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Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 03:35 PM

I used to only use that hairstyle and in light blue. A really long time ago. o3o Now I can't resist messing with my hair, but this style always comes back to get me.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 03:38 PM

Oooh, one of those 'really pretty dolls that are pretty to the point of being creepy'? XD

---------- Post added 02-15-2013 at 11:38 PM ----------

I usually stick to a few hairstyles and one color, unless I'm doing a contest and it's required to have everything color coordinated.

Puffer is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 03:54 PM

Yes! That one. xD

Anta you're looking cool, you remind me of a character on an anime. x3

I usually choose red for either my hair or my eyes, or both. I love red~
And yes I only stick to a few hairstyles too. I'm rather predictable for those kind of things. :P
When I make a character in a game and I make an alt they usually look the same. o3o

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 03:57 PM

My characters in games always all look different and end up having life stories. I never intend for it to happen; it just does. My imagination runs about without control. XD My first one/main usually has hair that's some shade of blue and has the name Amane or a variation.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 04:29 PM

@Puffer: Which anime and which character? XD
Same here, all my characters in games tend to look pretty much the same. XD
Though for games like Skyrim where there are multiple different races to choose from they vary more.

I tend to create OCs for a game when I start it, and after that I'll be sticking with them afterwards. XD

Puffer is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 04:37 PM

You're like a mix of Inuyasha and Ichigo's mask from Bleach, that's the feeling that I'm getting. xDD

My Skyrim character was so weird looking no matter how hard I tried to make it pretty. ; -;
My elf was kinda pretty though.. for an elf. :v
But after that I modded my Skyrim so my character has Light's hair from FF XIII. She looked so purrty. x3

My game character is always an OC, I like to make them really pretty so I can stare at them for hours without being bored. c:
I usually make the 'same' character, and pretend like they're in Wreck-it Ralph where they can jump between games. xDD

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 04:45 PM

Ooh, I love creepily adorable dolls~

I don't even consider their existence in other games when I'm doing things with characters in one game.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 04:50 PM

Ahh, that's a cool combination.

lol! What race are your Skyrim characters? I tend to go with a Nord or an Altmer. I sometimes go with Khajiits or Argonian or Dunmer, but rarely the other races. Oh and I love my Dremora character too, but they don't have the voices for shouts, so their Thu'ums are always silent.

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:00 PM

I never hopped on the Skyrim craze. .o.

Puffer is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:01 PM

My human is a Breton, I was torn between choosing Breton or Nord (Imperial was never in my list :P ) but I chose Breton in the end. My other characters are either a Bosmer or Dunmer. My Bosmer is a good archer. At first I thought I don't need archery, but then I fell in love with it and use my bows on almost everything. x3 I was thinking of making Khajits at one point cus they're a cute adorable huge kitties. >3

Skyrim got me hooked for a while and I never finished the game 'cus I keep making new characters. :P

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:06 PM

I'm a big online gamer. I'm on Ragnarok Online 2 right now!
I like making whoever uses magic first when I play a fighting game.

Puffer is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:14 PM

I love you even more! xDD I'm a big online gamer myself *high fives*
I tried Ragnarok Online 2 too, but it was too laggy for me and my boyfriend so we stopped playing it.
We probably just gonna wait until they release a global version. ; -;

Right now I'm playing Dragon Nest, kinda. I want moar hack and slash game. >:c

lol at Anta, I think I entered the thread 3 times and I saw him in 3 different looks. xDD

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:25 PM

I played as a Breton a lot back on Oblivion, but now in Skyrim I could barely tell them apart from the Imperials, they all look so similar...
I never play as an Imperial either. They just don't really appeal to me.

I'm almost exclusively an archer! I used to go with swords back when I first started with Morrowind, then somewhere along the way in Oblivion, I fell in love with marksmanship and haven't changed back to swords ever since. I sometimes use magic, but they're harder to cast without alerting enemies, and with Skyrim having no Chameleon anymore, I have to rely on my Sneak a lot. I don't like face-to-face combat and prefer snipe my victims from afar. So not Nord-ish at all.

I don't think I ever finished a game either...I did complete the main questline sometimes, but I never managed to finish the civil war questline for either side. I started out supporting the Stormcloaks, but now I'm mostly for the Empire...after I kill the emperor Titus Mede II.

Ragnarok Online 2?! There's a 2 now?! Man, I am so behind the times.

Haha, yeah, I'm still agonizing over the color coordinated avatar contest, I can't decide on what to do and every time I start a new look I get stuck.

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:26 PM

Haven't popped in to say hi to you lot in ages (oops) xP

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:26 PM

Hiya guys!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:32 PM

I'm off to bed, see you guys later!

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:45 PM

@Puffer: Actually, they did. That's what I'm playing. it's way different from the private server version we've known, but it is Ragnarok Online 2!

@Anta: Yeah! I've known about Ragnarok since I was a little girl, so I know it like the back of my hand. XD Nothing can be better than the original Ragnarok Online IMO. That game has grown insanely since it started. I love the new towns, but I have a ton of memories behind the original towns and fields.
Good night!

@Jean: Hello! I like your avvie. o:

@Seri: Hey there!

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:05 PM

Thanks, Amane!
I'm not done with it, but it takes me awhile to do my tinkering.

Puffer is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:23 PM

Hiya Jean and Seri. :3

Ehhh, I only know the SEA version, that is, as far as I know *cough* only covers Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and either Phil or Vietnam? Or have things change after I left?

*shrug* even if there is a global version I don't think my boyfriend is really interested in it. And Ragnarok 2 is no Ragnarok 1, it feels like a totally different game which kinda disappoints me tbh.

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:23 PM

I know what you mean. I take forever on avvies because always I think I have things I actually don't and spend forever looking for them. And then I'm indecisive about what hair to use.

@Puffer: They have changed things. It is for those areas, but anyone can play. As I said earlier, nothing can beat the original Ragnarok. I love getting on there just to explore towns and fields and basically go sightseeing.

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:24 PM

I'm always getting mixed up between sites.

I'll be looking and looking for something, then realize that it was on Roliana, and not here!

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:27 PM

I'm not active enough on other sites to do that one XD, but I bet I'd do it~

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:28 PM

Roli is having an event too...but they haven't really started it yet.

If they go for 2 weeks like they usually do, then I'll be all right.
I can spend most of my time on here...

Amane is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:28 PM

I haven't juggled events in years.

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:33 PM

At Christmas time, Roli had a 2 week event, but it was an advent calendar type of thing. So all you had to do was sign on every day to get the things.


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