, in shades of grey. His vision is great at night, but you... see there is no light to technically reflect colors and bounce all over the play all he is sees is shades of gray (black).

At last she worked up the courage to say something with actual words rather then screaming or gasping. He could tell she was trying really hard to act tough, but being what he is he could see right through it. "What do I want?" He asked her slowly. "I don't think you really want to know that answer.... Tell me, my mysterious Angel...What do you want? Do you want to risk it outside with whatever chased you here or...with me?"

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 02:35 AM

Meanwhile, in the hall of the old mansion, Banaman slept soundly under a short long table designed for placing keys and mail and such. Screams of fear and panicked trampling missed him. He snored loudly, but the vampires and wolves surely ignored him, not daring to travel too near the stench.

Gun shots rang through the mansion and Bananaman rolled over in his puddle of beer and farted, before snoring loudly once again, undisturbed, as if he was dreaming dreams of candied lands in his own comfy bed.

((Can't resist keeping Bananaman!))


It was true. Becca didn't want to know the answer. She was too afraid it'd have less to do with sniffing her shoes, and more to do with hacking her into little pieces and baking her into a pie. That happened somewhere once, right? Becca didn't want to think about it.

Three red flags now; one, that he could see and move her shoes without a sound. Two, that his skin was cold, too cold. And three, that he called her a mysterious angel, clearly seeing her costume even in pitch blackness. All things that missed Becca's radar for now.

So he was asking her a question now, and she didn't know the answer. She didn't know what it was that chased her here, and she wasn't sure who or what was in here with her. Becca was having a hard time choosing the lesser of the two evils when she didn't know what the evils were.

Instinct wanted to get away from immediate danger. And probably, whatever was outside, was gone. "I just want to find Onyx," she said quietly, thinking aloud. She realized she'd spoken the words and answered his question quickly, with another question. "You aren't going to bake me into a pie are you?"

Once again, the words weren't coming out right. It was the fear probably making her brain stupid. Becca wasn't usually such a mess.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 06:29 PM

"Hm? Will I bake you ..into.. a pie?" He couldn't help snicker abit, he genuinely found that funny, but it didn't take him long to recover from the brief laugh. "I never thought about that... maybe I will.. I'm sure you would taste delicious." He briefly thought about the name of someone she mentioned. "And perhaps I'll find this Onyx and give them a slice, do you think they...would like you as well?" On a off note Aiden tries to visualize her in pie costume instead and couldn't help but laugh at the thought, which probably didn't so good from her view.

Maybe it was a surprise or not, but Aiden seem to be holding on from just attacking for the entire short that been in close proximity. How long would be able to go on? Surely he would be famished after waking up and especially be so close to this girl with her dangerously amazing aura. Aiden had become alittle closer to her during their small chat and he was totally oblivious. Perhaps his mind was able to hold off, but it seems his instincts and body wasn't able to so he moved unconsciously closer in case he should lose control of himself.

Hmm let's add more effect to the pie comment he snickered evilly in his thoughts, as he went to reach for a lock of hair, but since he was alittle closer then anticipated he brushed the pendant. Nothing happened for a very very quick moment but immediately after before his hand could even get past her chest on the way to her hair. He felt something extremely unpleasant where he brushed the pendant but a moment before. Aiden released the had was holding onto or rather placed to stop her from trying to open door. Followed by him backing away as he let a short scream of pain. Aiden raised his hand to look at it, and he could see that it injured badly. So bad that he could see in that small area abit of the muscles that shouldn't be seen at all with the skin covering.

If Aiden had touched it more and longer or even attempt to grab the damage would have been greater. He'd probably be able to see his bones. Confused Aiden kept staring at it, it wasn't healing atleast not at the speed it should be. Because he was injured and wasn't all that well his thoughts came to her neck but back to what he brushed. There is something about that pendant... when I touched it all but burned straight through, almost like the sun. And I can't risk getting close to her while she knows of my presence... it could very well prove to be horrific or fatal. He thought as he back as far as where her shoes where and slid down. His hand was still feeling intense, pain he wanted nothing more to... but he couldn't not while she had that necklace.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 11:04 PM

He was, laughing. It wasn't a maniacal sound, but more that of someone genuinely amused. Well making him laugh was better than making him angry, right? And his suggestion about finding Onyx, that had seemed more of a joke than an actual possibility. So he had a sense of humor, sick as it was, that Becca was beginning to believe wasn't one that belonged to some mass murderer.

It still didn't make sense that he was hanging out in a tomb. But then again, it didn't make sense that anyone in town would ever hang out in a tomb, and yet they did. Becca was aware by the sound of his voice, that he was invading her personal space, even though she couldn't see him. He must spend a lot of time in the dark to navigate so well in it, she thought.

She felt something brush against her, not her directly, but against the family heirloom she wore around her neck. That meant he was moving, at least one hand, in her general area for some reason. Becca tried to back away, though it was impossible with her back already pressed to the stone door. In the next moment, she heard the man make a sound that sounded like he'd hurt himself.

So maybe he wasn't so good at navigating in the dark. But he hadn't moved anywhere. He'd been in her personal space, touching her necklace. Finally, a light bulb went on in Becca's mind, dim as it was. He could see in the dark, he'd been inside the tomb, his skin was cold, and her heirloom had, possibly, harmed him.

No, those were just stories passed down from one crazy in her family to the other. The other things were just coincidences. Right? No. She'd seen vampires with her own eyes tonight, at the party. They were real. Then her necklace; the stories could very well be true after all.

Becca could feel that the man, or vampire, was no longer in her bubble. Without thinking to threaten him with the heirloom, as if she'd know how anyway, she felt that this was her opportunity to get out of the tomb. She'd closed the door, she could open it. She turned her back to him, digging her fingers into the crack of the door where it met the wall, and pulled.

She was putting all of her strength and weight into it, but nothing happened. It was jammed or something. Becca started banging on the stone and yelling, hoping and praying that someone was nearby to hear her, perhaps the graveyard keeper who lived at the edge of the yard. "Help me!" she screamed, "Somebody help me!" Becca's voice was weak and broke at points, too overused from having to talk so loudly for so long at the party, but it didn't stop her in the least, from trying to catch someone's attention.

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 11:35 PM

As the wolf stopped itself, Randolph struggled to think through the pain. He reached for the silver cross around his neck. It was an antique, with beautiful filigree around the edges. Randolph hadn't chosen it for its beauty, though, he had chosen it for it's size, about as long as his hand was wide, and the fact that the filigree around the edges made them fairly sharp. It still wasn't a particularly effective weapon, especially since the pointy bits made it hard to get a good grip on without damaging oneself.

As the wold began to pull forward and to the side, Randolph knew it was trying to get him to the ground where it could reach more vulnerable parts of his body. He held out long enough grab the cross, and quickly yanking it off, breaking the thin silver chain it hung on. He readied himself, then stopped resisting the creature, instead pushing with his free leg, and rolling, attempting to land on top of it rather then underneath it. As he did so, he brought the cross down, grasping by the long end and attempting to stab the short end as deeply as he could into the monster's flesh.

When times are tough..... chuck ...
PhoenixNeko is offline
Old 10-20-2013, 11:41 PM

((So glad you decided to keep Bananaman! :D))

Varten heard the scream from where the shots were fired. It was a scream filled with pain. The sent of werewolf blood floated on the wind to his nose. Putting the pieces together he realized that the cop must have tried to kill the werewolf and since he wasn't using silver bullets it didn't die, so it attacked him. Or her, Varten reminded himself as he did at times forget that women could be cops too.

Cheshire cried in a frightened way indicating that Varten should really get a move on. There was woodlands surrounding his house on all but one side. Knowing that slipping around the house and taking the lot would leave them open to attack, the vampire nodded and wrapping his fingers into the ones on Kasimir's hand said, If we go through the woods we should be safe. I think that there is only one werewolf left and chances are the cop is only concerned with it and nothing else. Probably thinks that it is a regular wolf from the woods. And I'm sure that Lord Hiro can find us easily.

Last edited by PhoenixNeko; 10-22-2013 at 06:26 AM.. Reason: mistake on name. put alistair instead of hiro.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 01:10 AM

Aiden looked up from his hand and watched as she struggled to try and pull the door open. For a few reasons this annoyed him, one she thought she was strong enough to close door henceforth open it as well, and two she was sceaming for help, albeit it was weak and she was in a tomb. Her voice would barely get through, you'd have to be supernatural or be intensely looking for her. Although her efforts were amusing, but it wasn't enough to stop him from what hewas going to do next.

"Shut up." Aiden growled before using the speed that was given to him, closed the distance between him and her in less then a second. Aiden moved her hands away from the door securing them behind her back. When he had both hands, he positioned his injured hand and arm to contain both of her arms. whilst he used his other hand to cover her mouth. "I don't think it's wise of you to scream for help.For a number of reasons, but you probably can't think of any but to get away from me. You think you're calling for help when you very may well be calling for the opposite. You think whatever it is that chased you here is long gone by now or atleast no where near. But how sure can you be? Think about it... it has malicious intent towards you which is why you ran. But me? I haven't really came at you to hurt you... and based on this I think it's in your best interest to not make me angry."

Ah, she's so close now... Aiden could see and feel that she is alot shorter then he thought, she was about a head shorter. But that didn't stop how close he was to her neck. He's hands were in perfect position all he had to do was just her head alittle... but then his mind flashed back to pendant. No, he couldn't it yet, atleast now. He needs to find out why the pendant seems so familiar to him and why it had seared his flesh.

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 10-21-2013 at 01:12 AM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 03:22 AM

((Haha! Yes, Bananaman is too fun to go, he definitely stays for comical relief. ))

No sooner than Becca had started screaming for help, did she hear the creature in the tomb demand her silence. In that same instant, he was in her personal space again, removing her hands from the stone door and covering her cries for help. She tried pulling her hands free and turning her head to free her mouth, but she could hardly move an inch. His cold grip was unbreakable. Like steel.

Becca was beginning to panic. She felt like the walls were closing in though she couldn't see them. Like the air was too thick. Like someone was pulling a rug out from under her. A panic attack. That's what it was. Her heart even stuttered, skipping a beat or two as it raced.

He was speaking in her ear now, words something like reassurance, and a threat, both. Her head was spinning. How could one possibly go from not believing in vampires to being held still, and quiet by one in a dark tomb all in the same hour? She supposed it made some sort of sense. How else would someone come to believe in vampires without seeing them?

She thought over his words. Sure, he hadn't attacked her, but he toyed with her just the same. Just like the thing outside that had chased her here. And, he was forcing her quiet, and keeping her from leaving. If that didn't scare a girl, nothing would probably. But one thing she agreed with so far, was that she didn't want to make him angry.

Not that she believed it would make any difference. She'd already decided he was psychotic. He'd probably kill her no matter what she did. Once again, she thought it best to play his game, just until someone could find her here. Buy herself time. With her mouth covered, all she could do was nod the slightest bit.

Though she was working on calming her nerve, Becca couldn't help shivering. The late October night was chilly. Being inside of a stone tomb against a cold vampire in a thin white angel dress that was only mid-thigh length, made for an unpleasantly cold time. She'd heard her great grandma talking about vampires once. They weren't always cold, she said, so sometimes it was hard to tell them apart by the touch.

They could drink coffee, warm up by heaters, and drink fresh blood to warm their bodies. They were tricky and conniving she'd said. Had she said anything useful to Becca's current situation? If Becca had only listened to that woman she'd thought crazy... She shivered again, wondering what would kill her first; heart attack, Hypothermia, or the vampire.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 05:12 AM

Good atleast she understood, he could feel by the slight nod she was able to make but how much of did she understood he didn't know. She seemed to understand enough, and he suppose that would have to do. The next thing he felt after the nod was her shivering. He pretty forgotten that while he is perfectly fine in all kinds of temperations within reasonable means, she isn't. It had to be pretty cold in here especially next to him. Aiden moved his body back just alittle so he wasn't pressed against her anymore. This way she won't be as cold as before. He couldn't let her die yet, he had some things to figure out and ask her. How can I calm her down just enough so she won't die of fright?

"I trust you won't scream again?" He offered up a sarcasitc smile not that she could see it anyway, but she probably heard something in his voice. "I'm going to let you go so don't try anything." As he said so, he let her go but not before turning around abit to hopefully confuse her direction of where the door is not that it would matter if it didn't work. But it could be minorly annoying if she moved for the door again. "So... tell me.. what's going on out there?"

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 05:21 AM

Audrey's prey stopped resisting her, going with the fall. Until it didn't. Suddenly the cop was pushing, rolling himself over her instead of sliding under her as it should have been. She growled audibly, releasing his leg and twisting her head in an attempt to grab at him, to pull him off of her.

Then she felt it, Burning, searing pain blossoming from her flank. And it wasn't a bullet burn. That was a silver burn. She yowled, the sound a terrible and twisted screech of pain. She bucked and twisted in an attempt to get the other's body off of her, a need to get away from the silver and the one who most likely held it. Her right hind leg shook violently as her skin blistered and her blood boiled around the wound.

((Awh yeah banana man!))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 06:00 AM

When he let her go, Becca was instinctively already turning to face him, though her sapphire eyes had nothing to hold onto and her mind nothing to visualize of who he was. Of course, her imagination was making him up all on its own.

Becca imagined him to be a ghostly white with gross reptile-like skin. With black eyes, no white in them at all. Waist length raven black hair, slicked back behind pointy ears. And a cape. A black one with a silky red lining. So maybe she'd seen too many vampire movies that were 95% fiction. It wasn't her fault she couldn't see him.

For a moment she spun too far around and tried to stop and keep her back to the door. But now she wasn't sure where the door was. Damn. Even worse was that she couldn't get her bearings. Her eyes needed something level, the ground, a wall, a chair, something to tell her brain where the floor and ceiling were from each other.

Just as he asked a question, Becca reached for the source of the voice, grasping at anything to keep herself from falling over, even though she wouldn't have appeared off balance because it was all in her head. She grabbed onto something, she couldn't tell what in the dark. Her best guess was a jacket of some kind, maybe leather, or not, she couldn't tell and it didn't matter.

She squeezed her eyes shut and waited to regain her balance before overwhelming herself by trying to talk and calm down and not fall over. After a moment, she shook her head, recalling just exactly what had happened out there. "I-", she started, but didn't know how to say what she wanted to say. Saying that there were vampires out there seemed so silly to her, once.

"There were, vampires," she said, finally looking up, desperately searching for some hint of who or what he was, only assuming the worst. "At a party," she continued. "They came, and Alison, she had blood on her throat, and it felt so real. Then there was screaming, and this awful howling, too." Becca shuddered, her grip on her creepy companion tightening for the briefest of moments.

"I- didn't believe- in that sort of thing, before..." she said, clearly still in thought about the party. She searched the darkness for his face again, subconsciously wondering things about the vampire that anyone might wonder. Becca was certainly a curious human, sometimes overly so. Where she should have been frightened, and was, she found herself wondering if a vampire slept, and if they did it in a wooden coffin in a castle basement.

To the best of her knowledge, there weren't any castles around here. But there were plenty of caskets in the casket warehouse off the highway on the way into the small town on the other side of the forest. Maybe all vampires live there together. No, that couldn't be. Maybe they hung upside down in bat form. Maybe, all bats were actually vampires, and all this time they'd been right under everyone's noses!

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 10-21-2013 at 06:03 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 07:15 AM

Maybe he spun her alittle too much as she was reaching out for him and successfully grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket. But when she seemed to have got herself together she managed to answer his question. She had a hard time telling him what was going on outside, he could tell by her repeatedly gripping his sleeve she was holding onto. Aiden didn't so much mind the vampires, but when she mentioned howling he narrowed his eyes. Howling only meant one thing, and that was Werewolves. And that did not make him too happy at all. He despised the creatures, just as much as the next Vampire maybe more. If anything he thinks they out of all supernatural beings shouldn't exist.

He deems them so inferior, even if pitted against a Vampire, one bite from them could slowly one. But it goes vice versa as well. It's a cruel fate for both species. "Hey.. word of advice.. if you hear that awfully howling again don't stop moving, if you can hide do it." Aiden told her without thinking then looked away briefly. "And then you ended up here with me is that correct?"

Now Vampires attacking parties, Aiden normally wouldn't think nothing of it but with him meeting this girl. He knew something had to be off, and Werewolves were around as well? He wouldn't be surprised if that was what was chasing this girl, since those mongrels are slower but that didn't mean they were weak. It's just that if Vampires were chasing her, she wouldn't have even made it here probably.

Aiden cocked his head to the side, he could tell she had questions. he wouldn't mind entertaining them a bit. With the state she's in he couldn't ask her about the pendent atleast not right now. "What's on your mind?"

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 08:38 AM

Randolph's ploy succeeded, and not only ended up on top of the wolf, but the monster released his leg. The creature's growl was far from reassuring, however. Fortunately, the it quickly turned into a yowl of pain as the cross connected. If there had been any doubt in his mind that this was a werewolf, that would have removed it. Several bullet wounds, and there was no reaction, but a relative scratch from silver and the creature was in pain. Randolph once again cursed his decision to leave his own ammunition at home until he was more trusted by the Captain. If he survived this, he was keeping silver rounds on him at all times.

As the creature began to buck, trying to throw him off, Randolph let it, only making sure to maintain his grip on the silver cross. It wouldn't due to lose the only effective weapon he had. As he landed on the ground, his leg was jarred, and he gave a short yell of pain. He did not let it stop him from rolling up into a protective crouch, silver cross held out in front of him as though it was a knife. The only concession he made to the wound, was to alter his stance slightly so that he was resting more of his weight on the other leg.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 02:12 PM

She nodded absent mindedly when he'd told her to hide when she'd heard howling. That's exactly what she'd tried to do, and here she was. Unsuccessfully hiding from monsters, by picking a place with a monster inside of it. How had she gotten mixed up on her way to the church? The forest.

It had been said that the forest lived, that one who went in might never come out, getting lost, or eaten by some creature of the night anyway. The forest had turned her around, mixed her up. She didn't believe that before tonight, but now she'd probably believe anything.

He asked her what was on her mind. It was a serious inquiry, not something meant to make her uneasy. He was genuinely curious what was on her mind? This guy was a confusing one. One minute she thought he was going to chop her up and the next she thought he wanted more of heart to heart. Maybe he was just lonely. Did he spend too much time in the tomb?

"Nothing," she responded with a shake of her head. "It's just- I- Well...", how would she word this? "Are you a... vampire?" She whispered that last word like it was some kind of great secret. Of course, it was, but it wasn't like anyone could hear them in there anyway. She felt ridiculous asking the question. From what she'd seen at the party, and read in stories, he totally was a vampire.

But, everything in her was still telling her she was dreaming and that things like that didn't exist. Any moment now he'd laugh at her and call her stupid; tell her he was the night shift graveyard keeper or something. And that would more than likely explain his strange attitude.

I don't - what is - I - huh?
Beekeeper is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 02:47 PM

"I see. It seems as though I won't be able to change your mind on the matter of venturing once more into the night."

This also meant that Kaled had limited time to procure the magic object in the young woman's possession, should he be able to do so at all. But he could see when a person meant what they said - however... It is possible to convince her to stay. Too long it has been since he had used his magic upon another user and he was unsure if it would work or if he would be sensed. He was never caught with humans or those unaware of the world of magic, and it appeared as if this girl had no clue of her latent talent. Meaning that he had a higher chance of success...

He had his hypothesis, now all that was left to do was to put an experiment into action.

"However, it appears as though this evening has become quite dangerous and I cannot, in good conscience, allow another to blunder in without a sure course of action. Surely your friend has a cellular phone? I'm sure she has found herself in a safe place but is scared and her mind racing in so many directions that phoning is an afterthought.

I have a phone in my office should you care to use it."

There was nothing incriminating in his office space - too many others wound their way through the room, from members of his congregation to contractors, police should they come knocking. A curious eye and wandering hands would spell the end of him. If he kept anything of that like in his office.

All of his important documents, spell books, and enchanted items were kept in a safe in his room, under the floorboards of his closet. It was a space that was made to be impenetrable to magic other than his own - unless, of course, the magic were to be stronger than his. However he had yet to meet anyone of such caliber and thus had no reason to worry.

Unless this child acquires the power of the item she holds onto. Then there may be more urgency.


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