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ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:35 AM

Haha ill just play "TheLazySong" by bruno mars *grabs on sophie's hips* Lets do the train ChooChoo ! Everyone grab on !


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:42 AM

Hey now, those hips belong to someone else!

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:44 AM

I'm back!
Oh no, Sophie, I know the only hands going on Howl's butt are yours [Wink]

I'm sorry, can I still have the tea


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:47 AM

Oh! That's reassuring. ^///^ Well I guess as long as you promise you can still drink your tea.

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:49 AM

I promise Sophie! Thank you! :D


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:52 AM

*hands the tea over* Enjoy dear!

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:54 AM

*takes tea* Thank you! *blows and sips* Mmmm, perfect!

Howl is so lucky to have you!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:00 AM

*blushes* Thank you! *pours herself a cup of tea as well and takes a seat*

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:03 AM

Of course! Now, I'd like to discuss with you my desire to donate to your charity, if you're interested. :)

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by ScamTheMan View Post
What intro message ? :O And either Scam or Tim is cool ^^ Scammie is really just Chikyu that could call me by that nickname hehe. What's been up ? And it's a pleasure meeting you lol what shall i call you ?! :O
It's cause I'm not as cute as Chikyu isn't it? ... Tim it is then!! And you can call me Carn! (or howl if you want to keep with the theme of the thread )

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Use your guitar to play songs about how you should be cleaning. XD

*hands a steaming cup to Chikyu* Be careful, it's hot!

*hands on her hips* No one touches that butt but me!

You better be careful or that butt won't be seeing any lovin' for a while mister!

Maybe I should take that tea back. You better have a different reason for returning when you get here!
Of course not dear! of course not!!

Originally Posted by Chikyu View Post
I'm back!
Oh no, Sophie, I know the only hands going on Howl's butt are yours [Wink]

I'm sorry, can I still have the tea
Aw... Well I suppose tea will have to do!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:04 AM

Oh, well of course my dear! We are always looking for resources to fund our charity!

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:08 AM

I thought the train idea was pretty good.. V.V" Okay grab a hold of my hips ! That way ill be keeping my hands to myself and no one will have their feelings hurt ! Come on ! CHOOO CHOOO :D ! No ?! ;) Baha im so bad xD Hey how about tossing me a cup of tea to ^^ You know , funny story, i use to drink tea everyday with my french teacher, she was really into that ! Every lunch time in tutorials she would make her own tea and she would offer me , i never wanted it till the day i was thirsty and didn't want to walk to the water founain ._. So i agreed and loved it ! ITS NOT FUNNY

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:08 AM

Yes, Howl, Sophie's tea is superb!

Anywho, that's wonderful! I will be offering gold and I have a few items as well, shall I trade with you or Howl?

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:11 AM

Alright Howl it is ! ^^ I'm watching SuperFast and it's the parody of FastNFurious haha it's hilarious how they are just moking the movie xd

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:13 AM

I've never heard of the parody! Sounds great! XD

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:18 AM

It's really accurate !You should see how they played Dwayne Johnson ! Haha it's so funny, for one they make him wear kids t-shirts for how tight it is on him, they make him put baby oil on him self juring the entire movie, and "silly" <--- (Read between the lines) That's so generous of you ! I met a few people who JUST JUST started playing ! ill ping them in here so maybe you could help them out a bit :P what do you think ?

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:24 AM

That sounds so hilarious! XD
I think that's a great idea! Of course, it is up to Howl and Sophie!

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:26 AM

Alright well ill go ahead and ping him ! :P

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:27 AM

I wouldn't ping anyone until Sophie and Howl agree, unless you're pinging Howl?
If so, there's no need, they are subscribed and will reply when they can

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:30 AM

Hey man, if you need any help , advice or some "goodies" your at the right place in here ! But, before anything you should have a chat with zigbigadorlube or calcifer to get to know the rules! Enjoy little dude !

---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 08:31 PM ----------

NO HARM DONE. I HOPE O_O I read your post AFTER posting XD

---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 08:32 PM ----------

Ill wait for a respond ^^

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:36 AM

Haha, oh no! It's quite all right, to be fair, you can do what you wish. I have no say in the matter really!

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:40 AM

Are you kidding ? YOUR THE DONNER !! XD Wow lovely personality and great humor ! oh get over it hmm ....
"Grabs on your hips" CHOOCHOO !

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:42 AM

I'm no dreamboat...IMMA DREAM CRUISE!

*ahem* Alright, CHOOCHOO

ScamTheMan is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:47 AM

But a dreamcruise ends at somepoint ... If i have a dreamboat i could keep it forever if i take care of it with all my heart.. Are you saying you aren't forever and ever ... :(

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:49 AM

Not if that dream cruise forever circumnavigates
But aww, now you make being a dream boat sound better, and cute...I guess I'm a dream boat!
Forever and ever is a looong time...maybe not in body, but I believe I will in soul!


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