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Winter Wind
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:47 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Winter Wind
Word Count: 138
Theme: Anti-V-day

Entry: Seven Sins


My hands caressed his face, my whisper on his ears. His lovely lips against mine, his arms around my back. His eyes closed blissfully, murmuring my name.

I want him.


He is mine. Always and forever mine.

No one else's.


Not enough, not ever enough. I want more, always more.

I want it all.


I will not open my eyes. I do not want to move.

For he is gone.


My heart beats fast. My face is flushed. I can’t control my shaking. How dare he? How dare he?

How dare he be happy without me?


I look around. I see happy couples embracing, kissing. I watch with dead eyes.

It was not fair.


I was too confident. I believed I could have anything. How wrong I was.

My ultimate downfall.

Last edited by Winter Wind; 02-13-2010 at 10:53 PM.. Reason: added in title

TutsTalkin.. is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:54 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Theme:The Tear Jerker
Here I was thinking this was going to be my best holiday,a new year, some new hips,a new man...but no,it's gonna go the same way as halloween,thanksgiving and christmas only worse.I had major surgery on the right hip,so no halloween or thanksgiving,was in rehab and couldn't do the stairs at sister's(where thanksgiving was).Then had surgery on the left hip(which went bad)and was in rehab at christmas and our new year.
So needless to say I was thinking this was it,the big event and with a (new)new year to boot.What I didn't know was I wouldn't get back to work when I should have,so am behind a month on everything and that my new man had plans for a trip to now he goes and I'm stuck here.Broke and lonely,without even work to look forward to,I'll tell ya when thinking all will work out well,well I guess I just shouldn't..cuz it didn't.But hey,maybe next holiday,we'll be ready,hopefully!!

Winter Wind
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:19 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Winter Wind
Word Count: 553
Theme: Tear-Jearker
Entry: Letters from a War-torn Era

Dear Thomas,
I miss you so much! I hope you’re doing great over in Vietnam. I really admire your willingness to help our country, and your comrades too.
This war just keeps going on and on, and LBJ doesn’t seem like he’s going to pull out anytime soon…Come back home as soon as you can, alright? Maybe you’ll make it in time for Justin’s birthday party – you’re allowed to return home before March, right? Then you can relax a bit, then we’ll throw a big party for our little five year old.
Stay strong, I love you.

My dearest May,
This war is long indeed…how I miss you and our Justin. But I do not despair yet, I may still be able to come home. Until then, I’ll think of you and dream of our lives together.

Dear Thomas,
I’m so sorry you missed Justin’s birthday! But I attached pictures of him and I, so you can remember what we look like. Please take a picture of yourself too, Justin wants to bring you to show and tell, but he says he’ll settle for a picture since “Daddy’s busy being a superhero right now”.
I miss you, be safe! I love you.

My beloved May,
I do not have much time to write this, so bear with the messy scribbles. The war has suddenly escalated, and I’ve been busy training and carrying out reconnaissance missions. I’ve attached a picture, but please do not be surprised – it doesn’t hurt anymore, and I can still do what I used to do.

Dear Thomas,
My lord, what happened to you?! Your leg is gone, oh the pain you must have had to feel! I wish I were with you, at least you’d have someone you love close by. And what do you mean, the war’s escalated? The news channels on TV say we’re winning, and the Viet Cong are losing many people, and the war is almost over…it’s been four years now, why can’t you come home?
Be safe, I’m always with you,

My lovely May
Don’t worry, I can’t even tell the difference between my old leg and this one. I don’t know when this war’ll end, May, I really don’t know…I hope it’s soon. They need all the men they can get, and so we’re not allowed to leave service. I hear there is even a draft going on back home…thank goodness Justin is only 9, I don’t want him to be here. Why won’t this war end, May? I want to come home, I’m tired of this…Haven’t I done enough for my country? I just want to hold you and spend time with Justin.

May sighed as she put down the letter. Yes Thomas, you have done enough. I’m proud of you, always have and always will. Getting up, she went to the shelf and began rearranging flowers and candles around pictures of a man dressed in a military uniform. She carefully dusted off an old medal, and arranged its faded purple ribbon next to her sparkling engagement ring. She glanced at the clock, quietly counting the seconds till seven o’clock. When the minute hand reached twelve, she leaned over the shelf and kissed Thomas’ photo.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Thomas, and happy 18th wedding anniversary.”

Arikana is offline
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:30 AM

Oooo, I'll have to see if I can manage to stitch up an entry later on. >w<

jasdevi13 is offline
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Espada_Reaper_13 View Post
♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Theme: The Ultimate Challenge
Long ago in china there lived a great family called the family of the moon.
the family of the moon had a beautiful daughter named Fei.
Fei was asked by many men for her hand, but Fei only wanted to be married to someone who loved her and not her family’s money.
One day her father came to her room and told her she must pick a man to marry before the year is over.
Fei then walked to the center of the town and made a decree. “From this day forth, the year will not end and I will not smile until a man can present me with a gift that will make me truly happy.”
Many men have travelled all over China to present gifts to the young girl but none have been able to make her smile.
She was given jewels, money, and elegant dresses but nothing was able to make her smile.
One day a young traveler from across the seas named Kai came into town and rested at an inn near the family of the moon’s estate.
The young lad noticed the line of men gathered around the estate and asked the inn keeper about it.
“Oh that is lady Fei’s newest bunch of suitors” the inn keeper said “you see, there will never be a new year unless lady Fei is wedded to a man that will give her a gift that will make her smile.”
The young traveler looked out the window again to see Fei come out of the estate. When he saw her face it was love at first sight.
“I think I shall try to win her hand” the young traveler said giving the inn keeper money for the room.
“you? A poor traveler?” the inn keeper said bewildered. “Nobles and lords and even the emperor himself have tried to win her hand and you think you can win?” but Kai did not hear him because he already ran off to find a gift for Fei.
Kai was walking through a field of flowers when he noticed a tiger stuck under a fallen tree.
The tiger saw the young traveler and cried. “Oh! Mister Traveler please save me and I will help you on your quest”
Kai walked over and pushed the tree off up to free the creature.
“Oh thank you! As a reward I will gather the gifts you will need to win the lady’s hand” the tiger said.
“Just go to her estate and say you have brought her the twelve years she missed.”
The traveler listened to the rabbit and went to the estate.
Kai walked into the estate and saw all of the gifts Fei has already received.
“Oh I hope the tiger was right and can give me something more precious than these gifts.”
Kai walked in front of Fei and her father.
“Well young suitor what have you brought me.” Fei said looking at him.
“Lady Fei.” He said to the young girl.
“I may not have brought you jewels or dresses but I brought you the twelve years you have missed.”
As soon as he said that the doors burst open to reveal the tiger and other creatures with him, each with a flower in its mouth.
“Each animal represents a year you have missed when you were not smiling”
one by one each animal placed a different flower by her feet and then sat around her.
The traveler then walked up to her and took one of her hands and kneeled down.
“Also, with the gift of the years I offer you my love.”
Fei looked at the young traveler and finally after twelve years she smiled.
On this day the young girl and the traveler were wedded and the animals were forever represented as the years for the people of china.
Some say when the start of the New Year and the day of love are together couples can feel deep in their souls, the love of Fey and Kai.
awww thats so cute ^_^

ToriKat is offline
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:43 PM

The list has been updated. ^^

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Old 02-14-2010, 06:59 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: m00finsan
Word Count: 269
Theme: Anti V-Day
Ellen, a woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties, sat at her kitchen table this night. Her gaze was fixed on a bottle of vodka that she had placed on the table; the way she stared at it, one would've assumed that she was expecting it to do something.
She wasn't expecting it to do anything, however. Her mind was simply at war with itself over whether to open the bottle and fill her mouth with its refreshingly cold, delicious, and familiar contents.
Sure, she was a recovering alcoholic. Sure, the last time she drank ended with her car wrapped around a street light. Sure, she had sworn off the stuff that night, telling herself that just because some guy cheated on her it didn't mean her life was over.
But today, though, today was different.
Today was Valentine's Day.
Today was a day whose sole intent, it seemed, was to tell her specifically that she was unworthy. Unworthy of love, unworthy of affection, unworthy of being allowed into society.
Everywhere she turned, she was greeted by visions of cards, flowers, chocolate, expensive jewelry, and love. Not just any kind of love, mind you. No, a love that she knew she would never have, a love that prided itself on looking so attainable yet pulling itself out of reach the minute she would try and grab for it.
With one half of her mind wanting to empty the contents of the bottle into her mouth that very second, and the other half suddenly finding itself convinced of that position, Ellen opened the bottle and took a long drink.

sadrain is offline
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Old 02-14-2010, 11:06 PM

Okkay, I tried to translate a poem of mine, but, err. I have a feeling I didnt do well. Dx Grammar probably fails in this one, but at least I tried? XD I am more of entering for the practice of translating than anything else, anyways. x3

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Sadrain
Word Count: 73
Theme: Tear Jerker, Anti Valentines? Dx
Those drops that rain
over us
are not my tears;
I cried them out
when you were laughing.

Those flakes that snow
over us
are not my hopes;
they turned black
while you were watching.

That wind which blows
over us
is not my laughter;
I locked it in a box
so you don't kill it.

That silence which falls
over us
is not my pain;
I auctioned it
and you outbid everyone.

Last edited by sadrain; 02-14-2010 at 11:32 PM.. Reason: Adding word count Dx

LaVida is offline
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Old 02-15-2010, 03:53 AM

sadrain>> omg, awesome poem, it totally beats mine, but I might as well post it anyways XP

Although I might enter a few more later on other themes as well though... :d

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: La Vida
Word Count: 127
Theme: Anti-V-day

My Love

My love looks at me with golden eyes, filled with love,
She has sunshine colored hair that feels like silk through my fingers,
Her skin glows with light that seems hidden underneath her translucent skin,
She excels in every subject from needlework to the harp,
Her every movement extrudes elegance and feminity,

My love has been the same for the past 30 years,
From childhood to adulthood, I have seen her grow,
I have never left her side - even for a moment, until this fateful day,
Taking her frail hand, I lead her to the bedroom,
Slowly, I lay her onto the ornate bed I made,
I look into her beautiful pale face and stabbed her in the heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ~

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Old 02-15-2010, 05:18 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Belial
Word Count: 751
Theme: Anti-Valentine's Day

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the ground was covered in...snow? It was absolutely freezing. The usual couples on the benches went to sunnier and warmer places. Herbert Berver was glad to be rid of them. Ever since that crazy maniac mistook him for Santa Claus he has been wary of Holidays and he didn't like Valentine's Day to begin with. Herbert was perhaps the only person who actually enjoyed the snow.

"No more kisses, no more hugs, no more Anything! I can live with this." He said in a rather cheery tone as he got dressed. He had the perfect sweater to wear. It had a huge broken heart on it with 'Anti-Valentine's Day' written on it in clear, bold letters.

Herbert began to hum as he walked down the street. He thought about the different ways he could have employed to destroy the Holiday. If it hadn't snowed he would have put a few stink bombs and fire crackers to good use. That, and he still had his brother's Halloween costume from last year. His brother had dressed up as a woman in skimpy attire. Now, considering Herbert's large build...that would have been creepy. It would have definately destroyed the mood.

You're probably wondering why Herbie doesn't like such a fine Holiday. Why its actually quite simple and can be considered a bit of a tear jerker. You see, once upon a time he liked this girl. She had long long legs, super short arms, a rather gaunt look in her face, and a waist the size of a push pin. The girl's hair was always greasy and her eyes were the color of a sickly yellow-ish brown. She was a sight to behold. When Herbert confessed his undying devotion to her she simply turned him away and laughed. So now when Herbert sees her walking by he drops to floor and plays dead. He's gotten many stares.

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!" Some random guy around his age shouted out.

Herbert simply replied, "Yeah, YOU TOO. I mean it MUST be exciting standing in front of stores like some hobo shouting out random babble to passerby."

The guy just gave him a look but he kept walking. 'Seriously,' he thought to to himself. 'What is with these people? Valentine's Day is silly. Its just one day in the year that you forget about until the next year and its all about appeasing some silly girl and she gets the free meal at a nice resturant, not me!'

Herbert being, well, Herbert was so lost in his thoughts of distaste over Valentine's Day that he failed to notice the obvious sign that said 'Do NOT step in on the cracked sidewalk.' He, of course, stepped on the cracked sidewalk and tripped causing a lot more cracks. One of which dug into his behind.

"Ugh," he muttered.

"Are you alright?"

"What do You THINK----" Herbert looked up to express his irritation better when he stopped.

"Well, you look like you fell pretty hard." A girl said in a pretty voice.


"So, are you?"




Herbert had to scrunch his eyes shut because he could of sworn that something was messing up his vision. Thats when he noticed that his hands were cold and so was the rest of him. He turned himself slightly and saw that the piece that had dug into his behind was shaped in a suspicious arrow shape. 'Great,' he thought, 'Cupid is out to get me.' When he looked at the girl again, 'Definitely out to get me.' and then he yelled inside his mind: 'I still hate Valentine's Day! You can't change my mind that easily!'

"Here, let me help you up." She offered him her hand. "Interesting shirt your wearing there."

'I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate y....' he repeated over and over inside of his mind. Yet his hand seemed to have a mind of its own. It began to raise to meet hers so Herbert did the only thing he knew how to in such a situation. He played dead.

///Haha I hope this works =3

Last edited by Beliar; 02-16-2010 at 12:53 PM..

ToriKat is offline
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Old 02-15-2010, 10:38 AM

I've updated the list. ^^

Lovers Never Tell
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Old 02-15-2010, 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by ToriKat View Post
I've updated the list. ^^
Why wasn't I posted up for the Anti-V day, also? Have I read the rules wrong?

broadway_princessxo34 is offline
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Old 02-15-2010, 04:15 PM

I'm gonna enter again :D I love writing.

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Old 02-15-2010, 04:25 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Cami
Word Count: 509
Theme: The Tear Jerker

Life is a series of realizations. Realizations of attraction, passion, love—and of nothingness, of the end of emotion. One day Dan told me, as he did every day, that he loved me, that he would love me forever. The next day he didn’t even want to be friends. He said that it’s possible to be content standing in the rain for a long time, but eventually you have to realize it’s raining and go inside. He said that he had just realized our relationship was nothing but rain, and he needed to get out.

Dan was like that. Poetic without being a poet. He was the guy who wrote volumes of advice on how to write fiction, without ever having written a single story. He once told me that the first sentence of a story is like a girl’s thong. Eventually a guy will like a girl for her personality, intelligence, and substance, but the first thing that gets him to consider asking her out is that little bit of thong stretching above her jeans.

Perhaps that is what love is like, or at least Dan’s version of love. You can spend chapters of life distracted by pretty words and clever syntax before realizing that there’s no plot.

I think in Dan’s mind we starred in an epic love story of his creation, or at least a teen romantic comedy. He was the unpopular highschooler who decided he wanted to be someone different in college. I was the stuck-up loner who everyone suspected was a lesbian. From when first we met, he felt an undeniable attraction, but he didn’t want to risk his newfound popularity by connecting himself to me and my oddities.

At first he hid me away, his delicious secret. I didn’t mind when he snubbed me in public, then sought out my attention in empty halls and the privacy of our rooms. I saw him as damaged goods and was willing to wait while he found himself.

Then quite suddenly he switched to publically announcing his love and denouncing anyone who would dare insult me. He told me grand tales meant to paint him as the hero defending my honor, but only succeeded at making me feel hated and uncomfortable around our fellow students.

It wouldn’t be true to say that I loved Dan, but it wouldn’t be true to say that I didn’t either. Our relationship was a story of contradictions. I met Dan the popular, Dan the poet, Dan the teacher, Dan the romantic, Dan the lover, but I’m not entirely certain I ever met Dan—the Dan that wasn’t a role he created for himself in those stories he never wrote.

When I tell people about Dan, which I do often, they make fun of him—the master of meaningless poetic tropes—but on that last day, he was right. It was raining. It had been for the whole of our relationship. And I’m still standing outside.

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Old 02-15-2010, 04:32 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Word Count: 358
Theme: Traditions Span Across the Ages:
To wake one morning and know it is a new day that something exciting can happen is amazing, but to know something exciting will happen is even better. The New Year was today and all families all over china were heading home to celebrate together. There was nothing better than one long day, sometimes more than a day to spend with the people you love, some of which you haven’t seen since last year’s celebration.

The New Year is known as different things in china. The spring festival is one of the common names. Normal practices from long ago have changed and now are different but the main one was family coming together and that still happens. The festival is a strong part of the Chinese culture.

Most of the decorations for the festival are red because in china red is a lucky color. It is to create a festive attitude. Food is also very important for a Chinese festival. The festival begins on the eight day of the last lunar month and ends at the Lantern festival five weeks later. So although the Chinese festival is the name of the whole celebration others will call it the Lunar New Year, or the Lantern Festival.

The celebration in china is changing as the years go by. Old traditions gradually change into something new and different, but the festival still stays the same in meaning for the Chinese people. They come together with one common feeling “The longing for the prosperity and happiness of the nation and their families.”

China now is much different than it was in the past. There is much more rushing about and a lot less sitting around and meditating in the tranquility. The use the past traditions to work on getting back to the peacefulness they lost so long ago. The Chinese also learn from the past and know more about their history.

This year is the year of the Tiger in Chinese culture. The tiger is known for being brave, active and passionate. People born in the year of the Tiger are thought to be good leaders just like the tiger itself is.

Last edited by broadway_princessxo34; 02-15-2010 at 05:21 PM..

Iltu is offline
Old 02-15-2010, 11:25 PM

Still working on typing up my Anti-V-Day, finding my tear-Jerker, and writing stories for the other categories. :)

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Iltu
Word Count: 672
Theme: Good Ol' Fashioned Love Story
Entry:He was the incredibly young and talented head of security for the third most influential family in the country; she was the third and youngest child of the first most influential. They had met when the notable families of the realm gathered together to spend the long winter months at the capital. One day, he’d had a several hours of respite that he’d used to explore the gardens, and that was where she had escaped her mother and sister’s attempts to introduce her to every eligible man in what seemed to be a thousand mile radius. After their first and completely happenstance encounter, they had spent all of their limited free time for several months falling in love.

On more than one occasion, they had talked late into the night, about how lovely it would be to be an ‘official’ type of couple, but the fact that he was a foreigner presented a problem in the well-to-do circles they moved in, and just because he was a wealthy and important person did not make him from a wealthy and important family, and that presented a problem in her family, and so on. They had never kissed, their visits always ending with him or her creeping from the other’s quarters after a completely chase bidding of ‘good nights.’ To tempt the other would have been cruel.

But now they had been drinking at a party hosted by the second most influential family, and things became quite another matter altogether.

“I’m sixteen,” Mabel slurred, falling against him as they made their way down a dark corridor. Alistair was keenly aware of her plunging neckline and the way the fabric of her gown clung desperately to her thin hips as he helped her right herself.

“Sixteen,” she repeated, clumsily holding up six fingers as if for emphasis. “And you’re nineteen. Girls get married at my age, all the time. Made to get married, to old widowers, but I would rather be married to you. I love you, you know. Did you know?”

It was hard to separate her words on account of her drunkenness, and Alistair’s buzzing mind added to the difficulty, but he managed to discern her meaning. “I should very much like to marry you one day,” he managed to say, though finding the words took more effort than he would have liked.

Before either of them really knew just what they wanted to articulate after that, they were suddenly kissing and holding one another, and the guest bedrooms were only two floors above them. It is not difficult to deduce what went on from there.

For the next month, their stolen moments were filled with embarrassed glances and warm smiles, both feeling slightly ashamed and guilty for what had transpired at the party. She told him she’d meant it, when she’d said “I love you,” even though she had been tipsy. He answered that he felt the same, but was determined to not touch her again unless they married. He didn’t want to be “that wicked sort of fellow.”

While Mabel wasn’t quite sure of what he meant by that phrase, she told him she understood and that she would find a way to marry him with minimal scandal, even if it took years. “People do that sort of thing when they are in love,” she declared.

“Years” turned into “immediately” rather suddenly.

After that month of embarrassed glances and warm smiles, she showed up at his door, wringing her hands and chewing her bottom lip. “I went to the doctor, and we have a problem,” she blurted as soon as he answered.

Alistair understood instantly. It was the ‘we’ that tipped him off. “Oh, hell,” he said.
“I wish you wouldn’t swear in front of the baby,” Mabel said miserably, placing her hands on her belly.
“Well,” Alistair said, because it rhymed and that seemed close enough.
“Well,” Mabel agreed.

“So much for a marriage without scandal.”
“Yes, but you know,” Mabel said placidly, “scandal happens when people are in love.”

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Old 02-16-2010, 04:01 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: LaVida
Word Count: 345
Theme: Traditions Span Across the Ages
Entry: Traditions and an Elder’s Wisdom

Lunar New Year 2009 (Last Year)

“Annie! How good it is to see you again!” Grandma exclaimed.

“Hi Grandma.” Annie grumbled.

“Now Annie, before New Years, you have to help make dumplings for the family, throw out or donate your old stuff, take a bath, and wash your clothes before 12 o’ clock.” Grandma said.

“Grandmaaaaa, why do I have to do all these things? Can’t Mama make the dumplings? And I like my old stuff. Why do I have to take a bath before 12? It all sounds sooooo useless and unnecessary.” whined Annie.

“Well now, eating dumplings on Lunar New Years and making them together will bring the family together. Throwing out your old things or donating them will make room for all the new stuff you’re going to get on New Years. It’s also a tradition not to wash anything on New Years since everyone always get a ton of new clothes. Also, you must remember to NOT spend money on New Year’s day, or else all your money will be spent for the year and fortune will trickle through your fingers” Grandma explained.

“Yeah, Yeah, whatever.” mumbled Annie.

And as all youngsters are, Annie did not listen to her grandmother. She skipped making dumplings with her family and went out with her friends to a festival outside instead. In all her partying, she completely forgot to look through her old stuff to see if there was anything to donate or throw out. The party lasted until the early morning hours and Annie, disregarding Grandma’s warning, bought breakfast outside instead of going home to eat dumplings.

Lunar New Year 2010 (Presently)

“Grandma! Grandma! I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you. When I got home, my parents kept on lecturing me and then I was grounded for a whole month! Whenever I seem to get some money into my pockets, it seems as though I got more things to pay for until I was broke again. This year I’ll do anything and everything you say!” Annie said.

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Old 02-16-2010, 04:45 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: mwahhaha
Word Count: 788
Theme: Good ol' Fashioned Love Story
Entry: Heart Conditions

What Cece knew was that Van had the most beautiful messy side-part in his inky hair. What she knew was that he had just a smattering of sepia freckles across his nose. Most of all, she knew Van's eyes were the color of hot chocolate, and they made her feel soft in a dangerous place to feel soft. Her heart ached dreadfully when he was around. And he was around now – in The Coffeehouse during the last minutes of her shift.

Gripping the counter, she attempted courage amidst the aroma of fresh brews and the tinkling of spoons against mugs. I will speak to him, today, she thought, but instantly, her heart whimpered beneath the stress of hope.

Tucking a strand of mousy hair behind her ear, she tightened her apron's bow and prepared to remake a cappuccino for a fussy regular.

“It's not sweet enough. Care to put your finger in it, sugar,” the regular said, grinning at her with yellow teeth.

Cringing after that exchange, Cece took it upon herself to wash tables - only those near Van, though. While rewashing table six, he looked up for a second. His gaze halted her movements and replaced all of her bones with lead.

He gave her the smallest of before returning to his book. C'mon! She scolded herself. Say something! Soon, she was stammering. With her tongue rebelling her in intelligible stutters, Van looked up at her again. Puzzlement slightly creased his brow.

“N-n-need a refill?” Cece asked. In answering, he glanced into his cup and gave her a sheepish grin. The mug was full to the brim, giving his cup a shiny flat surface of piping hot Columbian brew.

“Oh!” she said a little too loudly, “I see you have some,” and she gestured towards his cup. Once, she had read that boys thought it was cute when girls talked with their hands. Since then, she had made a habit of doing so; unfortunately, she held a sopping rag at that moment. Slick with soap, it flew from her long fingers and toppled his already full cup. Van leaped up with a startled cry, and rescued only his book from the table.

“Oh man! I'm so sorry,” she said, instantly mopping up the mess with the same cataclysmic rag. She heard his feet shuffling and the sound of him placing his book down at a different table, but saw very little with her head bowed as low as it was and tears smudging her vision. Soon, a set of hands was working next to hers. Armed with brown napkins, Van cleaned the table top with her. Once he was done, he wiped the seat, as she retrieved the mop for the floor.

He's just nice, she thought as they finished. A small smile curved his lips as she passed his table, intending to hide in the back with the coffee grounds.

“Wait. I could use some coffee now, please, and uhm-,” he said softly, fumbling with some papers.

“Right,” she mumbled, taking whatever he handed her and heading towards the counter. With a new mug of coffee ready, she began punching the digits in the cash register so he would have his change when she brought the coffee back. Only when drawer full of cash and clattering change shot out at her did she realize she wasn't holding just money. Van had given her a note along with the crumpled five. Van's note, in his infamous scrawling, was short, but full of sentiment. He loved someone. Cece felt her heart quake, and more than that, her hands trembled as she made change and headed back to Van's table.

Van's cheeks were bright and ruddy as his expression made plain that he realized his mistake. Cece slid the mug in front of him, and provided him with the note and the change.

“I think you gave this to me by mistake,” she said.

“Th-that was for you,” he said, staring at his coffee.

“For me?” she didn't just want clarification; she needed it.

With a grin, he looked up at her, his chocolate eyes making her feel soft again. “Yeah. Happy Valentine's day.”

“I love you, too,” she announced, ecstatically. “I meant . . . because of the letter-”

Van didn't let her finish. Standing, he placed his lips softly against hers. For the first time, Cece's heart knew of a different pace: one which kept time with another's.

Dirt Man
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:06 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Dirt Man
Word Count: 520
Theme: Traditions Span Across the Ages
This is a tale about color.

This is a tale about New Years, and color. The indigos and midnight blues that fly on the winter wind when I’m sick of cold weather. Still, I’d never miss the chance to print an angel in the snow. When my lips turn blue, I run inside for hot tea flavored with chrysanthemum leaves. Sometimes I will take a warm shower to rinse the silver snow crystals from my hair, but never without my grandmother’s necklace.

This is a tale about my grandmother’s necklace, and color. A beautiful jade pendant rests upon a golden chain. I always prefer gold, because it doesn’t tarnish, and jade, because it holds secrets and life. Did you know the stone collects energy from the wearer, and grows from a pale green color to something more vibrant than emeralds, more valuable than diamonds? So I wear my grandmother’s living energy around my neck, as my children and grandchildren will.

This is a tale about generations, and color. For no special occasion, Dad will often cook a banquet of turmeric-colored curry, or orange sweet-and-sour chicken infinitely more delicious than any “Chinese restaurant.” He’ll make foods he missed from home. I haven’t yet learned the trick behind opening a bottle of oyster sauce and knowing how much to pour into the pan, but one day I’ll figure it out. If there is one thing you must know about the Chinese, it’s this: “The Chinese love to celebrate with food.”

This is a tale about food, and color. On Chinese New Year, we always eat thin noodles with chicken cooked in homemade rice wine. None of us are superstitious, but we still try to swallow the noodles whole because it’s said to bring good luck in the coming year.

This is a tale about luck, and color. Red packets! Lucky money! The hong bao that children receive each Chinese New Year from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles – relatives and bills of all denominations – are the real reason we love Lunar New Year as children. Even if I did not understand the value of twenty dollars, I could stare at the pink, green, and blue bills from relatives I didn’t know existed for hours. Dad offered to exchange them for American money – at a three to one rate – but to this day I have the bills pinned to my bedroom walls. The hong bao with lucky money is more than lucky; it’s tradition.

This is a tale about tradition, and color. On another day, I would not be Chinese. I would be Norwegian, or German. On the days no culture claims for holiday, I am hapa – a mixture of Caucasian and Asian. I scarcely wonder, but cannot deny ever wondering what color my children will be. Beautiful black? Yellow again? Slightly more white? It doesn’t matter. My children will still receive hong bao with lucky money well past the age at which other adults stop seeing them as children. I’ll learn to make them rice wine chicken, and the yellow curry I love so much.

This is a tale about more than color.

ToriKat is offline
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:03 AM

@Lovers Never Tell: It says in the third post under themes that you are to choose one of the following themes per entry. If you'd rather have your entry under Anti-V-day, let me know, and I'll move it.

The list has been updated.

White Orgundy
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:20 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: White Orgundy
Word Count: 380
Theme: Anti V-Day
Entry: Pink Again?

Look around yourself for a moment and see if you notice anything. The green trees and blue sky all seem overrun by THAT color. You know the one I mean the dreaded color pink.

It all started the day before, when you walk into the local supermarket and instantly all their colors are blotted out with pink and red decorations shaped in hearts and cupids. I know people like to be festive but it gets worse. You walk down a few isles looking for the Ice cream when you suddenly see it... The pink isle. you take one look a realize the candy you like to top your dessert with is down at the end so you tread cautiously as you tip toe past all the bright pink boxes which house the nerds or reeces with that specially marked spot for addressing your valentine. You finally reach your candy and grab the easiest package and high tale it out of there... Anxiously you look around the store to see if any of your friends are there, "whew" you think, "all safe" as you head for the checkout.
"Debit or Credit?" asks the cashier
"cash," you reply and quickly fiddle with your wallet looking for the appropriate change. Suddenly the reciept printer has a paper jam, and the lady spends several minutes fixing the machine until she finally asks as she hands you your reciept,
"So, what are you doing for valentines day?"
"Thanks for the change," you say without answering and quickly walk away.
Finally you reach your house with your ice cream and candy but there are no flowers on your counter. No stuffed Bears holding sacred hearts or cards... In fact there is nothing at all on your counter. You have never had a valentine, and never been asked to be anyone's valentine either. You are neither amazing nor boring... just average in most respects. Isn't there an average looking person looking for an average person? Maybe its because I don't like pink. Who knows? All your friends are busy with their valentines so this day is empty. So, here goes another valentines day where cupid passes you by and you end up eating your ice cream and candy alone on a day where pink rules all.

ToriKat is offline
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Old 02-16-2010, 08:03 AM

I've added your entry. ^^

BlueEyedWallflower is offline
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Old 02-16-2010, 10:26 AM

Wow! When I entered a few days ago, there were a lot less entries. I have so much competition! Aaaaah.

ToriKat is offline
  • Challenge ToriKat in the Arcade
Old 02-16-2010, 11:53 AM

And there's a few more days to go to enter if you haven't! :D

Saravi Boo
Saravi Boo is offline
  • Challenge Saravi Boo in the Arcade
Old 02-16-2010, 12:43 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Saravi Boo
Word Count:362
Theme: Good Old fashioned Love Story.
Entry: The first time he knew it was love, she was wearing a red dress. He had come to take her to the movies. She came down the stairs, bright smile showing one slightly crooked tooth and her skirt floating around her knees so she almost seemed to float down the stairs. She took his breath away. He could barely speak to assure her father he'd have her home by eleven.

The second time he knew it was love, she was wearing a white dress. The music played and there were a hundred people watching but he only saw her. Her father put her hand in his and time seemed to freeze for a moment as he met her eyes. Her nervous smile was an image he would treasure forever. He could scarcely believe his luck, as they echoed the vows that would bind them together forever.

The third time he knew it was love, she was wearing a hospital gown. Her hair was snarled and her face was pale, and she was more beautiful in that moment then he'd ever seen her. She was holding a bundle of blankets in her arms and there were no words to express how happy he felt when he looked at her and their child.

The fourth time he knew it was love, she was about to leave him. Not because she wanted to, but because the cancer had spread too far; because it was too late to stop it. She smiled tiredly and closed her eyes. He held her in his arms and neither had any words left. There was nothing he could say to make it hurt any less as she slipped away.

The fifth time he knew it was love, she was waiting at the foot of his bed. Thirty years had passed since she had to leave him. The children were grown with children of their own. He'd been alone for so long and he was so tired. She smiled, wearing a red dress and white wings, and held out her hand to him. He took it and smiled back, not needing words to know they'd never be apart again.

The End.

Wow! That was sappy for me. I hope you like it. I had trouble deciding whether it should go in Tear jerker instead but I don't think the ending is sad at all. I suppose it depends on one's view of the afterlife. *shrugs* Oh well, I just thought it would be fun to enter one of the contests and this one caught my eye. Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Saravi Boo; 02-16-2010 at 12:47 PM..


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