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Leviathana is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:43 PM

Sry, I just came online.

Here are my Chores from 1-3

Cleaning my hamsters cage - he's a really messy little fellow, so every week I have to get all the stuff out, wash it entirely and then put everything back in. Except the old beding. This is going into the trash, and he gets new one

Clean the balcony - Since I'm living near a wood my balcony is always covered with pollen so once a month i need to clean the floor and everything else on it.

I live on my own, so i don't get any allowance... 0€

least favourite - clear out my closet
most favourite - cleaning my hamsters cage

What else can I do to help?

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:44 PM

I won't post since you said we're all going to post in one :) but you have it now :D woo hoo!

And about the permits, I will follow suit with Bani :) I will do state and federal license and Certificate of Authority.

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:46 PM

Round 1

First team to complete all of the work jobs will be awarded $500.

1. Make up a name for your company and a stock symbol. (Ex. Yahoo! is YHOO)
Starizzle - STRZL

2. Design a logo for your company. This logo must appear on everything visual you submit. (Ex. The mascot submission must include the logo, etc)

3. Design or describe five products and/or services your business is going to provide.
Starizzle taps into the various aspects of service that cater to people's lives. We offer drinks and food that sustain, cleaning materials to keep the body clean, and services that make life easier. Here is a taste of what we offer.

1. Starizzles Star-berry Surprize Energy Drink - A delicious blend of strawberries and creme with a kick of energy boosting protein. For the rundown and energy needing patron. (Not available in sugar-free)

2. Starizzle's World Famous Kiwi Delight - Ripe Kiwi's blended together with frozen yogurt as a healthy alternative to Starizzles more fattening products. This will refresh the body, and give a sense of purity.

3. Stink-B-Gone Star Kissed Soap - A soap that is gentle to the skin, and produces a rich lather. Will get away even the strongest of B.O's. Available in three different strengths.

a. Ew you smell!
c. I'd rather die than smell you!

4. Yummy Stardrop Sandwhich - A blend of handchosen deli meat served on a choise of wheat or white bread. The sandwhich is then cut into the shape of a star to be served. (Condements available upon request)

5. Date Away Service - Starizzle is determined to make life as easy as possible for it's patrons. This includes a service that will break up with boyfriends, girlfriends, or reject stalkers. Service done with a smile! Unless you require it to be done with anger and hate.

4. Write a mission statement for your business. Inform people of your purpose and aim, who you are catering your business to, what are the responsibilities your business has to your audience, and what products/services you have to offer.
Being dedicated year round to providing excellent service with refreshments and refreshing feeling that leaves you in a calmer state of mind. Dedicated of freeing your mind of any worries and keeping you feeling safe and secure! Offering varieties of refreshing items, from drinks, foods, to soaps and a dating service where you can finally be stress free. It's open to all the world from anywhere, it's great quality and great price! We strive to keep you happy and on your best with a little push from our products, the few items you'll never regret getting more of.

5. Create a mascot for your company.
Mascot With Logo

6. Hire three artists in the event forum to draw your mascot. You can get freebies. None of the artists can be from your team.
7. Design your company's building. This must be an image.

8. Write up a description of your building. (How tall is it? What does it contain? What's it made out of? Etc)
This company's building is a mile high skyscraper reaching to the clouds. Made of special nano metals, this building has an ever changing facade. When the weather is hot, the building's pores seem to open up and breathe. When the weather is cool, the building seems to dim as the nano metals take a break. Containing the world's most advance systems for detecting what people need, the building is the company headquarters for Starizzle INC. People hustle and bustle in and out 24 hours a day, as this building never sleeps.

9. Decide on where your business's headquarters are going to be located. Write a minimum of 500 word description on why you selected this location.
Our Business headquarters is located in a space dome floating among the cosmos. We chose this position, because of the Aliens and UFO’s and the view is spectacular view. We enjoy eating lunch watching a galactic battle, Space ship flying around, blowing up and shooting pew pew guns. I also swear I saw Chewbacca, once. We have meetings while watching the moon raise and drink coffee to the sun sets. We also find living in non-charted space to be a bit of an upside to help out company. And as Darkness seeps into the universe we sleep soundly to the comforting noise of broken chunks of spaceship smashing into the outer shield. We also find that be out in the middle in of nowhere, helps with not being found. The Spaceship harbor is a fun filled chaos room! Whenever you are angry, grab the ANGRY SPACESHIP and take it for an ANGRY DRIVE. In our Main base of operations we carry out simple yet mind bobbling tasks. There is a large café with No Trans fats foods, and no fast food, only slow food. We have a top notch fitness center. We keep our own in great shape, like an amoeba. We also serve fresh neat private quarters that come with a Television, a bed, and a fridge. We also have an Alien display, where we fine hunters display our trophies. There is also one of those buttons of doom, and despair. Put in one of those places were idiots can get to them. There are over 100 floors of random office space we don’t use but is there in case of emergence. You never know when a random explosion could destroy your office! We have one of those rooms with a billion screens looking at absolutely nothing. All over the chairs have extra padding because a sore bottom makes a horrible day at the office. We have a pretty garden for calming walks and quiet runs! We have a rather large filing room, filled with files. We have a gun range set up for those cow boys and trigger happy people! There is a small petting zoo in the lobby. The Lobby is mainly composed of chairs and sofas! Our Headquarters has several smaller sections, like food, drink, alien smuggling all the normal! We enjoy every aspect of living and so we make sure you do to, with covering everything and anything that might come up in your daily life. We have a ball room floor for dancing, and a theater for theater performances! We have 3 IMAX screens and several movie screens. We also have a never ending river of root beer. There are top of the line washrooms and showers. We also have a slushy machine in the café, what a café without a slushy machine? We have our own billboards with our own advertisement all over the place! We also have elevators and fun music, and escalators for fast travel! And there isn’t a bad thing about an Arcade?

CADIWYN 10. Procure the following: fire department permit, air and water pollution control permit, sign permit, state/federal licenses, and certificate of authority. All are images of certificates and they must look different. (Note, don't include your logo on these)
lev~ we need one more artist to draw our mascot. and we need to do the permit thing. :3

Last edited by wish; 08-11-2009 at 04:59 PM..

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:50 PM

I got great news! Everyone grab a link here and go with it, as Bani said, it doesn't have to be pretty :) if you can edit awesome, but here are some license's and just change it around :D

Just have to make them our own and find that last artist :D

Last edited by nikijay88; 08-11-2009 at 04:53 PM..

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:54 PM

schall i hlep you editing them?

edit ^^": I'll take the last one

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:57 PM


nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:57 PM

:) I am doing the blue one for authority XD

So far we got Sign and Fire :D

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:59 PM


does that work for authority? XD!!

OH YOU AREALREADY DONE? XD hehe ignore mine then. lmao.

Candycaneslippers is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:00 PM

oh my wish xD

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:04 PM

LOL!! ;3 hay candy~~!

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:05 PM

this was mine LOL

Now it says cosmos!

Last edited by nikijay88; 08-11-2009 at 05:09 PM..

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:06 PM

that's fine niki. ^^

btw do you have all of the images of the certificates that we altered together?

i'm just gonna turn them into url thingys to get ready to post~

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:09 PM

mine ^^

Last edited by Leviathana; 08-11-2009 at 05:14 PM..

Candycaneslippers is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:09 PM

Lol what is this for anywway wish you just told me to draw the star xDD

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:10 PM

LOL it's for the game in the sticky in tori's thread at the top of the celes paradi. :3

i changed it to the water+air one instead. LOL

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:11 PM

mew :< no, one two are on this page with mine and Levi's and then I think those other two are two pages back under o.o the girls whose name has suddenly gone void in my head O.O.;;;

Originally Posted by Bani View Post
FireDepatment Permit

It doesn't have to be perfect. I just knocked it out quickly

Sign Permit

Here were the other two.

*gasps* I think that's all of them XD *squeals*

Last edited by nikijay88; 08-11-2009 at 05:13 PM..

Candycaneslippers is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:13 PM

oh i see xD

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:14 PM


Team Name: Star Team or Starizzle!

Work Job #: 1. Make up a name for your company and a stock symbol. (Ex. Yahoo! is YHOO)
Job: Starizzle - STRZL

Work Job #: 2. Design a logo for your company. This logo must appear on everything visual you submit. (Ex. The mascot submission must include the logo, etc)

Work Job #: 3. Design or describe five products and/or services your business is going to provide.
Job: Starizzle taps into the various aspects of service that cater to people's lives. We offer drinks and food that sustain, cleaning materials to keep the body clean, and services that make life easier. Here is a taste of what we offer.

1. Starizzles Star-berry Surprize Energy Drink - A delicious blend of strawberries and creme with a kick of energy boosting protein. For the rundown and energy needing patron. (Not available in sugar-free)

2. Starizzle's World Famous Kiwi Delight - Ripe Kiwi's blended together with frozen yogurt as a healthy alternative to Starizzles more fattening products. This will refresh the body, and give a sense of purity.

3. Stink-B-Gone Star Kissed Soap - A soap that is gentle to the skin, and produces a rich lather. Will get away even the strongest of B.O's. Available in three different strengths.

a. Ew you smell!
c. I'd rather die than smell you!

4. Yummy Stardrop Sandwhich - A blend of handchosen deli meat served on a choise of wheat or white bread. The sandwhich is then cut into the shape of a star to be served. (Condements available upon request)

5. Date Away Service - Starizzle is determined to make life as easy as possible for it's patrons. This includes a service that will break up with boyfriends, girlfriends, or reject stalkers. Service done with a smile! Unless you require it to be done with anger and hate.

Work Job #: 4. Write a mission statement for your business. Inform people of your purpose and aim, who you are catering your business to, what are the responsibilities your business has to your audience, and what products/services you have to offer.
Job: Being dedicated year round to providing excellent service with refreshments and refreshing feeling that leaves you in a calmer state of mind. Dedicated of freeing your mind of any worries and keeping you feeling safe and secure! Offering varieties of refreshing items, from drinks, foods, to soaps and a dating service where you can finally be stress free. It's open to all the world from anywhere, it's great quality and great price! We strive to keep you happy and on your best with a little push from our products, the few items you'll never regret getting more of.

Work Job #: 5. Create a mascot for your company.
Job: Mascot With Logo

Work Job #: 6. Hire three artists in the event forum to draw your mascot. You can get freebies. None of the artists can be from your team.
Job: Dollottie

Work Job #: 7. Design your company's building. This must be an image.
Job: building

Work Job #: 8. Write up a description of your building. (How tall is it? What does it contain? What's it made out of? Etc)
Job: This company's building is a mile high skyscraper reaching to the clouds. Made of special nano metals, this building has an ever changing facade. When the weather is hot, the building's pores seem to open up and breathe. When the weather is cool, the building seems to dim as the nano metals take a break. Containing the world's most advance systems for detecting what people need, the building is the company headquarters for Starizzle INC. People hustle and bustle in and out 24 hours a day, as this building never sleeps.

Work Job #: 9. Decide on where your business's headquarters are going to be located. Write a minimum of 500 word description on why you selected this location.
Job: Our Business headquarters is located in a space dome floating among the cosmos. We chose this position, because of the Aliens and UFO’s and the view is spectacular view. We enjoy eating lunch watching a galactic battle, Space ship flying around, blowing up and shooting pew pew guns. I also swear I saw Chewbacca, once. We have meetings while watching the moon raise and drink coffee to the sun sets. We also find living in non-charted space to be a bit of an upside to help out company. And as Darkness seeps into the universe we sleep soundly to the comforting noise of broken chunks of spaceship smashing into the outer shield. We also find that be out in the middle in of nowhere, helps with not being found. The Spaceship harbor is a fun filled chaos room! Whenever you are angry, grab the ANGRY SPACESHIP and take it for an ANGRY DRIVE. In our Main base of operations we carry out simple yet mind bobbling tasks. There is a large café with No Trans fats foods, and no fast food, only slow food. We have a top notch fitness center. We keep our own in great shape, like an amoeba. We also serve fresh neat private quarters that come with a Television, a bed, and a fridge. We also have an Alien display, where we fine hunters display our trophies. There is also one of those buttons of doom, and despair. Put in one of those places were idiots can get to them. There are over 100 floors of random office space we don’t use but is there in case of emergence. You never know when a random explosion could destroy your office! We have one of those rooms with a billion screens looking at absolutely nothing. All over the chairs have extra padding because a sore bottom makes a horrible day at the office. We have a pretty garden for calming walks and quiet runs! We have a rather large filing room, filled with files. We have a gun range set up for those cow boys and trigger happy people! There is a small petting zoo in the lobby. The Lobby is mainly composed of chairs and sofas! Our Headquarters has several smaller sections, like food, drink, alien smuggling all the normal! We enjoy every aspect of living and so we make sure you do to, with covering everything and anything that might come up in your daily life. We have a ball room floor for dancing, and a theater for theater performances! We have 3 IMAX screens and several movie screens. We also have a never ending river of root beer. There are top of the line washrooms and showers. We also have a slushy machine in the café, what a café without a slushy machine? We have our own billboards with our own advertisement all over the place! We also have elevators and fun music, and escalators for fast travel! And there isn’t a bad thing about an Arcade?

Work Job #: 10. Procure the following: fire department permit, air and water pollution control permit, sign permit, state/federal licenses, and certificate of authority. All are images of certificates and they must look different. (Note, don't include your logo on these)
Job: water+air pollution

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:16 PM

*dies of joy* GO POST POST POST!!

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:16 PM

did~! XD


now we just need the other members to do the regular ones. :3

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:17 PM

Where's your mascot?
If you're still looking for art that is....

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:17 PM

eh? you mean chores XD?

:D at least we got some of what we can get done so far done :D

I am so happy!!

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:18 PM

Oh, lol, nevermind.
x' D

\ (•◡•) /
Bani is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:19 PM

SO I did those two for nothing? Haha

wish is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:19 PM

happy too. lmfao. now i can collapse. it's 7 am. ;-;

niki are you going to be here? :O

cause cause... i'm not even sure which chores are done.. xD!

bani; no you did it for good! i used those. :P!


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