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Roka is offline
Old 10-20-2012, 04:32 PM

[ OOC: I'm sorry I've been away for so long. School is being a bitch, but I promise to still get on whenever I can. Today is a pretty free day, though. ]

Nathaniel nodded and got out of the car, pausing momentarily to snub out the cigarette with the bottom of his heel. He continued to follow Vincent, wherever the man was headed. "What's your favorite color?" He asked the taller man, tilting his head up a bit to look at him. He kept his hands in his pockets, except for once to run his hand through his hair.

Aiden let out a low growl at being called a control freak. I can control many things, especially in whether it will be life or death for you, you little... His head was running through with more of such thoughts as he let himself be led back to the room by Aries. He calmed himself down in a few more seconds, and then took the matter of the... touching.

Aries hadn't freaked out when he grabbed him. That was wonderful in itself, seeing as the male knew of the power of his touch. Then again, he was wearing gloves... Even so, Aries had grabbed his hand. Aiden didn't say a word, just looked down at their hands. It had been so long since someone other than Amela or Nathaniel had touched him, even if it was to lead him away, just for a few seconds.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-20-2012, 08:23 PM

Vincent found the question odd. Not many adults would ask another simply what their favorite color was. If that was this man's style, then that was up to him. "Blue" he says without hesitation. He had always liked that color, it often reflected in his outfits and even his appearance. He took him to a little nice looking cafe, moving to a table outside since it was such a beautiful day. He pulled out a chair for the other man to be nice, stepping aside to let him sit down. He then moves to his own seat, sliding into it and picking up one of the menues that sat on the table.

Once they were in the room Aries turned to the other male. His eyes moved to the door as he thought about the other guy they had left bacck in the courtyard. He had asked if they were related, and had looked like him. Could they really be...? Aries looked away, even if they were it wasn't like they were going to be all buddy buddy now just because they were. Aries was used to being on his own, especially with being in the mental hospital for so long. He doubted that others needed to know that though, or he might be labled even more a freak.

He noticeed Aiden looking at their hands. He looked down to see they were still in fact holding them. For a moment he was unsure if the other male wanted him to let go or not, but he did not want to. Usually if anyone else had touched him the way the other had in the courtyard he would have flipped, being touched without permission was a huge pet peeve of his. The other had not scared him though, and even now he found it nice. He lightly squeezed the other's hand and looked up into his eyes.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 03:44 AM

Chris began to whistle to himself, on the walk through the courtyard, he seemed to have 'some how' lost the t-shirt he had been wearing over a tank top. You think it would be impossible to lose something while being completely unaware of it coming off, but it was habit for him to strip when he was going to shift so he tended to do it unconsciously. After a few minutes, he stopped out side of the cafe door, looking at his reflection with a puzzled look, knowing he had lost something. He rubbed the back of his hair, staring at his well toned body before he shrugged to himself, giving up. "Cheaters in my class do not like the punishment. After all who would want to anger a werewolf?" he said to him as he chuckled, pushing the cafe door open and moving in, taking a seat at a free table that was near Chris, whom he never seen before. He gave a slight yawn before he looked the menu over, before he decided on what he wanted to eat and drink. "Why would you cheat in your classes to begin with? Don't you want to know how smart you are without cheating?" he asked him bluntly before he turned towards the waiter, ordering three glasses of Mitsuya Cider to drink with all the meat and side salad that he had ordered.


"Hey. Do you draw also?" Zayne asked the male all of a sudden, as he moved towards him, following after him considering he had nothing better to do at the moment. Though he still seemed to be having a conversation with him self, growling slightly before he hurt himself, giving the male in front of him a serious look as he awaited to see if he was going to answer him or not. He only stopped long enough to pull a sharpie out of his pocket and draw an eye on the wall for a brief moment, before he followed the male once more.

Roka is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 05:39 PM

Nathaniel chuckled. Blue. It was predictable, a cold color for a seemingly cold man. "That isn't a bad color. There isn't really an ugly shade of blue..."

He took the chair Vincent pulled out for him and thanked him, picking up his own menu. "This looks like a nice place," he commented, and scanned down the menu for something he would like.

Aiden's eyes jerked up to Aries as the other male squeezed his hand. His hard expression softened at once, and he gave him a light smile. "I'm just not... used to contact. It's been so long since someone other than Nathaniel or Amela has touched me..." He paused and squeezed back, then cast his eyes to the ground. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 10:26 PM

Alex noted the male's voice, speaking to him and following him. He nodded at the question of if he drew and such, since that had technically been the reason he had gone out to the courtyard in the first place. "Yes, I do a bit of art" he says not turning for a moment or slowing down. The guy seemed to be arguing with himself, and Alex was not going to get in the middle of that. A lot of the students seemed a bit odd around here to him, and it wasn't just that a lot of them were acting like zombies either. He made it to his dorm room door, pausing for a moment to get his key out.

Vincent nodded, looking up at the man sitting across from him. His eyes set on him for a moment as his mind drifted back to the car. It had been a bit out of place, but he was slightly glad the man had opened up to him. Most would not have done that, for most would be to nervous or afraid to ever open their mouths to Vincent in the first place. It was a change of pace to have someone so willingly give him information, even if he did not ask for it. He wondered if there was some way he could thank the man, though besides paying for lunch, which he planned to do anyways. Maybe drinks...yes, that would be nice. It would allow the two to loosen up and get to know eachother. Many of the teachers would be going out tomorrow night for drinks after the first day, so he could ask this man to come with him. Not as a date of course, he wasn't sure if the man would even think of it as a date or what it would be. He sighed, raising placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. What was he thinking about that for? It was their first day meeting, and it was so very unlike him. He shakes his head, this was going to be a long year.

Aries tilted his head, as a small smile formed on his lips as well. He raised the male's hand to his mouth and lightly placed a kiss on the back of it. He looked up at him and nodded, "not all touch is bad..." He turned to the bed, sitting the bone spear down. He placed a hand so it hovered over it, and the spear slowly melted into liquid bone once more. He moved his hand so his palm was face up now, and the bone slid up in the air so it hovered over his palm. Slowly the liquid bone took the familiar form of Aries' beloved skull Uncle York before solidifying. It dropped into his hand, and he pulled it close. He looks over at Aiden again, and then slowly sat down on the bed again. "There is something else you should know about me though....I see dark things" he says, looking down at his shadow, which was currently sliding slowly across the floor towards Aidens. He pulled his feet back, and the shadow paused.

Roka is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 02:05 AM

Nathaniel chewed on his lip for a moment as he looked over the menu, then decided what he wanted. Setting it down, he took a glance at Vincent, and did a double-take when he noticed his position. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, genuinely concerned. Am I too boring? He frowned slightly as the thought entered his mind. It was going well so far, the whole ordeal. It would bother him if he couldn't assist in this man's problems.

Aiden successfully fought the blush creeping up his neck. Here he was, acting like a teenage girl because of simple contact. He barely felt like he knew what was and was not acceptable anymore in terms of touching others, or how he should feel. He watched in fascination as Aries turned the spear back to his Uncle York, and then took a place by Aries on his bed.

"You see dark things? Like... shadows, like your own?" He paused to watch Aries' shadow. "Can you control that, or...?" He trailed off, laying back on the bed with both arms under his head, careful to not touch Aries' bed with any uncovered part of his body. Aiden wasn't sure that Aries could get poisoned from the bed sheet, but he didn't want to take any chances. He moved one to tug his shirt down when it rose, but replaced it and waited for Aries' answer.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 02:24 AM

Vincent looked up with a small smile. "I am alright, just a few thoughts" he says. He leans back in the chair, and as the waiter comes he orders a simple cesar salad and an herbal ice tea with coffee. He let the man order as well, before leaning in a bit to look at him. "It may be a bit odd, but some of the teachers will be gathering to have drinks tomorrow night to break in the year so to speak" he says, "if you wouldn't mind...would you like to go?" He watched the other man, waiting for a reaction, waiting to see what he would say to the question.

Aries looked at Aiden, taking a slight breath. "I call them the dark ones...their dark demon like creatures. They feed off of energy, feelings, power and lives of others" he lays back next to him. "People can not see them normally but I do and can at times yes interact and control them. They can not survive long in our world without a host, they attatch themselves to someone...drain them dry untill they die..then move on to another host." He turned to face the other man, then looks up at him. "My shadow is infected, and then became" he sighed, looking away from his roomate.

Roka is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 02:53 AM

Nathaniel put in an order for himself, along with a strawberry lemonade. He felt like he needed something sweet to counter the cigarette. As the other man responded, his emerald eyes jumped up to the other man's. "I don't know how to reply to that, exactly," he chuckled. "I'm a bit - err, should I say - pretty damn nervous about meeting the other teachers. Although, it has to happen some time or other... And I'm not one to pass up a few drinks." He grinned at the other man, then continued, "So I suppose I will go with you to this... whatever it is."

"So your shadow is your Dark One?" He said, suddenly a little saddened. If Aries did indeed have one... Did that mean he would be drained of his energy and die? "Do I have one?" he asked, slightly curious. "Do they attach to specific types of people... like people with negative energies?" He chewed on his lip.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 03:09 AM

Another small smile formed on his lips. He nodded as the other spoke "some of the other teachers can be...questionable." He ran his hand through his hair, and sat back once again. "I'll be blunt...why not call it a date" he says shrugging. "Usually it isn't allowed but..a simple date of drinks is not going to hurt anyone" if the man refused, that was his choice. It may have been a bit out of the ordinary for Eclipse to ask someone he just met out, he often did not date, having no intrest in others. This time however, it was quite an appealing offer. He was interested in learning more about his roomate, and for once he didn't feel like he needed a heavy drink or smoke or drug to stop the feelings and the migranes of being around someone. He was enjoying himself, and he hoped the other was as well. Now, he just needed an answer.

"Their not picky, food is food..." Aries looked Aiden over for a moment. "You do not have one, but it is true ones they attatch to are plagued often by bad feelings, exhaustion and bad luck" he looked down at his shadow. "My shadow is my dark one, it feeds off of my power and energy yes, but for now we have formed a sort of..partnership" Aries' shadow moves, pulling back so it moved under the bed. He took a bit of a breath, he could feel the slight worry coming from Aiden, and he let his hand slip once more into the other's. "I will be fine, and besides now I have you, so I am happy and have something more to live for" he smiles, his mood lifting for the first time in awhile. His body moved a little closer, careful to stay at a distance however that would not endanger or make Aiden uncomfortable.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 02:50 AM

"I draw too. Oh do you have anything to decorate rooms with? I have this awesome idea for my room but i do not have any supplies to make it the way i want it." Zayne said to him as he gave a slight yawn, running a hand through his black hair, looking around once more as they stopped out side of the male's door, oh how he hoped his roommate was not going to be showing up or that other guy. "Hey, question. Have you seen a guy that looks exactly like me? If so do you think we could be twins or would he have the power to look like the person he is around only to that person?" he asked him randomly, jumping around from one topic to another, one moment his voice would be carefree and relaxed, the next he was serious and cool as a cucumber. Once the dorm room was unlocked, he moved into the room, laying down on the free bed as he crossed his arms behind his head, looking towards the ceiling.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 04:55 AM

Chris looked at the boy and nodded as he took a seat across the table form him. "What a interesting name? And what is you gift or ability?" he aske dthe boy as he looked at the menu and wondered what to have to eat. He was very strict about his food and how it was prepared. Since he had a very sensitive palate, so he mostly stuck with water and a salad or something.

Kyan smiled as he looked up at the tall teacher. "Oh I don't find it cheating when it's my notes. I e-mail myself my notes so I can check them in class. I'm actually a straight A student. Perfect 4.0. My mind just tends to wonder during class and when I'm studying. So I set aside at least and hour to make extensive notes about the subject we went over in class. When test time comes, I have all the answers in my own words so I can understand it better." He said in only two breaths. he sat down at the table and glanced over just in time to see his cousin. He looked at who he was with and frowned. So he wanted to date a student again. This was not good. He picked up the menu and looked at the options, trying to distract himself with the Chris that he was with, profile that was at the school.

Roka is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 10:41 PM

Nathaniel smiled, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. "A date it is, then," he said, accepting the request. "Another thing, Vincent... I have to say that I am curious as to what powers you have... If you wouldn't mind telling me. However, if you don't want to, that's fine," he added quickly, so it wouldn't seem like a demand. He didn't want to switch back over to the man's bad side, seeing as this outing proved to be enjoyable. Nathaniel shifted in his seat, and the sun's light hit his eyes at an angle that made his deep emerald eyes shine a brighter, mint-green color.

He silently took a peek into the shared bond with Aiden, to see how the boy was holding up. He was sure that Cera could feel him there in his mind, and he took a second to scan briefly through the recent events. He'd seemed to make a friend... although, Cera himself wasn't sure how he felt about this Aries boy. The answer will come in time. Be patient, and happy, he said to the younger male, before refocusing on Vincent.

Aiden squeezed Aries' hand, and sat up. He figured it was better than laying down, so that there wasn't a chance of him accidentally poisoning Aries' bed. He frowned slightly when he felt Nathaniel there in his mind, but let it pass. The answer will come in time... what the hell did that mean? A bit confused, he let it pass, but promised to go back to it later... most likely when Aries was asleep. "That is... It is very pleasing to know." He said, smiling softly.

He thought of ways to get closer to Aries without scaring him. Would he ever be able to hug him? The fear was always there, that maybe the top of the other male's head would brush his chin... or maybe he would try to touch his hair... and he sighed deeply. "Thank you, Aries," he said quietly, and squeezed the other male's hand again.

With nothing better to do, Celeste moved back to her room. She flopped on the bed, and began to wonder when her roommate would arrive. Eventually, she began to stop caring and settled on taking a nap. She stretched and yawned, slowly beginning to erect a shield in her mind so that someone's emotions wouldn't bother her in her dreams.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 11:39 PM

"Then you should do what any normal student would, which is take your notes and study them, then leave your notes at home." Chris said to him as he looked at all the food they were bringing over to him, he couldn't help it when his stomach growled rather loudly at the sight. Once it was all set down in front of him , he couldn't help but dig into the ribs that were laid out in front of him first. The rest of his food took up the whole table almost, he wasn't one much for salads, his eyes flashed gold once more as he looked the student in front of him over, before he pointed one of the bones from his rib at him. "What is wrong?" quick to pick up on the frown and the glance, his eyes moving over to the other male teacher, looking him over for a few minutes before he looked back at Kyan, waiting for a answer.

(Foolish: been waiting on you)

Last edited by Kilia; 12-05-2012 at 11:21 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 12:29 AM

Alex looked the male over as he boldly pushed his way into his room. He rolled his eyes, walking over to his bed where he tossed the notepad on the bed. "It could be either or niether, it is none of my concern" he walked back over to the door, holding it open for the male. "If you don't mind, I would like to unpack, so please get out" he says rubbing his temple. He was slightly tired, and could use a nap, the odd questions were starting to make his mind spin. He needed to lay down for a bit, and he could not do that with him in his room.

Shinji looked at the man as he asked him what his powers was. "I am a technopath if you must know" he said speaking clearly and simply. He picked up the little menu and looked it over. Nothing seemed better right now then a nice chicken salad and a piece of cheesecake. It made his stomach rumble and he smiled. He looked up at the man, and tilted his head, looking him over. "What is it that you do ecactly Mr...." he hadn't caught his name either, and by now he was a bit curious about what was going on. This guy was a bit pushy, and he wanted to know why.

Vincent paused for a moment in the middle of taking a sip of water as he was asked what his abilities were. He didn't mind him asking, nor did he mind showing. He opened a hand, and with small sparks a ball of electric like blue energy formed in his palm. He smiled slightly, and in a slight attempt at being even remotly romantic he focused on the energy. Slowly it began to change form, and soon took on the form of what seemed to be a rose. He looked at the man across from him, and waited to see what his reaction to this would be. He hoped he would like it and not be afraid or anything, he had done a lot of practicing with his powers and now hoped that that practice was coming to good use. If not, then he would not bother to try it anymore.

Aries gave a smile, and leaned against him for a moment before standing. "Are you hungry?" he asked, tilting his head. He wondered what the other liked to eat. Would it be the same as him, different? He was curious to know more about him however he could, and it was odd since he had never felt that way about anyone before in his life. His mind moved back to the male from before, but he couldn't let himself worry about that now, he had no intrest in letting that other guy get on his nerves. He was happy right now, and that was all that mattered to him. He waited to see what the male would say, hoping he would agree to have lunch with him. If not, Aries would be all alone. He looked down a bit sadly.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 02:49 AM

"Whatever." Zayne said to him bluntly as he stood, looking around the room for a moment before he focused back on the male that was on the bed in front of him. He personally had no interest in him, in fact he had no clue as to why he had followed him in the first place or why he was talking to him. He shrugged to him self as he yawned and stretched, clasping his hands behind his head as he left the room, not because the male had asked him too but because he wanted to leave.

Angelo is offline
Old 10-28-2012, 05:05 AM

Rolling down the sidewalk on her heels, Gabby casually switched through her music. The shoes she had been given, Heelys, were admittedly quite comfortable around her tiny feet. The only downside was that the velcro made them appear rather childish, which they were considering they were sized for toddlers. Still, they were very handy, as she could easily propel herself forward at a constant velocity without having to suspend herself over the ground.

A glance at her watch put the time to around lunch, so her dorm room was probably empty for the time being. But chances were that it wouldn't stay that way for long, so she sped up her rate to ten meters per second, zipping down the sidewalk while ignoring the various looks she seemed to attract. She still hadn't gotten used to the fact that people looked at her simply because they thought she was a child. Living with the family, where everyone had known her true age, had left her unprepared to say the least.

Within moments, she was at the entrance to the school, a large formidable building of fantastic architecture. Gabby couldn't help but stare as she walked along the hallways after getting inside. She was in room D with another girl, though she had no idea who. Honestly, the thought of sharing a room with a strange left her with a feeling of anxiety all over, though none of it showed.

The floor in the hallway was marble tile, which carried a foreboding elegance rather than the inviting homeliness for which Gabby had been hoping. Still, it was possible that the dorms themselves had carpeting, or that she could get some put in somehow. She certainly didn't want to be uncomfortable during her time at the school.

Unfortunately for her, however, the door was locked and she was without a key. She didn't even have a pin she could use to pick it like she normally would. Chewing her lip briefly, she decided to see if someone was inside by knocking on the door, amplifying the sound waves with her power to make sure that whomever was inside would hear her. If it turned out that no one was inside, well, she would just blow the lock itself up. After all, her backpack and duffel bag were beginning to get a little heavy.

Using his gates as viewing windows around the school, the headmaster, James, was able to easily keep track of all of the students. A good deal of them had powers that could prove bothersome down the road, but the vast majority were only able to do small things with their powers. Several students had powers that he red-flagged to keep an eye on, such as the telepath and the Romanian girl. But the one he cared about the most was the boy he had personally invited. His power to change another person's power was most intriguing. If only he knew how he was going to play into his hands, the boy would never have come to the school in the first place.

Finishing up a bit of paperwork on his ebony desk, he thought about the things he would need to do over the next few days. Unfortunately health checkups for the students were a must according to state law. Also, he would have to go and welcome the new ones personally as per his habit. It made it easier for them to trust him, he had found. Then the yearly inspections were due, which would take a sizable chunk out of his free time. Really, dealing with government was such a bother. But soon, he wouldn't have to deal with it, and that brought a smile to his face.

Last edited by Angelo; 10-28-2012 at 10:05 PM..

Roka is offline
Old 11-01-2012, 10:22 PM

Nathaniel watched with interest as Vincent showed him his ability. He began to sit back when he thought the other man was done, however, the blue energy changed shape into a rose. He stared for a long moment and then quickly, he glanced up at Vincent and then away, before beginning to blush. "It's beautiful," he said quietly, his Irish accent making it slightly harder to distinguish. He rubbed his nose and then said, "Thank you."

He wasn't quite sure what he was thanking the other man for, the rose or for showing him his ability. Was he reading too much into it? He was in fact attracted to this other man... but he wasn't too sure if it was mutual, not yet. He began to open his mouth to speak once more, but closed it. For once, he was at a loss for words.

"Hungry?" Aiden asked stupidly as his stomach growled. "Oh, right... yes, I am." He stood and with a finger, tilted Aries's head back up. "Hey. What do you want to eat?" He paused and felt his back pocket for his wallet, which was still there, thankfully. He often misplaced things, and he couldn't be clumsy around Aries if he wanted to make a good impression.

Just as Celeste was bordering on the brink of sleep, someone knocked on the door. Oh great, she thought, getting up and stretching slowly. It seemed fitting, and the person was certainly going to get an earful when she opened the door.

Unlocking and swinging open the door, she saw a girl there. Quickly looking her over, Celeste almost dropped her jaw in disbelief. This girl couldn't be her roommate, could she? She looked as if she was seven years old...

"May I help you?" she asked, rubbing one eye.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2012, 12:27 AM

Vincent smiled and nodded, he looked at the other mand who seemed to be at a loss for words. He closed his hand for a moment before lowering it "are you alright?" He wondered if he was pushing to much, they had just met. He did not want to make the man nervous or afraid. He had always been taught to go after what he wanted, and not to waste time, if he was moving to fast though, he had to slow down. "I'm sorry" he says, picking up his glass to take a sip out of it. He looked up at the sky, it was getting a bit later now, their food brought he ate in silence now more into himself. He closed off a bit, it was better to stop now before he made an even bigger fool of himself he thought.

Aries looked up into the eyes of his roomate as he spoke. He thought about it for a moment then smiled slightly. "I love fruit...and fish..and especially cheesecake" he laughed lightly, before passing his new friend. He picked up Uncle York, placing him in a small chest by the edge of the bed so he would be safe. He slipped his hand back into the other's and tilted his head up at him. "Are you ready to go?" he asked now keeping his eyes on the other. He didn't want to seem rude by looking away or anything now. He liked the look of the other's eyes, dark and mysterious.

Alex rolled his eyes, closing the door behind the male. "What a creep" he sighs, moving to his bed. There was deffinetly a lot of weird students around here. He laid back, looking up at the cieling with a slight frown. He was a bit annoyed now, his sketchbook sitting on the side table. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Why had he been specially invited here? It had to be a bit more then his tallents, perhaps more then helping him with his powers. He shook his head, whatever it was, he had to be ready.

Angelo is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 12:43 AM

Time seemed to stretch for eternity as Gabby waited for a response. Just as she was about to reach forward and destroy the doorknob to be able to get inside, she heard a shuffle on the floor and withdrew her hand as relief filled her body. She had had a feeling that the headmaster would not have been pleased to find that she already destroyed school property.

The puzzled expression on the girl's face as she looked Gabby over dashed Gabby's relief however, replacing it with a very real sense of self-consciousness. It was clear that the girl was wondering what on earth Gabby, whom she probably thought was just a kid, was doing outside her dorm. The girl avoided that topic however, and asked a simple question, a gesture for which Gabby was grateful.

"Uhm, yeah... I'm Gabby, and, if this is room D, your roommate as well," she said, checking the plate next to the door itself that labeled the room. So she wasn't in the wrong area after all. That was fantastic news. "Could I come inside?"

Roka is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 03:22 AM

"What? No, no, no... you're fine." Nathaniel slightly panicked, but calmed down. "It was wonderful. I'm just not used to... I mean, it's been a very long time since..." he trailed off and was grateful that the food came, and began to eat. "I feel like a young high school girl," he said between bites, taking a sip of lemonade before going back to his food. He glanced at Vincent between drinking and eating, waiting for a response. Would he think that Nathaniel was acting foolishly? Would he laugh? Was he as cold as his exterior made him seem?

Aiden swung their hands once, very lightly, liking the feeling. "Is there anything you like within walking distance? I'm sure my older brother took the car..." He frowned slightly. He hadn't heard anything from Nathaniel lately, but he decided to stay out of it. "I have my license though, just passed the test two weeks back. We could always go check..." A strange feeling passed over the blue-eyed male, something he identified as embarrassment. He began to tug Aries in the direction of the door, hoping the other would give him some idea of what to do.

Celeste looked at the other girl in shock. "Roommate?" she muttered, before shaking her head and stepping aside. She wasn't aware that they had lower classes here as well. Maybe they were on the other side of the campus. "Sure, come on in, I suppose. I can't really keep you out," she said quietly, and turned to flop back on her bed.

"Gabby, is it?" She asked, drawing an arm over her forehead. "How old are you, exactly? Does your mom work here?" she asked, attempting to make light conversation before the girl's emotions caught up with her. She couldn't go and say anything that would make the kid mad, seeing as she was going to have mood swings anyways at that age. She'd already gone from relief to feeling low on herself, back to relief. It was quite strange, people didn't tend to change emotions so quickly...

Last edited by Roka; 11-04-2012 at 06:59 PM..

Angelo is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 05:46 AM

"Thanks," Gabby replied, stepping into the room carefully so that she didn't end up sliding on her heel. That was really the only downside to Heelys actually. After she was finally inside the room, she began to unpack the majority of her belongings. A few things, like her Goodnites, would be put away at night, when it was less likely to be seen by her roommate, but everything else was being pulled out and put in its proper place. Her dresser was soon filled with her clothes, though plenty of room remained. She set her glass chess set on the top of said dresser, while the small nightstand was adorned with a picture of her family.

As she went about unpacking her possessions, she answered her roommate's question. "Yeah, I'm only fifteen, so probably younger than you," Gabby replied, shrugging. "I don't know why my mom would work here though. I haven't seen her since I was around twelve. My family really doesn't want anything to do with me it seems."

She spoke while she spread out her blankets, a traditional Romanian pattern in blue and gold, and asked, "What about you and your family. If you don't mind my asking that is. I know it was a sore subject for me at first and is a sore subject for a lot of people." Hopefully, even if it was a tender topic, her roommate wouldn't be that bothered by being asked, and merely choose not to answer.

Roka is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 05:28 PM

"Fifteen?" Celeste repeated, making sure she'd heard the other girl right. This girl couldn't possibly be almost as old as herself, with the body of a child. Was she suffering from dwarfism? Or maybe that was her power... She sat up and surveyed the things that her roommate pulled out of her suitcase, but the only things that caught her interest were the family photo and the blanket with the unfamiliar pattern.

"I'm Celeste. You can call me Cel if you want. I'm sixteen." She paused and decided what to tell the girl about her family. "I don't have a mother. My father and I aren't that close anymore, but I love my little brother, even if he's a little brat."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 09:19 PM

Vincent looked at the other man, and smiled the first warmer smile he had all day. He nodded slightly, and picked up his own drink taking a sip. He thought it was fine, he just did not want to push the male any more then he already had. He figured he was moving fast, so he might as well slow down, give the male a chance to get everything in order if he needed to. He looked up at the sky once more and sighed a bit as a nice breeze flowed through the area. He loved the wind, and being outside. Nature was beautiful, and being here right now, he was actually relaxing. It was nice, and he hoped the other was enjoying it to.

Aries smiled, and followed without resistance. He thought for a moment before smiling "we could visit a place near here..." He moved in front, now leading him. He kept his hand in the other's. He could feel the warmth from through his glove. It was nice, and he slightly longed to feel that closer to himself. He was a bit cold all the time, the shadows and everything made him unable to get fully warm a lot. He led him to the front, a few people staring at them but he did not care at all. He was more concerned what the male behind him thought about him then what those who wouldn't ever bother to get to know him thought.

Angelo is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:37 PM

"Yeah. Hard to believe, right?" Gabby replied, smiling slightly. She continued as she finished pulling out the last of her belongings: a few books, a phone, and her stuffed bat. "I never realized it was such a big deal until I came here. My family had just treated it like it was not normal, but not unusual either."

Now that everything was fully packed away for the year, Gabby hopped onto the bed and sat down, her feet dangling off of the edge. "That's a pretty name," Gabby said, still smiling. "I'm sorry to hear about your family, but it's nice that you have a brother that you're close to. I don't even have siblings, but with all my cousins I had never been lonely until I... left."

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 11-12-2012, 04:20 AM

Rémy and René had been at the school for awail, and had finished up putting everything in their dorm room away neatly. Glancing up to his brother, René grinned at the thing he knew his brother wanted. Lunch. They hadn't eaten since the breakfast the day prior, which had them both more then hungry. They were famished. Brushing his long straight white hair from his features, he pulled on the black button up shirt and jeans to match his twin brother's attire and chuckled. "René you need to work out." Rémy said softly, his voice a husky strong vibe that made most want to swoon. "I'm offended! I thought you liked my body!" the light controlling twin said and then laughed along with his brother. There were few differences between the French boys. René had a bit longer hair, and was a bit slimmer then his brother, and his eyes were a silver. Rémy on the other hand had no pupil at all, so the completely white eyes creeped most out. He also worked out more and kept his body perfectly toned while his more bubbly brother tended to skip work out days when something better was on his mind.

Walking through the halls side by side, the twins took in many of the sights, and to their surprise, and enjoyment, the found many beautiful students. It seemed every student had a beauty to them all thei own, and even though the pale twins still stuck out like sore thumbs, they fit in better then they ever had before. Arriving at the cafe, René spoke with the server, and soon they were sitting together, and looking at menus. Rémy ordered the steak and fettachinii special, while René ordered the shrimp and pesto pasta. Looking around the boys seemed to wonder just what was in store for them... They had never been able to afford school, and had learned everything from books and computers... Now this was a whole new ball game. Their food arrived rather swiftly and when eating, they began chatting happily. Lifting his fork of food to his brother, René smiled as Rémy ate the pasta happily, nodding in agreement that the food was excellent. This was the good life. No more scrounging for food and money any more.


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