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Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 12:10 AM

Oh goodness Shishunki, *partially covers eyes* :oops:

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
By "writing" does this include poems? o.o
Yes it does! No minimum word length required. :)

Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles View Post
@ CK: May I edit the event rare I would like to receive as a participation prize, as I was working under the assumption they would all be the same price? I will understand if you decline my request, as they aren't all the same price, and I would most likely go for the priciest one (full disclosure: I would).
Certainly - have fun. xD I don't mind which one you want. It's just a way to make sure you get the one you do want. :)

:rofl: @ latest entry

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FidelisRaor is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 03:22 AM

This looks like fun. : )

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 03:37 AM

Is the art in your signature your own, Fidelis? *purrs in appreciation*

Send me cheesecake

Pixel Pixie
wishie is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 04:51 AM

Holly Jolly! Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: wishie
NPCs involved: Afro Donkey <3 Vicky

Comments: *le gasp* The hell is that in his fro? :o
Participation prize: The snowman is fine :3

Last edited by wishie; 12-25-2010 at 05:36 AM..

woohoohelloppl is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 05:27 AM

That read on the mistletoe tradition was pretty interesting.

Shishunki is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 05:42 AM

This contest is really fun. ^^ I'd totally do more.
X3 But I'll stop since I can only enter two.

Can't rain all the time
Naisou is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 06:21 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Naisou
NPCs involved: Able and Sera


Able skulked around the party, muttering darkly to himself about Christmas Cheer and the stupid grins people get over the oddest things. For instance, when the Mayor opened his purple and orange argyle socks… ‘They were atrocious!’ Shaking his head, he walked towards an un-crowded doorway to survey the giddiness from a safe distance.

Looking up caused his scowl to deepen, ‘What is with this inane tradition?’ he wondered, glaring at the offending piece of greenery. ‘Kissing under some random sprig, it’s even poisonous. Senseless.’ Glancing around, he found that the decorator for the annual Christmas party had not been light handed though, for it sat upon every doorway and arch in sight. It even hung in the middle of the dance floor, couples having to frequently pause to partake, laughing and blushing...

‘Ugh’, Able sighed, “I bet Nalin is responsible for it all. Him and his plants,” rolling his eyes, he was surprised to find Sera at his elbow.

“You think it was Nalin’s idea for all the Mistletoe?” she asked, looking up at him, “I knew he grew it, but…he always has so many fans.” She glanced over to the mass surrounding a man who appeared to be quite red. “I didn’t think he liked all of the attention.”

“Knowing Nalin, he did grow it and put it up hoping for such results. I swear, he acts all sweet, innocent, and flustered, but on the inside he loves all the attention he gets.” Able said, turning his attention to the blond across the room, who happened to look up and wink at him.

Sera nodded, laughing quietly to herself. “I see.”

“Yeah, and look at all of them, laughing and being jolly. I just don’t understand why everyone thinks this Holiday is the best. You get gifts that you usually don’t need or want, and the most famous decoration item is poisonous. The plant that causes everyone to relinquish their mouths can kill you. Where is the sense it that? It’s not even that pretty.” Able scoffed as Sera stood nodding.

“It does seem as if who ever thought of this Holidays plant life was trying to harm us, Poinsettias are poisonous too you know.” She glanced at the red potted plants sitting on every available surface.

Able looked at her in wonder, “I’m glad someone agrees.”

Sera smiled softly, looking up from under her bangs, “Yeah.” She leaned up, intending to place a quick kiss on Able’s cheek as he watched the crowd, but just as her lips were about to make contact, he turned, causing her kiss to land directly on his mouth. Blushing, she turned quickly, holding a hand to her now burning lips, “I’m,…so sorry…sorry.” She murmured, rushing off into the crowd.

Able stood shocked for a moment, before turning, grinning slightly and chuckling, “I think I could get used to this poisonous tradition thing, with the right persuasion...” Then he began his search for Sera, and another sprig of poison.

Comments: Able isn't feeling very "Holly Jolly" this year, but Sera's listening skills and guts might help. :) Figured she needed some love this season too. lol
Participation prize: Homemade Angel pwease?

...sorry it grew so long :oops:, I wish my papers for school would write themselves so easily

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 01:41 PM

/loves the Vicky's expression/

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 04:58 PM

Just popping in to say Merry Christmas to everyone. ^-^

I'm at my Christmas party so I can't hang out for more than a little while.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 05:04 PM

@Hatake: Oh I know! xD Hammy showed me last night and we both got a good chuckle out of it. :lol:

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 05:37 PM

Much awesomesauce. :3 I'm really looking forward to reading these entries. :3

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 05:51 PM

oh my gosh, i'm too light to tip a chair. o.o

sorry. xD random note

Hi merry christmas have a holly jolly time

Just here
gummybug is offline
Old 12-25-2010, 11:18 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Gummybug
NPCs involved: Abel & Li Mei
Entry: Merry Christmas by ~gummybug24 on deviantART
Comments: Ahh. Random i know but im so proud of this picture!! it looks soooo... sooo... Cute, i guess...
P.S Holly Jolly!
Participation prize: I dont think i know the. But i might. Anything is fine!

Yumeh is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 07:21 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Meow?
NPCs involved: Meow, meow.
Entry: MEOW, meow, meeeoooww. HISS, *Sharpens claws*, meow, meow, *Shreads* Hiss, hiss, *Scrambles to safty* MMMEEOOOWWW
Comments: Meow!
Participation prize: Meow?

Multi Media
Vickyll3 is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 07:57 AM

Aww Yumeh

FallOut-Sun is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 10:23 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: FallOut-Sun
NPCs involved: Abel and Nalin Sun
Entry:Just One Kiss
Comments:For this "Holly Jolly" contest Entry I do not know why I chose to use two male. to me they look like a good match that just might have a very juicy love story behind closed doors. The image was created with Gimp 2.6. I used the pictures of the Shop NPC and The Stock Image 'Kissing Couple' by Hermiona1988_stock [on Deviant Art] as references to get the body positions, hair style, clothing,and proportions right. I chose not to put in a background because I wanted to focus to be on the two lovers.
Participation prize: Homemade Angel Ei

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 05:46 PM

I hate spoilers. -.-
I love everyone's entries so far! Wishie's is hilarious! :D
Shall add entry soon.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 07:32 PM

*giggles* Yumeh doesn't like the kissing stuff. x3

We love you, Yumeh!

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 08:01 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Clair Voyant
NPCs involved: Jeryck and Cecilia
Comments: *hides* I know, it's TERRIBLE! But this was LITERALLY my first attempt with a tablet on a computer... and I thought it would be a cute idea, rather than do a romantic kiss, I'd do a sweet little girl giving her wonderful grandpa a kiss on the cheek for Christmas. ^^
Participation prize: Fun with Tinsel

Hope this is okay. ^^

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 08:30 PM

Aw. That's just cute! :D

Shishunki is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 08:47 PM

I don't think any of the stories will have a chance against Yumeh's entry. XD

(j/k) Though Yumeh's is very cute. ^^v

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 12-27-2010, 12:00 AM

Yay! So many more exciting entries. :3 I'm totally stoked!

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 12-27-2010, 09:50 AM

Ohh... I want to do this one, but I dislike using the NCPs in my own thing... Grr, the annoyingness!
But here goes anyway...

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Carzeebear
NPCs involved: Abel and Nalin, mostly.


‘Twas the night before Christmas and forty below,
Santa was walking, trudging the snow.
The sleigh it had broken, annoying and fickle,
leaving saint Nick in a bit of a pickle.

But the story tonight is not about Nick,
It’s about Nalin and his “Kiss me quick!”
The Mayor was hosting his yearly party,
While Cecilia as usual was being a smartie.
Lise was hiding in a corner so dark,
And Abel just strolled in, out of the park.

Nalin saw his friend enter, and thus saw his chance,
The one time each year he could ask him to dance.
As the two smiled, and danced hand in hand,
The mistletoe loomed, in front of the band.

“Ahah!” Thought them both, “Now is my chance!
Upon my dear friend, a kiss I will plant!”
Neither one knew the plan of his friend,
And the song that was playing was about to end.

The last lines of the song spoke of true love,
And the mistletoe hung, high up above.
Both heads moved in, a kind of attack,
And all that was heard was an almighty crack!

In her dark corner, Lise almost smiled,
and all of the fangirls had hearts pounding wild,
A kiss could have happened, it almost did,
but under their hair, bruises they hid.

A headbut, it is an unfortunate thing.
But maybe it wasn’t the time for a fling?
Not far away, Santa trudged through the snow,
But nobody saw him, and nobody knows.

Comments: I know everyone has done these two, but I couldn't think of anyone else. Yes I used somebody else's beginning lines, but it's from a song, so not the name mentioned, I don't know which song.
Participation prize: Holiday Wreath.

Last edited by Bearzy; 12-27-2010 at 10:23 AM..

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 12-27-2010, 05:04 PM

Fall out:


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