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LeaSmith is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 08:41 PM

Yup, I do definitely sign... so it can't be stolen so easilly. And it looks like... a link to my gallery. ^^;

Hazardous Bubbles
Hazardous Bubbles is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 09:35 PM

I just started signing mine with my initials done in a way that's different than normally writing out the letters. It only takes a second, plus with art theft it's kinda good to do it in a spot where it would be impossible to remove without cutting that part of the picture out so you can prove that it's yours.

AlikaMorein is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 02:36 AM

As bad as it might be, I don't sign my work. I never got into the habit. ^^; I'm prolly easily stolen from.

Monstryk is offline
Old 08-10-2008, 04:40 AM

I sign my paintings and drawings with my signature and the year I finished it.

Sometimes I forget and I have paintings laying around unsigned, but after a while I get to it.

I don't do digital art, so I can't respond for that.

Dead Account Holder
Cheese-sama is offline
Old 08-10-2008, 04:32 PM

I draw a little clover, then a C and an S ontop of eachother, somewhere that doesn't ruin the picture.
I would write my real name but most of my art goes on the internet.

Kyandara is offline
Old 08-13-2008, 10:09 AM

No I do not sign my art.

It simply seems silly to me - especially if I see a few people sign their work - and the sign takes more than 20% of the size of the picture... ;)

And text really has nothing to do in pictures either way...!

I had people or customers asking me to sign it; but I always hesitate then. ; )
So if they really need me to sign, then I make it very small; ... !
(an example should be in the current signature... )

[L]ove[H]ate is offline
Old 08-16-2008, 05:23 PM

I just put my name in the corner to tell I made it. =]

Taiki is offline
Old 08-29-2008, 06:01 AM

I didn't used to start signing my artwork. I've just seen a lot of it being used on other websites without my permission and other people claiming that they drew it so I started putting watermarks on them even though I think watermarks are ugly. I just put a copyright thing on it with my website so if someone sees it on a site that it shouldn't be up on, they can always use the link to go find me if they like my art or something. xD

But yeah, with the watermarks I usually make the opacity really light and like on the character's legs or something so they aren't TOO distracting.

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 09-20-2008, 01:34 AM

I don't need to sign, mostly because my artwork isn't really good enough to need it, and also because I feel like it gets in the way. On top of that, my signature is some special kind of ugly.

Rachel is offline
Old 09-20-2008, 07:26 AM

I always sign what i did. I dont want s.o else steal my artwork :angel:

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Jemii is offline
Old 09-22-2008, 06:18 PM

I sign whenever I happen to remember. xD
I usually put the signature out of the way though; by someone's foot on next to their leg.
For a little while I put my initials in the eye, where you could only see it if you zoomed in to a certain point. :]

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 09-24-2008, 01:01 AM

I feel that it is almost necessary to signs ones own artwork. This signature may be wasted space to you, but many artists I have seen can itegrate the signature right into the picture. Anyways, a signature tells everyone who sees the picture "This is my original work, from my head and my hand and I take pride in it."If the signature is cleverly put into the picture it also deters thieves.

Also, if, say, your picture was forged (Rarely rarely happens except to old million dollar artwork) You could show the theft by simply pointing to (say, the sig in the eye with a zoom lense) and go, see? my signature. proof.

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Guivre is offline
Old 11-26-2008, 10:07 PM

I uh, just sign my name. If something is really small I will do my initials, but nothing fancy.

I used to sometimes draw a tiny bunch of grapes instead when I got bored seeing my name. (My last name is the same word as a bunch of grapes in Bulgarian.) I may use that as a watermark, now that OP has gotten me thinking about watermarks.

Sometimes I do forget to sign my work, but usually not for anything formal.

Teshia~Lyndall is offline
Old 11-29-2008, 12:46 AM

I sign my art in cursive. For simple works like freebies I have a generic signature that I've saved in a separate file. Then I resize it to fit the art. For things that I really enjoyed making I sign uniquely, but always in cursive. Sometimes I resize those too.

Normally I put it in the bottom right, but sometimes that's distracting, so I'll sign it vertically against the waist or arm.

MORBiDUS is offline
Old 12-08-2008, 07:01 AM

Unfortunately I'm another one of those people who starts on a lot of art projects, but never gets them done. I don't think I've EVER considered a piece of my art fully 'complete,' which now that I think about it more, is kind of sad...

So, I've never really needed to sign them. I usually don't show them to anyone, unless someone is particularly nosey around my sketchbook and I have something I'm semi-proud of I could live with sharing.

I even failed one of my Art classes because I couldn't hand anything in, because I was never satisfied enough -- even if I should have done it for the mark. Another one I only passed because the teacher was willing to pass me with an 85% for just one assignment over the entire semester, which was really nice, but kind of unfair to everyone else.

In result to my shenanigans, I've never had a problem with people claiming my art is theirs, or people saying I copied. The only thing that irks me is when I draw fictional characters, they apparently resemble myself (I may be a teeny, tiny bit vain.)

But, that's off topic! Sorry! :sweat:

I also share the problem of not being able to sign for feel that it takes away from the art. But I think for me it really depends on what it was. If I was to do graphics on the computer, or something, I'd just do a text signature. But otherwise my pensmenship is very poor, and the best signature you'd get from me is my initials in preschool worthy handwriting.

Some of my friends who draw and also work on graffiti art just sign with their 'tag,' which I think is pretty nice looking to sign with. :yes:

PkingSora is offline
Old 12-11-2008, 01:23 AM

I do sign my art, with the initials PKS..befor it used to be SMP. I rarely sign my real name on my pieces

\ (•◡•) /
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Celeone is offline
Old 12-13-2008, 09:47 PM

I don't sign my art. It's never happened to me before that my art got stolen or anything, so I actually never really thought about it.. I guess my art isn't really worth stealing anyways ^^;

luciole is offline
Old 12-14-2008, 07:36 AM

D: I was taught to always, always sign the work. A little signature, on the side or bottom or something, not too big to distract but big enough to be seen. It 'finishes' the image properly.
Of course, a watermark is useful too, not knowing who will download the image and reupload it to myspace or whatever, at least the watermark can redirect the viewer back to the original website. But those super HUGE watermarks kinda defeat the purpose. It's kind of like: "OMGOMGOMG DO NOT STEAL btw look at my pic."

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 12-21-2008, 05:48 AM

*shrugs* i dont sign EVERYTHING, but i certainly sign the things i give to people *nods* if its a commission its being signed, because dammit i put my work into it and im proud! most of the time iof its for myself.. i only sign things im really proud of.. soooo my sketchbook will have tons of pages sans signature, and then maybe a few with? it all depends. but pretty much... i figure your signature is like your fingerprint... so its something you kinda cant do without... its important to other people (i collect art, and i like seeing the artists sign their work - makes me feel like they took pride in doing it) as much as for you.

as for what my signature is... er.. its the first letter of my name, and my last name.. and i always date it with the year.. because its fun to look back through scanned images years later and see the changes / improvements ^^

Tranquilize_er is offline
Old 12-25-2008, 10:00 PM

I always sign no matter what. I write my full name or username if its for someones charater on a site such as gaia, menewsha, soliaonline, etc... when i write my full name and or username i write it really small (about a 5 pt font...maybe a 3.) along one of the drawings lines. and i also have a nifty little sinature i always put in the bottom right corner of the piece.
hope that helped =]]

Claudia is offline
Old 12-26-2008, 06:49 PM

Nope, never. I put the char's name on the back in big scribbled letters. Sometimes people who look flip it over and read the names.
I probably have no need for this once the pcitures are filed under that char's name...Still I think I'll keep it up.

Ehnvy is offline
Old 12-26-2008, 09:24 PM

If I could draw I would sign my art and in a place in the picture where it would be incredibly hard to edit out. It's your work, get your name out there :)

Koari is offline
Old 01-02-2009, 01:09 AM

I do sign and so I know I did it and so no one will "steal" it. Or if someone recognizes it and the person who posted it, isn't theirs they can tell me. Either way.
Well I sign different all the time! Yes, I know. It's bad to do! But I don't know what to do. Lol. Right now my sign is in cursive, "ES SF BC" Then I put the year like `09 .
Sometimes I watermark it though.

Claudia is offline
Old 01-02-2009, 03:20 AM

I think what I'll do is sign my whole portfolios. The pictures are mostly stored in portfolios divided by quality.

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cionnaith is offline
Old 01-02-2009, 06:11 AM

I always sign my works Cionnaith / title / Date
Aside from preventing art theft, It makes it easier to find on the Internet, where I use more than 1 site to upload my art.


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