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raszala is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 07:15 PM

Emi wore her Quidditch outfit - a blue coat with bronze details. She had a bronze bow on her broomstick. Her broom was old and bit shabby, but this didn't matter for her. She knew that she won't need a better broom.

After arriving at the Quidditch field, Emi waved to her recent teammates. She went to the teamleader, Johnny Kendricks, and asked for what positions where free. The team needed 2 beaters and one seeker. They lost one of the best seekers Ravenclaw ever had. How depressing.
"And who is the one who wants my position?", Emi asked Johnny. "Oh em.. this should be Charles Wrigglesworth", he pointed on a gawky guy, looking kind of sick and pale. But Emily was not in the mood to feel mercy - she wanted to show him who had the pants on!

Emi was the first to show her talent. She catched 13 of 15 quaffels. Now it was Charles' turn.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 07:31 PM

Ana was so bussy with her Charms and Transfiguration Homework that she wasn't watching over Cookie anymore. She did not realy look at the Quidditchfield also Emily was playing, her face was hiddin behind a book and Cookie got bored.
The youn white cat went down to the Quidditchfield. Nobody noticed the cat because everybody was looking up. Cookie jumped onto the box which contained the diffrent balls. Only the Quaffel was out.
There was a shiny plaque with the Hogwarts crest on it. Behind it, there was the golden snitch but Cookie doesn't knew this. Cookie was poking the plaque and playing with it as it suddenly opened and the golden, winged ball came out. At firt the cat was shocked and scared and but then Cookie jumped after the Snitch and tried to catch it. The cat was standing of its backpawas and stretching both other paws in the hair, but it couldn't reach the snitch so it was still running after it like after a butterfly. And as the snitch knew it or not, it was flying quite a lot slowlier then normaly. But that was maybe because it wasn't used so long.
One of the Player noticed it now.
"Hey Kendricks!" the Player shouted "I guess there is someone appling as a seeker" he said and now the other looked at the white cat that tred to catch that winged ball.

raszala is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 07:42 PM

Emily had done her job. Kendricks would take her, no matter how many others applied, he knew that Emi was the best around.

Kendricks noticed the cat playing with the snitch. "Oh wow. Emi? You are done now, could you take our new seeker to a save place?", he twinkled. "Ok guys, the snitch is out. let me see who could catch it first!"
Three boys went onto their brooms and up in the air, to hunt the snitch. It really seemed the snitch was getting faster as he knew that a faster object was hunting him.

Emi took Cookie in her arms and stroke her. She began to purr while both went to the border of the playing field.
Emily remembered who's cat this was. Cookie was Anas cat. But where was she?

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 07:54 PM

Ana was leaning on a tree just a few steps away from the Quidditchfield and studying. She broke up with Transfiguration and now read an old history book. She was so owned that she didn't noticed anything. Ana was sometimes like a Bookworm.
But things realy close she noticed, like the footsteps of Emily. She looked up and wondered to see cookie in her arms.
"Hi Emily... err... where did you found my cat" she asks kinda cofused and embarassed because she didn't take enough care about the Young cat.
She put the book aside and stood up.

raszala is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 09:03 PM

"She applied to be our new seeker!", Emi smiled and gave Ana her lovely cute little white cat. She waited for an answer, while the seekers were still in the air and hunted the snitch.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 09:08 PM

Ana stroked Cookie and the cat meow and pokes ana with its little nose.
"But Cookie can't ride a brromstick," Ana said and smiled back. "But if he could he would be the best seeker ever" Ana thought of Kevin for second who was a seeker too.
"I didn't noticed that you had quidditch training, I was studing here. Thanks for taking care of Cookie. hes a little explorer, sometimes" Ana packed her books together. "I think someone catched the snitch" she said then as she saw noone flying anymore. "I think they want you to come back" she added as she saw someone waving.

raszala is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 09:53 PM

"yeah no problem ^^ he would be really the best seeker around! i have to go now, nice to have talked to you", she smiled and went away, back to the playing field.

Kendricks announced his decisiones about this years quidditch team. The old players were back in team - so was Emi - the new ones were 2 tough guys from the 3rd year for the beaters and a young girl called Caroline, in year 5, for the seeker.
Charles had been a good keeper, but - you know - first years never come into the quidditch team. Maybe if Emi was getting that ill, that she was not able to sit on a broom for the whole match. "That'll never happen", Emily thought, very proud of keeping her position.

She was totally sweat, so she went up to the castle to have a shower.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 10:06 PM

Ana went into the catle before Emily did. She was down at the Slytherin Dungeon now. She was lying on her bad, haven a candle or two burningn and reading the book again. Cookie was laying on the pillow, taking a little nap.
Ana enjoyed the warm candleligth rather then the other lights in the dungeon which was right under the lake.
She didn't feel any real hunger but she would go to the dinner anyway.
The watched showed her that it was almost time to get ready so she got up, checked her apearance in the mirror and went down to the great hall.

raszala is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 08:03 PM

Emily was getting out of the shower, feeling fresh and clean. She slided in her pyjama and threw herself the new coat over her shoulders and went down to eat dinner.

She thought a lot of Steven the whole day through and had really no idea in what kind of way to get the whole thing. She thought that she loved him, but she was not quiet sure about it. "Maybe i'll send him a letter with my decision when Winter comes", she thought, "that'll be more romantic if i decide to be with him,.. but if i decide to not be with him?.." she was confused and sad and sat down to eat something.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 08:21 PM

While went down to the great hall, she sung quitly because noone was arround. She wouldn't be brav enought to sing when someone was arround. "The Night is blowing up! There comes the Morning red - The Night is blowing up! The rebels are not dead!" It was a song about war. Ana did not remeber where he had heard it but she knew that song by heart. A big big Shadow was suddenly behind her.
"Y-you have a n-nice voice" it was that big guy from Gryffindor that looked like he had Giant Blood in his veins. Ana did not remember his name, but her face turned red because she hasn't known that someone was listening. "Oh uhm... thank you" she said.
"A-are you going to d-dinner too?" he asked. "Uhm... yes" she said. They had arrived at the great hall and entred it together.

raszala is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 09:08 PM

Emily noticed Ana walking in with a really huge guy.
She knew him, but never talked to him actually. His name was Rubeus Hagrid, a Gryffindor.
Emi wanted to eat dinner with Ana at least, but she knew that Ana wouldn't sit at the Ravenclaw table to eat some stuff, she knew that. But she waved to the both, hoping they'll see her.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 09:25 PM

Ana saw Emily and waved back... but not offesive so that everyone could see it. Ana could and wuld not sit at a ravenclaw table, it would have been againts the rules. She sat down at the slytherin table and Hagrid seemed to a little shocked noticing that. he did not thought that a girl with such a nice voice could be a slytherin, slytherin were always mean to him, because he was an offensive Halfblood. When he sat down at the gryffindors table he shaked his head an started to eat. He had to remember to pack in some food for arragog.
Ana sat down. Tom was sittng at the other side of the table. Ana streched her arm and leand forwards to get some pumkin juice, when the necklace was dropping forwards too. One of the slytherin girls grapped the necklace an nearly struggled Ana. "Karyn! Please let it go, I want some Air" she said and karyn took her hand of the necklace. "Where did you get this, it so pretty, must have been very expensice" Karyn asked acting very girliesh. "I've got it as a gift, grom a guy" Ana said. Tom heard it and and looked up while he stoped eating. "Ooh~ from that good-looking quidditch player from the Campion Ship? Are you in love again. The Prophet wrote that you broke up with him!"

raszala is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 09:46 PM

Emily realized that sitting at another table than your house table was against the rules. She never noticed it really, but noone was sitting at another table than at his or her house table.
A girl was sitting in front of emily. She was spotty and cloddy and wore thick glasses. Emi knew her, she knew that this girl never had friends and that she always was sad and cried a lot. She was good in all classes, what maybe was an effect of not having friends.
Emily felt bad, she had no real friends either. She looked to Ana and saw her talking with a girl.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 09:58 PM

Tom Riddle did not wanted to hear Anas answer to that question. He stood up, and his chair made more noise then he wanted it to do, quickly he went out of the hall leaving his plate half filled. "Sometimes his acting realy weird" Avery said to Nott. Both were already in Tom clique and in the SlugClub.
Ana looked up but she did not realy care. She was chewing her bread so she had time to think of an answer. "Oh well, he gave it to as an excuse for his bad behavior in Summer, but I'm not sure whether I should for give him. That will depend on the christmas present" It was a lie but it was excatly what Karyn wanted to hear because she giggled and then Turned away. Ana continued eating but Karyn was already finished. She pointed the Ravenclaw table. "Oh look , there is Myrte, I think she gets uglier, day by day what do you think Ana?"
Ana was shweing with full mouth and looking up "Hm~" She swallowed "What?"
"I was talking about Myrte. That girl is a walking joke" Karyn started to laugh "I bet shes a mudblood"

raszala is offline
Old 12-02-2007, 09:06 PM

She looked back on her plate and thought "oh man, what am i thinking! i will never end up like this poor girl."
Emily finished eating and stood up, she looked again to Ana and hoped quietly that they are going to be friends, some time in the future.

She stood in front of her bed and looked at her bedside table. Stevens letter was lying on it.
Emily read it again. And again. She fell asleep with the letter in her hands. Crying in joy.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 12-02-2007, 09:18 PM

There was somebody not so joyfull. No it wasn't Ana. And finaly gave up having a conversation with Karyn and down into the sleeping room. She was all alone and played with cookie. With some spells she let some little things fly arround in the air and cookie was after them to catch them.
Ana laughed and Cookie meowed.
Tom was at a meeting of the Slugclub. He would have rather been at the comon room. Maybe Ana was there? He didn't knew. He still felt angry about that other Guy. He got that article from Avery and he was nearly exploting of rage.
It was realy hard to act normal now so that nobody notices. Nobody should notice that he felt kind of weak and helpless. Nobody ever.
After the meeting, he went into the girls toilet and opend the chamber. He wanted to be down there. Leaning againts the cold stone and thinkking of his power made him feel better.

raszala is offline
Old 12-02-2007, 10:06 PM

Some weeks passed and nothing interesting happend. But this would change in some days. Halloween was coming and Hogwarts was preparing a lot. The house-ghosts flew around like crazy. The preserver grew pumpkins in unnatural sizes, one was that big, you could sit in it.
Everyone was waiting for this event to come, for all this candy and for the small presents given away.

Emily was beeing happy cause Steven had the allowance to visit Hogwarts for the weekend. She was so excited and nervous that she had no head for the classes. She did quiet everything wrong. When she had to transform a glass into a candle, she made the glass melt. When she was mixing a potion, she made something that smelled like fresh cherry jam. She went crazy at the cogitation to lie in his arms soon.

With this thoughts, she walked down her way to the next potions lesson.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 12-02-2007, 10:14 PM

Ana was doing well. Maybe because she was not with the head in the clouds. Everything was alright for her. Tom hasn't gave up yet, but she wasn't treating her nerves as bad as in the first days.
Ana Liked Halloween. it was her favorite event of the year.
What Ana didn't knew was that Steven was going to bring Kevin with him as a suprise for Ana. Kevin was begging so much that Dippet and Steven couldn't say 'no.'

raszala is offline
Old 12-02-2007, 10:28 PM

Emily was bombinating all the time. She made her decision for steven and she was happy about it. The whole stress with it was now over, fortunately.
Steven had send Emily a small gift, a bracelet and she wore it all the time. It was not as expensive and complex as Anas necklace, but this was no matter for Emi. She loved it.

She walked into the classroom, and the first look she got was from Professor Slughorn. He was thinking about what to do with this girl. He knew that she had no head for the schoolstuff at the moment, but that was no reason for not learning and take part in the lessons. His idea was to give Emily a really easy exercise, hoping she would not cause an explosion or cook something. He only wanted to see if his hope would have to forsake.

With very good mood, Emily packed out all the stuffs she needed for this days lesson.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 05:38 AM

Ana was at Transfiguration, trying realy hard to change the mouse in front of her in to a rabbit.
Well, she had no probleme giving the mouse rabbit ears und teeth, but turning the whole thing was just too hard. And the mousabbit likes still cheese and no Carrots.
Ana sighnd. She should have given up Transfiguration, she thought.

raszala is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 09:21 PM

Everyone arrived in the classroom and set down. Professor Slughorn told all about todays lesson and what will be brewed. Emily knew the potion and started to pack out the ingredients she needed.
Professor Slughorn went to her desk. "Oh Ms. McGreggory. You will brew another potion today.", he gave her the recipe. Emily was totally wondering why she had to brew another potion. She looked around and noticed that she was the only one who had to do this. She went ok with it, till she really never felt like making potions. She realized it was an easy one, and so confused she was about Professor Slughorns task, she totally forgot about Steven and made a good potion.
Professor Slughorn was really, i mean really happy that he got another student back to the lesson again and Emi was happy to get a praise in potions.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 09:29 PM

Anas Mousabbit was up to entertain the whole class. Some random guy said to his neighbour: "Haven transfigaraion with that Tombstone Girl is always fun, Such random creation, but never the one she is supossed to do *haha* " ana grawled at him and lyed her haid down on her arm while poking the mousabbit with her wand and made it Quiek!
She signed and Dumbledore shaked his head "Don't give up Ana" he said and smiled to cheer her up.

raszala is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 09:45 PM

The lesson was over and everyone went out of the classroom to get to the next lesson.
On her way to one of the towers, she thought about Ana and that they got closer on the weekend they where together in Hogsmaed. She remembered that they were talking a lot about Steven and Kevin and some normal stuff like school and bit about clothes. Emi was really happy to have found someone who really had bits of the same interests she had. Both liked historys and researched a lot of stuff they were interested in.
She actually didn't know if she could call it a friendship, but it was more then just a secondary said "hello".
Next lesson was History of magic in one of the towers. Emily was a bit late, so she started running.

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Kirsch is offline
Old 12-03-2007, 09:50 PM

Ana was at Potions now, where Emily was before. The Potion the made was called Awaking Potion, this potion was increasing peoples normal strengeht, agility and all natural skills. It got them into a hyper mood.
Ana thougt it was easy to make but may she inhaled to much of the Potion steam because she started to giggle, cutting ther crasses with high speed and was talking way to fast undtil Slughorn gave her an antidote.
Ana was not the only one. Avary and Not made a bet about Avery drinking a glas sof the potion and sitquite for the rest of the lessons. Avery loste the bet and it was like chaos.

raszala is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 07:28 PM

Emily arrived just in time, one minute before the lesson began. She liked it to know some stuff about the next lesson before they had it, so she had read some stuff about it just the evening before.
They had a lot to write, and Emi was very happy that she bought some of the self-writing feathers from Flourish & Blotts.
When the feather wrote, Emily looked out of the window and was again with her head in the clouds and thought of Steven and the time she would share with him. She planned some stuff, but she didn't knew what Steven planned, so she had left some time open for other activities.


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